Uploaded by Danika Kaye U. Catamura

Respiratory & Circulatory Systems Overview

- Responsible for taking in oxygen and taking out
carbon dioxide
- Made up of organs that help us breathe
 Process of air exchange
 Happens in the alveoli
 Ventilation – movement of air between the
atmosphere and alveoli
 Perfusion – blood flow through the lungs
 Diffusion – oxygen and carbon dioxide are
transferred between the alveoli and blood
 Regulation – respiratory muscles and nervous
system (regulates depth of respiration),
breathing and heart rate and maintaining
- Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi
- Series of tubes that function as airway
- Filter, warm and humidify air
Cilia and Mucus
- Cilia moves mucus to the pharynx
- Traps and removes dust and pathogens in the
- Filters unknown particles
- Found in trachea and in the nasal cavity
o Filtered air moves to the trachea
- Where air is gathered
- Food and air meets up
- Contains “tonsils”, which normal function is to
fight infections
- Voice box
- Flexible cartilage
- Flap that covers the opening of the trachea of
- Automatically closes the opening of the trachea
during swallowing
Heimlich Maneuver – used to pop out food
Lined with ciliated columnar epithelium and
mucous cells
Empty tube that serves as passageway of air
into the lungs
Composed of hyaline cartilage
- Small air passages
- Composed of hyaline cartilage – glass-like
translucent cartilage
- Lines with mucous membrane -> secrete mucus
and cilia that sweep the mucus and paricles up
and out of the airways
- Two branching tubes that connect the trachea
to the lungs
- Hair-like tubes that connect to the alveoli
- Very thin membrane
- Allows rapid diffusion of oxygen and carbon
dioxide between capillary blood and alveolar air
- Lined with surfactant to prevent alveolar
o Surfactant – mixture of lipids and
proteins and helps in reduction of
surface tension
o Lack of Surfactant – premature infants
can have Respiratory Distress
Syndrome due to immaturity of lungs
and persons with Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- 3 lobes (right); 2 lobes (left)
- Contains bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli
- One of the largest muscles
- Used in the process of inspiration
- Inhale, diaphragm contracts
- Exhale, diaphragm relaxes
- Thin membrane covering the lungs
Intercostal Muscles
- Found between ribs
- Protects the lungs
Receives impulses from medulla, respiratory
control center
Chest Cavity (Thoracic Cavity)
- Second larhest hollow space
Abdominal Cavity
- Largest hollow space
Contiguous Basal Laminae
- Helps in diffusion of gases
- Layer of extracellular matrix secreted by the
epithelial cells
Lungs expand and contract in response to
changes in pressure inside the chest cavity
Air in ; diaphragm contracts; lungs expand
o Intrapulmonary volume increases,
intrapulonary pressure decreases
 759 mmHg
Air out ; diaphragm relaxes ; lungs contract
o Intrapulmonary volume decreases,
intrapulonary pressure increases
 761 mmHg
Residual Volume
- Leftover air inside the lungs
Vital Capacity
- Maximum amount of air
Tidal Volume
- Amount of air breathed in and out
- Regulates the rate and depth of respiration
- Medulla oblongata is the respiratory control
system of the brain
- Cough reflex is stimulated by nervous system
Disorders of the Respiratory System
- Infections: bronchiolitis or pneumonia
- Allergic disorders
- Inflammatory disorders
- Obstructive airway disorders
o Bronchial pulmonary dysplasia –
premature infants
o Asthma
Manifestation – Asthma
Dyspnea- difficulty in breathing
Chest tightness
Sputum production
Extrinsic Property
- Something that is not essential or inherent
- Ex. Weight
Intrinsic Property
- Something that has of itself, independent
- Ex. Density
the lungs or urinary system to be expelled from the
The cardiovascular system works in conjunction with the
respiratory system to deliver oxygen to the tissues of
the body and remove carbon dioxide. In order to do this
effectively the cardiovascular system is divided into
two circuits, known as the pulmonary circuit and the
systemic circuit.
