2012 Ultimate Ant Keeping Handbook by Mikey Bustos AntsCanada.com © 2012 AntsCanada. All rights reserved. The AntsCanada logo is a trademark of AntsCanada, Inc. 10/14/2012 The Ultimate Ant Keeping Handbook Table of Contents Chapter 1: An Introduction to Ants .................................................................................... 4 The Prehistory and Evolution of Ants ............................................................................. 4 Myrmecology and Classification ..................................................................................... 5 Ant Biology ...................................................................................................................... 6 Stages of Life ................................................................................................................... 7 Caste System ................................................................................................................... 8 Reproduction ................................................................................................................... 9 Chapter 2: The History of Ant Keeping ............................................................................. 10 Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.. ........................................................................................ 10 Europe ........................................................................................................................... 10 AntsCanada ................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter 3: Pre-pet Research ............................................................................................. 13 Is a pet ant colony right for you? .................................................................................. 13 Online Resources ........................................................................................................... 14 Chapter 4: Setup ............................................................................................................... 15 Ant Keeping Gear .......................................................................................................... 15 The Formicarium........................................................................................................ 15 Upright Dirt Nests ...................................................................................................... 15 Gelfarms (Warning!!!) ............................................................................................... 16 Plaster Nests .............................................................................................................. 16 Cork Nests .................................................................................................................. 16 ~1~ AAC Nests .................................................................................................................. 16 Habitat Nests™ .......................................................................................................... 17 The Basin ....................................................................................................................... 17 Basic Glass or Plastic Aquarium Basin ....................................................................... 18 Habitat Outworlds™ .................................................................................................. 18 Additional Supplies ........................................................................................................ 19 Chapter 5: It Starts with a Queen ..................................................................................... 20 Nuptial Flights ............................................................................................................... 20 Monogyny vs. Polygyny, Pleometrosis vs. Oligogyny ................................................... 21 Social Parasites .............................................................................................................. 22 Researching the Species in Your Area ........................................................................... 23 Queen Ant Hunting Tips ................................................................................................ 24 Chapter 6: The Colony Founding Process ......................................................................... 28 The Test Tube Setup ...................................................................................................... 28 The Two Methods of Colony Founding ......................................................................... 28 Fully Claustral Ant Species ......................................................................................... 29 Semi-claustral Ant Species......................................................................................... 30 Warmth ......................................................................................................................... 30 Unmated Queens .......................................................................................................... 31 Signs Your Queen Has Mated ........................................................................................ 31 Egg-laying and Colony Founding Timeline .................................................................... 32 Brood Boosting .............................................................................................................. 32 Feeding The Growing Colony ........................................................................................ 33 Changing dried out or moldy test tubes ....................................................................... 34 ~2~ When to Move Queen and Colony into a Formicarium ................................................ 34 Techniques to Encourage the Move ............................................................................. 35 Polymorphism and Alates ............................................................................................. 35 Chapter 7: Feeding Your Ant Colony & Ant Nutrition ....................................................... 38 Protein ........................................................................................................................... 39 Carbohydrate................................................................................................................. 40 Water............................................................................................................................. 41 Chapter 8: The Right Ant Environment ............................................................................. 42 Moisture and Humidity ................................................................................................. 42 Heating .......................................................................................................................... 42 Chapter 9: Annual Hibernation ......................................................................................... 44 Why Hibernate Ant Colonies ......................................................................................... 44 When to Start and End Hibernation .............................................................................. 45 How to Hibernate .......................................................................................................... 45 Chapter 10: Nest Cycling and Hygiene .............................................................................. 48 Cycling Nests Every Few Years ...................................................................................... 48 Keeping Your Ants Free of Parasites ............................................................................. 49 Chapter 11: Conservation, Preservation, and Education ................................................. 50 How People Can Save Ants............................................................................................ 50 Myrmecology and Websites.......................................................................................... 51 Chapter 12: Caresheets (Listed by Species) ...................................................................... 52 Glossary ............................................................................................................................. 65 ~3~ Chapter 1: An Introduction to Ants The Prehistory and Evolution of Ants Ants have been roaming the Earth since the days of the dinosaurs, with ant fossils having been found from as far back as 92 million years ago during the Cretaceous period. They’re thought to have evolved from wasp-like ancestors between 110 and 130 million years ago, and gradually evolved into the ants we know today when flowering plants began to dominate the world. Some might argue that ants are Earth’s true rulers, seeing as today they inhabit all parts of the Earth except Antarctica, Greenland, and Iceland; form 15-20% of the terrestrial animal biomass in ecosystems globally; and have been recorded at over 15,000 ant species with thousands still left to be named and catalogued, and many more still being discovered all the time. In fact, before humans ever came into Earth’s picture, ants were actively farming vegetation (leaf-cutter ants), tending and milking “ant cows” (aphid-tending ants), making slaves out of others ants (slave-making ants), engaging in war using chemical warfare (formic acid shot from the rear end of many ants), having raids (army ants), building massive cities, and erecting great architectural structures. They’ve established their own garbage disposal systems, and day care. There are ants that even have suicide bombers (a species of carpenter ant that literally explodes at will into an acidic mess when in contact with an enemy) and child labour (weaver ants that use their young’s silk to glue leaves together for their nests). For millions of years ants have been creating highways, highway tolls (ant soldiers of some species allowing ants of another species to pass only by surrendering food), setting up restroom facilities, day care for the children, food distribution, and cemeteries. Ants have even had to contend with various forms of zombie-ism! Ants have democracy and members of the colony cast votes on their colonies’ various issues, like where to start creating new nesting quarters and where to place the young, for instance. Ants communicate through deposits of pheromones, biological chemicals that hold messages for other ants that may pass by and smell them. These messages are like “ant twitter posts,” and members of the colony even have the option of “retweeting” these posts by ~4~ releasing the same pheromone message. Every day there are trending topics (e.g. “#FoodThisWay”, “#EnemySpotted”, “#RainingNowMoveTheKids”, #QueenIsReadyToLayAnEggHelpHer). Worker ants are working constantly, around the clock taking hundreds of temporary two minute naps throughout a twenty-four hour cycle. In most ant species, an ant colony which can reach millions of individuals depending on the species, originates from a single stay-athome mother. Ants from temperate regions hibernate in the winter, in sub-zero temperatures which would normally be fatal for insects (and humans), but the ants produce an anti-freeze in their blood during these periods, resulting in complete recovery year after year in the spring. In the book The Leafcutter Ants: Civilisation by Instinct written by entomological icons B. Holldobler and E.O. Wilson, it mentions that had extra-terrestrials visited Earth a million years ago before humans existed, these aliens would have concluded that leafcutter ants were the most advanced societies this planet would ever be able to produce. The book mentions that these ants are the greatest superorganisms on Earth discovered to the present time. Having co-evolved with other plants and animals through their millions of years of existence, the complexities, sheer diversity, and varying behaviours of ants can truly boggle the minds of those who are given the unique opportunity to watch and learn about their ways. This is why ant keeping is such a rewarding and fun hobby. Ants truly are a highly advanced civilization of their own, discreetly (and sometimes not so discreetly) working right under our noses and ruling the world. Myrmecology and Classification Myrmecology is the scientific study of ants. Most myrmecologists refer to themselves as biologists or entomologists (studiers of insects) because ants are so behaviourally and ecologically tied to other plants and animals that those studying ants necessarily must study the plants and animals the ants live with. (Note: Before continuing on, you might notice at the back of this book there is a glossary of terms. If ever you come across a word which is unknown to you, please feel free to visit the Glossary for the reference.) ~5~ Ants belong to a family of insects called Formicidae found within a greater order of insects known as Hymenoptera (which also include bees and wasps). The family of ants Formicidae is further broken up into subfamilies including Cerapachyinae, Dolichodeinae, Ecitoninae, Formiciinae, Formicinae, Myrmicinae, Ponerinae, Poneromorphs, and Pseudomyrmecinae. To date there are over 15,000 species of ants with actual identifying names but thousands more ant species awaiting identification and classification. Every year many new ant species and even entire ant genera (groupings of various related species) are being discovered around the world. Ant Biology Ants like all insects, are composed of three major body segments and six legs, but what separates ants from most other insects anatomically is the existence of a waist segment known as the petiole. This waist segment creates such a unique morphological shape in ants (as well as bees and wasps), that the three body parts of an ant are not called head, thorax and abdomen like in other insects, but rather head, mesosoma, and gaster (or metasoma). Ants, like all insects, are cold-blooded (the term used in biology is poikilothermic), which in short means they are unable to produce their own body heat like humans, other mammals, and birds do. They are the same temperature as their environment. In every animal all the thousands of necessary chemical reactions required for every facet of life (e.g. food digestion, brain activity muscle movement, cellular respiration, cell division, etc.) that happen in the body, require heat, and the more heat that is applied to these chemical reactions, the quicker these chemical reactions occur. It’s evident when trying to make tea in hot water, as opposed to cold water. Heat simply speeds up reactions! Evolutionally, being poikilothermic is advantageous to ants and other poikilothermic animals because if it ever gets very cold, and food becomes scarce, the ants’ bodily functions slow down to correspond with that decrease in resources. That is to say, in colder temperatures, ants move slower, eat less, and react slower to stimuli. Other warm-blooded animals must continue to eat food in cold weather in order to maintain that constant body temperature needed to maintain a constant rate of chemical reactions happening in their body. ~6~ Ants, like most insects, don’t really have a brain, in the same sense that humans have a brain. Their “brain” activity can be attributed to brain-like groupings of nervous tissue called ganglia, which run down the centre of their body. It is why many insects still move even if you chop off their head! Ants possess two stomachs: a social stomach which is reserved for eaten food to be shared with other members of the colony, and a personal stomach which is for their food digestion. When an ant eats, the food gets stored in their social stomach where it is processed usually into a soupy-like brew. When the ant comes in contact with another ant that might be hungry, a sort of “kissing position” is assumed and the full ant transfers a portion of the soupylike brew from its social stomach into the mouth of the hungry ant. To communicate that a hungry ant would like some food, it will move in to “kiss” the other ant and rub its cheeks and mouthparts to stimulate regurgitation and perhaps to taste the goods as they are being regurgitated out. This method of transferring food from mouth to mouth is known as trophallaxis, and is also performed by bees and wasps. Trophallaxis as mode of food transfer is great for ants because living in underground, moist environments, it is important that food material isn’t left lying around for very long as they can breed harmful bacteria, fungi, and microbes. It also means that not all the members of the colony need to leave the nest in order find food, as they will be having ‘delivery’ courtesy of their siblings! Other than mandibles which can be used to seize and slice at enemies, depending on the species ants have the ability to either sting (by way of a physical retractable stinger as in bees and wasps) or spray Formic acid. Stages of Life Like many insects, ants undergo complete metamorphosis where they begin life as an egg, which hatches into a worm-like larva, which grows and molts along the way, and eventually becomes a pupa. Ants belonging to the subfamily Myrmicinae have naked pupae, which appear as white seemingly mummified ants, while other ants belonging to the other ~7~ major subfamily Formicinae have pupae encased in beige cocoons. These cocoons which are formed with the larva’s silk (and often requires the help of adult ants who bury the larvae with debris to give the larva a framework in which to spin their cocoon) and have a black dot on one end called the meconium which is the larva’s fecal pellet. During the larval stage, there is no fecal excretion, which helps keep the nest clean seeing as ant larvae are generally unable to crawl far distances to get to the colony bathroom area. Therefore, it is excreted once in the larva’s life and excreted inside the cocoon. After some development in the pupa, they emerge as full grown ants. Caste System Ants are social insects that have a caste system of different specialized forms that take on various unique functions within ant society. All ants are born into their respective caste and remain in that form for their entire life. There are worker ants, which most people see wandering around above ground. They handle the bulk of the colony’s duties, including cleaning, food collection, tunnel digging, caring for the young, defense, and more. They are all female and are M ALE A NT ( SPECIES: T ETRAMORIUM SP E) barren. There are also female alates, which are young virgin queens born in the nest and have wings. These become the new founding queens of their own colonies after they mate during a nuptial flight. There are also male ants, which tend to look more like wasps but are typically smaller than the queen alates. Their only job is to mate with the female alates during nuptial flight, after which they die. There are also other denominations of workers in some species, e.g. majors which are specialized larger worker ants often used to defend the colony from attack or tear apart food items, and minors which are smaller worker ants often used for caring for the young. Some highly specialized species of ants even have additional worker denominations like submajors (smaller majors). ~8~ Reproduction The ant life cycle is a different from most other insects because of the existence of these reproductive ants, the alates. These alates appear in the colony from special eggs laid by the queen usually when the colony passes a certain size. These alates are larger than the worker ants and are born with wings. They are the reproductive males and young queens. During what is called a nuptial flight, which takes place at a specific time of the year, all these alates take to the air and mate with each other, after which the male alates die and the female alates drop to the ground, break off their wings (upon which they are called dealates), and venture off on their own in search of a suitable place usually underground (depending on the species) to start their new colony alone. These now wingless queens become the official egg-laying queens of their own respective colonies, and the workers care for their queen for the rest of their life. Eventually, when a new colony gets big enough, the queen will begin to lay eggs which will turn into alates, and the process starts all over again. It’s amazing to imagine that only one day of mating is enough for a queen ant to continue laying eggs for the rest of her life, which can mean up to around thirty long years! The secret is a special organ in her body called a spermatheca which keeps the sperm from her matings during nuptial flight viable for all the years of her life. ~9~ Chapter 2: The History of Ant Keeping Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.. The earliest known record of the ant keeping hobby can be traced back to 1956. A man named Milton Levine began creating homes for ants and selling these pet ant kits at a circus fair. According to Levine, from the moment they opened these plastic homes for ants were selling like crazy, and their popularity grew so quickly. The ant home consisted of gravel sandwiched between two clear panes of Plexiglas, as well as the depiction of a farm in the background. The ants would dig through the gravel and made for excellent viewing into the lives of how ants lived and worked. These ant keeping kits were called Antfarms, a brand name which to this day is still owned by Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.. Based in Westlake Village, California. Since opening, Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. has shipped over 20 million antfarms worldwide and their well-known kits have enriched the lives of many generations. Eventually, the company began mailing live worker ants to customers that would send in a coupon obtained from the antfarm package. The educational toy became such a hit, and soon Uncle Milton Industries began selling a whole line of educational toys like “Sea Monkey” kits which allowed one to rear brine shrimp in water. Milton Levine, who many consider the father of hobbyist ant keeping, passed away in January 16th, 2011 from natural causes at the age of 98. Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. has since been sold to a toy-making company. Europe Around the 1980’s and 90’s a more serious, less novelty-type approach to pet ant keeping emerged in Europe, perhaps shortly after herpetoculture (the captive rearing of exotic reptiles and amphibians) and tarantula keeping began to first make its appearance in the pet trade. There began ant keeping supply stores in various European countries which offered pro ant keeping equipment, also based on Uncle Milton’s initial antfarm designs. They began to even sell entire colonies with a queen, which was a new thing seeing as Uncle Milton only offered worker ants in the mail and no queen due to shipping laws. ~ 10 ~ Soon even the upright gravel sandwich design of the original antfarm was revolutionized and new materials began to arise for keeping pet ants including plaster-of-Paris, cork, and a special water absorbent brick known as automated aerated concrete. In the late 1990’s to 2000’s pet ant keeping had become so advanced that it had become a sort of underground craze in Europe among enthusiasts, and the body of knowledge about the captive care of ants evolved, improved, and grew. AntsCanada In 2010, a Canadian man named Mikey Bustos (author of this book), who loved ants and owned an Uncle Milton antfarm as a child, was inspired by the YouTube videos of ant keepers in Europe which portrayed entire ant colonies with a queen housed in more naturalistic captive ant setups. It inspired Mikey so much that he went on to create original designs of ant homes using ordinary home materials. He began to keep ant colonies in these ant homes and started to film the lives of his ants, creating reality-type ant videos for YouTube. His YouTube name was AntsCanada and his channel is called “The Amazing Ants of AntsCanada”. As his ant videos grew in popularity on YouTube, he began to create videos of ant collecting in the field as well as instructional videos on pet ant care, giving rise to a series of detailed ant video tutorials. When the AntsCanada YouTube channel grew to the most subscribed-to ant-related YouTube channel on the net, Mikey decided to create a website which initially aimed to help promote awareness on serious ant keeping (as opposed to the novelty-type ant keeping of the original Uncle Milton antfarms). Later, the site began to offer for online purchase an array of special designs of ant homes as seen in Mikey’s YouTube videos. From the moment AntsCanada opened, it sold thousands of ant keeping kits around the world. It also offered a book on collecting queen ants and entire ant colonies, hosted an online live streaming monthly show on Ustream, held ant demonstrations at elementary schools and contests for subscribers, and even published humorous educational ant songs. AntsCanada soon became the most well-known pet ant keeping name and website on the internet. ~ 11 ~ Today AntsCanada is an organization promoting the pet ant keeping hobby, myrmecology, ecology, and habitat conservation. Its aim is to make pet ant keeping simple and enjoyable and thereby promote ant awareness and inspire conservation. AntsCanada has contributed to scientific research, and consulted with agricultural companies and museums. It is the world’s leading international online ants store with unique ant keeping gear. AntsCanada and its products have been featured on the Discovery Channel and Animal Planet. It also hosts the largest online ant community on YouTube and Facebook. Its main office is located in Toronto, Canada with its main manufacturing facility in Manila, Philippines. ~ 12 ~ Chapter 3: Pre-pet Research Is a pet ant colony right for you? The great advantages of ant keeping are that ants are small and require less space than a dog, cat, or rabbit; ants do not make noise; if their enclosures are cleaned properly they are odourless; they don’t require visits to a vet; other than their home, there are few expenses associated with their care; they do not require constant grooming; a queen ant caught from outside is free; ants don’t require constant handling, socialization or interaction with their owners; they can be left to care for themselves for a few days if need be; and unless someone is allergic to their bite, ants aren’t dangerous; and they are very educational pets for kids, teens, and adults alike, and are a great way to learn about nature, biological relationships, organization, and responsibility. Before owning any pet, it is important to ask oneself if their lifestyle is suitable for pet ant keeping. Even though they are just tiny ants, an entire ant colony composed of possibly millions of individual lives will depend on you for food, water, environmental conditions. garbage disposal, and so on, and the responsibilities do take time and effort. Here are some questions to consider before getting into serious pet ant keeping: A full grown ant colony can require a minimum of about 1 m X 1 m of space. Do you have enough space to accommodate a setup of this size? A queen ant can survive for as long as 30 years of age. Are you willing to commit to caring for an ant colony for that long, or do you know anyone who might want to take them home in case you need to rehome them? Releasing a captive-raised ant colony into the wild can be dangerous to the ants (e.g. if released within the Most ant species require an insect food source. The demands of food of a very old, mature ant colony can be pretty overwhelming for someone who is not used to buying live crickets or mealworms from a pet store on a regular basis. This requires funds and time. Are you willing to spend $10 a week on crickets or mealworms? Are you willing to make the travel to and from the pet store to pick them up? Are you ok with handling the live insects? Ants require a sweet food source like honey and fruits. Are you able to spend the funds and time providing your ant colony with a sugary food source? A large mature ant colony can produce a lot of garbage and piles of dead ants. Are you willing to take the time to clean up their refuse and dead bodies on a weekly basis? ~ 13 ~ Does your place of residence allow pets? Are there other members of the family that might despise ants? Do you have other pets like a cat or dog that can mess with your ant setup? Are there small children around that might get into your ant setup and possibly hurt themselves or your ants? If you have to leave your home for whatever reason, is there someone who can care for your ants’ maintenance? Ants require room temperature in the least and do not do well in a cold air conditioned room. Is there a place in your home in which you can place the ant setup? If in an air conditioned room, are you willing to spend $25 on heating equipment to keep the nest heated? Are you willing to take a few minutes every week to keep watering tubes clean and full of fresh water on a weekly basis? Review these questions before making the decision to own a pet ant colony. Online Resources It is highly recommended that any new or wannabe ant keeper, make use of the large online ant keeping community. The body of knowledge on captive ant husbandry is constantly evolving and growing, with new information on ant care always emerging. www.AntsCanada.com offers an extremely helpful forum and live chat feature for ant keepers to exchange information and discuss about their ant colonies. There are even regularly updated journal entries of ant keepers from around the world posting about their growing ant colonies. The website also offers a very helpful section on Starting Your Own Ant Colony and Ant Care. It is also highly recommended that you subscribe to the AntsCanada YouTube Channel at www.Youtube.com/AntsCanada for many helpful ant tutorials, insights on ants, interviews with myrmecologists, and scenes of ant colony life within a nest. You can also join the largest Facebook ant group http://www.facebook.com/groups/128300623950/ and follow AntsCanada on Twitter www.Twitter.com/AntsCanada to acquire useful ant keeping tips. ~ 14 ~ Chapter 4: Setup Ant Keeping Gear When you’ve decided that ant keeping is indeed something you are ready to explore and commit to, the next step is to ensure you have all the necessary equipment. The Formicarium Formicarium is the technical term used by ant keepers to refer to the unit used to house an ant colony. For the purposes of this book, formicarium will be used to describe the simulated nest area of the colony. It is in this nesting area where the queen and young reside, as well as where the workers live, rest, and perform construction duties. The following are qualities of a good formicarium: It must provide enough space for the colony to create areas for storing the young, food items, and for congregating, but not too spacious that the ants feel too exposed and unprotected. It must also retain moisture well, particularly for those ant species which prefer a humid and moist nest (see Chapter 12: Care Sheets Listed by Species). It must allow for ample ventilation, and for the purposes of the ant keeper good visibility of the ant colony. It must be chemical-free (e.g. paint or lacquers) It must be mold resistant If must provide the ants the chance to dig Ant keepers have several options when selecting a formicarium for their colony. Upright Dirt Nests Most are familiar with the upright dirt formicaria (based on the original Uncle Milton antfarm design) involving sand or gravel sandwiched between two panes of glass or acrylic. The advantages of these formicaria are that they offer the ants a chance to dig their own tunnels and generally retain water well. They are however problematic when the ants start to dig away from the glass and start piling sand against the glass to block the light. Many ant keepers housing their colonies in dirt nests feel helpless when they purposely hide their queen and young from view. Due to the design and lack of drainage, upright dirt farms offer an additional risk of drowning your ant colony if too much water is added. ~ 15 ~ Gelfarms (Warning!!!) There has been a recent product released geared towards keeping ants, known as ‘Antworks’. It allows the ants to dig in a coloured, transparent gel which apparently also contains nutrients to nourish the ants. This gelfarm product was designed to house worker ants mailed to the ant keeper. It premise is “set-it-and-forget-it” where you place the ants inside and there is no other maintenance required. While these gelfarms may be satisfactory for housing worker ants, there are many reasons why these nests are unsuitable for ant colonies. They are very mold-prone and even though the gel does contain a fungicide, mold will grow when the ants begin to establish a restroom area, which they necessarily do. Also, the gel only offers electrolytes which are enough to sustain workers for the few weeks that they naturally live, but do not contain the necessary proteins and other nutrients needed to nourish the queen and growing young. Serious ant keepers know that the gelfarms are unsuitable homes for pet ant colonies. Never attempt to house your ants in a gelfarm! Plaster Nests Many have used formicaria crafted from plaster-of-Paris, an option commonly used in laboratories studying ants. Plaster nest formicaria make fair homes for ants, but the plaster does eventually mold, especially when dead ants or food are left lying around, upon which the ant colony must be moved to a new formicarium so they aren’t killed by the mold outbreak. These formicaria also do not allow the ants to dig. Cork Nests Widely used in Europe are formicaria made from cork. Cork nests absorb water well and are slightly more mold resistant than plaster, but they do eventually mold as well, and must be changed routinely. Cork nests do not allow ants to dig. AAC Nests Another material used widely in Europe is called AAC or autoclaved aerated concrete (and other names like Hebel Brick) which is a type of brick used in construction with millions of microscopic bubbles allowing for the brick to be highly water absorbent. Nests made from AAC ~ 16 ~ work well for ant colonies because they are mold-resistant, but they do not offer the ants the opportunity to dig as they would in the wild. Habitat Nests™ AntsCanada.com offers premium formicaria known as Habitat Nests ™ specially designed to successfully rear large, healthy ant colonies while making maintenance manageable and colony visibility optimal. They are high in naturalism, having been used to film ant colonies for nature documentaries of the Discovery Channel, highly water absorbent, and even offer the ants the ability to dig and customize their living space as they would in nature without being able to dig away from view. The design of the Habitat Nests ™ even enables the ants to create ant hills as they would in the wild. They are mold resistant, offer amazing visibility, allow for great ventilation and are the #1 top choice of formicarium for pro ant keepers around the world. The Basin Also commonly known in ant keeping as an outworld, the basin is a wide, spacious area which simply provides your ants a space to forage, as they would in the wild. It is typically connected to your formicarium via a tube. Worker ants will venture out of the formicarium and into the basin in search of food. It is your job as an ant keeper to make sure to provide the ants with food and water in their basin. You are your ants’ regular food and water provider. The basin is also the location where ants will dump their garbage and dead bodies in neat piles for you to clean. It is your job to make sure such garbage and dead bodies aren’t left lying around for long periods of time as they can breed bacteria, fungi, and microbes harmful to your ants. Therefore, it is also your role to play your ants’ routine garbage men and undertaker. The following are qualities of a good basin: It should create an ideal foraging space for your ants but shouldn’t offer an attractive nesting space. The reason for this is you will want to keep your ants from wanting to move their colony out of your formicarium and into your basin. It occurs often in ant keeping that an ant colony that is living in a formicarium will find a suitable, tight, and dark crevice under a rock decoration, for instance, and one morning you’re left with an empty formicarium and an entire colony hiding in the ~ 17 ~ basin. For this reason, live plants with soil are often impossible to keep in a basin without the ants being able to move their colonies in. It should be spacious and allow for a good amount of surface to forage It should be easy to clean It should be escape-proof It should allow for good ventilation It should be easy to humidify Basic Glass or Plastic Aquarium Basin Some ant keepers prefer to have their ants forage in a glass or plastic aquarium that is very basically decorated, perhaps with a shallow pebble ground layer and some sticks. A hole is drilled into the glass (using a special drill bit designed for drilling holes in glass) through which a tube is connect and attached to the formicarium. These basins are often left open without a cover and a deterrent like petroleum jelly or baby powder mixed with alcohol is smothered in a thick 2 inch band along the top of the aquarium to keep the ants from escaping. These basins are effective but are often fall short in visual presentation, due to the inability to use rocks, soil or substrate, or any decoration that might offer an attractive nesting location. Habitat Outworlds™ AntsCanada.com also offers a beautiful array of highly naturalistic basins called Habitat Outworlds™. There are several designs (e.g. Forest, Desert, Rainforest) for you to choose from for your ant colonies. Due to their high naturalism they have also been used to film ants for nature documentaries of the Discovery Channel. The ground portion is solid and the ants cannot dig into it. All plants and sticks are artificial and do not create suitable places for ants to make into a nesting location. They are easy to clean, easily hydrated and ventilated, attach easily to any formicarium via a tube, and add a touch of natural beauty to your ants’ setup. ~ 18 ~ Additional Supplies Other supplies you may need include: magnifying glass tweezers glass test tubes clear connecting tubes cotton a deterrent to keep the ants from escaping open areas of their living space: petroleum jelly or baby powder + rubbing alcohol Q-tips thin and long BBQ Skewers (so useful for various random functions) heating cable (if you’re place is air-conditioned) small plastic containers for queen collecting hand spray/atomizer honey ~ 19 ~ Chapter 5: It Starts with a Queen So now you have all you need to house your colony. Now all you need is the seed of your ant colony, the queen ant. This can be the tricky part but with some patience, necessary knowledge, and eyes peeled, you will eventually find a queen ant. Nuptial Flights As previously mentioned, ants typically have two periods of a few weeks within the year when mating occurs. These periods of breeding are called Nuptial Flights. All the ants you commonly see walking around above ground (the so called 'ordinary worker ants') are all barren females and do not mate during these Nuptial Flights or ever in their lives. The only ants involved in this mating are young queen ants and male ants; they are known as alates, and are born in the nest and wait around all year until it's time for nuptial flight mating. The alates are special in that they are born with wings. Yes, wings! Ever seen those ants that look like ants with wings? They were ants after all and not some kind of stiff hornet! Every species of ant has its nuptial flights around specific times in the year, most of which in temperature regions fall within Spring and early Fall, though the nuptial flights of many species carry out into the summer. In tropical regions mating can happen year round or during specific months of the year. During the nuptial flight the young winged queens and males fly into the air, they mate while flying (the queen will often mate with several males), and then finally drop to the ground a few hours later. The males then die after mating, as breeding with the young queens during nuptial flight is their only purpose in the ant world. Mated females break off their wings and begin searching for a new location to begin their own colonies. Some species of ants will accept these now pregnant queens back to the nest (these types of ants are discussed in the next section), but generally most don't, and the queens are off on their own in search of a suitable place to begin a nest, where each queen will eventually give birth to their first set of babies. Your job is to try to find these queens that are either flying and mating during a nuptial flight or are in the midst of searching for a new nest location after their nuptial flight. These are ~ 20 ~ the only opportunities for you to capture these newly gravid queens, because for the rest of their life afterwards they are underground. Chapter 12 of this book offers a list of the most commonly kept ant species and includes when their nuptial flights occur, as well as photos of queens. Be sure to study the ant species of your area. Monogyny vs. Polygyny, Pleometrosis vs. Oligogyny In the ant world, there are some species of ants that are known to have multiple queens laying eggs in the nest. It is an effective survival trait in these species, as it increases the chances of colony success. The quicker a colony can grow large, the better chance that colony has to survive. Polygyny is the harmonious co-habitation of more than one queen in a single nest. Species like Myrmica rubra, Solenopsis invicta, and several species belonging to Formica and Camponotus are known to be polygynous. Conversely, monogyny describes the existence of only one queen per colony. As a rule, particularly if you are a beginner, you should refrain from housing multiple queens together, even if you are under the impression that they are a polygynous species. It is often difficult even for the experienced ant keeper to accurately identify an ant species and the mixing the queens of two different but similar-looking species or a monogynous species could be fatal for the queens involved. Plus, many ant species undergo what is called pleometrosis where two or more queens will cooperatively raise their young together during the beginning stages of colony founding, as if they are polygynous, but the moment the first worker ants arrive, the queens themselves will fight to the death, and/or the workers will eliminate all but one of the queens; the most dominant will remain standing. The reason pleometrosis can be attractive to an ant keeper is because more young are produced within a shorter time frame. However, despite this ‘colony founding short cut’ there is still a possibility the surviving queen will suffer sustained injuries from the fight, or worse you may end up with all queens dying. So as a warning, if you mix ~ 21 ~ freshly caught queens into a single container or test tube, and they seem to be getting along well, it does not mean they are polygynous. There are also polygynous ants whose queens raise their young together cooperatively for the initial stages, and then the dominant queen will not kill the less dominant queen, but will drive her to a further area in the nest. This is called oligogyny and if a species is oligogynous the queens should be housed in a larger more multi-faceted setup to ensure the queens can stay separated during the founding stage. Creating a setup like this means that the queens should be housed in a proper formicarium right away, and not in a test tube setup (more about the test tube setup later). Again, in oligogynous ants, there is still a chance of injury if the queen confrontation gets extra rough. Overall, if you choose to mix queens during the colony founding process do so at your own risk! It is highly recommended, however, not to mix your queen ants at all during any stage of the colony founding process regardless of whether or not you feel they are a polygynous species. It’s better safe than sorry. Social Parasites These species of ants are worth mentioning in this book. There are some ants known as social parasites, whose queen ants after mating specialize in breaking into a another ant species’ nest (a specific host species, and not just any ant species), killing the queen, and essentially taking over the host nest as primary egg-layer, until the entire colony is composed of her biological young. The worker ants of the host colony believe she is their queen by way of convincing pheromones, and they proceed to care for her and her young, as if she were their birth mother. Renowned myrmecologist Dr. James Trager, who has dedicated many years of his life to studying ant social parasites, suggests that it is highly likely the socially parasitic queens break into the host colony nest, kill the host queen, and rub the dead corpse over themselves to mask their scent with the host queen’s pheromones. Socially parasitic queens are unable to begin their colonies on their own, and require their host colony to proceed. Most social parasitic ants have a specific or preferred host. These ~ 22 ~ social parasitic queens will be useless to you (unless you provide them a host colony, which very hard to do even for experienced ant keepers) if you capture one. The queens of social parasites typically have larger heads and mandibles (jaws) for killing the host queens and smaller gasters seeing as they don’t require any fasting period, typical of ordinary queens during the founding stage while young are developing, since these social parasitic queens take over an already mature host colony. In Europe there have been successful techniques at introducing a social parasitic species to host workers in captivity. Essentially, it involves taking the social parasitic queen ant captured during nuptial flight, then allowing her to hibernate with host workers. Every attempt performed by ant keepers at AntsCanada has failed. The reason introducing a social parasite to a host parasite is difficult is because it is hard to match a social parasitic species to its specific host. Identifying ant species with accuracy is difficult enough without close examination of body parts under a microscope, which is beyond the scope of most experienced ant keepers as it is. In addition, the world of social parasitism is largely unexplored so there isn’t really a resource in existence yet with a list of social parasitic species with their host species match. It’s kind of a gamble when you mix any two ant species together. Most often it ends tragically with one or both parties dying from fighting. If you’re unsure or you are a beginner ant keeper, it is best you do not mix your ants, and attempt to find yourself another non-socially parasitic ant species. Researching the Species in Your Area We firmly believe that researching the ants in your area is the most important step to ant collecting. When you are fully aware of what the ants in your area look like, what the queens look like, where they usually nest, and when in the year their nuptial flights are, catching them should be easy. The worldwide web is a great source for research online. Familiarize yourself with what a queen ant looks like in comparison to ordinary worker ants. If you think all ants look the same, you're wrong, and need to study further. You can start by logging onto www.Google.com ~ 23 ~ and typing into the search box "Ant species in ___________" and include your city, province/state, or country. Find out what species of ants are common where you live (they will often be listed by scientific name so don't be frightened if you see strange names like Solenopsis invicta or Tetramorium or Lasius neoniger or Formica fusca). Chapter 12 of this book offers a list of the most commonly kept ant species and includes when their nuptial flights occur along with photos of queens. It also mentions whether the ants are polygynous, monogynous, pleometrotic, or are social parasites. If you cannot find the species you are researching in Chapter 12 of this book, you can also participate in the ant forum and chat feature at www.AntsCanada.com. You will likely be able to connect with someone in your area and exchange useful information on nuptial flights or even have someone with whom to go ant hunting or trade collections. If all else fails, www.Antweb.org also offers a great database of information on specific ant species, once you have a list of ants in your area. Simply log onto the site and search your ant species. It should provide you with plenty of species-specific information on nest locations, distribution, description, behaviour, as well as offer a great array of close up photographs of specimens. Queen Ant Hunting Tips Catching your queen ant can initially seem like a bit of a challenge especially if you think you have never seen a queen ant before. However, with persistence you will find a queen ant. Here are some tips to remember: 1. