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Data Structures and Algorithms Overview

UNIT I – Overview of Data Structures and Algorithms
Choosing the most appropriate data structure and data description procedure is the key
to creating an efficient, easy-to-understand program.
Data Type
In programming, a set of values from which a variable, constant, function, or other
expression may take its value.
Data Type
Integer: whole numbers (no fractional part)
Character: Alphanumeric character (usually
not for arithmetic purposes)
Real numbers: fixed-point and floating-point
Boolean: True or false
Date/Time: Range of date/time
5, -1, 20, +345
‘A’, ‘@’, ‘6’, ‘+’
5.35, -89.075, 3E+12
Usually denoted by 0 and 1
“7/17”, “01:20:35”
Can be thought of as a set of the “same kind” of data processed by a computer.
Note: Data must be examined carefully so that the most appropriate data type can be
Data Structures
In programming, the term data structures refer to a method of organizing a
collection of data to allow it to be manipulated effectively.
Collection of variables, possibly of several different data types connected in various
It is a way of collecting and organizing data in such a way that we can perform
operations on these data in effective and sometimes efficient way.
Basically anything that can store data can be called as a data structure
In order to solve problem efficiently one can do the following:
1. Analyze the problem to determine the resource constraints a solution must meet.
2. Determine the operations that must be supported (e.g., record, search, insertion, deletion,
3. Quantify the constraints for each operation (e.g., search operations must be very fast)
4. Select data structure that best meet these requirements.
Classification of Data Structures
Categories of Data Structure
Basic Data Structure
Basic Data Type (Primitive Data Structures) – a set of individual data and is frequently used to
create a program; sometimes called atomic data structure as they represent a form where
data can no longer be divided or have no parts.
Simple Type – the most basic data type which is usually declared according to the syntax
rule of a language.
Integer type – represents integers; Maximum/minimum value is the unit of data that
a computer can process at one time and is determined by the length of one word.
Real number type – fixed-point and floating-point numbers
Character type – alphabets, numerals, and symbols as characters; Character codes
are expressed as a binary number inside a computer.
Logical type – values that are used in performing logical operations, such as AND,
OR, and NOT.
Enumeration type – a data type that enumerates all possible values of variables.
Partial type – used to specify an original-value subset by constraining existing data
types, that is identifying upper and lower limits of a variable.
Pointer Type – addresses that are allocated in a main memory unit. Pointer types are
used to refer to variables, file records, or functions.
Structured Type (Simple Data Structure) – a data structure that contains a basic data
structure or any of the defined data types as its elements.
Array Type
– a finite set of elements having the same type referenced under a common name.
– sometimes called a table
– contains data of the same type and size
– each individual data is called an array element
One-dimension Array – data is arrayed in a line.
Two-dimensional Array – data is lined in both vertical and horizontal directions.
Three-dimensional Array
Multidimensional Arrays – n-dimensional arrays can be defined; May have certain
limitations to the number of definable dimensions, depending on the type of
programming language or compiler.
Static Array – an array for which a required area is determined by a program.
Dynamic Array – an array for which a required area is determined after a subscript
used for arraying is provided with an expression and the expression is evaluated
during execution of program.
Record Type – a set of elements having different data types referenced under a
common name. Also called structures.
Abstract Data Type (ADT) – a mathematical model, where a set of data values and
associated operations are precisely specified independent of any implementation.
– A kind of data abstraction where a type’s internal form is hidden (information hiding) behind
a set of access functions.
Data abstraction - is any implementation of data in which the implementation
details are hidden (abstracted) from the user.
Data encapsulation – hiding data on the level of data type.
– Values of the type are created and inspected only by calls to the access functions.
General Idea: view the ADT as a black box (information hiding)
Inputs and outputs are known, how things are programmed are not.
General Rule: keep internal calculations private
Advantage: better modularity
Localizes changes; better division of labor.
Logical and Physical Form of a Data Type
Logical form – definition of the data item within an ADT
Ex. Integers in mathematical sense: + - * / (operations)
Physical form – implementation of the data item
Ex. 16 or 32 bit integers
Classification of Data Structures
1. Linear – the data items are arranged in a linear sequence. (Example: Array)
2. Non-Linear – the data items are not in sequence. (Example: Tree, Graph)
3. Homogeneous – represents a structure whose elements are of the same type.
(Example: Array)
4. Non- Homogeneous – the elements may or may not be of the same type. (Example:
5. Static – are those whose sizes and structures associated memory locations are fixed,
at compile time. (Example: Array)
6. Dynamic – are those which expand or shrink depending upon the program need and its
execution. Also, their associated memory locations changes. (Example: Linked List
created using pointers)
Types of Data Structures
Arrays - stores a collection of items at adjoining memory locations. Items that are the
same type get stored together so that the position of each element can be calculated or
retrieved easily. Arrays can be fixed or flexible in length.
Stacks – stores a collection of items in the linear order that operations are applied. This
order could be last in first out (LIFO) or first in first out (FIFO).
Queues – stores a collection of items similar to a stack; however, the operation order
can only be first in first out.
Linked Lists – stores a collection of items in a linear order. Each element, or node, in a
linked list contains a data item as well as a reference, or link, to the next item in the
Trees – stores a collection of items in an abstract, hierarchical way. Each node is
linked to other nodes and can have multiple sub-values, also known as children.
Graphs – stores a collection of items in a non-linear fashion. Graphs are made up of a
finite set of nodes, also known as vertices, and lines that connect them, also known as
edges. These are useful for representing real-life systems such as computer networks.
Tries – keyword tree; is a data structure that stores strings as data items that can be
organized in a visual graph.
Hash Tables – or a hash map, stores a collection of items in an associative array that
plots keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to convert an index into an
array of buckets that contain the desired data item.
Uses and Importance of Data Structures
Implement physical forms of ADTs.
Used to organize code and information in a digital space.
Essential for managing large amounts of data (e.g., databases, indexing services)
Choose proper data structure for each task.
Data Structure Operations
Actions performed as part of the data structure implementation; fundamental actions that can
be performed on various data structures to manipulate, access, and manage data.
• Inserting — adding new record to the structure.
• Deleting — removing a record from the structure.
• Sorting — arranging the record in some logical order.
• Searching — finding the location of the record given a key value.
• Traversing — accessing each record exactly once so that certain items in the
record may be processed
visiting and examining all elements or nodes within the data structure. This can be done
in different orders, such as in-order, pre-order, or post-order for trees.
• Merging — combining records in two different sorted files into a single sorted
• Searching for Min/Max – finding the minimum or maximum element in the data structure.