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Legal Env Week 2 Homework 1

2-5 Ethics Case: The Beauty of a Well-Fed Child
Jacie Phelps
Sowela Technical College
Busi-2010 Legal Environment of Business
Prof Kara Booth
January 25, 2023
2-5 Ethics Case: The Beauty of a Well-Fed Child
This paper focuses on the analysis of a strategy employed by Clarins, known as "Gift
with Purpose." This strategy involves offering free products to customers who spend a certain
amount, with a commitment from the company to provide school meals for children in need. Key
considerations include cost-benefit analysis, brand values, logistics, communication strategy,
legal compliance, and measuring success. Additionally, the paper shows the importance of
improving the image of sellers in the cosmetics industry and assesses the willingness to approve
the promotion even if it may not be profitable on its own.
In the cosmetics industry, where competition is fierce, brands are increasingly
recognizing the importance of not only offering high-quality products but also making a positive
and socially responsible image. The traditional beauty market has expanded beyond aesthetics to
include a broader sense of responsibility towards society.
Within this context, socially responsible promotions have appeared as a notable trend,
differentiating from conventional marketing practices. Cosmetics companies are strategically
using their promotional efforts to contribute to social causes. This paper digs into the intersection
of commerce and social responsibility, with a specific focus on the cosmetics giant, Clarins, and
its "Gift with Purpose" promotion. This promotional approach not only looks to enhance the
brand's image but also aligns with broader corporate social responsibility goals.
People have dug into the sides of brand identity, showing how a positive brand image
promotes trust, loyalty, and emotional connections with consumers. Additionally, the intersection
of social responsibility and marketing has received significant attention, with researchers
highlighting the role of ethical and socially conscious practices in shaping brand reputations.
Studies exploring the impact of promotions on consumer behavior have unveiled nuanced
insights into the psychology of purchase decisions, emphasizing the role of incentives and
emotional appeal in driving consumer engagement.
To evaluate the viability and impact of Clarins' "Gift with Purpose" promotion, a
multifaceted approach is essential. Financial considerations include a thorough cost-benefit
analysis, analyzing the overall cost of providing free products and supporting the school meals
program against potential increases in sales and customer loyalty.
The examination of Clarins' "Gift with Purpose" strategy reveals a spectrum of potential
benefits and challenges. On the positive side, the promotion can foster a positive brand image by
integrating a social responsibility element into consumer transactions. The strategy may make an
emotional connection with customers, as they perceive their purchases contributing to a
meaningful cause. This approach has the potential to differentiate Clarins from competitors and
tap into the growing consumer preference for socially conscious brands. However, challenges
such as the financial cost of providing free products and supporting the school meals program,
could create potential problems. Additionally, the strategy positions Clarins as a socially
responsible player in the cosmetics industry, differentiating it from competitors.
While the promotion may incur immediate costs in terms of providing free products and
supporting charitable causes, the potential gains in enhanced brand loyalty, positive consumer
belief, and market differentiation may outweigh these financial considerations in the long run.
The trade-off lies in striking a balance that aligns with Clarins' broader business goals, where the
non-monetary benefits contribute to sustained brand value and customer loyalty, potentially
surpassing the immediate impact on profitability.
In summary, the paper explores the innovative "Gift with Purpose" promotion by Clarins
in the cosmetics industry, emphasizing the convergence of commerce and social responsibility.
The analysis considers several factors, including financial viability, brand alignment, logistical
considerations, and communication strategies. It underscores the importance of socially
responsible promotions as a transformative force in shaping brand image, fostering emotional
connections with consumers, and differentiating brands in a competitive market. While
recognizing potential challenges, the paper highlights the potential for sustained positive
impacts, including enhanced brand loyalty and positive consumer perception. Clarins' strategic
approach in intertwining profitability with a genuine commitment to social betterment
exemplifies the evolving dynamics of consumer-brand relationships and the potential for socially
responsible promotions to drive long-term success in the cosmetics industry.
“The Beauty Market in 2023: A Special State of Fashion Report.” McKinsey & Company,
McKinsey & Company, 22 May 2023, www.mckinsey.com/industries/retail/ourinsights/the-beauty-market-in-2023-a-special-state-of-fashion-report.