Report #LS1_WOLKPI Whole of life assessment guide for HVAC technology replacement decisions: Education Sector 20 May 2021 University of Wollongong About i-Hub The Innovation Hub for Affordable Heating and Cooling (i-Hub) is an initiative led by the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating (AIRAH) in conjunction with CSIRO, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), the University of Melbourne and the University of Wollongong and supported by Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to facilitate the heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC&R) industry’s transition to a low emissions future, stimulate jobs growth, and showcase HVAC&R innovation in buildings. The objective of i-Hub is to support the broader HVAC&R industry with knowledge dissemination, skills-development and capacitybuilding. By facilitating a collaborative approach to innovation, i-Hub brings together leading universities, researchers, consultants, building owners and equipment manufacturers to create a connected research and development community in Australia. This Project received funding from ARENA as part of ARENA's Advancing Renewables Program. The views expressed herein are not necessarily the views of the Australian Government, and the Australian Government does not accept responsibility for any information or advice contained herein. The information or advice contained in this document is intended for use only by persons who have had adequate technical training in the field to which the Report relates. The information or advice should be verified before it is put to use by any person. Reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure that the information or advice is accurate, reliable and accords with current standards as at the date of publication. To maximum extent permitted by law, the Australian Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Heating Inc. (AIRAH), its officers, employees and agents: a) disclaim all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs, whether direct, indirect, consequential or special you might incur as a result of the information in this publication being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason; and b) exclude any warranty, condition, guarantee, description or representation in relation to this publication, whether express or implied. In all cases, the user should be able to establish the accuracy, currency and applicability of the information or advice in relation to any specific circumstances and must rely on his or her professional judgment at all times. [i-Hub Whole of life assessment guide for HVAC technology replacement decisions: Education Sector] This Whole of life assessment guide for HVAC technology replacement decisions: Education Sector outline a decision framework to aid in the consideration of the full lifecycle cost, benefits and service quality of HVAC upgrade options specifically for education environments. Lead organisation University of Wollongong (UOW) Project commencement date July 2019 Completion date June 2022 Date published 21 May 2020 Revision Date Version details Prepared By Reviewed By 1.0 21/05/2021 Released for comment by AIRAH and ARENA D Daly, M Tibbs G Kokogiannakis Please note, this a living document that will be iteratively updated during the establishment and operation of the foundation living laboratories. The above table only tracks major published updates. Please download the latest version from : TO BE UPDATED AFTER REVIEW Contact name Dr Georgios Kokogiannakis Email Project website Table of contents 1 2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 i-Hub Background 5 1.2 About this report 5 Whole of life Assessment ........................................................................................................... 6 2.1 Introducing Whole of Life Assessments 3 Whole of Life Assessments for HVAC ........................................................................................ 7 3.1 Fit-for-purpose considerations 7 3.2 Operational considerations 9 3.3 Non-monetary considerations 4 5 6 10 Framework for implementation of a Whole of Life assessment ................................................ 12 4.1 Site and contextual assessment 12 4.2 Indoor Environment Quality assessment 13 4.3 Fit-for-purpose assessment 14 4.4 Sustainability assessment 15 4.5 Monetary assessment 16 4.6 Summary: value for money assessment 17 References ............................................................................................................................... 