The pulmonary circuit is made up of the heart, lungs,
pulmonary veins and pulmonary arteries. This circuit
pumps deoxygenated (blue) blood from the heart to the
lungs where it becomes oxygenated (red) and returns to
the heart.
Major Functions of the Cardiovascular System
On this page we take a closer look at the four major
transportation, protection, fluid balance and
The four major functions of the cardiovascular system
To transport nutrients, gases and waste products
around the body
To protect the body from infection and blood loss
To help the body maintain a constant body
temperature (‘thermoregulation’)
4. To help maintain fluid balance within the body
The systemic circuit is made up of the heart and all the
remaining arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and
veins in the body.
1. Transportation of nutrients, gases and waste
The cardiovascular system acts as an internal road
network, linking all parts of the body via a system of
highways (arteries and veins), main roads (arterioles and
venules) and streets, avenues and lanes (capillaries).
This circuit pumps oxygenated (red) blood from the
heart to all the tissues, muscles and organs in the body,
to provide them with the nutrients and gases they need
in order to function.
This network allows a non-stop courier system (the
blood) to deliver and expel nutrients, gases, waste
products and messages throughout the body.
Nutrients such as glucose from digested carbohydrate
are delivered from the digestive tract to the muscles
and organs that require them for energy.
Hormones (chemical messengers) from endocrine glands
are transported by the cardiovascular system to their
target organs, and waste products are transported to
After the oxygen has been delivered the systemic
circuit picks up the carbon dioxide and returns this in
the now deoxygenated (blue) blood, to the lungs, where
it enters the pulmonary circuit to become oxygenated
2. Protection from infection and blood loss
Blood contains three types of cells as listed below and
shown in the adjacent image.
Red blood cells
White blood cells
Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen
around the body to the tissues and organs that need it.
As oxygen enters the blood stream through the alveoli
of the lungs it binds to a special protein in the red blood
cells called haemoglobin. This can be seen in the
adjacent image.
The job of white blood cells is to detect foreign bodies
or infections and envelop and kill them, as seen in the
below image.
When they detect and kill an infection they create
antibodies for that particular infection which enables
the immune system to act more quickly against foreign
bodies or infections it has come into contact with
Platelets are cells which are responsible for clotting the
blood, they stick to foreign particles or objects such as
the edges of a cut.
Platelets connect to fibrinogen (a protein which is
released in the site of the cut) producing a clump that
blocks the hole in the broken blood vessel. On an
external wound this would become a scab.
If the core temperature drops below this range it is
known as hypothermia and if it rises above this range it
is known as hyperthermia.
As temperatures move further into hypo or
hyperthermia they become life threatening. Because of
this the body works continuously to maintain its core
temperature within the healthy range.
This process of temperature regulation in known as
thermoregulation and the cardiovascular system plays
an integral part.
Temperature changes within the body are detected by
sensory receptors called thermoreceptors, which in turn
relay information about these changes to the
hypothalamus in the brain.
When a deviation in temperature is recorded the
hypothalamus reacts by initiating certain mechanisms in
order to regain a safe temperature range. There are
four sites where these adjustments in temperature can
occur, they are:
a. Sweat glands: These glands are instructed to
secrete sweat onto the surface of the skin when either
the blood or skin temperature is detected to be above a
normal safe temperature. This allows heat to be lost
through evaporation and cools the skin so blood that has
been sent to the skin can in turn be cooled.
If the body has a low level of platelets then clotting may
not occur and bleeding can continue.
Excessive blood loss can be fatal – this is why people
with a condition known as haemophilia (low levels or
absence of platelets) need medication otherwise even
minor cuts can become fatal as bleeding continues
without a scab being formed.
Alternatively, if platelet levels are excessively high then
clotting within blood vessels can occur, leading to a
stroke and or heart attack. This is why people with a
history of cardiac problems are often prescribed
medication to keep their blood thin to minimise the risk
of clotting within their blood vessels.
b. Smooth muscle around arterioles: Increases in
temperature result in the smooth muscle in the walls of
arterioles being stimulated to relax causing vasodilation
(increase in diameter of the vessel).
