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How Not to Die Supplemental PDF: Diet & Supplements

Figure 1
Figure 2
Steamed Broccoli
285 grams
555 grams
310 grams
Grilled Chicken Breast
70 grams
Cheddar Cheese
25 grams
Baked White Fish
105 grams
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Daily Dozen
No. of servings
Figure 6
Other Fruits
Cruciferous Veget ables
Other Vegetables
Whole Grains
Figure 7
Salad Days
Having a big salad every day is a great way to burn through the Daily Dozen.
To a base of mesclun greens and arugula, I add tomato, red bell pepper, beans,
and barberries, along with toasted nuts if I’m using a fat-free dressing. My current
favorite dressing recipe is a Caesar spin-off shared by Dr. Michael Klaper
from the TrueNorth Health Center:
2 tablespoons almond meal
3 cloves crushed garlic
3 tablespoons dijon mustard
3 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
2 tablespoons white miso
3 tablespoons lemon juice
⅓ cup water
Blend and enjoy! (If you have a high-speed blender, you could probably use whole
almonds instead of meal.)
Recipe 1
Dr. Greger’s Eight Check-Mark Pesto
2 cups fresh basil leaves
¼ cup freshly toasted walnuts
2 cloves fresh garlic
¼ of a peeled lemon
¼ teaspoon lemon zest
¼ inch of fresh turmeric root (or ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder) ¼ cup pinto
¼ cup water or liquid from bean can
1 tablespoon white miso
Pepper to taste
Combine all ingredients in a food processor. Blend until smooth. Scoop onto a cup
and a half of cooked whole-grain pasta.
Recipe 2
By getting your nutrients from green-light foods, not only will you minimize
exposure to harmful food components, such as sodium, saturated fat, and cholesterol, but you will maximize your intake of nearly every required nutrient: vitamin A carotenoids; vitamin C; vitamin E; the B vitamins, including thiamin,
riboflavin, and folate; as well as magnesium, iron, and potassium, not to mention fiber.1 Dietary quality rating scales consistently rank the most-plant-based
diets as the healthiest.2
That said, because of the way we live in our modern world, there are important shortfalls that need to be corrected.
For example, vitamin B12 is not made by plants; it’s made by microbes that
blanket the earth. But in this sanitized modern world, we now chlorinate the
water supply to kill off any bacteria. While you don’t get much B12 in the water
anymore, you don’t get much cholera, either—that’s a good thing! Similarly,
we evolved to make all the vitamin D we need from the sun, but most of us
are no longer running around naked in equatorial Africa. You may be covered
up, inside, at a high northern latitude and therefore need to supplement your
diet with this “sunshine vitamin.” Thus, these two vitamins must be addressed.
2,500 mcg ( g) Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) at Least Once
a Week
Given modern sanitary standards, a regular, reliable source of vitamin B12 is
critical for anyone eating a plant-based diet.3 Though deficiency for those starting out with adequate stores may take years to develop,4 the results of B12
deficiency can be devastating, with cases reported of paralysis,5 psychosis,6
blindness,7 and even death.8 Newborn infants of mothers who eat a plant-based
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diet and who fail to supplement can develop deficiency much more rapidly with
disastrous results.9
For adults under age sixty-five, the easiest way to get B12 is to take at least
one 2,500 mcg supplement each week. If you take too much, you merely get
expensive pee. Well, not all that expensive: A five-year supply of vitamin B12
can cost less than twenty dollars.10 If you’d rather get into the habit of taking
it daily, the once-a-day dosing is 250 mcg.11 Note that these doses are specific
to cyanocobalamin, the preferred supplemental form of vitamin B12, as there
is insufficient evidence to support the efficacy of the other forms, like methylcobalamin.12
As you age, your ability to absorb vitamin B12 may decline.13 For those over
sixty-five who eat plant-based diets, the supplementation should probably be
increased from at least 2,500 mcg a week (or 250 mcg a day) up to 1,000 mcg
of cyanocobalamin each day.14,15
Instead of taking B12 supplements, it’s possible to get sufficient amounts
from B12-fortified foods, but you would have to eat three servings a day of
foods providing at least 25 percent of the Daily Value (on the Nutrition Facts
label),16 with each serving eaten at least four to six hours after the last.17 The
only green-light source I’m aware of is B12-fortified nutritional yeast, for which
two teaspoons three times a day would suffice. For most people, though, it
would probably be cheaper and more convenient to just take a supplement.