18 1 Introduction 1.1 i-Hub Background Building integrated renewables and solar PV provides significant renewable electricity generation capacity with a lot of scope for further expansion. While solar has been successful in contributing to net zero energy buildings, the potential value of on-site solar generation is limited by: • Site peak demand charges. Demand charges constitute a major component of site energy cost which cannot be reliably offset by on-site renewable energy due to the variability of supply. Furthermore, net zero energy buildings may lead to even higher peak export (than peak import) resulting from peak solar generation. • Low export tariffs. The size and economic potential of solar installations is often limited by the desire to avoid export of power, as this obtains little revenue. As solar PV becomes more prevalent, the value of displaced consumption and daytime energy export is only likely to drop further. Similar issues play out at grid scale, with similar impacts on the potential value of solar energy in the market. However, all these risks can be significantly addressed by approaches that provide storage and management of loads that can respond to the availability of solar energy. The “Affordable Heating and Cooling Innovation Hub” (i-Hub) project answers the challenge by seeking to demonstrate the use of integrated operation of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) with renewable generation – both on-site and off-site – in order to maximise the value of the renewable generation and thus encourage maximum use of local and grid level renewable generation. 1.2 About this report The current report provides a brief, user-friendly guide to the assessment of HVAC technologies for decision makers in the schools sector, with an emphasis upon technologies that increase the value of renewable energy generation. Many of the key performance indicators identified in the iHub Renewable Energy and Enabling Technology Service Evaluation Framework (REETSEF) 1 are designed to support the assessment of technology improvements at the network and societal level, with consideration of benefits to the individual school limited to reduced energy consumption and utility costs. The current report is designed to provide an easy to use guide for sector stakeholders to implement a Whole of Life design and assessment approach to compare costs and benefits of alternative HVAC technologies. This guide should be read in conjunction with the relevant state education department design guidelines for the provision of HVAC services. Daly, D, Kokogiannakis, G, McDowell, C, Tibbs, M, Cooper, P, 2020, Renewable Energy and Enabling Technology and Services Evaluation Framework: Education Sector, i-Hub. 1 2 2.1 Whole of life Assessment Introducing Whole of Life Assessments Assessing and selecting alternative upgrade technologies is a multi-objective optimisation problem, with competing constraints. Economically, comparison typically involves a trade-off between upfront capital costs, and anticipated ongoing benefits. A Whole of Life Assessment process provides a practical framework to account for all of the costs, benefits and risks of a selected technology or service, over the full lifetime of its utilisation. Life cycle cost assessment are acknowledged as good-practice in the comparison of alternative retrofit strategies for buildings; however this assessment has typically been limited to easy to quantify costs and benefits, i.e. upfront capital and installation costs and estimate future utility bills. Less frequently, other ongoing costs may be included in these assessments, for example ongoing maintenance and disposal costs. Conversely, simplistic assessments based on capital costs and organisational divisions between capital and operational budgets have been identified in other sectors as key issues preventing energy efficiency, renewable energy, and other technology upgrades (e.g. Carr et al, 2021, Liu et al, 2021) Structural split management between capital and operating budgets is common in schools; typically the central education department will be responsible for the capital and regular maintenance costs of a new technology installation, with the school responsible for ongoing energy costs. A Whole of Life assessment encompasses the consideration of a life cycle cost assessment, but extends to consider Value for Money so as to maximise the efficiency and effectiveness of the investment. This includes all monetary costs (e.g. upfront cost, maintenance, decommissioning, upgrading,) as well as non-monetary benefits (e.g. enhanced classroom comfort, flexibility, fit for purpose) and risks. In many cases, non–monetary considerations, which are not explicitly defined or accounted for, can dictate technology selection. A Whole of Life assessment should have a future focus, and explicitly consider relevant future plans for the site, building and systems. Common relevant considerations may include plans for net-zero emissions, removal of gas infrastructure, or installation of large renewable generation sources. The concept of Whole of Life assessments is not new in the education sector. Life-cycle asset planning is a well-established concept, and many state education departments reference the need for life-cycle asset management, most typically with respect to appropriate construction, maintenance and demolition of school buildings in response to demographic forecasts. Whole of life assessments within schools should take in to account Life-Cycle costing, impacts on learning and teaching, implication for future planning and development, sustainability and facilities management. The purpose of Whole of Life is to improve the functional performance of the asset for the whole of life with a focus on durability, maintainability, sustainability and investment efficiency. Whole of life planning should assist in school learning spaces being built to a higher quality, resulting in improved education benefits. 