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED. Your goal is to seek queens that have just mated and are wandering in search of a nest site. The main secret to finding queens is to keep your eyes to the ground at all times no matter where you go, regardless of what time in the day. This cannot be stressed enough! Hundreds upon thousands of alates participate in these nuptial flights yearly so queens are undeniably around, only most people don’t notice them. ~ 24 ~ 2. KEEP ON THE LOOKOUT 24-7. Newly mated queen ants seek nesting sites at all times of the day: morning, noon, afternoon, evening, and even in the wee hours of the morning at 3 AM! As you’re out going about your day, continually scan the ground for movement and insects. Check out every little thing that you feel might be a queen ant. Be sure to not crash into anything as your eyes are to the ground! 3. ALWAYS CARRY SEVERAL CONTAINERS WITH YOU AT ALL TIMES. Every day have a number of small bottles or containers stashed away in a pocket or bag, no matter what! You just never know when you’ll find a queen ant. It may be while you’re in the middle of a busy downtown street corner or while you’re walking outside of the grocery store to your car. Always be prepared to stumble upon a queen ant. 4. KNOW WHAT SPECIES TO LOOK OUT FOR AND WHERE TO LOOK. Continually familiarize yourself with what the species that are currently flying look like so you know what to look out for. Though your research may say that a particular ant species prefers to nest in a habitat type that may not be your current location (e.g. you live in the city and you found an ant species that prefers to nest at the edge of a forest), still scan your surroundings regardless of where you may be. Many species have been able to adapt to the cityscape, and those listed as forest dwellers, for instance, may have found a similar nesting environment fulfilling all their requirements in your own backyard! Check sidewalks and roadsides when you’re outside. Scan the ground everywhere you walk. Take a stroll through a forest or park pathway and scan the ground for queens. When you're indoors anywhere, check window sills. You may find queens at the huge windows trying to get out of stores or shops after having accidentally flown in. Many people find queen ants engaging in nuptial flights as they’re driving, getting caught in the windshield wipers. Park your car and scoop them all up! ~ 25 ~ 5. SPOT QUEENS BY THEIR MOVEMENT AND BODIES. You will be able to spot the queens by way of their larger size and by the way they move. If you’re good at picking out detail, you will notice that the queens move differently on the ground than workers. They tend to move like they’re heavier, often travel in straighter lines and seem to be less agile or "zig-zaggy" when traveling than worker ants. If you happen to see an ant scuttling about a few feet away that seems a little larger than usual or seems to move differently, check her out! You can even capture queen ants while they’re mating during the actual nuptial flights. Most see this as the ideal situation because if you capture a queen while a male is attached to her gaster (the technical term for her abdomen), you know that she’s been fertilized for sure! Try to be aware of all the insects around you. If something flies by, follow it with your eyes to see if it's a queen (or a queen with a male or males mating with her), and try to see her better when she lands. Once again, if you're good at picking up details, you might notice that queen ants fly through the air more like lady beetles than they do flies, bees, or butterflies. Flying queen ants are less agile and less “zig-zaggy” in flight. One of the biggest giveaways as to whether an ant is a queen or not, besides her larger gaster and overall body size is the two scars on their thorax where her wings used to be attached. When you have studied and seen many photos of the queens in your area, you should be familiar enough to be able to distinguish them from ordinary workers. 6. QUEENS WITH WINGS ARE STILL VALUABLE. It’s important to note that some people feel that queens that have not broken off their wings are unfertilized, which in our experience is untrue. Even if the queens have their wings on, bottle them up, because they still may be fertilized. These queens may end up removing their wings later, or may go into having her young with her wings still intact. Conversely, even if a queen has broken off her wings it doesn’t necessarily mean she is fertilized. Your best bet is to collect as many queens as possible and hope one of them gives you a successful colony. We have found that the majority of queens caught usually are mated. ~ 26 ~ 7. TRY NOT TO USE YOUR FINGERS. Picking up the queens with your fingers may cause injury to the queen if you’re inexperienced at holding them. If you are able, get the queen to walk onto a small piece of paper and simply slide her into your container, or you can get her to walk onto a leaf or blade of grass, and simply drop the entire leaf into the container. Picking a queen up with your bare fingers may injure her, so do what you can to capture queens fingers-free. 8. DON’T PUT MULTIPLE QUEENS IN ONE CONTAINER. Placing multiple queens in a single container often leads to death if the queens begin a formic acid or stinging war. 9. BE SAFE AND DON’T TRESSPASS. Safety and the law come first. While your eyes are kept to the ground, it is easy to crash into poles, trees, random objects, fall into holes, or get in the way of an oncoming car, so be sure to also look around you and be aware as much as possible of your surroundings as you’re queen ant hunting. Also, do not wander onto private property, regardless of how much of an ‘Ant Mecca’ the property might seem like. Ask permission first. ~ 27 ~ Chapter 6: The Colony Founding Process The Test Tube Setup Once you’ve captured your queen ant the next step is to give her exactly what she’s been looking for all this time. You must give her a founding chamber, where she can proceed to rest, lay her eggs, and start her colony. You must place her into what is called in ant keeping a test tube setup. A test tube setup involves using cotton to form a water reservoir at the lower portion of a test tube. To do this you simply hold a test tube upright with the opening pointing up, fill the test tube up to about 60-70% full of clean water, then push a cotton ball down quickly into the water until it traps the water on the lower end of the test tube. Remember to push the cotton ball down quickly so there are no trapped air bubbles when the water portion is formed. You can use a Q-tip or any thin long instrument to push the cotton call down into the test tube, but always make sure to thoroughly wash your hands and any instruments that come in contact with the cotton or test tube, before making your test tube, because you want to minimize the chances of mold growing in your test tube setup. Also, do not attempt to use sugar-water, honey-water, or juice for the water portion of the test tube setup because it will inevitably lead to uncontrollable mold-growth within the test tube setup. If you do not have access to a glass test tube, you can also purchase water picks from your local florist. They are plastic test tube-like containers for holding water secured at the bottom of bouquets to keep flowers fresh. They often cost under $1. Make sure to purchase several in case you need them. The Two Methods of Colony Founding Ants fall under one of two greater categories in relation to founding a colony. Your ant is either a fully claustral species or a semi-claustral species. Which category the queen ant falls ~ 28 ~ into depends on the species. (You can refer to Chapter 12 which lists the most commonly kept ant species and indicates whether they are fully claustral or semi-claustral.) Fully Claustral Ant Species The first category into which most commonly kept ant species fall, is the category known as fully claustral ant species. This means that after mating, the queen will seek a suitable location typically underground and seal herself off completely from the rest of the world where she will rest begin the colony founding process by laying eggs. She remains in this sealed off chamber known as a claustral cell and never comes out to eat or hunt. In fact, she fasts completely during this entire period. She simply lays her eggs, nurses the larvae that hatch by feeding them a nutritious soup that she regurgitates (this nourishing soup is manufactured from the tissues making up her back muscles which used to power her wings), and after these larvae pupate, the first round of workers (called nanitics) take over and begin to care for the queen. These nanitics also are the first to emerge from the claustral cell, as they burrow outwards and start constructing what is to become the colony’s nest. The nanitics emerge above ground find food and bring it back to their queen, fellow workers, and larvae. The colony founding process of the fully claustral queen described above means that test tube rearing is easier for you as the ant keeper, if you catch a fully claustral ant species. Fortunately, most ants caught do fall under this category. After placing fully-claustral queen in your test tube setup, close off the opening of the test tube with a cotton ball and simply place her away on a shelf or dark location somewhere. You won’t have to worry about her nor feed her at all for a few weeks until she has her first round of nanitics. Some ant keepers like to give their queens that extra nourishment boost by placing a tiny drop of honey inside the test tube using a tooth pick (not too big or she will get stuck in it) or by placing a crushed insect body part (insect leg, head, etc.). This however may possibly stress the queen which may cause her to cease egg-laying or even eat her eggs! It also can cause mold outbreaks if the food is left in the test tube for a long time. As a rule of thumb in ant keeping, if your queen is resting in a test tube founding her colony, it’s best to put her away where there are no ~ 29 ~ major vibrations, and simply leave her in peace. You may check on her every few days, but frequently jarring her in her test tube can cause unnecessary stress. Semi-claustral Ant Species There are some ant species which fall under the category of semi-claustral ant species. This means that instead of complete sealing herself off from the world after settling in to her underground chamber, she still creates a little opening through which she can leave and venture out to forage and hunt for food herself. She acts sort of like a worker during this period. She will proceed to lay her eggs in her chamber, but like a bird travel back and forth to and from the nest as she brings food back to her growing young. When the first nanitics arrive, she will then remain within the nest to assume her sole position of colony egg-layer. In this case of queen, you have two options for test tube rearing. You can either confine her to your test tube setup, blocking off the entrance of the test tube with a cotton ball, and simply continuing to feed her every few days by placing food directly into the test tube; or the other better option is to attach her test tube to a basin or some sort of larger foraging area where she can wander around in search of food. You can attach the test tube setup and basin via a tube, or if you don’t have a connecting tube, you can simply place the entire test tube in the basin. Throughout this founding process you will have to place food in her basin for her to find so she can nourish herself and her growing larvae. She will venture out to forage periodically and return to her test tube to rest and feed her young. Warmth As another rule of thumb, ants that are kept warm grow faster. It is important that you keep your queen at room temperature in the least. A queen ant kept in an air conditioned room takes a very long time to found her colony. A queen and beginning colony kept at a few degrees above room temperature develop much faster. One way to keep a colony heated is by placing the tip of the test tube setup (the water side) onto a reptile heat pad or heating cable. Make sure the heating pad or cable is the lowest wattage available. It should be just warm enough to place on your lips for a couple minutes and not hurt, but not any hotter. You don’t want to cook your ants and doing so can be easy with heating equipment that is too strong. ~ 30 ~ Unmated Queens Every ant keeper’s worry during the colony founding process is that the queen they have captured was unable to successfully mate during her nuptial flight. These queens are useless to an ant keeper because non-inseminated, unfertilized queens cannot produce an ant colony. It is often difficult to tell with certainty if a queen ant caught during nuptial flight has mated. Even after the queen may have already broken off her wings and eventually laid eggs in your test tube setup, it still isn’t an indication that she has mated and will be able to give you a full colony of ants. A queen that has not mated will lay eggs and these eggs will actually develop into male ants! Yes, male alates! The reason for this is the nature of ant genes. The sex of an ant is determined by the number of chromosomes. Male ants are haploid, meaning they possess 1 set of chromosomes while female ants (which include queens and worker ants) are diploid, meaning they possess 2 sets of chromosomes. When a successful mating occurs the queen is able to produce viable worker ants (and queen alates later on) through the combining of 1 set of her chromosomes within her egg and the 1 set of chromosomes from the male's sperm, thus creating a diploid (i.e. 2 sets of chromosomes) ant – a female. Hence, if a queen hasn't mated, the only ants she can give birth to are males, because there is no sperm to add a 2nd set of chromosomes which creates the female ant. If your new queen ant gives rise to males as her first set of ants, you know she hadn't mated during the nuptial flight, and you can release her. Signs Your Queen Has Mated The good news is, the odds are in your favour, and in the experience of the author approximately 60 - 80% of the queen ants collected during nuptial flights turn out to be mated ants. It is for this reason that it is a good idea to attempt capturing several queen ants during nuptial flight season. Hopefully one, if not most or all of the queens will have been fertilized. When you first capture her, you can obviously be 100% sure your queen is fertilized if you’re lucky enough to catch her while she’s actually mating with a male (or males). Also, on the day that you capture a queen, a sign that your queen may have mated is if she frequently gives special attention to cleaning the tip of her gaster. If she's giving that area some extra ~ 31 ~ attention, you know a male may have been there previously. Perhaps the best sign of insemination occurs during her time in the test tube; if the queen’s gaster grows like a balloon to the point where you can see the white membrane connecting the segments of the gaster, a condition ant keepers call “termite gaster” which is caused by the rapid production of eggs within her gaster. However, even if your queen ant wasn’t caught mating, doesn’t seem like she cares to clean the tip of her gaster much, nor shows evidence of termite gaster, do not give up hope as she can still be a fertilized queen. Egg-laying and Colony Founding Timeline The time it takes for a queen to lay her eggs depends on factors like what species she is, how warm she is kept, and how generally comfortable she is in your test tube setup. Egg-laying can happen almost immediately within a day or two after she is placed in her test tube setup; or the process can take several weeks or even months, as is the case for ants whose nuptial flights fall closer to winter and hibernate through the winter before egg-laying in the spring, e.g. Lasius neoniger of North America. In North America, Lasius neoniger whose nuptial flights occur around the beginning of September will remain in their test tube setup egg-less until around March the following year (More on hibernating ants later). Most species however take around 10 days to start egg-laying. For any ant keeper, seeing shiny white eggs in the test tube setup is an exciting event! The time it takes for eggs to hatch into larvae, to pupate, and finally become fullgrown workers also depends on species, warmth, and the queen’s overall comfort. It can take as little as just over a week or two to a couple months. Brood Boosting It is easy for ant keepers to grow impatient with getting a nice-sized colony going, so some ant keepers resort to something called brood boosting. Brood boosting is a technique involving the collection of pupae (and some ant keepers collect larvae and eggs, too) from a wild established nest of the same species, and supplementing the test-tubed queen with the ~ 32 ~ additional brood. The queen will typically adopt these pupae. Never introduce worker ants from a mature colony to your queen! They will fight. If you are a beginner, we recommend do not attempt brood boosting as it could result in death if there is a species mismatch (though there have been several documented cases of brood boosting colonies and queens of different species but same genera). There is also the chance of spread of virus, disease, or parasites from the brood of the wild colony to your queen. Whatever the case, brood boosting is something that should be done with care and should not be done until your queen has already begun her egg-laying. It is a technique typically used only for queens that have trouble raising their first set of young, e.g. queens that keep eating their eggs and larvae. It is highly encouraged to simply stick to having your colony grow naturally, just to be on the safe side. Patience is so important when caring for ants. The results are well worth the wait! Feeding The Growing Colony Seeing your first nanitic emerge from its pupal stage, a process called eclosing, is another very rewarding sight for any ant keeper! For the first several hours this worker is usually lighter in colouration and often frail-looking. During this period their exoskeleton is still hardening and they usually are not interested in food. After about a day or two, the nanitic may or may not be interested in food. A good time to feed the new colony for the first time is when three or more nanitics have eclosed (unless the queen only has one or two nanitics but no pupae or eggs, in which case you can go ahead and feed the ants). Do not worry, the ants will not starve and will continue to receive nourishment from their queen’s regurgitated nutritious soup, in the event you do not feed your new starting colony for the first few weeks. In the wild, many species of ants will not have their first real meals until there are as much as ten nantics. To feed the new colony you may place the food (either a drop of honey or a crush insect body part) into the test tube and keep the test tube closed off with a cotton ball, or ~ 33 ~ simply give the test tube colony access to a basin by using a connecting tube or by simply placing the open-ended test tube into a basin. You will have to place food into the basin for the nanitics who will begin to forage. If you were housing a semi-claustral species, this is the setup you’ve been managing all along, so just continue to feed as usual (instead of the queen going out to forage it will now be the nanitics). Always remember to always remove any uneaten food after a couple days, especially if you are placing food directly into a test tube setup. Food laying around can cause dangerous mold outbreaks. The nantics will eat the food and return to feed their queen and the growing young, and this will be the new process of feeding from now. Changing dried out or moldy test tubes Sometimes the cotton creating the water portion of the test tube setup dries out or gets moldy. Mold can be dangerous to your queen and her colony. When a mold outbreak begins to occur you will have to give the queen a chance to move out into another test tube set up. One way to do this is to tape two test tube setups together, and simply waiting the few hours to a few weeks for her to move her and her young to the new clean, refilled test tube. The move is made easier if she already has workers because they tend to be more prompt at ensuring the colony moves to cleaner nesting areas. Another technique is to simply place both test tubes with their openings close together into a larger container and simply allowing the workers to move on their own when they want. This setup also is a great way to feed the ants as they spend their first few months in a test tube. You simply place food into the container, which acts as a basin. When to Move Queen and Colony into a Formicarium When your queen has several adult workers, usually between 10 – 20 workers or when the ants clearly are not fitting in the test tube anymore, you can then proceed to move the colony into their formicarium. If you live in an area that experiences winter, and you’ve captured your queen anytime between late summer and fall, it’s usually a good idea to keep your colony in a test tube where they can hibernate. That way, you don’t have to worry about lack of moisture during hibernation. A dry environment with no water during the winter months ~ 34 ~ can be fatal for ants, and housing a colony in a test tube is the most convenient option available. As a rule of thumb, ant colonies with many