3. Maintenance of constant body temperature
The core temperature range for a healthy adult is
considered to be between 36.1°C and 37.8°C, with 37°C
regarded as the average ‘normal’ temperature.
This in turn increases the volume of blood flow to the
skin, allowing cooling to occur. We see this is in the
adjacent diagram where blood that is normally
concentrated around the core organs is shunted to the
skin to cool when the body is under heat stress.
Hyperhydration on the other hand results from an
excessive intake of water which pushes the normal
balance of electrolytes outside of their safe limits. This
can occur through long bouts of intensive exercise
where electrolytes are not replenished and excessive
amounts of water are consumed.
If however the thermoreceptors detect a cooling of the
blood or skin then the hypothalamus reacts by sending a
message to the smooth muscle of the arteriole walls
causing the arterioles to vasoconstrict (reduce their
diameter), thus reducing the blood flow to the skin and
therefore helping to maintain core body temperature.
c. Skeletal muscle: When a drop in blood temperature
is recorded the hypothalamus can also react by causing
skeletal muscles to start shivering. Shivering is actually
lots of very fast, small muscular contractions which
produce heat to help warm the blood
This can result in the recently consumed fluid rushing
into the body’s cells, causing tissues to swell. If this
swelling occurs in the brain it can put excessive pressure
on the brain stem that may result in seizures, brain
damage, coma or even death.
Dehydration or a loss of body fluid (through sweat,
urination, bleeding etc) results in an increase in ‘blood
tonicity’ (the concentration of substances within the
blood) and a decrease in blood volume. Where as
hyperhydration or a gain in body fluid (intake of water)
usually results in a reduction of blood tonicity and an
increase in blood volume.
d. Endocrine glands: The hypothalamus may trigger the
release of hormones such as thyroxin, adrenalin and
noradrenalin in response to drops in blood temperature.
These hormones all contribute to increasing the bodies
metabolic rate (rate at which the body burns fuel) and
therefore increasing the production of heat.
4. Maintaining fluid balance within the body
Any change in blood tonicity and volume is detected by
the kidneys and osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus.
The cardiovascular system works in conjunction with
other body systems (nervous and endocrine) to balance
the body’s fluid levels. Fluid balance is essential in order
to ensure sufficient and efficient movement of
electrolytes, nutrients and gases through the body’s
Osmoreceptors are specialist receptors that detect
changes in the dilution of the blood. Essentially they
detect if we are hydrated (diluted blood) or dehydrated
(less diluted blood).
When the fluid levels in the body do not balance a state
of dehydration or hyperhydration can occur, both of
which impede normal body function and if left
unchecked can become dangerous or even fatal.
Dehydration is the excessive loss of body fluid, usually
accompanied by an excessive loss of electrolytes.
The symptoms of dehydration include; headaches,
cramps, dizziness, fainting and raised blood pressure
(blood becomes thicker as its volume decreases
requiring more force to pump it around the body).
In response hormones are released and transported by
the cardiovascular system (through the blood) to act on
target tissues such as the kidneys to increase or
decrease urine production.
Another way the
cardiovascular system maintains fluid balance is by
either dilating (widening) or constricting (tightening)
blood vessels to increase or decrease the amount of
fluid that can be lost through sweat.