3 WHOLE OF LIFE ASSESSMENTS FOR HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) systems typically account for the single largest energy consumption in buildings, and are an important asset within schools to enhance a quality learning environment. So it is particularly important to consider life-cycle impact of changes to these systems. The performance and operation of HVAC equipment in schools also have many non-monetary risks and benefits, and as such a broader Whole of Life assessment is more appropriate for this equipment. Non–monetary components can in some cases be assigned a monetary values; whilst this may not always be possible, non –monetary considerations remain of relevance. Many state education departments provide guidance on Whole-of-Life assessment; whilst this guidance is typically provided for assessment of investment alternative at the building or facility level, much of the advice is also relevant to assessment of HVAC upgrades. The NSW Whole of Life Design Guide (DG 01) 2 notes the following life cycle stages cost considerations: • • • • • • Planning & design costs Acquisition/ construction/ installation costs (CAPITAL) Operational costs Support/ Maintenance/ Servicing costs Refurbishment costs Disposal costs The NSW DG 01 also provides a clear summary of the key considerations at each life stage, namely: • Capital (upfront) costs and risks – less expensive solutions may be available but what are the risks associated with the solution? • Ongoing costs– costs of operation & maintenance. Implications when fitness for purpose is reduced. • Fit-for-purpose benefits, costs and risks – Is an alternative technology fit for the purpose intended; and with what compromises (future flexibility) and at what costs and risks? 3.1 Fit-for-purpose considerations The concept of fit-for-purpose encompasses a number of monetary and non-monetary considerations, including: • Integration with other existing systems. This consideration is particularly relevant for HVAC systems, where patching of systems, or installation of smaller packaged or split-system units can compromise the overall performance of the site HVAC. Similarly, the ability of a new technology to ingrate with Building Management Systems (BMS) needs to be carefully assessed. • Alignment with renewable generation. Schools with existing solar or other renewable energy systems may consider whether a new technology can enhance the value of the renewable energy, or whether an upgrade in size of a renewable generation system may improve the Value for Money of the overall HVAC-related project. The relevant KPIs are • • • self-consumption rate (proportion of renewable energy consumed by the site) and renewable energy fraction (proportion of site energy consumption that is powered from renewable sources). These KPIs are each determined on a smart metering interval basis and are further described in the i-Hub Renewable Energy and Enabling Technology Service Evaluation Framework (REETSEF) (Daly et al., 2020). Energy flexibility. Technology changes and the need for grid decarbonisation are leading to changes in the National Energy Market. Energy flexible technologies and buildings allow sites to interact with the grid, for example by changing consumption patterns. HVAC is a major contributor to peak demand, and ensuring new technology is able to adapt to expected changes in the grid is important to minimise potential cost increases, and allow school to participate in new markets as appropriate. Quality, robustness and life span. Any system installed should be of an appropriate quality to ensure a reasonable lifespan considering the ongoing use in an educational setting with limited ongoing maintenance. Appropriate technology readiness level. Undertaking whole of life assessment requires the use of proven technologies to allow life cycle risk, costs and benefits to be reliably estimated. Only technologies at deployment stage (levels 7-9) are likely to be appropriate (Figure 1). Figure 1. Technology Readiness Levels 3 3 3.2 Operational considerations Consideration of monetary operational costs should be made for the whole lifetime of the estimated system, and appropriate methods should be used to ensure future costs are compared appropriately with upfront capital costs (i.e. net present value, internal rate of return, etc…) • • • • • Energy costs. One of the most important ongoing costs to be impacted by HVAC technology changes is the ongoing cost of energy for system operation. Advances in technology mean that new systems will often have increased efficiency, even when the system replacement is similar to the original design. Estimating future energy costs can be done with simple methods based on overall system efficiencies, however accurate estimations will require more detailed analysis, and often the use of