My other supplement recommendations in this section can be considered
conditional, but getting enough vitamin B12 is absolutely nonnegotiable for
those centering their diets around green-light foods.
Vitamin D from Sun or Supplements
I recommend that people unable to get sufficient sun take one 2,000 IU vitamin D3 supplement each day,18 ideally with the largest meal of the day.19
In the northern hemisphere, below approximately 30° latitude (south of Los
Angeles, Dallas, or Atlanta), fifteen minutes each day of midday sun on the forearms and face without sunblock should produce sufficient vitamin D for Caucasians under the age of sixty. Those who have darker skin20 or who are older 21
may require thirty minutes or more.
Farther north, at 40° latitude (Portland, Chicago, or New York City), the
sun’s rays are at such an angle during the months of November through February that vitamin D may not be produced. No matter how long you might
sunbathe naked in Times Square on New Year’s Day, you won’t make any vitamin D.22
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Above 50° latitude (around London, Berlin, Moscow, and Edmonton,
Canada), this “vitamin D winter” may extend for as long as six months of the
Vitamin D supplements are therefore recommended for people at higher
latitudes during the winter months and year-round for those not getting
enough midday sun, regardless of location. This may also apply to those living
in smoggy cities, such as Los Angeles or San Diego.23
I do not recommend tanning beds. They can be both ineffective24 and dangerous.25 The lamps emit mostly UVA,26 which increases melanoma skin cancer risk without producing vitamin D.27
Eat Iodine-Rich Foods
Iodine, a mineral essential for thyroid function, is found predominantly in the
ocean and in variable amounts in the soils of the world. To ensure everyone was
getting enough, table salt was fortified with the mineral starting in the 1920s.
So if you do add salt to your food, use iodized salt (not sea salt or “natural” salt,
which contains about sixty times less iodine28). Given that sodium is considered the second-leading dietary killer in the world,29 however, iodized salt
should be considered a red-light source.
There are two yellow-light sources of iodine: seafood and dairy milk. (Iodine leaches into the milk from iodine-containing antiseptic chemicals used
to disinfect the cow’s teats to prevent mastitis.30) The most concentrated
green-light source is seaweed, which has the iodine of seafood without the fatsoluble pollutants that build up in the aquatic food chain.
Sea vegetables are the underwater dark-green leafies. I encourage you to
experiment with ways to include them in your diet. The recommended daily
intake of iodine is 150 mcg, which is what is in about two sheets of nori,31 the
seaweed that’s used to make sushi. There are all sorts of seaweed snacks on
the market now, but most, if not all of them, seem to have added red-light
ingredients. So I buy plain nori and season the sheets myself by brushing them
with jarred pickled ginger juice and lightly sprinkling on wasabi powder before
recrisping them at 300°F for about five minutes.
Sprinkling just a half teaspoon of the seaweeds arame or dulse onto dishes
you’re preparing may also get you your iodine for the day. Dulse is sold as pretty
purple flakes you can just shake onto your food. I do caution against hijiki32 (also
spelled hiziki), because it has been found to be contaminated with arsenic. I also
caution against kelp, which may have too much iodine; just a half teaspoon of
kelp could exceed the daily upper limit. For the same reason, you shouldn’t
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get into a regular habit of eating more than fi fteen sheets of nori or more
than a tablespoon of arame or dulse a day.33 Too much iodine can cause excessive thyroid gland activity.34
For those who don’t like seaweed, Eden brand’s canned beans have a tiny
amount of kelp added such that iodine levels average between 36.3 mcg per
half-cup serving (great northern beans) to 71.2 mcg (navy beans).35 Not only
are those levels safe—you’d have to eat about twenty cans a day to get too
much—but checkmarking my three legume servings a day with Eden’s beans
would fulfill your daily iodine requirement.