 Pulmonary Circulation
o Movement of blood from heart to lungs
and back to heart
 Coronary Circulation
Movement of blood throughout the
tissues of the heart
Systemic Circulation
o Movement of blood from heart to the
rest of the body excluding lungs
- Pumps blood throughout the body
4 Chambers
- Atrium – receiving chamber
- Ventricle – forces blood out into the arteries or
Between each atrium and ventricle
Prevents blood from flowing backwards
Control movement of blood into the heart
Blood Vessel
- Carries blood throughout the body
o Arteries – carry blood away from the
o Veins – carry blood to the heart
o Capillaries
 Smallest blood vessels
 Connects smalles arteries to
smallest veins
 Site where gases and nutrients
are exchanged
Inferior vena cava
- Blood from the lover body
Superior vena cava
- Blood from the upper body
Deoxygenated Blood
1. Vena cava
2. R. atrium
3. Tricuspid valve
4. R. ventricle
5. Pulmonary valve
6. Pulmonary artery
7. Lungs
Oxygenated Blood
1. Lungs
2. L & R pulmonary veins
L. atrium
Bicuspid valve
L. ventricle
Aortic valve
Heart Rate
- Pulse per minute
- BPM- beats per minute
The lymphatic system consists of the following:
 Fluid, known as lymph
 Vessels that transport lymph
 Organs that contain lymphoid tissue (eg, lymph
nodes, spleen, and thymus)
Table 1. Key Components of Lymphatic System
Contains nutrients, oxygen, hormones,
and fatty acids, as well as toxins and
cellular waste products, that are
transported to and from cellular tissues
Lymphatic Transport lymph from peripheral
tissues to the veins of the
cardiovascular system
Monitors the composition of lymph, the
location of pathogen engulfment and
eradication, the immunologic response,
and the regulation site
Monitors the composition of blood
components, the location of pathogen
engulfment and eradication, the
immunologic response, and the
regulation site
Serves as the site of T-lymphocyte
maturation, development, and control
The lymphatic system’s main functions are as follows:
 Restoration of excess interstitial fluid and
proteins to the blood
 Absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins from
the digestive system and transport of these
elements to the venous circulation
 Defense against invading organisms
Genetics: Mendelian Inheritance & Heredity
- Genetics – study of genes and inheritance
(passing genetic information through genes).
- Father of Genetics: Gregor Mendel, Austrian
- Heredity – passing of charateristics from
parents to their offspring.
Two view points of heredity:
“Blending” hypothesis is the idea that genetic
material from two parents blends together.
example: blue + yellow = green
“Particulate” hypothesis is the idea that parents
pass on discrete heritable units (genes)
How does heredity work?
Genes - functional units of DNA that code for
specific traits.
 Example: plant height example: pea color
Peyer’s patches: These patches of lymphoid
tissue are located in the mucosa and submucosa
throughout the small intestine, although
they’re more concentrated in the ileum. Peyer’s
patches contain mostly B cells.
Lamina propria lymphocytes: This type of
GALT is located in the mucosa of the small
intestine. It also contains mostly B cells.
Intraepithelial lymphocytes: These tissues are
located between the cells of the epithelial
layer of the small intestine, between the tight
Traits – are specific characteristics that vary
from individual to individual as coded by the
 Example: short/tall
DNA- important molecule where all living things
are based through which the genetic code are
Genetics Terminology: Chromosomes & Genes
Genome - Complete complement of
organism’s DNA.
Cellular DNA in organized chromosome.
Gene have specific places on chromosomes.
So who was Mendel?
• Once upon a time (1860's), in an Austrian
monastery, there lived a monk named Gregor
• Mendel spent his spare time breeding pea plants.
• He did this over & over & over again, and noticed
patterns to the inheritance of traits, from one
set of pea plants to the next.
• By carefully analyzing his pea plant numbers, he
discovered three laws of inheritance.
Mendel's Laws are as follows:
Law of Dominance
Law of Segregation
Law of Independent Assortment
We label the different generations of a cross as:
• P generation (parents)
• F1 generation (1st filial generation)
• F2 generation (2nd filial generation)
In his work, the words "chromosomes" or
"genes" are nowhere to be found. The role of
these things in relation to inheritance &
heredity had not been discovered yet.
What makes Mendel's contributions so impressive is
that he described the basic patterns of inheritance
before the mechanism for inheritance (namely genes)
was even discovered!
First, a little more genetics terminology.
Mendel's Laws
1. Law of Dominance
2. Law of Segregation
3. Law of Independent Assortment
Genetics Terminology
Has functional unit of DNA coded in it: the
genes of an organism (all your genes)
(expression of your genes)
1. Mendel’s Law of Dominance
• Genes and Dominance
A single gene can have one or more factors for a
particular trait.
