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With One Seed Marketing Communication Report 2020

With One Seed (Xpand
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ 2
SECTION 2: CUSTOMER PATH ............................................................................................................ 5
SECTION 3: MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PLAN .................................................................. 8
SECTION 4: CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 11
SECTION 5: REFERENCING ................................................................................................................ 11
In section 1, the report has establish an overarching strategy that was based on the
marketing intelligence report and the value proposition report. “Table 1: Critique
marketing table of the current strategy” analyzed the six attributes of humancentric brand and the “Personability” cannot be found. Furthermore, the report
does prove that Pull marketing strategy deem fit to the foundation more than the
Push strategy due to the business nature of industry partner.
In section 2, the report focus on applying the 5A/s mode to analyse the customer
path, possible touchpoints and relevant communication channels. A summary of
the report is as below:
 Communication channels: 5
 Sales channels: 3
 Touchpoints: at most 6
In section 3, we have provided an marketing communications plan based on the
culmination information from section 1 and 2.
As per our conclusion, we have noted the limitation(s), potential problem(s) and
careful revisions for later discussion and evaluation.
SECTION 1: The Overarching Marketing Communications Strategy
The current strategy that WithOneSeed is using Pull strategy. However, the content
and the spreading element of their strategy have a lot of limitations due to the lack
of touchpoints where users can access the information.
Compelling product
design or a solid
customer experience
QR Scanning and the fact that people receive carbon credits
certificate that make them feel their purchase actually bring long
term values.
The unique way to
launch services
The launch of an app that helps user to track the trees
methodology with its
customers (Twitter:
jokes comments)
Emotional engagement
(1) Youtube
(2) Social Media (facebook)
(3) Offline webinars where buyers can meet real farmers
(1) Implementation of the “Poverty” Image
(2) The use of Timor Leste women image and their happy
participation in the project
Promote Self-awareness
and how to make it even
Monthly or Yearly updates on their current progress or their new
How to promote that
they are ethical and keep achievement such as the post on Facebook on January 29,2020
regarding the number of total tree farmers and the number of
promises (Keep track)
forests tress planted.
TABLE 1: Critique marketing table of the current strategy
Based on the value proposition report, The brand purpose will focus into the
following elements:
 To Build sustainable environment
 To End poverty and hungers
 To Increase education and training
 To Build regional partnership
To promote the above elements, the new proposed value proposition is to
encourage the consumers of this product to become an activist that truly matters to
the people and to the environment. Look back at the value proposition canvasValue Map in the previous report, core products & services will be mainly about
the digital integration between the foundation application and the charity
platforms. It is about what a customer know and can do through various channels.
Therefore, the optimal choice for such approach is to use the Pull strategy. Reason
behind this choice is because our main focus is to build bigger customer base and
reaching out to as much individuals or group of individuals as we can. By
leveraging intermediaries platforms to expand our communitites, it will be more
cost effective and provides better value to the consumers as our product will need
to adapt and flexible to each intermediary format; where the contents will be most
In the value proposition report, we have identified our brand champion as
individuals who believes that their contributions to the operations will help People
of Timor Leste to improve their living conditions and help improve climate
change. Therefore, pull marketing strategies help engage and build relationship
between WithOneSeed project and the consumers. Not only that they consume but
they can draw they personal experience surrounding the activities that they have
with the brand. By integrating and presenting the project through different
platforms, Xpand foundation can share their value through “the language” of that
specific community. For example, presenting our values on Kickstarter has a
different format and on our own website will have different format. By doing this,
the approach will be to convey the same values across different communities
through different languages; like saying “hi” in french (Salut).
To validate the above choice of strategy, let us look at the push marketing strategy
examples and see if it is a better choice. By definition, its marketing
communications are targetted directly to consumers using daily life touchpoints
such as emails, television advertisments, telemarketing,etc. It is deemed to be unfit
to Xpand Foundation as its nature is a Not-for-profit organization. The nature of
the strategy and of the foundation do not align together as problems will arise as
the main problems of Push marketing are the untargeted audience and very
expensive budget. Based on the contribution stated in the latest report , only 980
Baguia farmers are actually benefitting from the project. Therefore, wasting money
on the traditional marketing approaches will only demotivate the consumers
support and make the brand looks bad. Furthermore, the SWOT analysis provided
in the marketing report also supports that the foundation weaknesses include low
income and low level of awareness.
SECTION 2: Customer Path
In this section, we will apply the 5A’s model to analyse the Customer Path. Based on the report
on “Marketing 4.0: Moving from traditional to digital” (Kotler,2017), it is important to identify
the touchpoints as they will be effective data-capture tools that will help marketers and business
owners to understand and buil better customer experience for customer in future improvements
Figure 1 below will help stakeholders to understand the mapping touchpoints and channels that
user will have direct interactions with. As discussed above in section 1, WithOneSeed in nature
is an NGOs. Therefore, our marketing tactics will only be able to focus paid on the Partner
websites to optimize our reaching towards Kickstarter audience.
Figure 1: Mapping Touchpoints and Channels across the Customer Path
In Figure 2, there will be 9 main steps in order to complete a customer journey from “Aware”
stage to “advocacy” stage. There are many “secondary path” which will bring more functional
values for users that are more scientific and demanding towards end to end values.