building performance simulation. It is essential that in all cases alternative technologies are compared against each other using the same methods and assumptions (i.e. system boundaries, hours of operation, utility costs, etc…) Ongoing maintenance costs. All systems will require maintenance, and it is important to compare the expected maintenance burden of alternative technologies over their full lifecycle. More efficient technologies may have reduced maintenance burdens due to technological advances or smarter controls, and may include monitoring that allows for implementation of predictive maintenance and automated fault detection and diagnosis. Conversely, maintenance costs and risks for technologies without a long history of use may be less well understood. Ongoing maintenance costs can be estimated based on manufacturers recommended maintenance schedules. Access. Closely associated with ongoing maintenance costs, it is important to consider whether a change in technology has implications for safe future access of maintenance. The location of the Associated with maintenance, the design must allow for future access for maintenance. The location of the components requiring regular maintenance can substantial influence ongoing costs; consideration should also be given to limiting disruption to teaching spaces. Sustainability. Although a major factor in sustainability is captured through consideration of ongoing energy costs, there are other sustainability considerations that can be effectively monetised. The i-Hub REETSEF KPI’s 1 and 2 include methods by which the societal cost of air-pollution and the societal cost of greenhouse emissions can be monetised for consideration in a Whole of Life assessment. These assessment are particularly useful for assessing the benefits of technology upgrades that involve switching of fuel sources, or improved utilisation of renewable energy sources. Refrigerant type. Many HVAC systems require refrigerant gases; these gases have historically had a very high environment impact, due to their global warming potential. The type of refrigerant used has changed over time, and modern refrigerants have substantially lower environmental impacts, as well as improved efficiency. Consideration of the refrigerant type is important for both the environmental impact, as well as the ongoing maintenance cost of a system. Older refrigerants are becoming obsolete, and systems using these refrigerants will become increasingly difficult to service. Environmental impact of different refrigerant can be easily compared using the global warming potential (GWP), impact of ongoing maintenance cost is more difficult to compare, but should be considered in the case that different refrigerants are proposed. 3.3 Non-monetary considerations There are a number of non-monetary considerations that may come into the technology selection process. Often these will be context specific; in all cases these considerations should be made explicit to ensure they are appropriately addressed by proposed technologies. Two considerations of particular relevance to school HVAC are the impact of indoor environmental quality, particularly thermal comfort and indoor air quality, on student learning and performance. • Effect of temperature. There is a growing body evidence linking thermal discomfort to reduced cognitive performance. In office spaces, this has a direct financial impact in terms of productivity losses, and has been a focus of substantial research. The impact of thermal discomfort in schools has received less focus. BPIE (2018) reviewed current research into the link between thermal comfort and learning performance. The review identified a performance improvement for reduced overheating hours, concluding: Every 1°C reduction in overheating increases students’ learning performance by 2.3 %. This is similar to findings in academic literature (e.g. Wargocki & Wyon (2013), Wargocki et al., (2019)). BPIE (2018) attempted to monetise this impact, however the authors were unable to assign a financial value due to limitations of current research. There is less research on the impacts on learning performance due to cold conditions in schools; most previous studies looking at cold exposure have focussed on extreme low temperatures. However, there is some empirical evidence and theoretical grounds to suggest that performance will be impacted by moderately cold conditions, based largely on work on healthy adults. Sharma and Panwar (1987) showed that at 15°C there was a significant impairment of simple cognitive functions in healthy adults. In a smaller study of 50 adults, Griffiths and Boyce (1971), found that performance was progressively impaired as temperature increased or decreased from 18.3°C, in the range 15.6°C to 26.7°C. Pilcher et al. (2002) reviewed four studies within the temperature range of 10.0-18.3°C, and concluded that exposure to cool environments, of less than 18.3°C, had the most negative effect when compared with neutral and hot temperature exposures. Given the impact of thermal comfort on student performance, properly accounting for the ability of