One last note about iodine: Although people who avoid seafood and dairy
products do not appear to have impaired thyroid function,36,37 I would not leave
it to chance during pregnancy, where iodine is critical for proper brain development.38 I agree with the American Thyroid Association’s recommendation
that all North American pregnant and breast-feeding women receive a prenatal vitamin containing 150 mcg of iodine daily.39
Consider Taking 250 mg of Pollutant-Free (Yeast- or AlgaeDerived) Long-Chain Omega-3s Daily
According to two of the most credible nutrition authorities, the World Health
Organization and the European Food Safety Authority, you should get at least a
half a percent of your calories from the short-chain omega-3 ALA.40 That’s
easy—the one Daily Dozen tablespoon of ground flaxseeds takes care of that.
Your body can then take the short-chain omega-3 from flaxseeds (or chia seeds
or walnuts) and elongate it into the long-chain omega-3s EPA and DHA found
in fish fat. The question, however, is whether the body can make enough for
optimal brain health.41,42 Until we know more, I recommend taking 250 mg of
pollutant-free long-chain omega-3s directly.
I don’t recommend fish oil, since even purified (“distilled”) fish oil has been
found to be contaminated with considerable amounts of PCBs and other pollutants, so much so that taken as directed, salmon, herring, and tuna oils would
exceed the tolerable daily intake of toxicity.43 This may help explain the studies that found adverse effects of fish consumption on cognitive function in both
adults and children. But many of those studies either were done downstream
of a gold-mining area contaminated with mercury, which is used in the mining
process,44 or included people who ate whale meat or fish caught next to chemical plants or toxic spills.45 What about fi sh you’d just get at a restaurant or
grocery store?
An elite group of Floridians (mostly corporate executives) was studied. They
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ate so much seafood that at least 43 percent exceeded the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency’s safety limit for mercury, and it appeared to have an effect.
The researchers found that excessive seafood intake, which they defi ned as more
than around three to four servings per month of such fish as tuna or snapper,
elevates mercury levels and appeared to cause cognitive dysfunction. The effect wasn’t large— only about a 5 percent drop in cognitive performance—but
“a decrement [in executive function] that no one, let alone a health-conscious
and achievement-oriented person, is likely to welcome.”46
Thankfully, you can get the benefits without the risks by getting long-chain
omega-3s from algae instead,47 which is where the fish primarily get it from to
begin with.48 By cutting out the middle-fish and getting EPA and DHA directly
from the source at the bottom of the food chain, you don’t have to worry about
pollutant contamination. In fact, the algae used for supplements are just grown
in tanks and never even come in contact with the ocean.49 That’s why I recommend a contaminant-free source to get the best of both worlds, omega-3
levels associated with brain preservation50 and minimized exposure to industrial pollutants.
What About . . . ?
All the other vitamins, minerals, and nutrients should be taken care of by the
mountains of nutrition you’ll be getting by centering your diet around whole
plant foods. And many of those nutrients are ones Americans normally don’t get
in sufficient quantity—namely, vitamins A, C, and E and the minerals magnesium and potassium, along with fiber.51 Ninety-three percent of Americans don’t
get enough vitamin E. Ninety-seven percent of American adults don’t get enough
fiber.52 Ninety-eight percent of American diets are deficient in potassium.53 You,
my friend, are going to be the one in a thousand who does it right.
If you have a specific question about some obscure nutrient—like, “What
about my molybdenum or menaquinones?”—rather than have me bore everyone else with minutiae, allow me to refer you to the best reference book available on plant-based nutrition by the preeminent dietitians Brenda Davis and
Vesanto Melina.54 The authors go into great detail and even have chapters on
pregnancy, breast-feeding, and raising bouncing boys and girls.
Vitamin B12-fortified plant-based diets can offer health benefits for all
stages of the life cycle.55 Dr. Benjamin Spock, the most esteemed pediatrician
of all time, wrote perhaps the bestselling American book of the twentieth century: The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care. In the seventh edition, the
final one before Dr. Spock died at ninety-four, he advocated children be raised
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on a plant-based diet with no exposure to meat or dairy products. Dr. Spock
had lived long enough to see the beginnings of the childhood obesity epidemic.
“Children who grow up getting their nutrition from plant foods,” he wrote,
“have a tremendous health advantage and are much less likely to develop health
problems as the years go by.”56
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Appendix: Supplements
1. Farmer B, Larson BT, Fulgoni VL III, Rainville AJ, Liepa GU. A vegetarian dietary pattern as a
nutrient-dense approach to weight management: an analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999–2004. J Am Diet Assoc. 2011;111(6):819–27.
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