workers are the easiest to move into a formicarium. There is more ant power to relocate the young, to search and explore the new nest you provide for them, and generally create a bigger “buzz” when the new nesting site is discovered. It also helps Techniques to Encourage the Move When you are ready to move the colony into your formicarium, you simply fixate the test tube opening in a manner that it is as close to the entrance of the nest as possible. Then you simply wait and hope for the best. Because the ants and young are so small it’s best that the ants themselves are the ones that move the colony out of the test tube and into your formicarium; do not attempt to manually move the colony yourself. If your ant species prefers a moist nest, it helps to make the formicarium moist. Also, most ants prefer dark areas so cover the nest and shine a bright light onto the test tube so they feel exposed. The process of moving can often take a very long time, as in several weeks to months depending on how stubborn and attached your colony is to their test tube. It usually helps if the test tube is dried out and has no water. Some like to use heat for immediate relocation of the colony, a process which involves placing the entire test tube onto a hot heating pad or heating cable and forcing the ants to move out due to the uncomfortable heat. Using heat to force your ants to move out of their test tube can be dangerous, so if you are a beginner, we highly recommend that you simply allow your ants to move into your nest when they wish. Once again, patience is the key! Polymorphism and Alates Many ants have workers that are polymorphic. This means that there is more than one variation of worker. In most cases, polymorphic species of ants have normal-sized workers and very large-sized workers with very large heads known as majors, which often times are in charge of defense, breaking down large food items, and other tasks which require extra ~ 35 ~ mandible power. In some species like those belonging to the genus Pheidole and Camponotus the degree of polymorphism is great with several denominations of workers, including minors (extra small workers usually in charge of caring for the young, but not in all species), ordinary workers, submajors (moderately large workers with somewhat larger heads), majors (large workers with larger heads), and supermajors (largest workers with the largest heads in the colony). Owning a polymorphic species of ant can make observation extra interesting. If you own a polymorphic ant species, you can expect your first major to appear later in colony development, e.g. after the colony has grown to around 100 workers. Feed your colony well they can support the very nutrient expensive majors. You can refer to Chapter 12 to find out if the species you have is polymorphic. Also when your colony has reached a certain size, usually after a year or more, you will begin to see alates appear in your colony. These are the winged male and female reproductive ants which typically wait within the nest until the nuptial flight season of the particular species. Alates appear also in accordance to how much food is provided, because like majors, alates are nutrient expensive, requiring more protein and nutrients to form. In the Author’s experience, these alates usually fail to have mating flights within the formicarium or basin. The reason for this is because indoors, ants usually do not have the environmental cues (e.g. temperature cues, humidity cues, seasonal cues, pheromonal cues carried by the wind from neighbouring colonies of the same species) which tell a colony that it is mating season. As a result, in most cases, you will have male and female alates leave and reenter the nest randomly regardless of the time of year, and the young queens will even break off their wings as if they have mated, only to return to the nest and start acting like workers. Males will even die after wandering about in the basin, as if they have mated. With that being said, there have been isolated reports within the global online ant keeping community that mating flights can sometimes happen within captivity, either inside the formicarium or in the basin. Some ant keepers like to simply place their formicarium and basin outside and leave them uncovered (with petroleum jelly or baby powder mixed with alcohol ~ 36 ~ smothered in a thick band around the top to keep the rest of the colony in) to allow the alates to fly off as they would in the wild. If you do this, make sure the ant enclosure is still in a shaded and relatively protected place away from direct sunlight and rain. ~ 37 ~ Chapter 7: Feeding Your Ant Colony & Ant Nutrition One of the factors that will determine the success and rapid growth of your colony is food availability. A colony that is doing poorly can usually be traced to poor nutrition and/or lack of water. In ant nutrition, there are three basic components: a protein food source, a sweet or carbohydrate food source, and water. Ants will require you to provide sustenance from all three of these components. Food items should be placed into your basin for the ants to stumble upon. When a worker ant finds the food you have set for them, it will instantly get excited and will immediately cover the area with pheromones to signal to other ants that food was found. If the food item shows signs of movement the worker ant will release the necessary pheromones (and in some species, vibrations) to call for backup. Only when a food item is still and nonthreatening will it then proceed to eat what it can, fill its social stomach and make its way back to the nest laying a pheromone trail on the way. When it returns to the nest, it immediately lets the colony know it has found food by vibrating and releasing pheromones, and it excites surrounding hungry workers, causing them to venture off in search of the food, instinctively following the pheromone trail laid down by the original ant (Random fact: only the oldest worker ants, the senior citizens of the colony, are allowed to leave the nest). As more and more ants find the food, fill their social stomachs, and return to the nest, they also each leave a corresponding pheromone trail. The growing number of ants that enforce this pheromone trail making it stronger and stronger, signals to other ants that there really is a good find at the end of the trail. This system of locating food is why it only takes one ant to find your sandwich at a picnic before droves of ants appear in just a few minutes. When the food source gets depleted out or is completely consumed, ants no longer leave a pheromone trail back to the nest, and the pheromone trail eventually dissipates, telling other ants that the food has been exhausted, and the pheromone trail is no longer worth following. ~ 38 ~ Ants with full social stomachs returning to the nest proceed to transfer food from mouth to mouth to other workers in the nest (the process called trophallaxis), and the food gets distributed to all members of the colony including the larvae, alates if any, and the queen. Protein All ant colonies require a protein food source. Proteins are chains of amino acids that form the building blocks of life. Protein allows the queen to continually produce eggs and the larvae to continually grow. Protein is the primary material needed for an ant colony to expand. Protein is also the determining factor in whether or not a colony is ready to sustain alates. Only a colony that is fed plenty of protein will begin to have alates appear in the colony. Alates, i.e. young queens and males, are usually larger than worker ants and require a lot more ‘matter’ to form, so naturally a queen will not produce eggs that will become alates if there isn’t ample protein and other necessary nutrients required for nutrient-expensive alate production. Most ants will readily accept insects as a protein source. Generally, anyone who has owned a reptile, amphibian, or other insectivorous pet knows how much of a hassle it is to continually deal with living feeder insects, unless you’re the type of person that enjoys making regular trips to the pet store and/or dealing with the smelly, often gnat-infested containers housing these prey insects. For this reason, if your ants will accept non-living protein alternatives, it makes things a lot easier for you as an ant keeper! Before offering fresh insects, see if your ants will accept pre-packaged, freeze dried insects, or store your pet store feeder insects in the fridge. Before feeding the fridge-stored insects, crush them then place them in the basin. If the ants still show interest in the fridge-stored prey insects, you’re set! You won’t have to deal with the extra hassle of housing and feeding the feeder insects, and you only need to buy a whole bag of feeder insects at once and simply place them in the fridge to use up gradually as needed. Also see if your ants will accept cooked fish, shellfish, meat, or eggs. Try dog or cat food or even fish flakes. Make sure anything you choose to feed your ants is natural and chemical-free. If your ants show no interest in the protein sources listed above, it means they prefer their protein food sources ‘juicy’ and freshly killed. The reason most ants require the insects to ~ 39 ~ be fresh is because most ants lack the chewing mouthparts required to properly breakdown tough exoskeleton. Instead, worker ants will prefer to suck the juices that spew from a dead insect, and simply discard the exoskeleton. There are some species of ants that will drag excess exoskeleton or even the whole dead insect prey into the nest to give to the larvae, who in fact do have the ample chewing mouthparts to mash up very solid food. These larvae then regurgitate what they’ve consumed in a semi-solid mash, to feed the adult workers. It’s a system that ensures both larvae and adult ants receive food. It is recommended that you feed store-bought prey insects like crickets, mealworms, superworms, waxworms, silkworms, etc. Also, although it can be fun to watch live insects wriggle as they’re being mauled by an aggressive and hungry ant colony, perhaps some might argue that it is cruel to do so; pre-killing the insects may be a more humane choice. Another reason to pre-kill prey insects before offering them to your ants is because you can be sure there are no ant casualties. The freshly killed or scalded insects are to be placed in the colony’s basin for the ants to stumble across. Ants will usually have favourites so be sure to keep a close record of which food prey items your ants like the best and continue to feed them. The left over exoskeletons will be left in a neat pile in your basin for you to clean up. Be sure to dispose of this piled up insect refuse at least once a week. As much as possible, avoid feeding your ants wild-caught insects. You risk the fatal presence of pesticides. The author has lost entire colonies in the past attributed to the frequent feeding of swatted flies from the yard. Many wild insects can be carriers of pesticides even while alive, and it accumulates in greater concentrations within the bodies of the predators that consume them. All it takes is a single wild-caught insect loaded with pesticides to wipe out an entire ant colony. Carbohydrate The second component to ant nutrition is a sugar-source or carbohydrate. Carbohydrates offer your ants the energy needed to perform their daily tasks. Although the queen, alates, and larvae do benefit from the energy offered from carbohydrate food sources, the primary benefactors of these carbohydrate foods are the worker ants, who continuously ~ 40 ~ work over a 24 hour cycle only taking a couple hundred 2 minute naps. An ant colony that is fed a steady supply of carbohydrate, sugary food sources is a very active and healthy colony with lively and hardy workers. Examples of commonly accepted carbohydrate food sources include honey, maple syrup, nectar, fresh fruit, and sugar-water. These food sources should also be placed into your outworld, ideally in a shallow dish or placed onto a small piece of paper to make it easier for you to clean afterwards. The author likes to use bottle caps to hold these carbohydrate foods. If offering liquids like honey, maple syrup, or sugar-water, make sure it is only a couple drops. It is easy for ants to drown in a sticky liquid. If your ants happen to be granivorous (feeding on grains and nuts) you can offer nuts, bread, seeds, oatmeal, dried dog food, rice, and corn as a carbohydrate source. Again, make sure any uneaten, leftover food discards are cleaned from your basin once a week. Water Water is vital to every living thing on Earth. Ants depend on you for water. Although many ant colonies can go a few days to a week without either a protein or a carbohydrate food source, most colonies will perish if they go too long without any water. Water should be offered to your colony in two ways. First, water should be available to your colonies from within the nest. With the exception of ant species that naturally live in very dry nests, most ant colonies prefer a slightly to very moist nest. The ants will often drink water directly from the nest walls. Second, a test tube full of water with a cotton ball closing off the end should be placed in your basin for ants to drink. An alternative to this is a water dish with a sponge in it, but you risk the ants making a nest underneath the sponge or within the small moist holes. Never let this basin water supply run out! ~ 41 ~ Chapter 8: The Right Ant Environment Moisture and Humidity Proper moisture and humidity are important to any formicarium. Establishing just the right moisture and humidity level is the determining factor in whether or not an ant colony will move into the simulated nest you’ve provided them. Ants will also drink water directly from the moist walls of the nest. Nests that are too dry for a species that naturally inhabit moist soils can be fatal, so be sure to have someone provide your colony nest moisture as needed if ever you go away on vacation. If not, you may end up coming home to a dead ant colony. Again, placing one or more test tubes full of water blocked with a cotton ball into the basin is a must. Most species require a moderately moist nest, but there are some species which prefer extremely wet or dry nests. Be sure to refer to Chapter 12 for a list of the most commonly kept ant species and their nest humidity and moisture requirements. If you are using an AntsCanada Habitat Nest™ providing your nest moisture is made easy. You only need to pour water into the water reserve every few days to keep the nest moist. Heating A colony that is kept warm grows much quicker and is much more active than an ant colony that isn’t provided heat. Though heating is not required for most ants, in the least your formicarium must not drop below room temperature. If it does (e.g. you are keeping the ants in a place that is air conditioned) you will need to heat your ant colony. There are several ways to heat a formicarium. One way is to use a reptile heating cable or heating pad. Be sure when using such equipment, you use the lowest wattage available and if possible place it on its lowest setting. It is easy to overheat your ant nest and kill your colony so when installing heat to your ant setup, be sure to observe your ants for the first hour to make sure they aren’t acting differently, dying, or completely not moving (as a result of ‘estivation’). ~ 42 ~ You should also only heat one section of the nest, so you can establish a temperature gradient in the nest; some rooms can be warmer than others, and it will allow the ants to thermoregulate, meaning they can simply choose where to be in the nest according to what temperature they prefer. In fact, you may notice that your colony will place the pupae in the hottest areas of the nest, as they do in the wild, to help speed up the pupae development process. Another way to provide heating is by using heat lamps, but this is not recommended simply because they usually are too hot for ants. You may decide to use a heat lamp for the basin. It will keep your foraging ants warm and active, as well as nicely light your outworld setup. If you are using an AntsCanada Habitat Outworld™ be sure to keep the top lid open so the heat from the lamp doesn’t melt the cover. ~ 43 ~ Chapter 9: Annual Hibernation Prior to the cold winter months, you might notice your ants slowing down activity, eating and gut-loading themselves as much as they can (many ants species have what are called ‘repletes’, ants completely bloated-looking, designated to be living food storage, most profoundly observed in Honeypot ants of the genus: Myrmecocystus), and building structures to restrict or block off nest entrances. The queen stops laying eggs, and often times, all larvae are fed as much as possible so they become pupae before the onset of winter. During the coldest months of winter hibernation, the ants are completely still. They are unable to move because of a lack of heat needed for the biochemical processes enabling movement, as was explored in the previous chapter. The ants produce glycerol in their hemolymph (ant blood) which acts as an anti-freeze, allowing some ants to withstand temperatures as low as -40 degrees C for an extended period of time. When spring finally arrives, the ants usually take a week or more to “thaw out”, before returning to their active state. Year after year, ant colonies undergo the mind-boggling miracle of hibernation. Why Hibernate Ant Colonies Ant keepers from temperate regions have the unique opportunity to seasonally “put their ants away” so to speak for a few months every year during ant hibernation period. Although for new ant keepers, the idea of having an inactive ant colony for 3-4 months of the year might seem like somewhat of a disappointment, over time the ever increasing ant colony maintenance and feeding can become quite taxing as the ant colony grows larger and larger. For this reason, ant keepers truly benefit from the ant hibernation period, because it gives ant keepers a good break from their ants, allowing you to simply put the ants away and revisit them in the Spring, keeping the ant keeping experience always fresh. Most advanced ant keepers who own several ant colonies can attest to this appreciation of the ant hibernation break. If you are from a temperate region, you will need to hibernate your ants. Even if you attempt to keep your ants warm through the winter months, and you are caring for an ant species that naturally experiences winter, you will notice the ants appear to enter a lethargic, dormant state anyway. The reason for this is they have a biological clock, accurately set to the ~ 44 ~ seasons to which they and their evolutionary ancestors have come to adapt. It is recommended that you keep your ants cold during the winter, so that your ant colony won’t feel the need to eat, move, or do anything while their biological clocks are naturally keeping them in ‘shut down’ mode. As explored in the last chapter, ants that are kept warm are more ‘amped up’ and are generally hungrier, therefore, to keep your ants from having to deal with the confusing physiological state of being amped up by heat while simultaneously being in a naturally occurring dormant state (i.e. being sleepy but being stimulated to be awake), it’s perhaps a better choice to you keep them cold so they truly shutdown all physiological functions until Springtime (i.e. being sleepy and allowing them to sleep). It’s also probably the most comfortable option for your ants who want to truly hibernate. Also, it is said that hibernating your ants year after year extends the life of the queen, and therefore your ant colony, giving the queen a chance to take an annual break from the very demanding task of egg-laying through the warm months. When to Start and End Hibernation As a rule of thumb, the Author hibernates his ant colonies when it becomes cold enough outside that one requires a winter jacket and insects are no longer seen outside, and begins to encourage ‘wake up’ when it’s warm enough that winter jackets are no longer needed and when insects are spotted again outside. In Canada, this translates to a hibernation period of about five months from October to March. The usual hibernation period for most ant species lasts between 3-5 months, depending on your location and species. Ant colonies undergoing hibernation should be allowed to hibernate for a minimum of three months. How to Hibernate There are several ways to hibernate an ant colony, whether they be queens with young in a test tube or mature ant colonies in a formicarium. Most ant keepers usually place their test tubes/formicaria in a basement or other unheated location of the house where it gets cold during the winter. A maximum temperature of approximately 10 degrees C is required for hibernation of ants, but most ants hibernate well closer to 0 degrees C depending on where you are from and the species. If your ants are arboreal, e.g. living in wood like Camponotus, they are ~ 45 ~ usually able to withstand even lower hibernating temperatures, well below freezing. If you are unsure what temperature to hibernate your ants at, simply try keeping them around 5-10 degrees C over the winter months. If possible the more gradual you can introduce the cold temperatures, the better it is for the ants, so it’s not so much of a drastic temperature shock. If you’re choosing to place your ants in the basement or an unheated location in your home, achieving this gradual cooling is easily achievable as it just naturally gets colder outside. Another way to hibernate your ant colony is by placing them in a fridge and putting the temperature at its warmest setting during the winter months. It is usually a good idea to not leave your formicarium outside where it is exposed to the elements. During this hibernation period do not panic if the ants look as though they have died, and have assumed a sort of crumpled-up, fetal position. Many ants when undergoing deep cold hibernation will appear to curl up and die, when in reality they’re all very much so alive and will return to their normal active state come Spring. Also, during this hibernation period it is vital to ensure the ants are provided with moisture. If your ants are still in a test tube setup, make sure the water portion of the test tube hasn’t dried. If it has, have them move into a new test tube setup first before hibernating them. If your ants are in a formicarium, you will need to visit the formicarium every now and then to add water when needed. During this time you will not have to feed your ant colonies even if some workers might be seen foraging in the basin. When it is time to awaken your ants from hibernation in the Spring simply move them to a warm area, but it is recommended you don’t heat the formicarium up with a heat pad or cable just yet. Again, the more gradual the process of warming up the colony the better it is for your ants. If the ants you are waking up are in a test tube, be sure to keep a close eye on the water for the first hour. Test tubes that are suddenly warmed up often flood the entire test tube setup when the air bubbles and water in the water reserve expand from the heat. You risk drowning the queen and her offspring. Be sure to have a test tube setup ready in case you need to perform a rescue operation in the event of a test tube flood. ~ 46 ~ Do not panic if the ant colony doesn’t appear to wake up right away. Some ants wake up immediately, while others may assume the crumpled up fetal position for a few weeks to a whole month before moving again. It depends largely on