proposed systems to improve the temperature control in a space is essential. Consideration should be given to improvement in both summer and winter performance, and performance across the entire school day. Accurate assessment of a systems ability to achieve this is not a trivial task; considerations include heating and cooling capacity, methods of control, thermostat locations, and distribution systems. Adding air-conditioning systems to previously unconditioned spaces in order to improve thermal comfort requires careful assessment of the thermal envelope of the space in question, and additional upgrades (e.g. insulation and air-tightness) may also be cost effective when assessed based on Whole of Life performance. • Effect of indoor air quality. Similar to thermal comfort, indoor air quality, and specifically ventilation rates and ensuring sufficient fresh air, have been shown to impact on productivity in offices, and there is an emerging body of evidence related to student performance in schools. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) concentration is commonly used as a proxy for ventilation and IAQ; providing adequate fresh air is essential to remove CO2 and other pollutants in a space (NSW DG55 recommended minimum ventilations rates of 12 l/s/person). BPIE (2018) also assessed current evidence relating ventilation rates to learning performance. The review concluded: For every 1 litre per second per person (l/s/p) increase in the ventilation rate up to 15 l/s/p, academic performance increases by 1%. The review also identified evidence of a relationship between CO2 and absenteeism, concluding: Every 100ppm decrease in CO2 concentration is associated with a 0.5% decrease in illness-related absence from schools. Similarly to the temperature impacts, the review was unable to assign financial value based on the current evidence. Assessing the impact of alternative upgrades on indoor air quality requires consideration of many factors. The ability of a system to deliver sufficient fresh air is vital, yet increased ventilation also increases heating/cooling energy losses in the exhaust, so the ability to match ventilation to occupancy is likely to be very beneficial. Recent experiences have highlighted the benefits of a flexible systems; during COVID, systems able to deliver large amounts of fresh air are valuable, however, experience during the 2019/20 bushfires, and the anticipated increase in hazard reduction burns, have highlighted the value of systems that can limit outside air to minimum requirements, and systems with high efficiency filtration, noting the associated increase in fan energy consumption. Considerations when assessing competing upgrades include ability to supply minimum recommended fresh air (e.g. 12 l/s/person), ability to supply additional outdoor air when condition allow (e.g. up to 15 l/s/person), filtration and smart controls (e.g. CO2 sensing). 4 FRAMEWORK FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF A WHOLE OF LIFE ASSESSMENT Below is a suggested framework to implement a Whole of Life approach to planning for HVAC systems that enhance the learning and teaching environment for our children and teachers in our schools. This framework has a future focus to continuous improving the Value for Money through sustainable, appropriately high quality solutions that are Fit for Purpose for each school. Note, this assessment framework is designed to supplement existing procurement procedures. 4.1 Site and contextual assessment Category Key assessment question Explanatory comments Sustainability What are the existing and anticipated future energy sources for the site? Are there plans for substantial on-site renewable generation? Is there an opportunity to move towards eliminating gas for this site? Focus upon likely future generation scenarios during the life of the proposed upgrade, rather than the status quo. Sustainability How may the value of renewable generation (both on site and off site) be improved? Natural gas is not renewable. Electrical energy is ready for renewable sources. PV daily generation profiles are remarkably well-matched to daily HVAC load profiles for schools. Converting gas heating to day-time electrical heating directly increases renewable value. Heating loads What are the present and anticipated heating loads for this site/building? Reverse cycle heat pumps are increasingly offering the most sustainable and best Value for Money heating solution, but this introduces summer cooling capacity, and incumbent extra energy consumption where it may not otherwise be necessary. Cooling loads What are the present and anticipated cooling and ventilation loads for this site/building? Active cooling is generally not required for installation in schools, but refer to the cooling policy. Is there opportunity for passive cooling and ceiling fans to meet cooling needs? Ceiling fans decrease the perceived temperature by around 3 °C, with or without active cooling. Special needs Note any particular needs of a school or learning space. Consider the age of students, special needs school, special needs spaces, climate