Uploaded by alexponomarev222


Imagine Being a fuck up all your life, youre now 30 and you waste your days at a job u dont like, making enough money to scrape by. No free time and you see your loved ones struggle, Not being Able to help them. If you had a time machine, would you go back in time? maybe do better in school, play the lottery, maybe invest in a stock? Well Youre not 30 yet, but your life is passing by and you have this ONE opportunity to make something out of it, yes theres risk to it, theres risk to everything. But if someone tells you that in 1week you can learn what you would learn in 6 years of college, wouldnt you drop everything, and learn As much as you could for this one week? You came across this community for a reason, Now make the most out of it. ❤️