how cold the ants were kept during hibernation. If they were hibernated at very cold temperatures, it generally takes longer for the ants to emerge from hibernation. When your ants do wake up, it’s a good idea to welcome them back with a tasty meal of honey to nourish them during the several months of fasting incurred during hibernation. ~ 47 ~ Chapter 10: Nest Cycling and Hygiene In nature, ants will pile their refuse and dead bodies in piles outside of the nest, or bury it in chambers within the nest, at which point other decomposers and microorganisms take over and break down the refuse and dead. Wind and water wash these piles clean. In captivity however, your ant colony will depend on you to clean up these piles. You will have to play the role of routine garbage man and undertaker. Refuse and dead ants left lying around for too long leads to fungi and bacteria growth which endanger your colony. Most ant keepers will spot clean their basins by simply scooping up dead ants and refuse up with a spoon. Make a habit of doing this on a weekly basis at least. Ants like to stick their garbage and dead bodies onto sticky surfaces like petroleum jelly. If you notice the ants placing their refuse and dead onto the petroleum jelly band used along the top of the basin, it might be worth placing a piece of paper with a blob of petroleum jelly on it, so the ants can be encouraged to place their refuse and dead onto something you can simply throw away later. Another useful apparatus is the micro vacuum tool used to suck up dust from laptop keyboards. Be sure to not suck up any living ants! If possible, during hibernation ever year, giving the basin a good wash using mild soap and water is a great idea. Cycling Nests Every Few Years In the wild, soil is constantly circulating. Soil is brought to the surface by the ants, other organisms within the soil, move the soil particles about, and ant nests also tend to move and change shape and location. In captivity however, allowing for this same refreshment of nest media can be challenging. This is why it is encouraged that you routinely cycle your ant nests every two years or so. This means you have your ants move into a completely new formicarium so their old formicarium can air out and return to a neutral PH. A colony will thrive if you continuously allow the ants to live in a fresh nest. For moving techniques, simply refer to the colony relocation tips of Chapter 6. ~ 48 ~ Keeping Your Ants Free of Parasites Believe it or not, even ants have to worry about external parasites like ticks and mites. In ant keeping, there have been several reports of mites infesting the bodies of queens. The best way to keep your colonies free of parasites, such as mites, is to avoid placing sticks, wood, dirt, and rocks from outside into your ants’ living space. Always wash your hands thoroughly when working with your ant colony, and be sure to thoroughly clean any and all instruments like tweezers, test tubes, etc. before using them. ~ 49 ~ Chapter 11: Conservation, Preservation, and Education How People Can Save Ants Ants are so tied to the plants and animals around them, that caring for ants in the wild necessarily means caring for all the living things in their given ecosystem. There are plants that depend on specific ant species for seed dispersal, pollination, and even protection. Ants are very important decomposers, breaking down decaying matter, plants, and animals. Ants keep soil circulating as they construct their subterranean nests. In many areas, ants are a very important predator, controlling insect and small animal populations in an ecosystem. Many animals have established very close symbiotic relationships with ants. An example is a tiny blind, eyeless white crustacean known as a white woodlouse, that lives in ant nests and feeds on ant droppings and fungus. Its scientific name is Platyarthrus hoffmannseggi and they are only found in ant nests, rarely coming above ground. The ants benefit from their presence, and the white woodlice benefit from the ants through the ants’ provision of refuge, food, and protection. The main way to protect ants in the wild is to protect their habitat. Habitat conservation is a great way to preserve ant populations, as it keeps all the interconnected flora and fauna thriving, and when an entire ecosystem is thriving, so too are ant populations. Planting trees, creating conservation areas, allowing naturally occurring plants and weeds to grow in certain spots around your outdoor property can help encourage ant populations to flourish. Of course using eco-friendly products and refraining from using pesticides also allow ant life to thrive. There are many ways online in which you can help preserve the environment and the ants that are such an important component to it. It should be remembered that acting locally creates global effects. Start within your own community and protect the ants that live around you by conserving the environment around you. ~ 50 ~ Myrmecology and Websites Myrmecology, the scientific study of ants is an ever advancing branch of biology; more and more young minds are seeking to pursue a career in studying ants on various capacities, e.g. taxonomy (discovering and cataloguing new species), academia (e.g. ecological, biological, entomological research), and agricultural studies. www.AntsCanada.com is a great website for all information pertaining to ants and myrmecology. It has a forum full of both advanced and beginner ant keepers, sharing their knowledge, experiences, advice, and photos of their ants. It also provides all the latest information and top-of-the-line products for pet ant keeping. If you register with the site, you also have access to the ant chat. Also be sure to subscribe to the regular updates on the latest AntsCanada news. Be sure to also join the largest Facebook ant group entitled the Ultimate Ants and Myrmecology Facebook page hosted by AntsCanada. On YouTube be sure to subscribe to www.Youtube.com/Antscanada for regular ant videos and tutorials. Be sure to also follow AntsCanada on Twitter for the latest news on AntsCanada, ants, and new ant products. Another highly recommended website for advanced ant keepers is www.Antweb.org which is an all-inclusive global catalogue listed by region of all the documented species of ants in the world. It also offers an annual class in the Unites States, called ‘Ant Course’, taken by entomologists, university students, professionals working with ants, etc. It is run by Dr. Brian L. Fisher at the California Academy of Science in San Francisco, California. ~ 51 ~ Chapter 12: Caresheets (Listed by Species) The following are basic caresheets that have been compiled based on experience with caring for various ant species reared at our Ant Nursery in Toronto, Canada, as well as by knowledgeable ant enthusiasts, ant keeping pros, and customers. It should be noted that all care details such as ideal temperature and moisture may vary depending on location. If you have had long-term success with a particular ant species from your area (especially if housed in our products) and are interested in contributing to this caresheet database, we would like to hear about it to possibly add to this database! Feel free to email us your success ant stories and findings at contact-us@Antscanada.com. Special thanks to Mr. Chris Murrow, Mr. Alex Ukrainets, Mr. David Luong, Chris, and Chuck for contributions to this ant database. Habitat information from AntWeb and Wikipedia. Aphaenogaster fulva Common name(s): Harvester Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral, Monogynous Nuptial Flight: September (North America) Habitat: This species is found nesting in mesic forest, oak woodland, in rotten logs and stumps. Ideal nest moisture level: 50-80% moist. Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water, granivorous Nest Temperature: 20-24 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-24 degrees C Note: In the wild, Aphaenogaster fulva go for mostly living and dead food items that are manageable such as termites and assorted insects. They are easy to keep and like their nests moist! Many species of plants depend on this species of ant for the dispersal of seeds. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 52 ~ Camponotus americanus Common name(s): Carpenter Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: April (North America) Habitat: Occurs in dry and dry-mesic prairie and oak savanna. Less often it occurs in more closed woodlands. It nests deep in soil, usually independent of an external covering, but occasionally builds a large chamber beneath a stone, bark slab or wood in the early stages of decomposition. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 22-25 degrees C (room temperature) Outworld Temperature: 20-27 degrees C (they like cool temperatures and won’t come out often at 28+ C ) Notes: Beautiful ants with black yellow black coloration. No heating is needed around room temperature is ideal. These ants will accept some spiders, crickets, and meal worms. Photos: queen worker major male Video: colony Camponotus chromaiodes Common name(s): Red Carpenter Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: April, May, June (North America) Habitat: Occurs in remnant dry-mesic to mesic oak woodland and forest, where it nests in soil and concentrates its nest around or in the dead centers of stumps or wood in various stages of decomposition. It also nests in hollows in dead wood in tree trunks near the base of living trees, including eastern red cedar. Compared to C. pennsylvanicus, this ant occupies the drier portion of the moisture spectrum of Missouri woodlands, though the two species occur together at many mesic localities, especially if they are somewhat open. Ideal nest moisture level: 10%-30% moist (can be kept in a completely dry nest) Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 22-28 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: These ants will benefit from a heated nest. Heating is not needed but without it, the colony develops at a slower rate. These ants will accept some spiders, crickets, super worms and meal worms. ~ 53 ~ Photos: queen worker major male Video: colony Camponotus noveboracensis Common name(s): Red Carpenter Ants, New York Carpenter Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: May, August (North America) Habitat: Nests in and around dead wood Ideal nest moisture level: 10-30% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 23-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: These ants will benefit from a heated nest. Heating is not necessary but without it, one can expect the colony development to be slow. These ants will readily accept crickets and mealworms. Photos: queen worker major male Video: colony Camponotus pennsylvanicus Common name(s): Carpenter Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: April, May, June, July (North America) Habitat: Very likely the most abundant and least ecologically conservative Camponotus throughout its range, C. pennsylvanicus species lives in virtually all types of habitats with at least some standing dead wood, ranging from fields with wooden fence posts to suburban yards to savannas and woodlands to pristine upland and floodplain forests. Nests are usually in dead wood of living trees, less often in standing snags, in stumps, or in the ground beneath fallen dead wood Ideal nest moisture level: 10-30% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 23-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: These ants will benefit from a heated nest. Heating is not necessary but without it, one can expect the colony development to be slow. These ants will readily accept crickets and mealworms. Photos: queen worker major male Video: colony ~ 54 ~ Camponotus vicinus Common name(s): Carpenter Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Possibly polygynous. Nuptial Flight: May, July (North America) Habitat: Nests in and around dead wood Ideal nest moisture level: 10-30% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 23-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: These ants will benefit from a heated nest. Heating is not necessary but without it, one can expect the colony development to be slow. These ants will readily accept crickets and mealworms. Photos: queen worker major male Video:- Crematogaster cerasi Common name(s): Acrobat Ants Difficulty Level: Medium Queen: Fully claustral Nuptial Flight: August, September (North America) Habitat: Occurs in dry to mesic woodland, including second growth and highly disturbed portions, and in all wetness levels of savanna, prairie and old field. It nests in wood in the early to mid-stages of decomposition, in the bases of clumping grasses, in soil beneath rocks or even beneath wood or even large hunks of charcoal in burned woodlands. Ideal nest moisture level: 10-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: These ants can be easy to culture but require a very escape-proof setup. These ants can burrow through wood and are voracious eaters requiring a great deal of food. They impressively arch their gasters over their heads to spray formic acid in defense or attacking. The colouring of this species can range between reddish (with black gaster) to completely black. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 55 ~ Formica fusca Common name(s): Black Field Ants, Black Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: In captivity, pleometrotic and possibly polygynous via oligogyny, however safest and best kept singly. Fully claustral. Nuptial Flight: July (North America) Habitat: Nests in a variety of different soil types and wooded environments, usually in areas with good drainage and receiving a considerable amount of sun. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Ideal AntsCanada Nest/Outworld: Habitat Nest series, Pumice Stone Ant Nest, Microhabitat Outworld, Habitat Outworld Notes: These ants may not readily accept crickets/mealworms, and may require other insect options, including wild-caught prey. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony Formica subsericea Common name(s): Black Field Ants, Black Ants Difficulty Level: Medium Queen: In captivity, pleometrotic and possibly polygynous via oligogyny, however safest and best kept singly. Fully claustral. Nuptial Flight: July (North America) Habitat: Found in virtually all mesic habitats, but most common in wooded and woodland edge sites Ideal nest moisture level: 10-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: Colonies of this species are often slow to start up. Large and impressive for Formica. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 56 ~ Lasius alienus Common name(s): Cornfield Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: June, July. Flights occur in the afternoons. (North America) Habitat: Nesting in shaded areas in deciduous forest under stones and in rotting logs. Ideal nest moisture level: 10-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: Very hardy and active species. Small in size. These ants may or may not readily accept crickets/mealworms, and may require other insect options. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony Lasius neoniger Common name(s): Labour Day Ants, Cornfield Ants, Nuisance Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: August, September, October. Flights occur in the afternoons and happen especially around Labour Day (North America) Habitat: Nesting in open habitats, including lawns and sidewalks Ideal nest moisture level: 10-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: Very hardy and active species. Small in size. These ants may or may not readily accept crickets/mealworms, and may require other insect options. Nuptial flights typically occur around Labour Day, hence one of the common names. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 57 ~ Lasius niger Common name(s): Common Black Garden Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Fully claustral. Monogynous. Nuptial Flight: August, September, October (North America) / July, August (Europe) Habitat: Nests underground, commonly found under stones, but also in rotten deadwood Ideal nest moisture level: 10-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: Very hardy and active species. Small in size. The ‘golden retrievers’ of the ant world, these ants make good standard species for novice ant keepers. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony Myrmica rubra Common name(s): European Fire Ants, Ruby Ants, Red Ants Difficulty Level: Difficult Queen: Polygynous, semi-claustral (meaning queens will need to forage during colony founding stage) Nuptial Flight: Sporadic nuptial flights throughout the year (North America) / July, August, September (Europe) Habitat: Found in virtually all habitats, but most common in grassland and ruderal sites. Nests in soil, under rocks and dead wood, in grass turf, moss, peat and very small loam hills Ideal nest moisture level: 60-90% moist Diet: highly insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: Nest: 20-25 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: This is a very aggressive and stinging species. Colonies can get very large in multi-queen colonies. Semi-nomadic and may benefit from one or more satellite nests. Nests should be kept very damp and maintained around room temperature for best results. These ants are voracious eaters, are highly insectivorous, and require lots of insects as well as sugar/honeywater. Queens are polygynous and are semi-claustral so must be allowed to forage for food during the founding stage. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 58 ~ Pheidole pilifera Common name(s): Big-Headed Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Polygynous, fully claustral Nuptial Flight: June, July, August (North America) Habitat: Sand prairie, sandy old field, or other sandy or other highly-drained, acid soil habitats Ideal nest moisture level: 20-50% moist Diet: granivorous, insectivorous Nest Temperature: 20-25 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Note: This ant is very tiny and should be handled with extreme care. This ant benefits from incubation in captivity, otherwise colonies remain small. Photos: queen worker major male Video:- Pogonomyrmex californicus Common name(s): Harvester Ants, Red Harvester Ants, commonly mistakenly called fire ants Difficulty Level: Medium Queen: Obligate forager, Monogynous Nuptial Flight: June, July (North America) Habitat: This species is found nesting in open, warm, sandy areas. The nests themselves are constructed in the soil, generally in areas fully exposed to the sun. Some are beneath stones, whereas others are surmounted by soil craters or by small to huge mounds with or without coverings of gravel. Ideal nest moisture level: 10-30% moist. Seed chamber should be dry to prevent rotting. Diet: granivorous, insectivorous, honey water/sugar water, will take betta pellets (fish food) Nest Temperature: 23-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Note: Founding queens should be kept at higher humidity levels (30-40%) and because they are obligate foragers, must be fed during the founding stage. These ants will benefit from a heated nest. Heating is not necessary but without it, one can expect the colony development to be slow. Very painful sting, handle with care. Not great climbers, won’t be able to climb up smooth surfaces. Mature Colony size approximately 10,000. Photos: queen worker male Video:- ~ 59 ~ Ponera pennsylvanica Common name(s): Difficulty Level: Medium Queen: Semi-claustral, Monogynous Nuptial Flight: September (North America) Habitat: Usually abundant wherever there is moist, at least moderately rich soil, whether shaded or open, moist to dry-mesic, and even in highly degraded habitats such as lawns, gardens, fencerows, successional fields and thickets. P. pennsylvanica also occurs in sedge hummocks in fens. In prairie, it nests in the root-zone of sedges or grasses. In woodland, it nests in soil, in soft, rotten wood, and often in old acorns or occasionally other nuts. Ideal nest moisture level: 50-90% moist. Diet: insectivorous (specialized diet: see notes) Nest Temperature: 21-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 21-27 degrees C Note: They are not a good beginner species, but great for an experience keeper looking for something a little different. They require a higher than normal level of humidity in their nest and have a specialized diet. They are strictly predacious and will not eat honey or other sweets. They will only eat soft bodied arthropods. In the wild they mainly eat spring tails and other soft bodied prey they find while foraging under rocks, logs, or even underground. They will readily accept termites, silverfish, some spiders, fruit flies and pin head (baby) crickets in captivity. They tend to refuse to eat other types of invertebrates, even crushed. They will accept their food frozen and don’t seem to mind foraging above ground in captivity. They don’t require nearly as high of a humidity level in their foraging area as they do in their nest. Photos: queen worker male Video:- ~ 60 ~ Prenolepis imparis Common name(s): Winter Ants, False Honeypot Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Polygynous, fully claustral Nuptial Flight: March, April, May (North America) Habitat: This species occurs in natural remnants and human-modified habitats. In the U.S. South (including most of Missouri), P. imparis is a forest or shade-inhabiting ant, but to the north it is also common in prairies and other open habitats. In Missouri, it is most often associated with oaks and clay-loam soils, and is less common in second-growth forests, particularly those lacking or with poor representation of oaks. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, sugar/honey water Nest Temperature: 15-25 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 15-25 degrees C Note: Queens only lay one batch of eggs each year. It’s likely they need a cold period for several weeks to trigger egg laying. They are otherwise easy to keep but get largely inactive for periods at a time. Photos: queen worker replete male Video: colony Solenopsis invicta Common name(s): Fire Ants, Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Polygynous, fully claustral Nuptial Flight: April, May, June (North America) Habitat: Disturbed, including seasonally inundated ground, typically not common in pristine remnant natural areas, except annually flooded areas. Notorious for nesting among the urban setting. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Photos: queen worker major male Video: colony ~ 61 ~ Solenopsis molesta Common name(s): Thief Ant Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Polygynous, fully claustral Nuptial Flight: May, July, September, October (North America) Habitat: Subterranean. Nests in virtually all well-drained soils, even floodplains. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water, granivorous Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: This ant is very tiny and should be handled with extreme care. Photos: queen worker male Video:- Solenopsis xyloni Common name(s): Southern Fire Ant Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Possibly polygynous but only about 40% of colonies remain polygynous long term (elimination of all but one queen usually occurs), fully claustral Nuptial Flight: June, July (North America), as early as end of February in California Habitat: Subterranean. Nests in virtually all well-drained soils, even floodplains. Will not inhabit bark or fallen timbre. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-50% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water, granivorous especially sunflower seeds Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: These ants are very easy to keep but are notorious escape artists, requiring a very secure formicarial setup. This species is a stinging fire ant native to southern parts of the United States. Its behavior is similar to the red imported fire ant ( S. invicta), although its sting is less painful. Photos: queen worker major male Video: colony ~ 62 ~ Tapinoma sessile Common name(s): Odorous House Ants Difficulty Level: Medium Queen: polygynous, possibly fully claustral Nuptial Flight: May, June (North America) Habitat: Found in virtually all habitats, but most common in riparian, grassland and ruderal sites. Impermanent nests in preformed cavities and spaces. It is notorious for nesting in homes and for being common domestic pests. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Ideal AntsCanada Nest/Outworld: Notes: This species is notorious for escaping. They nest opportunistically by nature and move often. Wild colonies have been known to inhabit homes and will harass captive colonies. Crushing the ant will produce a strong odor very much like blue cheese. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony Temnothorax curvispinosus Common name(s): Acorn Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Possibly semi-polygynous, fully clusteral Nuptial Flight: June, July, August, September (North America) Habitat: Found nesting in tight spaces, including inside of acorns Ideal nest moisture level: 20-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: In the wild colonies sometimes band together in the winter time. The next spring they divide and become more territorial even to their own species. Colonies like to relocate to sites that have hallow cavities with narrow openings. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 63 ~ Tetramorium caespitum & Tetramorium sp. E Common name(s): Pavement Ants Difficulty Level: Easy Queen: Monogynous, fully claustral Nuptial Flight: May, June, July. Flights occur from 4-7 AM but the dealates can be found throughout the day (North America) Habitat: Found nesting in nearly all habitats in America to Japan, North Africa to North Europe including British Isles. Notorious for nesting among the urban setting, particularly around and under sidewalks, roads, rocks, and pavement. Ideal nest moisture level: 20-40% moist Diet: insectivorous, honey water/sugar water, granivorous Nest Temperature: 20-27 degrees C Outworld Temperature: 20-30 degrees C Notes: Easy and interesting species to keep for ant keepers of all levels. Photos: queen worker male Video: colony ~ 64 ~ Glossary A abdomen – includes the propodeum, petiole, and the gaster on an ant’s body [See also propodeum, petiole, and gaster] Acheta domestica – scientific name of the species of cricket commonly used in the pet trade as a feeder insect. They are commonly fed by ant keepers to ants. acrobat ant – ant belonging to the genus Crematogaster notorious for their heart shaped gasters, which bend over their heads and to the sides of their bodies when shooting formic acid for defense and attacking. Adventures Among Ants – best-selling book on ants by highly acclaimed National Geographic writer and photographer Mark Moffet. AntsCanada interviewed Mark Moffet on The Amazing Ants of AntsCanada YouTube channel regarding his book, experiences, career, and general thoughts. alate – a reproductive male or female ant. They are born with wings. During nuptial flight they take to the air and mate. Males die shortly after mating, and females shed their wings becoming dealates and begin searching for a suitable location to found her colony as the queen. allele – one of two or more forms of the DNA sequence of a particular gene. alitrunk – name given to the mesosoma or the middle part of the body, or tagma, in ants. It bears the legs and in alates, the wings. In Apocrita Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants), it consists of the three thoracic segments and the first abdominal segment (the propodeum). [See mesosoma] Amazing Ants of AntsCanada – The popular YouTube Channel [Youtube.com/AntsCanada] created on July 14th, 2009 which eventually gave rise to AntsCanada in 2010. It is currently the highest subscribed ant-dedicated channel on the net, and has acquired international praise and viewership for its simplistic entertainment and education value. It is hosted by the President, CoFounder/Owner, and Creative Director of AntsCanada and holds frequent contests, draws, and interactive videos for its subscribers. ant farm – the common name for a formicarium. The first commercially-sold formicarium was introduced around 1929 and patented in 1931 by Frank Austin, an inventor and professor at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Austin included painted or wooden scenes of palaces, farms, and other settings above the ground level, for a whimsical look. The creator of the company Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. took this concept and created the popular plastic ant farms incorporating the farm setting within it, which became a popular novelty product over many decades. Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. currently owns the rights to the brand name “Ant Farm”, and has since sold millions of ant farms worldwide. These ant farm educational toys have yet to be accepted in the world of serious pet ant keeping as suitable, healthy, long-term homes for ant colonies [See also ant farm and Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.]. ant love – colloquial term coined by AntsCanada describing myrmecophilia, i.e. the love of ants. ~ 65 ~ ant woodlouse – a tiny blind, eyeless white crustacean that lives in ant nests and feeds on ant droppings and fungus. Its scientific name is Platyarthrus hoffmannseggi and is also known as a ‘white woodlouse’. They are only found in ant nests and rarely come above ground. antenna (pl. antennae) – paired appendages used for sensing in arthropods anterior – situated before or at the front of AntsCanada – The commonly known nickname of the President/CoFounder/Owner/Creative Director of AntsCanada, Mikey Bustos, and/or of AntsCanada and team that runs it AntsCanada Ants Store (AntsCanada.com) – You’re here! We are the world’s #1 leading innovators of pro ant keeping equipment, providing quality pet ant keeping products to ant lovers all over the world. Our clients also include producers of The Discovery Channel, schools/educational institutes, and museums. We also provide ant keepers with up-to-date information on caring for ants, ant biology, ecology, and promote bioliteracy and conservation. See the ABOUT US section of this website for more info. The store is a division of Bustos Entertainment Inc. Antstore – a German-based online ant keeping store [Antstore.net] which sells a variety of standard formicaria and ant keeping products, as well as live ant colonies to European countries. It also hosts an online ant-related forum for ant keepers of various European languages, including English. Antweb – an online [Antweb.org] catalogue of the world’s ant species organized regionally, and includes information, distribution data, and close-up photographs of preserved specimens. It is hosted by The California Academy of Sciences and is run by curator and biologist Dr. Brian Fisher. Antweb is based in San Francisco, California and is funded from private donations and from grants from the National Science Foundation. Antworks – a formicarial product manufactured by Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. which consists of an upright plastic enclosure containing a gel medium which acts as a venue for ants to dig tunnels and also nourishes worker ants for a short term. They are also known as gelfarms. The formula for the gel is derived from a NASA experiment and contains electrolytes for workers to stay alive. These ant farms like those of other ant products released by Uncle Milton Industries allow for mail-in ants (usually a Pogonomyrmex or Messor species) which are sent to the purchaser (just workers and no queen), upon receipt of the coupon enclosed with the ant farm. These gelfarms are for observing worker ants and their effectiveness in serious ant propagation is limited. Uncle Milton ant products have yet to be accepted by the serious ant keeping community as a proper home for the healthy, long term rearing of ant colonies. [See also gelfarm and Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.] aphidicole – an animal that lives among aggregations of aphids aphidicolous – describes an animal that lives among aggregations of aphids aphids – any of numerous tiny soft-bodied insects of the family Aphididae of worldwide distribution, that suck the sap from the stems and leaves of various plants, some developing wings when overcrowding occurs. Many species of ants farm aphids for the sweet secretions they excrete called honeydew. Apocrita – the suborder of insects in the taxonomic order Hymenoptera that includes wasps, bees and ants, and consists of many families. This suborder ~ 66 ~ includes the most advanced Hymenopterans and is distinguished from the Symphyta (another suborder within Hymenoptera) by the narrow “waist” (petiole) formed between the first two segments of the actual abdomen. aposematism – most commonly known in the context of warning colouration, describes a family of anti-predator adaptations where a warning signal is associated with the unprofitability of a prey item to potential predators. The word originates from apo- meaning ‘away’ and sematic meaning ‘sign/meaning’. army ant – common name for over 200 ant species, in different lineages, due to their aggressive predatory foraging groups, known as “raids”, in which huge numbers of ants forage simultaneously over a certain area, attacking prey en masse. They are nomadic, i.e. do not construct permanent nests and move almost incessantly over the time it exists. It is also known as the legionary ant or “Marabunta”. Examples of army ants include those belonging to the genera Eciton in South America and Dorylus in Africa. arthropod – an invertebrate animal having an exoskeleton (external skeleton), a segmented body, and jointed appendages. Arthropods are members of the phylum Arthropoda (from Greek arthron meaning “joint”, and podos meaning “foot”, which together mean “jointed feet”), and include the insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and others. Arthropoda – Phylum of arthropods, which include insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and others. [See also arthropod] autoclaved aerated cement (AAC) – a porous, cement material which is water absorbent and is often used to create formicaria, by way of carving tunnels and chambers into the cement. AAC and similar material, is also known under other names such as Ytong and hebel brick. autotroph – any organism capable of self-nourishment by using inorganic materials as a source of nutrients and using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis as a source of energy, as most plants and certain bacteria and protists. B basin – also referred to as an outworld, it is an enclosure separate from the main nest area which is designed to create a primary area for a captive ant colony for foraging and hunting. It provides the ants with an outer world or environment outside of the main nest where workers forage for food. It is usually connected to a formicarium through tubing or other means and may or may not be completely sealed. [See also outworld] BIFA – Black Imported Fire Ant, Solenopsis richteri biologist – someone who studies the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, esp. with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior. biology – the science of life or living matter in all its forms and phenomena, esp. with reference to origin, growth, reproduction, structure, and behavior. bivouac – in ants, it is an encampment made from improvised shelters, as seen in ants whose colonies are nomadic. black ant – common name given to several dark-coloured ant species including Lasius niger and several other black species belonging to the genus Formica ~ 67 ~ bradymetabolism – refers to the lowered metabolic speed of an organism during a resting period, e.g. during hibernation or estivation. brood – the young of an animal or a family of young, especially the young (as of a bird or insect) hatched or cared for at one time. In ants, it includes a colony’s eggs, larvae, and pupae. brood boosting – a strategy used by ant keepers in which pupae (and sometimes eggs and larvae) are obtained from a mature colony (usually in the wild) and given to a queen in the founding stage of her colony in captivity. It is thought to increase the chances of captive colony success, but it involves the risk of introducing disease between colonies and it sometimes is unsuccessful at helping queens along, resulting in cannibalism or death of the pupae. Brood boosting is often carried out for queens that have trouble founding their first set of workers, but is also often used to have a fledging colony grow much quicker. Brood boosting is done using young from the same species as the queen/colony being boosted, or at least within the same genus. C callow ant – a newly eclosed worker, i.e. a worker that has just emerged from the pupal stage into adulthood [See also eclose] camouflage – concealment by some means that alters or obscures the appearance, in insects by way of exoskeleton markings, body shapes, and movements carnivore – animal which eats meat or invertebrates carpenter ants – common name for a number of species of ants that create nests in wood, belonging to the genus Camponotus. They are often regarded as domestic pests for this reason. These ants do not eat the wood like termites, but rather excavate by tearing away small pieces of wood fibre. They are a relatively larger species of ant and polymorphic. caste – a specialized level in a colony of social insects, such as ants, in which the members (such as the queen, majors, media, and minors) carry out a specific function. cf. – abbreviation of the Latin “confer” meaning “compare to”. This is used to refer a specimen to a known species even though it may not be of that species. It is most often used when an identification is not yet confirmed. chitin – a main component in the exoskeleton of arthropods. Its chemical formula is (C8H13O5N)n and it is a long-chain polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, a derivative of glucose, and is found in many places throughout the natural world. citronella ant – common name for a yellow-coloured ant species that generally belong to the genera Acanthomyops or Lasius (e.g. Lasius claviger), that emit a citronella-smelling odour. They are generally a social parasitic species [See also social parasite] claustral cell – the fully or partially enclosed living quarters assumed by a newly mated queen ant, where a young colony of first-born workers (nanitics) is reared by the queen. In fully-claustral species of ants it is a chamber (usually underground or in wood) that is completely sealed off, and the queen never leaves this chamber. As the colony expands, the workers pioneer and extend the ~ 68 ~ living space of the claustral cell by excavating tunnels, which eventually gives rise to a full ant nest. cocoon – a pupal casing made by moths, caterpillars and other insect larvae. In ants, the cocoon is created through silk from the larva. In some species the spinning of a cocoon is facilitated by the workers who provide the larvae debris as a framework for the pupating larvae to spin their cocoon. Ants belonging to the genus Formica are known to bury the mature larvae with grains of dirt until the larvae have spun their cocoon. Not all ant species spin cocoons for pupation, and instead have naked pupae, as seen in ants belonging to the genera Myrmica, Pogonomyrmex, and Tetramorium, for instance. colony – a group of the same type of animal or plant living or growing together, esp. in large numbers; a family of ants living together in a nest or set of nests compound eye – an arthropod eye subdivided into many individual, light-receptive elements, each including a lens, a transmitting apparatus, and retinal cells cork nest – a type of formicarium with pre-made tunnels and chambers carved out of cork which absorbs water for nest hydration cosmopolitan – in ecology, describes growing or occurring in many parts of the world; widely distributed. coxa (pl. coxae) – the segment that connects the leg to the thorax crop – social stomach where food is initially stored and processed before being fed to other members of the colony via mouth-to-mouth transfer [See also trophallaxis] cryptic – fitted for concealing; serving to camouflage cuticula – the invertebrate cuticle, a multi-layered structure outside the epidermis of many invertebrates, notably roundworms and arthropods, in which it forms an exoskeleton. The main structural component of arthropod cuticle is chitin, a polysaccharide composed of N-acetylglucosamine units, together with proteins, lipids, and catecholamines. D dealate – reproductive females (queens) that have mated and shed their wings. Dealates are characterized by their wing scars. When alates become dealates, they search for a suitable location to begin founding their own colonies. dearth – an inadequate amount, esp. of food; scarcity decomposer – any organism in a community, such as a bacterium or fungus that breaks down dead tissue enabling the constituents to be recycled to the environment dichthadiiform queen – the unique type of queen of army ants belonging to the subfamilies Aenictinae, Ecitoninae, and Dorylinae. dimorphism – in biology occurs when there are two phenotypes that exist in the same population of a species, i.e. the occurrence of two clear forms or morphs. In ants it is usually more confined to the worker cast in this way: A polymorphic species in which the minors and majors still exist but the medias disappeared. E.g. most Pheidole species. Some Pheidole species have a supermajor cast alongside a major and a minor caste and are called trimorphic. diploid – A cell or an organism having two sets of chromosomes in somatic cells. In ants, all female ants are diploid, containing twice the number of chromosomes ~ 69 ~ of male ants. The number of chromosomes determines ant sex, therefore an unmated queen can actually give birth to young, but because she would lack a male’s sperm to complete the full number of chromosomes and create diploid females, the young would all be haploid, and be males. dirt nest – formicarium containing soil, sand, or other similar medium for digging ditritivore – also known as detritus feeders or saprophages, are heterotrophs that obtain nutrients by consuming detritus (decomposing organic matter). By doing so, they contribute to decomposition and the nutrient cycles [See also decomposer, heterotroph, and saprophagy]. Dolichoderinae – subfamily of ants with genera that use chemical warfare to their advantage. They are either odorous or spraying venom as a projectile weapon. They also all have one waist segment, and lack any hairs along the tip of their gaster. dorsal – of, pertaining to, or situated at the back, or dorsum. dulosis – the process of stealing slave-pupae and the entire way of life that accompanies it. When the pupae eclose in the nest they are “used” as slaves for the upkeep of the nest, care of the larvae, nest construction, defence, etc. Dulosis can be observed in species like Polyergus rufescens, Strongylognathus alpinus, and Harpagoxenus sublaevis. E ecdysis – the moulting of the cuticula in arthropods and related groups [See also cuticula] eclose – the act of emerging from the pupal stage [See also pupa] ectoparasite – a parasite that lives on or in the skin but not within the body. Ants have a variety of known ectoparasites, most of which are mites. Infestation with an ectoparasite is called an ectoparasitosis. ectothermy – the process of active thermoregulation (the regulation of body temperature) by an organism by moving to areas of varying temperatures, e.g. a lizard basking in the sun to warm up or retreating to shade or water to cool off endoparasite – A parasite, such as a tapeworm, that lives within another organism. Though largely unexplored, ants do have some known endoparasites, including a type of tachinid Strongygaster globula the maggot of which lives inside a young Lasius queen host, stops her egg laying, and eventually exits the queen without killing her. Here the maggot is cared for by the queen while it pupates. The queen dies shortly after and the adult fly emerges from the cocoon approximately 15 days after pupation, exiting the nest. In fact, AntsCanada is one of the first to document this entire process (in a YouTube video). Infestation with an endoparasite is called an endoparasitosis. entomologist – someone who studies insects entomology – the scientific study of insects epicuticle – the waxy film that coats the bodies of ants epinotum – former term for propodeum ergate – a worker ergatoid – refers to a worker-like individual that can be either a male or a female ~ 70 ~ eudulosis – the process where a social parasite colony adopts a slave colony in total, i.e. the slave queen is killed in the process. Eudulosis can be observed in Formica (Coptoformica) naefi with its host Formica (Serviformica) sp.. estivation – a state of dormancy achieved by organisms in most cases in response to low food/water availability and high temperature. exoskeleton – an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal’s body exterior – pertaining to or connected with what is outside extreme workerless inquiline – workerless inquiline (permanent social parasite without workers) that has undergone severe morphological adaptations like pupoid males, degeneration of the mouthparts and some glands, development of some glands used for attracting host-workers. Examples of extreme workerless inquilines include the species Anergates atratulus aka Anergates friedlandi, Tetramorium microgyna, Tetramorium parasiticum, Pheidole neokohli, Pheidole acutidens, and Pheidole argentina. The species of Teleutomyrmex falls under this category but they also fall under the group of ‘social ectoparasites’. [See also inquiline, workerless inquiline, and social ectoparasite] F femur – the single segment connecting the trochanter to the tibia on an insect’s leg [See also trochanter andtibia] flagellum (pl. flagella) – the part of the antenna beyond the elongated basal segment, or scape. Primitively, it has 11 segments in females and 12 in males, but in many ant genera these numbers of segments are reduced in at least the females. fluon – a chemical known as Polytetrafluoroethylene. In ant keeping, the liquid form is used as a barrier keeping ants from escaping open-top outworlds. It is sometimes referred to as PTFE or the brand name ‘insect-a-slip’. fire ant – a variety of stinging ants with over 280 species worldwide belonging to the genus Solenopsis. Also, another stinging species native to Europe (but invasive in other parts of the world) Myrmica rubra is sometimes referred to as the European fire ant. forage – to wander in search of food or provisions formic acid – also called methanoic acid, it is the simplest carboxylic acid. Its formula is HCOOH or HCO2H. It is an important intermediate in chemical synthesis and occurs naturally, most notably in bee and ant venom, used primarily for attacking and defense. There are some species which lack