qualitative research for high school students English 14 pag. Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) QUALITATIVE RESEARCH ON HOW DOES ACCESS TO THE INTERNET AFFECT A CHILD DEVELOPMENT IN THE MIDS OF COVID 19 PANDEMIC TO THE STUDENTS OF MAHAPLAG by: Charilou Regaton Madilyn Cabugwason And Rochelyn Mae Toling School Name Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) APPROVAL SHEET The research entitled "How does access to the internet affect a child development in the mids of covid 19 pandemic to the students in Mahaplag leyte" prepared and submitted by CHARILOU REGATON, MADILYN CABUGWASON and ROCHELYN MAE TOLING in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the subject. Practical research has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval. May 28 , 2022 Jay impuesto Montaño Date Research Adviser Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to our ALMIGHTY GOD for his grace and blessings and for giving me wisdom, strength, peace of mind and good health in order to finish this research in a limited time frame. I would also like to thanks my teacher Jay impuesto Montaño for giving me this opportunity to do this wonderful project and I came to know about so many things. And My parents and friends who helped me a lot in finalizing this project. Iam in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge to all those who have helped me to put these ideas , especially to my group mates MADILYN CABUGWASON and ROCHELYN MAE TOLING. ABSTRACT Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) This study aimed to develop a deeper understanding on how does access to the internet affect a child development in the midst of covid 19 pandemic to the students of Mahaplag leyte. This study utilized a qualitative research design through interview questionnaire. It was found out that online learning system has a big effects to child development of students in mahaplag leyte especially to those students that can't afford to have a high speed internet service in their home. In addition, results shows that there are some bad effects to child's development in their physical, mental and emotional state through this online learning system . TABLE OF CONTENTS Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM background of the study Statement of the problem Significance of the study Definition of terms CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Theoretical/ Conceptual framework CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Research Design Population and locale of study Data gathering tools Data gathering procedures CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX CURRICULUM VITAE CHAPTER 1. THE PROBLEM Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) The traditional way for young people to learn is to go to school and be taught by their teacher. In the past 2020 there has been a Virus that has spread to different countries. It is called the Covid 19 virus. The Philippines is one of the worst affected. Many markets are closed. many workers lost their jobs. People decided to just stay at home to avoid this deadly virus. Front. Psychol., (11 March 2021) https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.632787 Their Article says ; In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, online learning has been carried out in many countries with different types of online learning models being promoted and implemented. In the global pandemic continues, the education environment is forced to change from traditional classroom or blended teaching mode to online learning teaching model. With the outbreak of COVID-19, China was the first to announce that online courses are to be implemented in February 2020. In China, whether online learning can replace traditional offline teaching has become a topic worth discussing. Therefore, this study investigates university students in China by questionnaires and discussions of this topic. The study is based on the Push–Pull Mooring model. Mulder and Janssen (2013) has also prompted universities and teachers to use a variety of online learning techniques, such as Learning Management Systems, Internet-based technology for learning, Information, Communication and Technology (ICT), and Social Network-based Learning or mobile learning. However, since early 2020, the new coronavirus has changed the mode of physical teaching or blended learning. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) The influence of the covid 19 pandemic on the education system has led to the widespread closure of schools and colleges around the world. The Department of education (DepEd) has applied distance learning modalities to ensure continuity of learning, which includes technology and internet connection. https://alphabeticalorder.org. (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the world in ways unimaginable. As we look back on the past two years and the harsh repercussions of the pandemic that continue until today, it is apparent that one of the most impacted sectors was education. Neither the world nor educational institutions were prepared to embrace the shift to online platforms brought on at lightning speed. STATEMENT OF THE STUDY This study attempts to determine on how does access to the internet affect a child development in the midst of the covid19 pandemic to the students of mahaplag leyte. Especially, it ought to answer the following question : 1. What is the importance of internet access to the children especially in education 2. What are the hindrances of being in online class /modular class 3. What are the thought of their parents about the effects of internet access in their childs development. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY the result of the study will merit the following : Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION. the result of this study could be the baseline data to improve for school advancement. STUDENTS. this study will help students to have better understanding about the effects of the access in the internet. PARENTS. who are concerned with the education of their children considering school performance through online classes. DEFINITION OF TERMS For the better clarification and understanding of the terms related to this study, the following terms are defined. ONLINE CLASS = refers in studying online with the use of internet and technology like computers, laptops and cellphones. MODULAR CLASS = refers in studying and answering sets of modules. INTERNET ACCESS = it is the process of connecting to the internet using personal computers, laptops or mobile devices by users. HINDRANCE = it is something that holds back or cause problem . Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) CHILD DEVELOPMENT = it involves the biological psychological and emotional changes that occur in human being especially to children CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter present the review of related literature and studies of the subtopics of the research; online class modular class internet access hindrances and child development. Priyanka Prakash (2021) according to his blog for students online glasses have become an eminent trend in the education sector around the globe .Digital learning has provided easy access to the files and folders that can now be organized and secured with one click. students can easier access their notes and assignments without the fear of misplacing or spoiling them. Maryville university article says according to survey 93% of household with school age children have had experienced socially distant learning during the covid-19 pandemic for families the shift has been difficult issues of accessibility have impact lower-income families as they may not have access to two requirements for online learning ; high speed internet service and a computer. Myra Itorralba (2021) the positive effects of modular learning on students: It helped students economize on daily transportation, fares, gasoline for those who have cars or vehicles. Parents economize on children's weekly monetary allowances. Online classes helped save time and energy on travel to and from school. Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) Soohyun kim (2011) Findings indicated that Korean boys and girls differed in the ways that they used the Internet. Girls were more likely to use the Internet to watch online education classes and blog more frequently and longer than boys, whereas boys were more likely to use the Internet for playing Internet games than girls. THEORETICAL / CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Credit to the rightful owner CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY RESEARCH DESIGN We use Phenomenology method for this study. Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) POPULATION AND LOCALE OF THE STUDY We conduct interviews and survey to some students in every barangay in Mahaplag Leyte. DATA GATHERING TOOLS For this study we used Interview method and survey questionnaire to gather data and information . DATA GATHERING PROCEDURES To gather data, First we interview some studentsabout the affect of internet access to their development . We also interviewed some parents about the affect to this to their children development. For those our online participants to sthis study we give them survey questionnaires to answer. CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results shows that many students and parents are suffering being in online class because of lack of access on internet and technology devices . The results also shows that those who have online classes experiencing anxiety and Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) stress because of the limited time that given to them to finish their school work. Some says that they're having hard time managing school works and their responsibilities in their home . The possitive Result is that students are no longer need to go to school and they can save money. Parents says their children is developing more understanding to computers rather than to the studies that they need to do. Children who usually using computers and cellphones experiencing heachache. They develop poor eyesight CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION I there to conclude that many students dont like online classes. Because of lack of access in internet and to technology devices. Also, It has bad effects to childrens physical and mental development. RECOMMENDATION I recommend that every student and teachers must conduct proper time management to their online classes . At least 2 hours in a day. So that children has time to take rest their eyes looking at the monetor and away from radation. BIBLIOGRAPHY [SS] Semantic scholar see https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/ATheoretical-Framework-for-Organizing-the-Effect-Johnson/ ba92d33f3c1ffc272665ece2b01f494eb121e6bb Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) [MU] Maryville University see : https://online.maryville.edu/blog/impact-ofonline-education/ [MI] Myra Itorralba (2021) https://simplyeducate.me/2021/12/07/effects-ofmodular-learning/&ved=2ahUKEwil_LGF7_z3AhVXplYBHXuFAZsQFnoECA8QBQ &usg=AOvVaw2IMBt8nHKpVdlx7J7xED1a APPENDIX Participant Data The interview was held at mahaplag leyte at 9:00 a.m. may 27 2020 to the researcher time with him was limited to 20 minutes by his busy schedule the interview proceed on a very structured but defined by the preliminary questions that used by the interviewer to assure coverage of the topic of importance to the research. CURRICULUM VITAE Charilou Regaton charilouregaton@gmail.com 09654930828 Barangay campin, Mahaplag Leyte Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com) EDUCATION Upper national Highschool Document shared on https://www.docsity.com/en/qualitative-research-for-high-school-students/8893282/ Downloaded by: math-for-all (lyriellegali@gmail.com)