region. Thermal envelope Describe the construction, with particular reference to thermal mass, insulation and air tightness. Is there opportunity to include an upgrade to draft sealing and insulation levels? Draft sealing and insulation can provide excellent Value for Money retrofit opportunities for thermal comfort, and/or energy efficiency. Draft seal windows, doors and install non-return flaps on exhausts; ceiling insulation installed, patched, or upgraded; underfloor insulation, if accessible and applicable; wall insulation is usually not a cost effective retrofit unless wall cladding or lining is being replaced. NOTE: Thermal mass in school buildings may be counter-productive since it will increase the warm up energy and time on winter mornings, and hold this stored warmth well into the unoccupied hours -typically negatively impacting thermal comfort and alignment with PV generation. 4.2 Indoor Environment Quality assessment Category Key assessment question Explanatory comments Temperature Does the system have capacity to achieve thermal comfort at the start of the school day and throughout the day? Is adequate ventilation included to provide outside air at the specified rates? Temperatures below 18degC reduce respiratory and cognitive function. Automated temperature control bands should be set as recommended to provide reasonable, adaptive comfort conducive to learning. Ventilation Carbon Dioxide Outdoor Pollutants Are temperature and CO2 sensors included in each controlled space to provide for demand controlled ventilation based upon specified temperature and CO2 limits? Can outside air be isolated or filtered during bushfires or outdoor air pollution events? Condensation Consider the risks of condensation for cooling systems. Noise level Note the rated noise levels of equipment. Smart control New HVAC equipment should provide for smart sensor-based control, including temperature, CO2 and occupancy. Ventilation losses Can outside/makeup air be controlled or ventilation energy be recovered? High CO2 levels impact respiratory and cognitive function. NSW DG 55 specifies 12 L/s/person; 30 people per classroom. High ventilation rates increase HVAC energy loss. Outdoor air is problematic during bushfires or severe air pollution. NCC specifies daily average CO2 concentration limits; CO2 concentration not to exceed 1500 ppm for more than 20 consecutive minutes. NSW DG 55 specifies that ventilation systems shall be designed to minimise the entry of outdoor pollutants through ensuring that the ventilation system design is in accordance with the relevant parts of AS 1668.2 and ASHRAE Standard 62.1. Hydronic in-slab reverse cycle cooling systems for example should have dew point sensors to help avoid condensation on the floor surface. Adding cooling functionality to existing hydronic fan coil units/air handler units will require condensate collection. Include separate noise levels for each piece of equipment (e.g. indoor and outdoor units) and their location (inside plant room, inside classroom, outside classroom, adjacent to other activity spaces). For example, CO2 sensor should be used for prominent visual indication in each activity space to alert occupants to increase natural ventilation if CO2 concentration exceeds 1500 ppm for more than 20 consecutive minutes. Ventilation and HVAC should be automatically switched off if the space is unoccupied for 10 minutes or more. Controlling fresh air for indoor CO2 concentration can effectively balance energy efficiency while maintaining IEQ. For more extreme heating or cooling climates, HRV or ERV may be appropriate to minimise HVAC system energy losses through exhaust air. 4.3 Fit-for-purpose assessment Category Key assessment question Explanatory comments Future improvement flexibility Describe how the design allows for flexibility and adaptability for upgrades and integration. How does this technology impact upon and integrate with adjoining and associated services? How does the proposed solution integrate with the existing and anticipated future HVAC systems to enhance the whole learning and teaching environment? What is the flexibility of the system to integrate with existing or future BMS control and instrumentation? How does this technology compare with the current state of the art proven innovations? Consider how the technology allows flexibility and adaptability for future upgrades, updates or education regime changes. For example, if installing hydronic AHU/FCU, consider including a condensate drip tray to make them cooling-ready. The full picture of services must be considered as a whole system. A collaborative approach between all engineering services is necessary to achieve a satisfactory Whole of Life outcome. Patching systems and adding smaller packaged systems can compromise overall performance of the site/building HVAC. Multi-service integration and interfacing HVAC integration BMS integration Innovation Innovation Standardisation Specify the technology readiness level of the proposed technology. Comment upon the level of standardising, simplifying and rationalising existing systems to make them relevant