Lipa City Colleges LCC Research Journal FACTORS AFFECTING STUDENTS’ TIME MANAGEMENT AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THEIR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE sufficient time to perform certain task given to them. Time management however, is comprised of ALYANNA JOYCE PAGUIO according to Aduke (2015), are both strong indicators of time management troubles for students ABSTRACT This study is focused on how time management skills influence students’ academic performance in LCC Silvercrest School. The method of research applied by the researcher in this study is the quantitative descriptive research utilizing itemized rating scales.Random sampling is used to select 30 respondents. The participants are students who are enrolled in LCC Silvercrest School SY. 2019-2020. Based on the result of the study the respondents strongly agreed when it comes to the extent of students academic procrastination affecting their time managements. When it comes to the extent of students prioritization techniques affecting their time management all the student respondents strongly agreed that they make checklist of the things that they need to do every day. Keywords: time management, academic performance, academic procatination INTRODUCTION Students in general have very busy and stressful lives due to attending classes, several factors contributing to it such as academic procrastination and prioritization which who pursuit their academic studies. Academic procrastination occurs at all levels of education. People with procrastination are unable in managing their time and there is high difference between their actual perception and their perceived behaviors. Research has shown that academic procrastination is a relatively common phenomenon among adults and students in an institution. This can affect student’s academic progression in which student tends to delay their academic task. In the end, they get distressed when there are a lot of subjects need to be studied and they do not have enough time to do so. In this regard, students’ defected time management may be defined as characteristics for students with academic procrastination. Prioritization is also another factor that affects students’ time management. However, students do not feel that prioritizing task based on importance is a need (Aduke, 2015). This leads to academic stress. Academic stress takes place with some situations like students rushing in completing assignment; experience the pressure to cramming for the exams as well as sleeping in only few hours due to disorganizations and worry. Students feeling frustrated in trying to get themselves to begin their own work because they are poor in time management skill such as prioritization of tasks (Aduke, 2015). completing assignments and studying for exams. In addition, they have their own daily routines and LCC Silvercrest School envisions students that are holistically developed but is recently lifestyles that are necessary for creating balance between academics and recreational activities. experiencing such concerns with students regarding their time management. As observed, there However, finding time to do everything at once can be challenging. This is where good time are several cases of students’ academic performance being affected by the way they manage their management skills come into practice. time in school related tasks. Time management is the skill in which all students should not only know, but also need to This study may plug in new contribution to knowledge about the implications and know how to apply (Faisal, Abdulla, Mohammad, & Nabil, 2014). Students have a lot of tasks and correlations of time management towards academic performance at LCC Silvercrest School. The had to satisfy a lot of different teachers, and the grades for each subject are determined by the result of the study would help the institution to strengthen the teaching and learning process academic task quality. Recently, there are a lot of students who are facing problems in their through a better time management strategic program. academics due to difficulties in their time management and complaint that they do not have 90 91 Lipa City Colleges LCC Research Journal target (Burger, 2006). Therefore, these students use time better and exhibit more constructive reactions against preventions (Yeşilyaprak, 2004). METHODOLOGY However, the said student respondents also strongly agreed that they can get support This study is focused on how time management skills influence students’ academic performance in LCC Silvercrest School. The method of research applied by the researcher in this from their parents in every schoolwork that they do which gained the least weighted mean of 3.40 and ranked 5. study is the quantitative descriptive research utilizing itemized rating scales.Random sampling will This was supported by the study of Trivette and Anderson’s (1995) (as cited in Keceli- be used to select 30 respondents. The participants must be currently enrolled in LCC Silvercrest Kaysili, 2008), which investigated the relationship between academic achievement and family School SY. 2019-2020. participation components with the participation of 8-grade students and their families, found that academic expectation and support is the most influential factor for families. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Table 1 The Extent Of Students Academic Procrastination Affecting TheirTime Management 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Indicators I do my projects on time. I study my lessons a week before the exams. I keep up with my weekly reading assignments. I believe that I can finish my schoolwork before the deadline. I can get support from my parents in every schoolwork I do. Composite Mean WM 3.93 4.06 3.63 4.33 3.40 VI SA SA SA SA SA 3.873 R 3 2 4 1 5 As presented in the table, all the student respondents strongly agreed that they believe they can finish their schoolwork before the deadline as evidenced by the highest weighted mean of 4.33 and the highest rank of 1. Table 2 The Extent of Students Prioritization Techniques Affecting their Time Management Indicators I do my schoolwork depending on its level of priority. I make a checklist of the things I need to do every day. I have a weekly schedule of my activities. I follow the checklist that I made. I manage my time well because of my checklist Composite Mean WM 