Alleles are the variations of a gene.
Example: Gene for flower color
Alleles: purple allele and white allele
Alleles can be dominant or recessive.
Mendel’s Principle of Dominance, “ some alleles are
dominant and others are recessive.”
 In complete dominance, if the dominant allele is
present the dominant trait will be expressed.
 The recessive trait will only be present if the
two recessive alleles are in the gene.
 The alleles of a gene are usually represented by
the dominant trait.
Example: Gene flower color (purple is dominant)
Alleles: P (purple) p (white)
allele: variations of a gene
o Represented with letters for the
different types of alleles (PP, Pp, pp) –
genes genotype
homozygous: pair of identical alleles for a
character (PP, pp)
heterozygous: two different alleles for a gene
Character: heritable feature (i.e., fur color)
Trait: variant for a character (i.e. brown)
True-bred: all offspring of same variety
Hybridization: crossing of 2 different truebreds
2. Mendel’s Law of Segragation
• The alleles for each character segregate
• Alleles for a trait are recombined at
fertilization, becoming genotype for the traits
of the offspring.
Alleles for different traits are distributed to
sex cells (& offspring) independently of one another.
Each set of alleles segragate independently.
Mendel’s Laws:
1. Law of Dominance:
- In a cross of parents that are pure for
contrasting traits, only one form of the
trait will appear in the next generation.
- Offspring that are hybrid for a trait will
have only the dominant trait in the phenotype.
2. Law of Segregations:
- During the formation of gametes (eggs or
sperm), the two alleles
(hereditary units) responsible
for a trait separate from each other.
- eye color
- human blood types (ABO)
- Alleles for a trait are then "recombined" at
fertilization, producing the genotype for the traits of
the offspring.
3. Law of Independent Assortment:
- Alleles for different traits are distributed to
sex cells (& offspring) independently of one another.
Beyond Simple Inheritance: multiple alleles
Two alleles affect the phenotype in separate,
distinguishable ways.
Example: AB Blood Type
- has three alleles: A, B
A Punnett square is a tool for diagramming the possible
genotypes of offspring.
- genotype represented
So far, we’ve discussed Simple Inheritance & Punnett
But, of course, genetic is much more complicated than
Let’s explore:
• Incomplete dominance
• Multiple alleles/ polygenic
• Co-dominance
• Sex-related genes (sex-linked, sex-limited and
sex-influenced traits)
• Beyond
• Patterns of dominance often go beyond simple
dominant or recessive traits.
• Incomplete dominance has “degrees”. It is not
F1 generation’s appearance between the
phenotypes of the 2 parents.
Ex: snapdragons
Beyond Simple Inheritance: multiple alleles
When there are more than two possible alleles
for a gene.
using IA, IB & i
Co-dominance : multiple alleles
- Has three alleles: A, B & O
- AB co-dominant, O recessive
- Genotype represented using IA, IB & i
ABO Blood Type
You make antibodies against the antigens of
other blood types. .
– Q: Which blood type can accept
anyone's blood.
– Q: Which blood type is known as the
“universal donor. Why?
ABO Blood Type
If you are infused with incompatible blood,
clump occurs.
The antigens in your blood bind to the antibodies
of the donor blood and cause the blood to clump.
• Sex-Linked Inheritance
• Males have an X and a Y chromosome
• Females have two X chromosomes
• These chromosomes determine sex, so genes
located on these chromosomes are known as sexlinked genes.
• Hypertrichosis Pinnae Auris
• Example of Y-linked trait (found in Y
• Genetic disorder in humans that causes hairy
• Only males can have the trait
• Sex-Limited Traits
• Autosomal which mean that they are not found
on the X and Y chromosomes.