the ability to spray it, however these species usually have stingers. formicarium (pl. formicaria) – the technical term for an enclosure that acts as a nest for an ant colony, designed for housing ants for the purposes of observation or study. The first commercially-sold formicarium was introduced around 1929 and patented in 1931 by Frank Austin, an inventor and professor at the Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College. Austin included painted or wooden scenes of palaces, farms, and other settings above the ground level, for a whimsical look. They are more commonly called ant farms [See also ant farm]. Formicidae – the taxonomic family to which ants belong ~ 71 ~ Formicinae – a subfamily of ants with genera whose members have only one waist segment, and produce chemicals like formic acid. They lack a stinger. founding chamber – the fully or partially enclosed living quarters assumed by a newly mated queen ant, where a young colony of first-born workers (nanitics) is reared by the queen. In fully-claustral species of ants it is a chamber (usually underground or in wood) that is completely sealed off, and the queen never leaves this chamber. As the colony expands, the workers pioneer and extend the living space of the founding chamber by excavating tunnels, which eventually gives rise to a full ant nest. [See also claustral cell] fully-claustral – describes a queen who seals herself up entirely in a chamber during the initial stages of colony founding. She fasts and lives off energy stored in her wing muscles until her first workers arrive. fungal grower – ant species which specialize on feeding from fungus grown in their nest reared from organic material, e.g. pieces of plant matter as seen in leaf-cutter ants belonging to the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. The type of material gathered above ground to culture their fungal gardens depends on the species. There is even a fungal grower species which cultures fungal gardens from collected caterpillar droppings. fungivore – an animal which eats fungus G gamergate – a functional queen that looks externally like a worker. ganglion (pl. ganglia) – a mass of nerve tissue that controls various functions like movement. In insects, it typically runs down the center of the body, which is why many insects are still capable of movement even if they are physically split in half or decapitated. gaster – the metasoma or sometimes called abdomen. However, because ants along with wasps and bees are distinguished from other insects including those belonging to the other suborder (Symphyta) within Hymenoptera, by the narrow “waist” (petiole) formed between the first two segments of the actual abdomen (the first abdominal segment is fused to the thorax, and is called the propodeum), it is general practice, when discussing the body of an ant, wasp, or bee in a technical sense, to refer to the mesosoma and metasoma (or “gaster”) rather than the “thorax” and “abdomen,” respectively. gelfarm – a toy antfarm which uses a gel medium for the ants to dig and also provides worker ants sustenance. The formula for the gel is derived from a NASA experiment and contains electrolytes for workers to stay alive. It was released by a company called Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.. under the product name Antworks. The gelfarms are sold commercially worldwide as a novelty product, but have yet to be accepted in the pro-ant keeping global community as a long-term, healthy habitat for housing whole ant colonies. Its design caters to keeping worker ants belonging to Pogonomyrmex or Messor (which can be ordered in the mail from the company) alive and housed for the length of their lifespans. [See also Antworks and Uncle Milton Industries, Inc.] gemmae (sing. gemma) – defined by Holldobler and Wilson in The Superorganism 2009 as a pair of small, club-like thoracic appendages covered with sensory hairs richly endowed with exocrine cells. The function of these glands is not ~ 72 ~ known, but it is likely that they secrete chemical functions inducing the mutilation process. These glandular organs are located approximately where wings would be in an alate queen. They are found on Diacamma ponerine ants. In these ants, when workers eclose in a nest with an established and fertile reproductive female (known as the gamergate), their nestmates immediately sever the gemmae. Amputation of the gemmae evidently causes psychological and morphological changes in the central nervous system that directs the transition from aggressive to timid behavior. [See also gamergate] genotype – the genetic constitution of a cell, an organism, or an individual (i.e. the specific allele makeup of the individual) usually with reference to a specific character under consideration. genus (pl. genera) – a low-level taxonomic rank used in the classification of living and fossil organisms. In a scientific name it precedes the species. Examples of genera are Camponotus, Crematogaster, Myrmica, Lasius, and Formica. granivore – animal that feeds on grains, nuts, and seeds gynandromorph – an organism that contains both male and female characteristics. The term gynandromorph, from Greek “gyne” female and “andro” male, is mainly used in the field of Lepidopterology (butterfly/moth study) or entomology (all insects). Gynandromorphism has been observed in ant species like Myrmica rubra where very isolated ants appeared to have both male and female parts. gyne – a queen ant H habitat – the natural environment of an organism; place that is natural for the life and growth of an organism Habitat Nest – the signature nest of AntsCanada, it is an original formicarial product pioneered, engineered, and invented by AntsCanada in 2009. The Habitat Nest’s solid, cement-type base contains pre-excavated chambers and tunnels. The inside of the Habitat Nests possess properties of soil, lined with a gravel layer as well as a state-of-the-art water absorbent layer developed by AntsCanada known as Soakstone©. This dual layer within the habitat nests allows the colonies to be completely hydrated while allowing the ants to customize their living space without being able to burrow away from the glass. It is 100% mold resistant and is the most naturalistic formicarium available in the pet trade today. In 2010, The AntsCanada Habitat Nests were used to film a nature documentary with ants for The Discovery Channel. hamulus (pl. hamuli) – hooks on the front side of the hind-wing between the fore and hind wings of an adult ant alate, wasp, bee, or similar insect. haploid – A cell or an organism having half the number of chromosomes in somatic cells. In ants, all male ants are haploid, containing half the number of chromosomes of females ants (i.e. workers and queens). The number of chromosomes determines ant sex, therefore an unmated queen can actually give birth to young, but because she would lack a male’s sperm to complete the full number of chromosomes and create diploid females, the young would all be haploid, and be males. ~ 73 ~ harvester ant – common name given to ant species that gather grains and seeds (i.e. granivorous), typically belonging to genera like Pogonomyrmex and Messor hebel brick – a porous, cement material which is water absorbent and is often used to create formicaria, by way of carving tunnels and chambers into the cement. Hebel brick, and similar material, is also known under other names such as autoclaved aerated cement (AAC) and Ytong. hemolymph – a fluid in the body cavities and tissues of invertebrates, in arthropods functioning as blood. heterotroph – an organism requiring organic compounds for its principal source of food, e.g. animals and fungi herbivore – animal which eats plants or plant matter hibernation – a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and lower metabolic rate. Hibernating animals conserve food, especially during winter when food is short, tapping energy reserves, body fat, at a slow rate. histogenesis – the process of growth by the remaining cells in the transforming insect within a pupa, using the nutrients from the broken down larva that resulted from histolysis. [See also histolysis] histolysis – the process of excreting digestive juices while inside the pupa, to destroy much of the larva’s body, leaving a few cells intact and providing the nutrients needed for histogenesis [See also histogenesis]. It also is the process where the flight-muscles of a colony-founding queen are broken down to be converted to larval food (or food for the founding queen herself!). holometabolism – the type of metamorphosis where the larvae differ markedly from the adults. Insects which undergo holometabolism pass through a larval stage, then enter an inactive state called pupa, or chrysalis, and finally emerge as adults. Holometabolism is also known as “complete” and “complex” metamorphosis. Ants are insects which undergo holometabolism. honeydew – a sugary material secreted by aphids, leafhoppers, scale insects, psyllids, and other homopterous insects, which are often relished by ants honeypot ant – common name for ant species within five different genera most notably Myrmecocystus known for their repletes, which are gorged with food by workers, to the point that their abdomens swell enormously, a condition called plerergate. Other ants then extract nourishment from them. They function essentially as living larders. host – In biology, a host is an organism that harbors a parasite (that is, a virus, a bacterium, a protozoan, or a fungus), or a mutual or commensal symbiont, typically providing nourishment, support, and/or shelter. In botany, a host plant is one that supplies food resources and substrate for certain insects or other fauna. In ants, it typically refers to a species whose colony is the target of social parasitic or slave-making ants, however it can also refer to the species inside/outside the body of which a parasite receives nourishment and shelter. [See also social parasite and slavery] hydric – describes a habitat or soil that is formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part. It is one of a triad of terms to describe the amount of water in a habitat. The others are xeric and mesic. [See also xeric and mesic] ~ 74 ~ hydrostone – brand name given to a plaster product very similar to plaster-ofParis but more mold resistant. Hydrostone is sometimes used to create formicaria, however, like plaster-of-Paris, also grows mold in time. Hymenoptera – one of the largest orders of insects, comprising the sawflies, wasps, bees, and ants. There are over 130,000 recognised species, with many more remaining to be described. The name refers to the heavy wings of the insects, and is derived from the Ancient Greek humen meaning ‘membrane’ and pteron meaning ‘wing’. The hind wings are connected to the forewings by a series of hooks called hamuli. hyperparasite – a parasite whose host is a parasite. An example of a hyperparasitic ant species is Lasius fuliginosus, which parasitizes the social parasitic species Lasius umbratus, which parasitizes the host species Lasius niger. [See also social parasite] I indigenous – describes having originated in and being produced, growing, or living naturally in a particular region or environment inferior – in anatomy, describes being lower in place or position; situated below another inquiline – a permanent social parasite inquilinism – the relationship where a social parasite is dependent on a host species for as long as the colony exists. Without the host-species’ workers, the colony will disappear. Inquilinism can be observed in species like Polyergus rufescens (employs dulosis.), Strongylognathus alpinus (also employs dulosis.),Strongylognathus testaceus (no dulosis; the workers are useless; when the host-workers die, the colony disappears.), Myrmoxenus kraussei (no dulosis; the workers are useless; when the host-workers die, the colony disappears.), Myrmoxenus stumperi (employs dulosis.). [See also dulosis] insect – animals within the class Insecta [See Insecta] insect-a-slip – brand name given to the liquid form of the chemical known as Polytetrafluoroethylene. In ant keeping, it is used as a barrier keeping ants from escaping open top outworlds. It is sometimes referred to as PTFE or fluon. Insecta – a taxonomic class within the arthropods that have a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and two antennae. They are among the most diverse group of animals on the planet and include more than a million described species and represent more than half of all known living organisms. The number of extant species is estimated at between six and ten million, and potentially represent over 90% of the differing metazoan life forms on Earth. Insects may be found in nearly all environments, although only a small number of species occur in the oceans, a habitat dominated by another arthropod group, the crustaceans. insectivore – animal which eats insects instar – the stage in the development of an arthropod between any two moults. Ants have 3 – 5 larval instar stages. The shed skin is chewed into a small pellet and fed to the larva that shed it or to another larva. interior – of or pertaining to that which is within ~ 75 ~ invasive – describes being not native to, and also tending to spread widely in a habitat or environment. Invasive species often have few natural predators or other biological controls in their new environment. Although not always considered harmful to an environment, invasive species can become agricultural or ecological pests and can displace native species from their habitats. Invasive species are often introduced to an environment unintentionally. An examples of invasive species include Solenopsis invicta (also known as RIFA or Red Imported Fire Ants) and Linepithema humile (also known as Argentine ants). invertebrate – an animal without a backbone. The group includes 95% of all animal species, and include all animals except those in the chordate subphylum Vertebrata which encompass fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. J jack jumper ant – common name for the species Myrmecia pilosula; they are also known as the hopper ant, jumper ant, or jumping jack and are a species of bull ant native to Australia. Their characteristic jumping motion when in an agitated state gave them their name. jerdon’s jumping ant – common name for the species Harpegnathos saltator K karyotype – A characterization of the number and shapes of the chromosomes of an ant (or any) species. Karyotype studies have revealed cryptic species in several ant genera, including Myrmecia & Aphaenogaster. The former genus is of interest in that karyotypes of the various species span the full range of chromosome numbers for ants, with haploid numbers ranging from 1 to 47 (or a total of 4-94 per cell). kinopsis – the alarm communication or recruitment mediated by the sight of categories of kin L larva (pl. larvae) – a distinct juvenile form many animals undergo before metamorphosis into adults. Animals with indirect development such as insects, amphibians, or cnidarians typically have a larval phase of their life cycle. Larva is Latin for “ghost.” The larva’s appearance is generally very different from the adult form, and a larva often has unique structures and larval organs that do not occur in the adult form. In ants they molt three to five times before pupating. [See also pupation] LC50 – a standardized measure for expressing and comparing the toxicity of gaseous chemicals and toxins, but is otherwise the same as LD50 [See LD50]. LD50 – a standardized measure for expressing and comparing the toxicity of chemicals. The LD 50 or LC 50 is the dose that kills half (50%) of the animals tested. LD = “lethal dose”. ~ 76 ~ leaf-cutter ant – fungal grower species which specialize on feeding from fungus grown in their nest cultured from chewed up pieces of plant matter. Examples of leaf-cutter ants include those belonging to the genera Atta and Acromyrmex. [See also fungal-grower] legionary ant – army ant [See also army ant] M major – a larger caste of worker ant in polymorphic ant species that is characterized by its extra-large head and greater size. They typically specialize in tasks requiring extra mandible muscles like defense, attacking, carrying, manipulation of objects, and in some species the cracking open of seeds, etc. [See also polymorphism] mandibles – sometimes referred to as jaws, a pair of appendages near an insect’s mouth, and the most anterior of the three pairs of oral appendages. Their function is typically to grasp, crush, or cut the insect’s food, or to defend against predators or rivals. Insect mandibles, which appear to be evolutionarily derived from legs, move in the horizontal plane unlike those of vertebrates, which appear to be derived from gill arches and move vertically. Marabunta – South American name for army ant [See also army ant] maxillary palp – appendages under the head meconium – the fecal pellet excreted by a mature larva right before pupation. Larvae only defecate once in their entire life and it is when the meconium is expelled. This happens inside the cocoon and appears as a visible black dot on the cocoon tip. media – the middle-sized caste of worker ant in polymorphic ant species, possessing characteristics of an ordinary worker ant. They are smaller than majors but larger than minors. [See also polymorphism] mesic – In ecology, describes a type of habitat with a moderate or well-balanced supply of moisture. Mesic is one of a triad of terms to describe the amount of water in a habitat. The others are xeric and hydric. [See also xeric and hydric] mesonotum – second segment of the mesosoma mesosoma – the middle part of the body, or tagma, of arthropods whose body is composed of three parts, the other two being the prosoma and the metasoma. It bears the legs, and, in the case of winged insects, the wings. In Apocrita Hymenoptera (wasps, bees and ants), it consists of the three thoracic segments and the first abdominal segment (the propodeum). For historical reasons, in ants it is commonly referred to by the alternative name alitrunk. metamorphosis – a biological process by which an animal physically develops after birth or hatching, involving a conspicuous and relatively abrupt change in the animal’s body structure through cell growth and differentiation. There are two main types of metamorphosis in insects, hemimetabolism (also called incomplete metamorphosis) and holometabolism (complete metamorphosis). [See also holometabolism] metanotum – the third mesonotal segment. The metanotum is visible in winged ants, and as a narrow, transverse sclerite in many workers [See mesonotum]. metasoma – the gaster or abdomen portion of an ant, bee, or wasp. [see also gaster] ~ 77 ~ microhabitat – small-scale localized environment of a particular organism or population. A microhabitat is often a smaller habitat within a larger one. For example, a fallen log inside a forest can provide microhabitat for insects that are not found in the wider forest habitat outside such logs. A microhabitat can be big or small depending on how much it varies. midden – the room or rooms of an ant colony where the trash is taken mimicry – the close external resemblance of an organism, the mimic, to some different organism, the model, such that the mimic benefits from the mistaken identity, as seeming to be unpalatable or harmful. One form of mimicry, where the mimic lacks the defensive capabilities of its ‘model’, is known as Batesian mimicry (e.g. a harmless aegeria moth which is a mimic of the stinging yellow jacket wasp). A second form of mimicry, known as Mullerian mimicry, occurs when two organisms share the same anti-predation defence and mimic each other, to the benefit of both species (e.g. honeybees and yellow jacket wasps are Mullerian mimics, both of which display the black and yellow stripes which many predators may know to avoid). There exist a family of jumping spiders belonging to the genus Myrmarachne which mimic ants by waving their front legs in the air to simulate antennae. Some species also look strikingly like an ant. minor – the smallest caste of worker ant in polymorphic ant species. Characterized by its tiny size, it specializes in handling and caring for the young, the queen, and simple nest duties. monogynous – describes a species that only sustains one queen in a single colony. Examples of monogynous species include Pogonomyrmex californicus and Camponotus pennsylvanicus. monogyny – the behavioural trait of a species to sustain only one queen in a single colony. Examples of monogynous species include Pogonomyrmex californicus and Camponotus pennsylvanicus. monomorphism – in biology occurs when there is only one phenotype that exist in the same population of a species, i.e. the occurrence of one form or morph. In ants, it describes one existing form, particularly of the worker caste. Examples of this include species belonging to the genera Myrmica, Tetramorium, and Formica. Holldobler and Wilson in The Superorganism describe monomorphism as the existence in a colony of only a single worker subcaste. An entire species can be monomorphic, as well. Examples of monomorphic ant species include the species Pristomyrmex pugens which lacks a queen caste, where all the members of the colony look the same and every worker is capable of laying eggs even without mating with a male (via a process known as ‘parthenogenesis’). Species belonging to the genus Dinoponera is also an entirely monomorphic species lacking a queen caste. Also, ants belonging to the genera Diacamma are monomorphic as they do have a queen caste but she looks exactly like the workers. Myrmarachne – a genus of jumping spiders which imitate an ant by waving their front legs in the air to simulate antennae. Some species also look strikingly like an ant. Spiders in this genus are commonly called “ant mimicking spiders”, although there are many other spiders that mimic ants. myrmecochory – the process of plant seed dispersal by ants. myrmecologist – someone who studies ants ~ 78 ~ myrmecology – the scientific study of ants myrmecophilia – the love of ants; ‘ant love’ as coined by AntsCanada in 2009. myrmecophobia – the irrational fear of ants Myrmecos Blog – a popular blog [Myrmecos.net] by acclaimed biologist, researcher and photographer Alexander Wild Myrmicinae – a subfamily of ants with genera whose members have two waist segments. They possess a stinger. N nanitics – the first set of workers raised by the queen which pioneer the fledging ant colony. In most species they are characterized by their smaller size than typical workers and they often do not live as long as typical workers. necrophagy – a carnivorous feeding behaviour in which a predator consumes corpses or carrion that were not killed to be eaten by the predator or others of its species [See also scavenger] nest – a place or structure in which birds, fishes, insects, reptiles, mice, etc., lay eggs or give birth to young; a number of animals of the same species and their young occupying a common habitat nest cycling – the AntsCanada-recommended routine but infrequent (e.g. once a year or once every two years) replacement of a colony’s formicarium, for the purpose of colony hygiene nomadic – the characteristic of tending to relocate living area. An example of nomadic ants include ants belonging to the genus Dorylus, the colonies of which are constantly moving and are set up in very temporary nest sites before moving to a new location. nomadic phase – A phase in which a colony moves almost every day from one bivouac to another one. The queen’s gaster is contracted to protect the