and more cost effective. Climate adaptability Describe how adaptability to climate change has been considered. Life span What is the estimated life span of the technology? Durability Comment upon the quality and durability of the product to deliver quality outcomes for the whole of the service life. What are the access requirements for maintenance? Comment upon the confidence level in the product to maintain quality learning environments with minimal disruption for the whole of life. Maintenance access Reliability Utilising smart, integrated control is an expected short to medium term upgrade Value for Money rollout for schools with significant HVAC energy consumption reductions. It is expected that the latest proven technologies will be implemented to ensure that teaching spaces are globally advanced, without compromising Value for Money. Innovation will often substantially improve the Whole of Life Value for Money, however, unproven solutions where Whole of Life considerations cannot be accurately determined should first be implemented in a controlled trial environment, such as a living laboratory. Is this technology at the deployment stage of development? Is it proven with life cycle risks, costs and benefits reliably estimable? Standardised, simple systems may substantially lower the cost of well-established technologies, through negotiated rates and low administration costs. This will be directly reflected in monetary value. Also consider how such standards may restrict future focus of innovation opportunities, or compromise reliability or service life span with low quality. Always seek Whole of Life Value for Money for the future of the learning environment. Cooling needs will tend to progressively increase with climate change and with increasing expectations to actively cool indoor spaces. Consider the impacts upon cost and energy consumption. Service life has a direct impact upon Value for Money for the Whole of Life. Long life span with limited maintenance requirements are desirable for schools. The product must be robust to allow for continuous use appropriate to the particular activity space in the school environment, with low maintenance and low cost factor, for the whole service life. Cost these requirements below. The design will fail if ease of access for long-term maintenance is not provided. Consider minimal disruption to teaching spaces. Use evidence-based reputation. Lower cost solutions may carry higher risk of early failure or requiring earlier replacement due to being found not fit for purpose. What is industry experience with the risks of this brand and technology? What is the technology readiness level? What are the warranty periods? 4.4 Sustainability assessment Category Key assessment question Explanatory comments Refrigerant GHG What refrigerant type is used? GHG potential of many refrigerants is exceedingly high. GHG Greenhouse gas abatement KPIs for CO2e and air pollution Consider material selection impacts upon health (VOCs, toxicity), and recyclability at end of life. What is the recycling potential and readiness of the product? What are the estimated HVAC self-consumption rate and HVAC renewable energy fraction of this system with the site renewables? Does this technology provide opportunities to shift HVAC loads to better match present or future renewable generation daily and seasonal profiles? Does this system have the capacity to be integrated with Demand Response technology? Is the technology capable of demand response switching to a lower power level? REETSEF KPI1 & KPI2 Materials Recycle-ability Renewable value Renewable value Demand response Demand response Peak load Estimate the impact upon peak 30 minute electricity demand. How much manual dismantling effort is required to separate into material types? How recyclable are key materials? REETSEF KPI 6, 7, 8, 9. Focus on the anticipated future renewable sources on site. Consider both on site and off site renewable sources, with a focus on anticipated future potential renewable sources. Consider the typically lower PV generation in winter with higher heating loads for example. Simple demand response functions to switch off HVAC power in response to signals through the electricity grid. More sophisticated demand response systems have options to switch to lower power operation while still maintaining a reduced output. Reducing peak demand has benefits for the energy network. Further information on tis provided in REETSEF KPI 3 and KPI 5. 