Expressed only in one gender
The genes are expressed in the phenotype of an
Expression in Lactation in Cattle
(expressed only in female)
Female Genotypes
Male Genotypes
Female Phenotypes
Female lactating
Female lactating
Female not lactating
Male Phenotypes
Male not lactating
Male not lactating
Male not lactating
Sex-Influenced Traits
Autosomal meaning their genes are not carried
on the sex chromosomes.
The trait of the phenotype is expressed
unusually through the difference in the ways the
two genders express the genes.
Pattern Baldness
• Not restricted to male
• Has 2 alleles “bald and non-bald”
• The products of the genes are highly influenced
by the hormones (testosterone)
• Males has much higher level of testosterone
than females.
• Baldness behaves as dominant allele for male and
recessive for females.
Extinction occurs when the last existing member
of a given species dies
 In other words…there aren’t any more
It is a scientific certainty when there are not
any surviving individuals left to reproduce
Functional Extinction
 Only a handful of individuals are left
 Odds of reproduction are slim
Causes of Extinction
 Genetics and Demographics
 Small populations = increased risk
 Mutations
 Causes a flux in natural selection
 Beneficial genetic traits are
 Loss of Genetic Diversity
 Shallow gene pools promote
massive inbreeding
Causes Con’t.
 Habitat Degradation
 One of the most influential
 Has many causes
 Some due to humans
 Some due to other factors
Habitat Degradation
Expression of Pattern Baldness in Humans
Male Genotypes
Male Phenotypes
Male Bald
Male Bald
Male nonbald
Female Genotypes
Female Genotypes
Female bald
Female nonbald
Female nonbald
Kills off species
Can occur in short spans (a single
Can occur over several generations
Increasing toxicity
habitat resources
Habitat Degradation
Destruction of Habitat
“Save the Rainforests!”
Elimination of living space
What is Extinction?
Change in habitat
Leads to diminishing resources
Rainforest to pasture lands
A sharp decrease in the number of species on
Earth in a short period of time
Coincides with a sharp drop in speciation
The process by which new biological
species arise
There have been at least 5
Last one was 65M years ago
Mass Extinction
Mass Extinction
Planned Extinction
Introduction of predators
Invasive alien species
Transported by humans
Cattle, rats, zebra muscles, etc…
sometimes not
Can eat other species
Eat food sources
Introduce diseases
Nearly 2/3rds (or more) of all animal species
that ever existed on the planet are now gone.
Volcanoes, floods, drought, etc…
Causes Con’t.
Aka: an extinction event
Increases competition
Can be caused by natural processes
With contemporary extinction
being attributed to HUMAN
Numerous factors go into the extinction of a
specific species.
Though all point the finger to
climate change.
Mass Extinction
Began about three-million years ago (Continental
Hypotheses for initial extinction:
Temperature decrease
Though these hypotheses aren’t mutually
exclusive, they may have conspired together.
Mass Extinctions
The loss of one species leads to the loss of
Chain of extinction
2. End Triassic Extinction (200).
Can be caused by small impacts in the beginning
3. Permian Triassic Extinction (250).
A predator looses its food source
4. Late Devonian Extinction (364).
Affected by interconnectedness in nature
5. Ordovician-Silurian Extinction (440).
Mass Extinction
Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction (65).
(#= millions of years ago)
Planned Extinction
Human controlled
Thought of to help humans
Deadly viruses
Extinct in the wild
Near extinct (only in small parts
of the world)
Causes complete devastation
Flattening and crater at or around impact sitehundreds of miles wide
Reverberations felt around the world
Acid Rain
In the Americas—80% of large animals
became extinct around the same time as first
human presence there
Based on these, and other studies done by The
international Union for Conservation of Nature and
Natural Resources (IUCN), human induced extinctions
are not necessarily a new phenomena.
extinction by humans today is becoming much more
The rapid loss of species today is estimated by some
experts to be between 100 and 1,000 times higher than
the natural extinction rate, while others estimate rates
as high as 1,000-11,000 times higher.