delicate intersegmental membranes during the moves. No egg-laying. During this phase there are big daily raids to collect lots of food for the developing larvae. This is common in ants belonging to the genus Dorylus, for instance. nuptial flight – a special time period when alates (or the reproductive males and females who are born with wings) engage in mating. For every species it takes place at a specific time every year. Some species fly twice a year (e.g. Spring and Fall). The male alates die shortly after mating and female alates break off their wings and venture off to seek a suitable location to found her colony as the queen. nursemaid – the smallest caste of worker in polymorphic ant species, synonymous to the word ‘minor’, which specialize in caring for the young and queen [see also minor and polymorphism] O ocellus (pl. ocelli) – the simple eye of insects and some other invertebrates, consisting basically of light-sensitive cells ~ 79 ~ oligogyny -The living together of a very small number of queens in an ant nest. These are spaced out throughout the nest because the queens are hostile to each other. [See also pleometrosis] outworld – an enclosure separate from the main nest area which is designed to create a living area for a captive ant colony for foraging and hunting. It provides the ants with an outer world or environment outside of the main nest where workers forage for food. It is usually connected to a formicarium through tubing or other means and may or may not be completely sealed. Some refer to it as the basin [See also formicarium] P parthenogenesis – a form of asexual reproduction found in females, where growth and development of embryos occurs without fertilization by a male. The word originates from the Greek parthenos meaning “virgin” and genesis meaning “birth”. Ants that undergo parthenogenesis include the species Pristomyrmex pugens. patrollers – ants that travel restlessly throughout the colony switching tasks as needed pavement ant – common name given to ants belonging to the genus Tetramorium known for nesting under and around pavements and sidewalks in an urban environment permanent social parasite – known as an inquiline or inquiline parasite, it is a social parasite that is dependent on a slave species for as long as the colony exists. Without the slave-species’ workers, the colony will disappear. Inquilinism can be observed in species like Polyergus rufescens (employs dulosis), Strongylognathus alpinus (also employs dulosis), Strongylognathus testaceus (no dulosis; the workers are useless; when the slave-workers die, the colony disappears.), Myrmoxenus kraussei (no dulosis; the workers are useless; when the slave-workers die, the colony disappears.), Myrmoxenus stumperi (employs dulosis.). [See also dulosis and inquilinism] petiole – the stem formed by a restricted abdominal segment which connects the thorax with the gaster (the remaining abdominal segments often referred to as simply ‘abdomen’) in ants and some bees and wasps. phenotype – any observable characteristic or trait of an organism: such as its morphology, development, biochemical or physiological properties, behavior, and products of behavior (such as a bird’s nest). Phenotypes result from the expression of an organism’s genes as well as the influence of environmental factors and the interactions between the two. pheromone – secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species. Pheromones are chemicals capable of acting outside the body of the secreting individual to impact the behavior of the receiving individual. It is the primary mode of communication in ants and other insects. physogastrism (adj. physogastric) – the condition of a queen’s gaster enlarging and becoming extremely swollen with eggs, i.e. ‘termite gaster’ [See also termite gaster] ~ 80 ~ plaster nest – formicarium made from plaster-of-Paris. In the past it was a common method for housing ant colonies, however the disadvantage with using plaster-of-Paris for a nest is its propensity to grow mold. Many use hydrostone which is similar to plaster-of-Paris but more mold resistant. Hydrostone, however, also grows mold in time. pleometrosis – the process of one or more queens banding together to raise a colony specifically during the founding stage. The advantage of this is that it increases the chance of colony success. In many pleometrotic ants, when the first set of workers arrive the queens fight, resulting in death of all but one queen, until one dominant queen is left. [See also oligogyny]. plerergate – a condition in repletes (i.e. living storage worker ants) where their abdomens swell enormously [See also honeypot ant and replete] poikilothermy – the characteristic of having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of the surroundings. It is often referred to in laymen’s terms as ‘cold-bloodedness’. Examples of poikilothermic organisms include reptiles, amphibians, and insects, which of course includes ants. Ponerinae – subfamily of ants that possess an ill-defined postpetiole that connects to the gaster with a large surface area. They also tend to be either specialized predators and or almost completely subterranean. polygynous – describes a species that harmoniously sustain more than one queen in a single colony. Examples of polygynous species include Solenopsis invicta and Camponotus vicinus. polygyny – the trait of a species to harmoniously sustain more than one queen in a single colony. Examples of polygynous species include Solenopsis invicta and Camponotus vicinus. polymorphism – in biology occurs when two or more clearly different phenotypes exist in the same population of a species, i.e. the occurrence of more than one form or morph. In ants, it describes the various existing forms, particularly of the worker caste. Examples of polymorphic ant species include ants belonging to the genera Camponotus and Pheidole which possess varying sizes and shapes of workers that specialize in various tasks. polyphyletic – relating to or characterized by development from more than one ancestral type. post-petiole – body part that is present in some ants; it is a constricted third abdominal segment posterior – situated behind or at the rear of pronotum – the first segment of the mesosoma [See mesosoma] propodeum – the first abdominal segment in wasps, bees and ants. It is fused with the thorax to form the mesosoma. It is a single large sclerite, not subdivided, and bears a pair of spiracles. It is strongly constricted posteriorly to form the articulation of the petiole, and gives ants, bees, and wasps their distinctive shape. prosoma – a term which means the head of an insect, but also refers to the first (anterior) major body section in arachnids and malacostracan crustaceans. PTFE – a chemical known as Polytetrafluoroethylene. In ant keeping, the liquid form is used as a barrier keeping ants from escaping open top outworlds. It is sometimes referred to as fluon or the brand name ‘insect-a-slip’. ~ 81 ~ pumice nest – original formicarium pioneered, engineered, and invented by AntsCanada in 2009 created from pumice stone, which is fashioned from volcanic rock. It contains pre-excavated tunnels and chambers and possesses a watering system. which keeps the entire nest humid, even though the pumice material itself is not particularly water absorbent. It is perfectly non-reactive and 100% mold resistant. pupa (pl. pupae) – the life stage of some insects undergoing transformation. The pupal stage is found only in holometabolous insects, those that undergo a complete metamorphosis, going through four life stages; embryo, larva, pupa and imago. In ants pupae may further be enclosed in cocoons as seen in ants belonging to the subfamily Formicinae. pupation – the process where a larva becomes a pupa pupate – the act of pupation where a larva becomes a pupa Q queen – an adult, reproducing female member of an ant colony and typically the mother of all the other ants in that colony. The term also applies to bees, wasps, and termites. R red ant – common name given to several reddish-coloured ant species including those belonging to the genera Myrmica and Solenopsis. repletes – designated worker ants that act as living storage vessels, and store food in their crop, resulting in an engorged abdomen. Honeypot ants belonging to the genus Myrmecocystus are notorious for their large repletes which hang from the nest ceilings and provide the colony sustenance during periods of short food supply. RIFA – acronym for “Red Imported Fire Ant” which refers to the invasive species Solenopsis invicta [See also invasive] rugae – wrinkles, folds. Examples include rugae of the stomach and rugae of the forehead. S saprophagy – the behaviour of feeding on dead or decaying organic matter satellite nest – an additional established nest location separate from the main nest scape – the elongated basal segment of an ant’s antenna scavenger – an animal, such as a bird or insect, that feeds on dead or decaying matter semi-claustral – describes a queen who does not seal herself up entirely in a chamber during the initial stages of colony founding. The queens still lays her eggs and rears her young in a private chamber, but also continues to forage or hunt for food above ground throughout the process until her first workers arrive. ~ 82 ~ An example of semi-claustral ants include queens belonging to Pogonomyrmex, Myrmica, and Myrmecia. semi-nomadic – describes the characteristic of tending to relocate living area on a regular basis. Examples of semi-nomadic ants include ants belonging to the genera Myrmica and Pheidologeton which set up temporary nest sites before moving the entire colony to a new location slave-making species – a species that uses workers of a host slave ant species to perform everyday tasks of the mixed colony, e.g. nest construction, caring for the young, hunting, defense, etc. Slave species workers mature from brood, usually pupae, gathered by the slave-making species during brood-robbing raids. slave species – a species whose workers are used as host for a slave-making ant species. Slave species workers mature from brood, usually pupae, gathered by the slave-making species during brood-robbing raids. Slave species perform everyday tasks of the mixed colony, e.g. nest construction, caring for the young, hunting, defense, etc. slavery – the use of a slave species for the survival of the colony. Soakstone™ – a material engineered and developed by AntsCanada found in AntsCanada Habitat Nests™. It is a cement-like material which is water absorbent, 100% mold resistant, safe for ants, and is the cutting-edge component to all products of the AntsCanada Habitat series. [See also Habitat Nest] social ectoparasite – an extreme, workerless inquiline (permanent social parasite that has undergone specific morphological changes) that are totally adapted to be carried by the host-queens (or host-workers.). They have great difficulty walking. Examples of social ectoparasites include the species Teleutomyrmex schneideri and Teleutomyrmex kutteri. [See also extreme workerless inquiline] social parasite – describes a queen who does not begin her colony on her own but rather specializes in taking over a host colony, killing the resident queen, and taking the initial queen’s place as the colony queen. Her biological young eventually make up the colony as her foster workers die away. Many social parasites have a specific host species. An example of a social parasitic ant is Lasius claviger. social stomach – also known as the ‘crop’ where food is initially stored and processed before being fed to other members of the colony via mouth-to-mouth transfer [See also trophallaxis] soldier – the larger caste of worker in polymorphic ant species, synonymous to the word ‘major’, which specialize in defense and duties requiring greater mandible power [see also major and polymorphism] sp. (pl. spp.) – abbreviation used when the actual specific scientific species name cannot or need not be specified. The abbreviation “spp.” (plural) indicates “several species”. These are not italicised (or underlined). For example, “Camponotus sp.” means “an unspecified species of the genus Camponotus“, while “Camponotus spp.” means “two or more species of the genus Camponotus.” species (pl. species) – one of the basic units of biological classification and a taxonomic rank. A species is often defined as a group of organisms capable of interbreeding and producing fertile offspring. While in many cases this definition ~ 83 ~ is adequate, more precise or differing measures are often used, such as similarity of DNA, morphology or ecological niche. Presence of specific locally adapted traits may further subdivide species into subspecies. In standard biological nomenclature, in the name Camponotus noveboracensis, “noveboracensis” is considered the species, while “Camponotus” is the genus, although when stating the scientific name of a species, it is a rule to state both the genus and the species and to italicize when in writing. [See also subspecies] spermatheca – the organ where the queen stores sperm. spiracles – openings in the body of many arthropods that allow for breathing. In ants, they are found on the propodeum, petiole, postpetiole and gastral segments. ssp. (pl. sspp.) – abbreviation used to indicate an unspecified subspecies. Same as subsp. [See also subsp.] stationary phase – a phase in which a colony rests in a fixed bivouac. The queen’s gaster expands so she can lay a lot of eggs in a very short period. The brood is in the pupal stage. When the eggs hatch and the callow workers emerge, a new nomadic phase starts. This is commonly observed in ants belonging to the genus Dorylus, for instance. stridulation – the production of sound in insects typically through the rapid rubbing together of body parts, e.g. wings in crickets subsp. (pl. subspp.) – abbreviation used to indicate an unspecified subspecies. Same as ssp. [See also ssp.] subspecies – (commonly abbreviated subsp. or ssp.) in biological classification, it is either a taxonomic rank subordinate to species, or a taxonomic unit in that rank. A subspecies cannot be recognized in isolation. In other words, a species will either be recognized as having no subspecies at all or two or more, never just one. The differences between subspecies are usually less distinct than the differences between species, but more distinct than the differences between races or breeds. The characteristics attributed to subspecies generally have evolved as a result of geographical distribution or isolation. [See also species] submajor – a caste of major worker ant in polymorphic ant species that is larger than an ordinary worker but smaller than an ordinary major. They are characterized by their large major-like heads. [See also major and polymorphism]. superior – in anatomy, describes being higher in place or position; situated above another supermajor – the largest caste of worker ant in polymorphic ant species that is larger than an ordinary major, characterized by its great size and extra-large head. [see also major and polymorphism] symbiosis – close and often long-term interactions between different biological species. In ants, an example of a symbiotic relationship includes ants and ant woodlice, a small white crustacean found in ant nests. The ants benefit from the ant woodlice because the ant woodlice feed on ant feces and nest fungus, while the ants provide the ant woodlice shelter and protection. This example of symbiosis is known as mutualism, where both parties involved benefit from each other’s existence. Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship where only one party benefits from the other’s existence and the other party is unaffected or isn’t significantly helped (e.g. the relationship between dung beetles and the ~ 84 ~ elephants that excrete the dung). Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship where one party benefits from the other’s existence while the other is negatively impacted or loses (e.g. the relationship between dog and dog fleas). T tarsus (pl. tarsi) – the segments connecting to the tibia on an insect’s leg. The tarsus are usually composed of three to seven segments, and make up the end of the leg. In ants they are the maximal five segments [See also tibia] taxonomy – the practice and science of classification. In biology, it refers to the scientific classification of organisms by biological type, e.g. genus or species. Tenebrio molitor – the scientific name of the species of flour beetle whose larvae (known as the mealworm) is a common feeder insect for pet reptiles and birds. Many ant keepers feed them to ants. termite gaster – a condition, coined by AntsCanada, describing a greatly bloated gaster of a queen ant due to being filled with eggs, especially during the founding stage. For ant keepers with a freshly caught dealate, it is a good sign that a queen has been successfully inseminated during nuptial flight. The technical term to describe a queen with termite gaster is ‘physogastrism’ [See also physogastrism]. test tube portal – original product invented, manufactured, and sold at AntsCanada which allows for the connection between two test tubes or between a test tube and a formicarium, outworld, or flexible tubing. The product allows for breathing due to a cotton plug. test tube setup – housing commonly used by ant keepers to house captive dealates (young queens) in the founding stage of colony development. It consists of a test tube with a water portion sectioned off to the end of the test tube by a cotton ball, and the opening plugged with another cotton ball. When the cotton molds or the water runs out, then the queen and colony is moved to a new setup. thermoregulation – the maintenance or regulation of temperature, specifically, the maintenance of a particular temperature of the living body. Ants thermoregulate by relocating themselves and the young to warmer areas when they are too cold and cooler areas when they are too hot, a process known as ectothermy [See also ectothermy]. tibia – the single segment connecting the femur to the tarsus on an insect’s leg [See also femur and tarsus] trachea – in invertebrates, refers to the open respiratory system composed of spiracles, tracheae, and tracheoles that terrestrial arthropods have evolved to transport metabolic gases to and from tissues. [See also spiracles and tracheole] tracheole – a fine respiratory tube of the trachea of an insect [See also trachea] trimorphic – in ants, describes a species that has a minor, major, and supermajor caste, e.g. Pheidole species trochanter – the single segment connecting the coxa to the femur on an insect’s leg [See also coxa and femur] trophallaxis – the process of exchanging food, often in a liquid form, that is stored in the social stomach (crop), via mouth to mouth regurgitation and transfer between members of a colony. ~ 85 ~ trophic egg – egg that is mainly produced for food trophic level – any class of organisms that occupy the same position in a food chain, as primary consumers, secondary consumers, tertiary consumers, etc. U Ultimate Ants & Myrmecology Facebook Group – the largest ant-dedicated group on Facebook, hosted by AntsCanada and Bustos Entertainment, Inc. Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. – a company which manufactures and distributes a large line of toys and novelty products for housing living things. They are the creators of “Uncle Milton’s Ant Farm”, for which ants (usually a Pogonomyrmex or Messor species) are sent to the purchaser through the mail (just workers and no queen), upon receipt of the coupon enclosed with the ant farm. They also manufacture gelfarms under the product name “Antworks”. Uncle Milton Industries, Inc. is based in Westlake Village, California, and has sold over 20 million ant farms since 1956 and which owns the brand name “Ant Farm”. These types of formicaria are for observing worker ants and their effectiveness in serious ant propagation is limited. Uncle Milton ant products have yet to be accepted by the serious ant keeping community as a proper home for the healthy, long term rearing of ant colonies. [See also Antworks and gelfarm] unfertilized – in ant keeping, describes being unmated or unsuccessfully inseminated V velvet ants – insects belonging to the family Mutillidae. They are in fact not ants but are wasps whose wingless females resemble ants. Their common name velvet ant refers to their dense hair which may be red, black, white, silver, or gold. They are known for their extremely painful sting, facetiously said to be strong enough to kill a cow, hence the common name cow killer or cow ant is applied to some species. The earliest-known velvet ants are specimens from the Dominican Republic preserved in amber some 25 to 40 million years ago. ventral – situated on or toward the lower, abdominal plane of the body; equivalent to the front, or anterior, in humans; of or pertaining to the venter or belly W weaver ants – tropical arboreal ants belonging to the genus Oecophylla which are known to use the silk produced from their larvae to bind leaves together to create nests that hang amongst foliage. white woodlouse – a tiny blind, eyeless white crustacean that lives in ant nests and feeds on ant droppings and fungus. Its scientific name is Platyarthrus hoffmannseggi and is also known as an ant woodlouse. They are only found in ant nests and rarely come above ground. worker – caste of ant which are infertile daughters to the queen of a colony. They make up the majority of the colony and may or may not specialize in specific ~ 86 ~ tasks including hunting/foraging, nest maintenance, nest construction, defence, nursing of young, etc. workerless inquiline – a permanent social parasite (known as an inquiline) without workers. When all the host-workers die, the colony disappears, e.g. observable in the species Myrmoxenus corsicus and Myrmoxenus adlerzi [See also inquiline]. X Xenobiosis – the relation in which colonies of one species live in the nests of another species and move freely among the hosts, obtaining food from them by regurgitation or other means but still keeping their brood separate xeric – of, relating to, or growing in dry conditions. Deserts are xeric environments. Xeric is one of a triad of terms to describe the amount of water in a habitat. The others are mesic and hydric. [See also mesic and hydric] xerophilic – describes flourishing in or adapted to a hot dry environment. Cataglyphis bombycinus is among the most xerophilic of insects. [See also xerophilous] xerophilous – describes flourishing in or adapted to a hot dry environment. Cataglyphis bombycinus is among the most xerophilous of insects. [See also xerophilic] Y ytong – a porous, cement material which is water absorbent and is often used to create formicaria, by way of carving tunnels and chambers into the cement. Ytong, and similar material, is also known under other names such as autoclaved aerated cement (AAC) and hebel brick. Z zoogeography – the biological study of the geographic distribution of animals, especially the causes and effects of such distribution. Invasive ants might be a subject of such study. zoology – the scientific study of animals Zoophobas morio – the scientific name of the species of darkling beetle, whose larvae are known by the common name ‘superworm’ or ‘zophobas’. Superworms are common in the reptile pet industry. In the search for easy to raise insects to use as food for captive reptiles and amphibians, superworms quickly moved into the spotlight, and have been a staple feeder insect ever since. Many ant keepers feed superworms to their ant colonies. ~ 87 ~