4.5 Monetary assessment Category Key assessment question Capital Planning and design Capital Project management Equipment procurement and installation Reticulation/distribution system install/upgrade Supporting/enclosing/maintenance access structures Multi-service integration and interface costs Capital Capital Capital Capital Capital Thermal envelope co-upgrade costs Capital Renewable generation coopportunity upgrade cost Capital Integration and commissioning products and services. Operational Hourly operating energy cost estimate Operational Annual operating energy cost estimate Operational Whole of service life operating energy cost estimate Operational Operational Operational End of life costs Water consumption whole of life estimate Routine maintenance schedule costs Capital upgrades needed over the life of the technology to maintain fitness for purpose. Include costs of removal, disposal and making good. Explanatory comments Ductwork, piping, cabling, flues, etc - if applicable Include all capital costs for plant rooms, platforms, access ladders, servicing equipment, etc. Provision of supporting services such as upgrade to site electrical or gas supply, additional controls required, etc. Draft sealing windows, doors, exhaust draft stop valves and insulation costs, important consideration when adding airconditioning to unconditioned spaces. School HVAC loads are remarkably well matched to daily PV generation profiles, so PV system upgrade should be carefully considered to increase the Value for Money for Whole of Life. NOTE: Include the operational cost reduction below. Costs of collaboration across engineering services and commissioning of BMS, energy provision upgrades and other interfacing services. Benefits should be incorporated in reduced operational costs. This is to provide simple, direct comparison between technologies. It may be useful to separate this calculation for heating and cooling, or ventilation, if applicable. Combined performance across the seasons, for the current energy tariffs. Ideally based upon an energy model of the building for major upgrades. Simple upgrades can be compared using estimates based on system efficiency. This should use accepted future projections of energy tariffs across the foreseeable life of the technology. If applicable, for evaporative cooling, and hydronic systems, for example. Estimate the cost and period for each scheduled maintenance task and total for the service life Roof penetrations; disassembly for recycling; demolition; proper disposal and proper de-gassing of heat pump compressors. 4.6 Summary: value for money assessment Category Monetary - cost of service Monetary – value of benefits Monetary cost benefit analysis IEQ summary Fit for Purpose summary Sustainability summary Non-monetary risk assessment summary Final selection Key assessment question Total cost of service over the whole of service life. Total monetary benefit of service over the whole of life. Total monetary Value for Money over the Whole of Life, calculated using appropriate calculation method to account for future value of money (e.g. net present value, internal rate of return, etc.) Summarise the fitness for providing quality learning environments. Summarise the quality for low maintenance and durability for the whole of the service life The selected technology has been selected to provide Value for Money with respect to a future focus upon sustainable development targets, energy sources and tariff projections, and adaptability for integration with existing and anticipated future technology interfaces and controls for an increasingly efficient and effective whole system. The risks have been managed and costed, or clearly flagged as prohibitive for the particular technology alternative. Final comparison between existing system and alternative upgrades options. 5 REFERENCES BPIE, 2018, Building 4 People: Quantifying the benefits of energy renovation investments in schools, offices and hospitals. Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE). Carr, C, Stanes, E, Daly, M, Daly, D, McGuirk, P (2021), Better Ways to Work: HVAC management, repair and maintenance in the mid-tier commercial office sector. Final report, March 2021. Daly D, Kokogiannakis G, Tibbs M, McDowell C, Cooper P, 2020, i-Hub Education Renewable Energy and Enabling Technology and Services Evaluation Framework, AIRAH. I. D. Griffiths and P. R. Boyce, "Performance and Thermal Comfort," Ergonomics, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 457468, Jul. 1971. Liu E, Daly D, McGuirk P, Waitt G and Halldorsson J, with Judd B and Cooper P (2020), Energy efficiency in social housing: Interview findings and policy recommendations, State of NSW and Department of Planning, Industry and Environment NSW Department of Education and Training, (No Date), Education Facilities Standard and Guidelines: Design Guide 01 – Whole of Life (DG 01) NSW Department of Education and Training, (No Date), Education Facilities Standard and Guidelines: Design Guide 55.02, Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality (DG 55) Pilcher, J. J., Nadler, E., & Busch, C. (2002). Effects of hot and cold temperature exposure on performance: a meta-analytic review. Ergonomics, 45(10), 682–698. Sharma V. M. and Panwar R., "Variations in Mental Performance under Moderate Cold Stress," International Journal of Biometeorology, vol. 31, pp. 85-91, 1987. Wargocki, P., & Wyon, D. P. (2013). Providing better thermal and air quality conditions in school classrooms would be cost-effective. Building and Environment, 59, 581–589. Wargocki, P., Porras-Salazar, J. A., & Contreras-Espinoza, S. (2019). The relationship between classroom temperature and children’s performance in school. Building and Environment, 157, 197–204.