Habitat Degradation
Habitat loss and degradation affect 86% of all
threatened birds, 86% of mammals and 88% of
threatened amphibians
Kills acid intolerant species
Climate change/Global Warming
Can wipe out entire species
Frog with fungus disease
Killing frogs and other amphibians
Top Human Causes of Extinction:
Increased human population
Destruction/Fragmentation of habitat
John W. Williams from UW-Madison suggests that
changes in regions such as the Peruvian Andes, portions
of the Himalayas and southern Australia could have a
profound impact on indigenous plants and animals
Williams and his research partners used computer
models to estimate how various parts of the world would
be affected by regional changes consistent with the
IPCC's climate models.
Their findings indicated that “By the end of the 21st
century, large portions of the Earth’s surface may
experience climates not found at present and some 20th
century climates may disappear.”
Climate change/Global warming
Extinctions caused by humans are generally considered
to be a recent phenomena. HOWEVER:
In Australia—earliest humans: 64,000 years
extinction—30,000-60,000 years ago
Their studies also suggest isolated climates such as the
Peruvian Andes could change drastically enough to lead
to species extinctions.
The climate change might also create new climates,
providing new opportunities for other species to thrive,
Williams said.
Regions where novel climates are expected to form in
tropical and subtropical regions include the western
Sahara, southeastern U.S. and eastern India.
Food and drink
Where and what are hotspots?
Industrial materials
Ecological services
Leisurely, cultural, and
aesthetic values
“The concept of biodiversity hotspots was
penned by British ecologist Norman Myers in
1988 as a means to address the dilemma of
identifying the areas most important for
preserving species.” (national geographic)
Hotspots are included in 6 continents excluding
Hotspots are heavily distributed along shore
lines and near the equator.
Climate change
Hotspots can be added and removed from the
classification of “hotspot” by what recovery or
lack of prevention is taking place in each area.
What is required to be considered a hotspot
“The region must support at least 1,500 plant
species found nowhere else in the world, and it
must have lost at least 70 percent of its original
Causes of Biodiversity Loss
Loss of tropical forest
Spread of urban areas
Large dam construction
Road building
Loss of traditional lifestyles
Consequences of Biodiversity Loss
Loss of food
Collapse of food web
Loss of keystone species
Reduction of ecosystem
community productivity
Loss of medicinal supplies
Increased vulnerability of species to disease
and predation
Biodiversity is the variation of taxonomic life
forms for a given biome or ecosystem
Pertains to the number of organisms of the same
species living in a certain place.
Boosts Ecosystem productivity
Communities with many different species
Measure of the health of a biological system
(a high index of diversity) will be able to
withstand environmental changes better than
communities with only a few species
Benefits of Biodiversity
( a low index of diversity).
Particular species that decline so fast that it
becomes endangered
In a study conducted by field of biologist on
population size and distribution of Philippine
fauna, they reported that as of 1991, 89 species
of birds, 44 species of mammals, and eight
species of reptiles
are internationally
recognized as threatened.
Population Density
Number of individual per unit area.
Factors affecting the population growth and
Members moving and out the ecosystem
Death and birth rates
Limiting Factors
Anything that limits the size of a population
from increasing and help balance an ecosystem.
The disappearance of a species when the last of
its members die.
Changes to habitats
Availability of foods
Increase in population of people
Living conditions
Impact of growth and development
altering face of the earth
Clearing of natural vegetation
Soil nutrients
Concrete structures
Natural disasters
Human activities
Replacement of a new community or
development of a new environment
Help determines the type of organisms that can
live in an ecosystem
Carrying Capacity
The maximum population size an environment can
Organisms die if population size rises above
their carrying capacity because it cannot meet
their needs.
Local and global environmental issues that contributed
to species extinction:
Deforestation – rapid rate at which trees are
cut down.
