IELTS WRITING TASK 1 CHART I. MATCH THE DIAGRAMS WITH THEIR NAMES. Table II. Bar Chart Pie Chart UNDERSTANDING THE CHART Exercise 1: Look at the chart and answer the question Line Graph 1 What is the chart about? _ The chart is about the reasons why international visitors visit New Zealand. 2 Why do people visit New Zealand? _ The people visit New Zealand for holiday, visiting friends and relatives, business, and other reasons. 3 What percentage of visitors go to New Zealand to see friends and families? _ 29% 4 What does the number 13% mean? _ The number 13% means the percentage of international visitors going to New Zealand for business. 5 What does it mean “other” in the chart? _ ‘’other’’ means other reasons. 6 In general, do people visit New Zealand for work or for leisure? _ In general, people visit New Zealand for leisure. Exercise 2: Look at the chart and answer the question 1 What is this chart about? _ The chart is about computer ownership from 2002 to 2010. 2 What was the trend of computer ownership over the years? _ The trend is increase, rise, growth. 3 What was the figure for computer ownership in 2002? _ The figure for computer ownership in 2002 was 55% 4 What was the figure for computer ownership in 2010? _ The figure for computer ownership in 2010 was 75% 5 How much is the difference between the last year and the first year? _ The difference between the last year and the first year is 20%. What are the differences between the two charts? III. DESCRIBING CHANGES IN NUMBERS Exercise 1: Put the words in the correct column. Are they verbs (V) or nouns (N) or both? Decline Decrease Drop Fall Growth Increase Grow Rise UP Grow (verb) DOWN Exercise 2: Write the past simple and past participle forms of the verbs Infinitive Fall Increase Drop Past Simple Fell Increased Dropped Past Participle Fallen Increased Dropped Decrease Rise Grow Decreased Rose Grew Decreased Risen Grown Exercise 3: Look at the charts and fill in the blanks Percentage growth in average property prices in between 2007 and 2010 1 Price in Algeria decreased by __________, from __________ in 2007 to __________ in 2010. 2 Property in China increased in price by __________, from __________ to __________. 3 Property price in Argentina __________ by __________ during the first two years, from __________ to __________. 2010 70% Increased to 90% in 2020 2020 90% Increased by 20% in 2020 Exercise 4: Complete these sentences with BY, FROM or TO 1 Samsung’s sales grew by nearly 200 million units throughout the years. 2 Apple’s sales increased from less than 50 million units sold to around 150 million. 3 Nokia’s sales dropped dramatically by nearly 200 million units, from over 400 million to only 250 million. Exercise 5: Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box. between in from of to 1 The number of graduates went up. 2 It rose from 21% to 29%. 3 It increased by about 4%. 4 Between 1992 and 1996, there was an increase. 5 There was a rise in graduate numbers during the 1990s. IV. PHRASES TO DESCRIBE CHANGES A/ General Structure Trend Verb increase grow rise decrease decline fall drop remain stable stabilize fluctuate Noun increase growth rise decrease decline fall drop A stability A fluctuation by peak at reach/hit a peak hit the highest point hit the bottom hit the lowest point ADJ Small changes Changes in a long period Big changes slight moderate gradual steady considerable significant dramatic remarkable substantial ADV slightly moderately gradually steadily considerably significantly dramatically remarkably substantially B/ Exercise: Use one pair of VERB + ADVERB to describe each of the phases A-E Phase A (85 – 87): _________________________________ Phase B (87 – 88): __________________________________ Phase C (88 – 89): __________________________________ Phase D (90 – 91): _________________________________ Phase E (91 – 92): __________________________________ VERB + ADVERB A/AN + ADJECTIVE + NOUN The sales of alcohol increased slightly There was a slight increase in the sales of alcohol. Grow Moderately A moderate Growth Decrease Gradually A Gradual Decrease Drop Dramatically A Dramatic Drop Decline Steadily A Steady Decline Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks 1/ A. experienced a significant rise B. the consumption of pizza C. fluctuated Throughout the years, the consumption of pizza saw a drastic rise, from only 5 times eaten per year in 1975 to over 80 in 2000. In the same fashion, hamburgers experienced a significant rise from 10 in 1975 to over 100 in 2000. Meanwhile, fish and chips fluctuated between 1975 and 1985, before falling dramatically to less than 40 in 2000. 2/ A. experienced a strong fluctuation B. increased significantly C. suffered a sharp decline The number of students in course A ___________ from over 4 million to over 2 million, before growing by 2 million to approximately 4.5 million in 2004. Course B also ___________ in its students throughout the years, ending at just below 3 million. Meanwhile, course C ___________ in its student population by 3 million, from 2 million in 2001 to 5 million in 2004. Exercise 2: Rewrite these sentences using noun phrases. 1 The number of female graduates fell substantially between 1990 and 2000. _____________________________________________________________________________ 2 At convenience stores, the purchase of coffee rose slightly. ____________________________________________________________________________ 3 Throughout the period, banana imports from Mexico rose gradually. ______________________________________________________________________________