Figure 2: Identifying the Most Popular Touchpoints and Channels
SECTION 3: Marketing Communications Plan
Below is the Marketing Communications plan for Xpand Foundation based on the culmination
information of section 1 and 2.
Goal Setting
Sales-related goals:
(1) Lead generation: Acquire more individual consumers
Brand-related goals:
(1) Brand awareness: Make the project easily available for individuals to buy carbon
(2) Brand loyalty/advocacy: Make the project easily re-assessable in order to track the
current condition of the project.
(3) Engagement: Increase total number of single credits buyers.
Audience Mapping
Brand Champion: an activist that truly matters to the people and to the
Brand Voices: Sustainable, Healthy, Free of Choice, Better Life
Geographics perimeter: Australia, North America, Northern Europe
Demographic perimeter: Young, between 18-34 years old.
Behaviorial perimeter:
_ appreciation for the beauty of nature.
_ broad training in the various ecological sub‐disciplines
_ Believes that we are morally obligated to preserve aspects of the natural
_ Seeks to be of service to society.
_Has a personal affinity for the entity, process, or place he/she studies.
(Source: Traits of a good ecologist: What do ecologists think?)
Customer Profile:
(1) Customer Gains:
i) Contribute to the CO2 offset activites==> Promote their status as
environmental friendly.
ii) Contribute to the positive impacts of Timor Leste biodiversity.
iii) Contribute the money to the right person/farmers that
iv) Contribute to the overall life development of Timor Leste as
money would be allocated that helps the local government build
the key necessary infrastructure primordial to sustainable
(2) Customer Pains
i) Cannot see clearly the result from their contribution as the results
are all from outside of their reach.
ii) They do not aware of such NGOs activity in Timor Leste to
iii) Carbon credits is a new term to be recognized as a contribution.
Therefore, it is hard to promote such contribution if the public
does not aware of it and puts importance into it.
Content ideation &
Content Creation
Content Distribution
Content theme: Before & After Timor Leste
Content formats and mix: Mix between press releases, articles and case
studies that showcase the infographics and videos for their visual form.
Content storyline and calendar:
_ How contribution of WithOneSeed Up to 2021
_ How future contribution will be after 2021
_ How individuals in each project at different platforms/communities
change the way it works.
_ The proposed timeline and changes that can be dealt immediately; Both
environmentally and sociably.
Xpand Foundation could consider to use outsource content creation due to
the resources of an in-house capability of NGO nature would not meet the
criteria of in-house resource.
In the context of integration with Kickstarter for example, this company
does also provide support on the script writing or consultation that would
help its partners optimize its presentation. Therefore, it is my
recommendation to work with the digital partners on this regards.
A mix of paid media and owned media will be in play. The reason behind this
mix is due to our strategy. We are looking at the expansion of individual
Content Amplification
consumers and community consumers that will contribute to the future
growth. Furthermore, integration with digital partners will always
accompany by paid media as it is a way to guarantee that our partners
prioritize our brand exposure at the beginning of the campaign before
transitioning our dependency to earned media.
Here are the the potential influencers that are potentially targeted following
the geographic perimeter above:
(i) Ms. Greta Thunberg (Influencer/KOLs)
(ii) Mr. Leonardo DiCaprio (Actor/Influencer)
The mix of Influencer as above will help the project to reach more diverse
audience with higher conversion rate due to the nature of their audience
identified as loyal.
Content performance metrics:
1) Visible
a) Unique viewers: Reach over 21000 viewers
2) Relatable
a) Bounce rate: Less than 50%
b) Time on site: Less than 5 minutes
3) Searchable
a) Search-engine positions: (1) at the entrance page of “featured
project” and (2) Under the “Design & Tech” Main category.
4) Actionable
a) Click-through-rate: 70%
b) Conversion rates: 2-5%
5) Shareable
a) Share ratio: 20%
b) Engagement rate (total followers / share actions like retweets, replies,
mentions,favorites) to be 100%
TABLE 2: Content mapping
SECTION 4: Conclusion
Through section 1-3, we have been able to propose an overarching communication strategy that
will focus on the Pull Strategy, come up with a customer path scenario and provide a Content
However, Push marketing strategy would be more suitable if we require to expand our customer
base as charities required more “engagement” and “reminding” activities which would be better
to raise the impacts and urge individual to act more. Transparency has always been an issue with
charities, especially transparency will be interpret differently and require unique approach rather
than an universal one on all the geographic listed in section 3.
In section 2, a potential problem that require further review is that many functionalities on the
secondary path “Ask” suggests that users will require a lot investigation before backing the
In section 3, a limitation on defining the approximate metric % will require more inside
information on how partners would reassure the objectives to be met despise the competition.
SECTION 5: Referencing
Kotler, P, Kartajaya, H & Setiawan, I 2017, Marketing 4.0: Moving from traditional
to digital, (Links to an external site.) John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New
Jersey, Chapter 10, p. 146.
Reiners, W. A., D. S. Reiners, and J. A. Lockwood. 2013. Traits of a good ecologist:
What do ecologists think? Ecosphere 4(7):86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1890/ES1300025.1
Gartner 2018, Gartner Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends 2019, YouTube, 15
October, viewed 09 April 2020,
Dudgeon, M 2011, 'Tug of Love: How Technology Is Changing the Relationship
between Consumers and Brands - and What Marketers Can Do about It', (Links to
an external site.)Journal of Database Marketing & Customer Strategy
Management,vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 313-21