ENVIRONMENT It refers to the thin layer of life and life supports called the biosphere, including the earth's air, soil, water, and organisms. 3/7/2024 1 Components of the Environment The environment is the aggregate of all conditions that influence the life of an individual or population. The quality of the environment directly affects the quality and survival of life on Earth. Each individual is responsible for maintaining environmental quality. 3/7/2024 2 The environment has several components that interact as follows: The natural environment includes the A. B. Physical Air Water Land Sunlight Biological or living things Plants Animals 3/7/2024 3 The environment has several components that interact as follows: Built environment includes A. Human altered landscapes; Social and Cultural environment includes Individuals and groups B. Technology C. Religion A. D. InstitutionsEconomics and other human activities. 3/7/2024 4 Spatial environment includes the aspects of A. B. C. D. E. Distance Location Density Direction Variation in the environment 3/7/2024 5 TYPES OF ENVIRONMENT The physical environment includes light and heat or solar radiation, moisture, wind, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients in soil, water, and atmosphere. The biological environment includes organisms of the same kind as well as other plants and animals. 3/7/2024 6 “Environmental Ethics” 3/7/2024 7 A. DEVELOPMENT ETHICS “It assumes that nature is for people to use for their own purposes” 3/7/2024 8 B. PRESERVATION ETHICS It assumes that nature has a value of itself and should not be disturbed 3/7/2024 9 C. CONSERVATION ETHICS “Which recognizes that we will use nature but it should be used wisely” 3/7/2024 10 D.CORPORATE ETHICS It is more strongly influenced by economics. It exist to make a profit. Any way that they can reduce costs makes them more profitable It wield tremendous economic power and can sway public opinion and political will. 3/7/2024 11 “If a resource is available for use, it should be used.” 3/7/2024 12 THE 7 ENVIRONMENTAL PRINCIPLES 1. Nature knows best We have to understand nature and have to abide by the rules nature dictates. The natural processes that much serious attention is nutrient cycling. In Nature, nutrients pass from the environmental to the organism and back to the environmental. 3/7/2024 14 2. All forms of life are important. It is easy to appreciate the beautiful butterfly, especially knowing their important role in pollination. The giant beast—the elephant--the whales—the alligator—are the objects of awe and the products they yield respectively ivory, oil leather—are highly prized. But it comes to unlovely creature this principle is usually overlooked. 3/7/2024 15 3. Everything is connected to everything else. This principles is the best exemplified by the concept of the ecosystem. All the biotic and abiotic components interact with each other to ensure that the system is perpetuated. Any outside interference may result in an imbalances and deterioration of the system 3/7/2024 16 4. Everything changes. The environment is constantly changing. Organism also evolve through time. 3/7/2024 17 5. Everything must go somewhere. When a piece of paper is thrown away, it disappears from sight but it does not cease to exist. It ends up elsewhere. Gases released release in smokestacks may disperse but it will end up a component of the atmosphere or brought down by rains. This principles opens up one’s eyes to need to turn back from attitudes inherent in a “throw-away” society. 3/7/2024 18 6. Ours is a finite earth. The earth’s resources can be classified as either renewable or nonrenewable. Renewable resources are those that can easily be replenished by the natural cycle (e.g. water, air, plants, and animals) while; Non-renewable resources are those replenished through natural cycle. 3/7/2024 that 19 cannot be 7. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation. Among all creatures, humans are the only ones made in God’s image and have been given the right to have dominion over His creations. Being the most intelligent and gifted with reasons, humans are capable of manipulation creation to their own advantage. Yet, creation exists not to be ravaged or abused but to be taken care of. Human cannot exist w/out nature. 3/7/2024 20 THE FOUR ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS 3/7/2024 21 INTERCONNECTEDNESS 3/7/2024 22 INTERRELATEDNESS 3/7/2024 23 INTERDEPENDENCE 3/7/2024 24 HARMONY 3/7/2024 25 BIOLOGICAL SPECTRUM sub atomic particles – atoms -moleculesmacromolecules-organelles-cells-tissuesorgans-organ systems– organisms -populationscommunities-ecosystems-biomes-biospheresolar system-galaxy-universe. 3/7/2024 26 VALUE JUDGEMENT EXERCISE A highway is to be constructed from the Cavite Coastal Road to the Export Processing Zone in Rosario, Cavite. This will be a long stretch of road of about 15 km. and will necessarily require demolition of certain existing structures to enable the road to be built. Only 5 structures among the following may be retained. By consensus, which among the following will your group recommend for retention? Prioritize your listing and justify your choices. VALUE JUDGEMENT EXERCISE 1) A hospital and a clinic built by the Newly Elected Governor 2) A school building for elementary and secondary school children 4) A century-old acacia tree 5) A public market where almost all local inhabitants shop 6) 3) The only bank that serves the needs of the town 7) A Muslim temple (Mosque) 8) 8. A row of commercial stores giving substantive income to the government 6. A movie house with other recreational facilities including free wifi-access patronized by the local Citizens 10. A natural park with exotic plants with potential medicinal use 11. A towering Iglesia ni Kristo chapel 12. An old Catholic Church 9) 9. A municipal cemetery where almost all the local dead had been buried VALUE JUDGEMENT EXERCISE You have just won a grand prize in a contest, which is an expense-paid week in Paris for you and your companion. You will be flown by jet airplane, be wined and dined in Michelin-restaurants, and stay in a magnificent French chateau near a nuclear power plant. You must take the entire trip package as planned with no exceptions or substitutions. Discuss the personal risks that are associated with the trip. Given all the risks involved, would you take the trip?