Introduction You just moved to the province to live a simple life. You promised yourself you’ll get things done in 10 days. Plant crops, make friends, mine the mountains, populate your pond and donate to the museum to achieve your goals. A simple life is a 1-2 player roll & write game inspired by relaxing pixel art farming video games. Objective Complete your goal(s) and get a high score. Game Summary The game is played in 10 rounds (called days). Each round you roll 5 . Use the on locations on the sheet and perform the location’s action. When you run out of the round ends and a new round is started. If you completed your goal at the end of the game, count your score. π² π² βοΈ β β β β π₯ β π² Key Terms & Rule : Draw a check on the checkbox ( ) or space specified. : Draw a circle around the space or icon specified. : Draw a cross or x on the space or icon specified. its left-most icon in your Inventory. Gain: its left-most icon with a in your Inventory. Lose: : :: Means “Lose this” (to) “Gain this”, eg: Artifact: the 4 icons in the Museum. Gained in Mines and Lake. : You may a carrot with in your inventory anytime to reroll any number of rolled . β π₯π‘ π²β How to Play π²). Before You Begin Print the A4 sheet, and get 5 six-sided dice ( π² βοΈ β β Determine your goal for the game. To determine your goal, roll a . Depending on the result, the outline of that goal on the when completed. You may choose to the Goal board. add more than one goal to make the game more challenging. Start of Day Rounds are called days. At the start of each day, that day on the Calendar; 1st round is Day 1. Then roll 5 and set . them aside to the left of the sheet, these are your unused π²β π² π²π² Day Use your unused to go to a Location by paying the location’s cost (if any) and performing the action immediately (See Locations). Important Notes: •You don’t have to assign all your . •You may use a location more than once in one day. •The are set to the right side of the sheet after use, these are your used for the day. π² π² π² π²π² End of Day The day ends when you run out of , or when you decide to end the day. However, any unused do not carry over to the next day. If it is the 10th day, the game ends. Otherwise, start a new day. Winning and Scoring When the game ends and you have completed ALL your goals, count the icons in your inventory with and gain . =5 , =3 , =2 , Scoring: =5 , =2 , =-2 , =1 , Museum , Pond β β π‘ ββ β€οΈ β π β β¬οΈβ¬οΈ βπ β βπ β π₯ β β β Locations π‘ Farm (cost: 1π²) Add a βοΈ on the bottom-most checkbox of the column with a value equal to the value of the π² you used. When you βοΈ the checkbox with a π₯ or πΌ, you gain it and it’s considered a Harvest. 6π²: can be used to add a βοΈ on any column. ποΈ Town Square (cost: 1π²) The value of the assigned π² is the number of actions you can take in the Town Square. Keep the π² near the town square to π² Make friends (cost: 1 per βοΈ): β a πΌ to give to a villager and add a βοΈ to their left-most empty checkbox. When you βοΈ a β€οΈ you have Befriended that villager and you immediately track your remaining actions. When you perform an action, reduce the ’s value by the action’s cost. The actions are: receive a gift from them. The gift is the icon on the upper right of the villager’s area on the sheet. βπ‘ βπ₯ πΌ π₯ πΌ π‘ π’ Museum and Pond (no π² cost) Museum: Whenever you gain an Artifact, βοΈ the artifact’s icon in the Museum area of the sheet. At the end of the game you gain β equal to the number of artifacts you’ve donated. Pond: Whenever you gain a Fish, βοΈ the fish’s icon in the Pond area of the sheet. At the end of the game, you gain the β value of all fish with a βοΈ. ποΈ Lake (cost: 1π²) The value of the assigned π² determines which column you can cast your fishing line (1-2,3-4,5-6). Choose any Target without β in that column, and reroll your assigned π². If you roll greater than or equal to the value in the first column of the target’s row, it’s a success: β the Target and Gain it. Otherwise,β it. However, if it’s already β, β it. β°οΈ Mines (cost: 2π²) Roll your 2 assigned π². Use one die as columnβ¬οΈ and the other as rowβ‘οΈ. Then β the cell where the row and column meet. Gain all icons on the cell unless it’s a π. π - Roll a π². If you roll 5+, it’s a hit! β the π in your inventory. Otherwise β the π. βοΈToolshed (no π² cost) You can upgrade your tools. To upgrade, β 2 to add a βοΈ to a Tool. You must first βοΈ the β¬οΈ before you can βοΈ the β¬οΈβ¬οΈ . Only the right-most upgrade effect with a βοΈ is active for the rest of the game. The Tools and their upgraded effects are: πΏ Watering Can: β¬οΈ= [Farm] you may add 1 more βοΈ to the π² ’s column. β¬οΈβ¬οΈ = [Farm] you may add 2 more βοΈ to the π² ’s column. βοΈ Pickaxe: β¬οΈ= [Mines] You may add 1 or subtract 1 to the value of one π². β¬οΈβ¬οΈ = [Mines] You may add 1 or subtract 1 to the value of two π². π£ Fishing Rod: β¬οΈ = [Lake] Add 1 to the π² value after rolling. β¬οΈβ¬οΈ = [Lake] Add 2 to the π² value after rolling. βοΈ Sword: β¬οΈ = [Mines] When rolling π² for π, you hit on a roll of 4 or greater. β¬οΈβ¬οΈ = [Mines] When rolling π² for π , you hit on a roll of 3 or greater. At the end of the game, you gain 3β for each tool that has a βοΈon β¬οΈβ¬οΈ π€ 2-player Cooperative Variant: The rules are the same except for the following: Before you begin: Minimum Goal is 2. Get 6 π² instead of 5. βοΈ a β¬οΈ of any one Tool. Day: Each player rolls 3π² simultaneously at the start of each day. They may not share dice. Any player may start but one player must use all their π² (or pass) before another player can use theirs. Shop (cost: 1 per buy/sell): You may buy and sell. 1 Buy: to gain either 1 , 1 or 1 . 1 ,2 Sell: or 2 to gain 1 Rules V1.2 Rules V1.2 Rules V1.2 Rules V1.2