4.13 4.16 3.96 3.90 3.86 VI SA SA SA SA SA 4.002 R 2 1 3 4 5 As presented in the table, all the student respondents strongly agreed that they make checklist of the things that they need to do every day as evidenced by the highest weighted mean of 4.16 and the highest rank of 1. This was supported by the study of (Sabelis, 2001), stating that one can make use of This was supported by the study of Dag (1991), that there is a positive relationship time effectively and competently by keeping time logs, setting immediate and long- standing goals, between academic success and internal locus of control. Internal locus of control is “the tendency prioritizing responsibilities, constructing to-do lists and arrangement, and organize one’s workspace, of the individual to perceive events, good or bad, that affect him/her as the results of his/her own as studies of earlier period and plentiful how-to books are proposed. A checklist is a type of job aid abilities, features, and behaviors, or the results of outer powers like fortune, fate, and the others” used to reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps (Dönmez, 1986). The locus of control was first introduced by Rotter. According to Rotter, the to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task. individual acts in a certain way with an expectation from that behavior. Mercanlioglu, (2010), also states that time management demands a key shift in emphasis: Students who show internal locus of control tendencies know that their academic concentrate on results, not on being busy. There are a lot of cases with people who waste their success depends on themselves and pay more attention to every information in order to reach their lives in discolored doings and attain very small since they are placing their labors into the incorrect 90 92 91 93 Lipa City Colleges LCC Research Journal responsibilities or weakening to focus their activity successfully, established that two-time and dedicated to their task. Likewise, the environment wherein the students are, also contributes to management workings directly affect the collective academic achievements. their sense of duty for their work. However, the said student respondents also strongly agreed that they can manage their time well because of their checklist which gained the least weighted mean of 3.86 and ranked 5. The outcome of this study is supported by the study of Senecal, Koestner and Vallerand (1995) reveals that individuals with high intrinsic motivation procrastinate less, and those with high In the study of (Kaushar, 2013), the perception of how students time requires to be used extrinsic motivation procrastinate more. This supports the claim that procrastination is a up or planning including utilizing short and long period goals and time attitudes or students motivational matter. Likewise, Lee (2005) asserts that intrinsic motivation has important effects on accomplished that both planning and encouraging time attitudes initiated that they had much more procrastination. Thus, while considering the reasons for procrastination, one has to take time to finish their everyday work because they experiences more in control of how their time was motivational factors into consideration. exhausted therefore knowing when they had to state no to activities. Dunn et al., (2014); Steel, (2007); Kim & Seo, (2015), concluded in their studies that Time management practices is connected to the individual's awareness and attitudes procrastination displays a negative influence on academic performance. about time management and is comparable to the perception of having control over time. With On the other hand, as gleaned in the table, the correlation coefficient of .83 for students having control of their time, although is guided by a checklist, they tend to somehow fails prioritization has a corresponding p value of .000 which was the less than the p value of 0.05, thus in following their constructed “to-do-list” due to factors including weakening of focus and distraction generalizing that prioritization has significant relationship to the student’s academic performance. from external environment. This was due to students giving more emphasis of time for the things that is more important in their studies. Finishing tasks on time will be as a result of proper prioritization of tasks Table 3 Relationship Between The Assessment Of The Factors And Student Performance Variables Academic Procastination GPA Prioritization GPA Corr. Coeff. p-value Academic Procrastination Versus GPA .88 .000 1 .000 Prioritization Versus GPA .83 .000 1 .000 Interpretation Highly Significant Highly Significant Highly Significant Highly Significant As seen in the table, the correlation coefficient of .88 for academic procrastination has a corresponding p value of .000 which was the less than the p value of 0.05, thus generalizing that academic procrastination has significant relationship to the student’s academic performance. It can be derived that student’s way of intentional choice of one action over the other choices greatly influences their academic performance. It is due to that their own perception of knowledge and compliance to duties will only be working if they, themselves are very much willing 90 94 at hand. In this case, performance-based tasks will be assessed according to its urgency and need. The outcome was secondhanded by the study of Al-Zoubi (2016), explains that one must give priorities to the important tasks over the other task, allocate sufficient time to obtain the best results for the sake of effectiveness. The effectiveness can be assessed by the quality of tasks completed in particular time. Prioritization based on the importance of task can be done by recording important dates like the due dates of assignment and then arranging them based on due date, difficulty and the size of assignment (Faisal et al, 2014). According to Aduke (2015) selfdiscipline is needed in time of planning in order to improve academic performances. Besides that, students need to be aware of time, strive hard to planning, spend their time wisely without delaying the plan by setting up priorities on the plan, which in turn will gain more academic confidence from knowing what they are progressing towards their goals. The academic confidence will contribute to the high level of students’ academic performance. 91 95 Lipa City Colleges LCC Research Journal REFERENCES 90 96 91