Major causes:
When a species, population become so low that
only a few remain and will possibly extinct
kaingin farming
Illegal logging
Conversion of agricultural lands to
housing projects
Tamaraw in Mindoro
Mouse deer in Palawan (Philippine deer)
Forest fires
Monkey-eating eagle
Aquatic species (dugong in Negros,
Batangas, and Leyte)
Soil erosion
Decrease in wildlife resources that will
eventually lead to extinction
Wildlife depletion – as human
population gets bigger, huge
space is needed for shelter, for
growing crops
and for
industries. Supposed to be slow
process but man’s activities
hasten its depletion
PCBs are dumped into water
Algae have 100 times more PCBs than
water as they feed on it.
Small fish feeds on algae. They have 100
times more PCBs than algae but were not killed
yet store them in their tissues.
As salmon feed on small fish they took PCBs in
their bodies. The concentration of PCB in salmon
rise to 5000 times the concentration of PCB in
the water in which they feed.
Other pollutant found in water are heavy metals
lead, mercury, cadmium – comes from
factories that dumped their wastes into the
rivers or lakes.
Major cause
Euthrophication – effects of water pollution
sewage carries chemicals into young lakes. These
chemicals speed up growth of algae (algal bloom
and aquatic plants)
Algae die and settle to the bottom. They begin
decomposition use up oxygen in water.
major causes
As a result, aquatic animals die due to lack of
oxygen (fish kills).
Biological Magnification – build up of
pollutants in organisms at higher trophic
levels in a food chain.
Bodies of water are polluted with toxic
wastes, untreated sewage, and fertilizer
run offs from farm lands. One class of
chemical present in water is PCB
(polychlorinated biphenyl).
PCBs – toxic wastes produced in the making of
paints, inks, and electrical insulators. That
causes major effect in the food chain.
- at each food chain, the amount of
PCB in each organism increases. They are unable
to excrete PCB from their bodies. Through
concentrated in the body of water organisms.
Air Pollution
- contaminated ecosystems
contain built up high concentration of PCB.
power plants
nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons from
car exhausts react with water vapour or dust
particles and produce new irritating chemicals.
Burning of coal. Coal contains sulfur. When coal
burns, sulfur combine with oxygen in the air to
form sulfur dioxide with choking odor.
Burning coal gives off particulates into the air.
Particulates are tiny particles of soot, and dust.
These particulates block sunlight and get into
our system when we breathe.
Global warming – is an increase in the earth’s
temperature from the rapid build up of carbon
dioxide and other gases. This, in turn, could
change the world climate patterns.
-carbon dioxide acts like a blanket over
the earth, holding in the heat that would
otherwise radiate back into space.
Greenhouse effect – the trapping of
heat by gases in the earth’s atmosphere.
- greenhouse effect is a natural process.
But as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
increases, greenhouse effect also intensifies –
this will lead to global warming.
Tropical Forest Cutting
Cover 13% of Earth
Home to 50% of all known plant and animal
FAO reports 15.4 million hectares are destroyed
The Convention on Biological Diversity
Mission Statement
Destruction of Coastal Resources
“The objectives of this convention are the
conservation of biological diversity, sustainable
use of its components and the fair and equitable
sharing of the benefits arising out of the
utilization of genetic resources.”
major causes
deforestation, agricultural activities and mining
Dynamite fishing and muro-ami
Coastal areas conversion to beach resorts,
residential areas
--man’s activities
areas through the years.
--coral reefs and coastal mangroves
forests serves as a breeding grounds and
nurseries of marine fishes.
Acid precipitation/rain
- CO2 makes rainwater acidic.
- presence of other pollutants
from emissions from factories and from exhaust
of motor vehicles contains sulfur and nitrogen
oxides which makes rainwater more acidic, with
pH 5.6 or lower.
Effects of acid
yellowing and falling off of leaves.
Monoculture of crops lets the yield become
susceptible to pests or viruses
75% of crop varieties are extinct
Due to the spread of modern agriculture
Since it was adopted at the Earth Summit in Rio
de Janeiro in 1992, 189 countries have signed
and implemented it. The United States signed
it in 1993 but has yet to put it into action still
2010 Biodiversity Target
Members adopted a plan to significantly reduce
the present rate of biodiversity loss at the
global, regional and national level by the year