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Media & Info Literacy Test: Multiple Choice Questions

First Periodic Test in Media and Information Literacy
Second semester S.Y. 2016-2017
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
1. The act or process of using words, sounds, signs or behavior to express or exchange information, ideas,
thoughts, feelings, etc., to someone else.
A. Communication
B. Technology
C. Media
D. Information
2. It is a broad term that can cover data, knowledge derived from the study, experiences, instruction, signals or
A. Internet
B. Information
C. Media
D. Technology
3. It refers to the combination of physical objects used to communicate or mass communication through physical
objects such as radio, television, computer, films and others.
A. Information
B. Media
C. Internet
D. Technology
4. This model views communication as display and attention, audience as “spectators” rather than participants or
information receiver.
A. Ritual or Expressive Model
C. Reception Model
B. Transmission Model
D. Publicity Model
5. _____________ refers to the combination to recognize when the information is needed and to locate, evaluate,
effectively use and communicate information in its various formats.
A. Information Literacy
C. Internet
B. Media Literacy
D. Technology
6. It is understanding and using mass media in either an assertive or non-assertive way, including an informed and
critical understanding of media, what technology they employ and their effects.
A. Information
C. Media
B. Information Literacy
D. Media Literacy
7. __________ is the responsible means of using various technological tools in order to meet one’s goals in
acquiring and giving the right information.
A. Technology skills
C. Media literacy
B. Technology literacy
D. Media skills
8. In this communication model, messages are open to various interpretations.
A. Ritual or Expressive Model
C. Reception Model
B. Shannon-Weaver Communication Model
D. Transmission Model
9. Which of the following statement best describes the common goal of media, information and technology
A. to help people identify the individual importance of each kind of literacy
B. to help people choose the best kind of literacy for them
C. to encourage people integrate the kinds of literacy for effective information consumption
D. to enrich the content of the information given or received by the people.
10. The fastest means of communication which can be used for local, national and international communication at a
low cost.
A. Internet
B. Radio
C. Television
D. Telegram
11. It means respecting other users’ views and displaying common courtesy when posting your views to online
discussion groups.
A. Critical thinking
B. Media skills
C. Netiquette
D. Technology skills
12. The following are practices of responsible social media users, except for?
A. Checking the privacy settings.
B. Respecting the opinions of other netizens.
C. Citing the (legitimate) sources.
D. Sharing unverified information.
13. It is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to
engage in reflective and independent thinking.
A. Critical thinking
B. Media skills
C. Netiquette
D. Technology skills
14. This kind of media is one-directional and the sense receptors used are very specific.
A. Internet
B. Digital Media
C. New Media
D. Traditional Media
15. People discovered fire, developed paper from plants and forged equipment or weapon through stone, bronze,
copper and iron.
A. Electronic Age
B. Prehistoric Age
C. Industrial Age
D. New (Digital Age)
16. People used the power of steam, developed machine tools, established iron production and manufacturing of
various products (including books through the printing press).
A. Electronic Age
B. Prehistoric Age
C. Industrial Age
D. New (Digital Age)
17. The following are tools of communication discovered in each era, except for?
A. Industrial age: Books
C. New (Digital) age: Social media
B. Electronic age: Computers
D. Prehistoric age: Pen and paper
18. Which of the following best explains the statement of Marshall McLuhan “the medium is the message”?
A. People tend to focus on the obvious, which is the content, to provide us valuable information, but in the
process, largely miss the structural changes in affairs that are introduced subtly, or over long periods of
B. Technology changed the communication of people and brought a huge impact in the society.
C. The content of a medium is a juicy piece of meat carried by the burglar to distract the watchdog of the mind.
D. Content of any medium is always another medium.
19. The following are characteristics of new media, except for?
A. Media experience is more interactive
B. Audiences are more involved and can send feedback simultaneously.
C. One-directional
D. Integrates all the aspects of old media.
20. It is digital, covers wider geographical than terrestrial radio stations.
A. Internet radio
B. Radio
C. Live streaming
D. Satellite Radio
21. Which of the following is an example of new media?
A. Product placement B. Blog
C. Posters
D. Television
22. In the early period, learning was expensive but with the discovery of ___________, education became available
to everyone.
A. Books
B. Printing
C. Schools
D. E-books
23. Information was derived from the Latin word ________ which means “to give form, shape or character to
A. Informa
B. Informare
C. Informacio
D. Infor
24. ____________ mentioned that information provides richness to reality.
A. Borgmann
B. Elihu Katz
C. Griffin
D. Barthes
25. The Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines clearly states the rights of authors to be recognized, it is also
known as Republic Act no.?
A. 8293
B. 8294
C. 8295
D. 8296
26. To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
A. Accuracy
B. Copywriting
C. Intrusion
D. Plagiarism
27. A Psychology professor who proposed the ten techniques in dealing with information overload.
A. Elihu Katz
B. Roland Barthes
C. Daniel Levitin
D. Sigmund Freud
28. This theory suggest that people have the right to choose the kind of medium that is convenient to them.
A. Uses and Gratifications
C. Cognitive Dissonance
B. Spiral of Silence
D. Semiotic
29. They are the unauthorized users who break into computer systems in order to steal, change or destroy
A. Cyber thieves
C. Online theft
B. Computer hackers
D. Online gamers
30. This part of URL denotes what type of website it is.
A. Domain name
C. Path and Filename
B. Domain extension
D. Protocol
31. This techniques branches out from core ideas to supporting information.
A. Mapping
B. Prewriting
C. Outlining
D. Tables
32. Exposure to or provision of too much information or data.
A. Accuracy and objectivity of the information
C. Information Overload
B. Finding the Page
D. Plagiarism
33. Centers on the credibility, reliability and reputation of the source.
A. Finding the Page
C. Accuracy of the Page
B. Authority of the Page
D. Updates of the Page
34. Aims to verify site dates and modifications.
A. Accuracy and objectivity of the Information
C. Finding the Page
B. Functionality
D. Updates of the Page
35. Publications issued periodically and contain essays, stories, poems, etc. by many writers, usually specializing a
particular subject.
A. Journals
B. Magazines
C. Newsletters
D. Thesis
36. Regular publications to provide information of interest to the members of an organization or any institution or
A. Leaflets
B. Newsletter
C. Journal
D. Newspaper
37. What was the first major role of printing?
A. Reproduction of bills
C. Reproduction of design
B. Reproduction of books
D. Reproduction of newspaper
38. It is the transmission of radio and television programs that are intended for general public reception
A. Broadcasting
C. Telecommunication
B. Live streaming
D. Social Network
39. Sound broadcasting started in ___________.
A. 1920
B. 1930
C. 1960
D. 1980
40. Refers to the big screen which consist of the projection of luminous moving images onto a screen.
A. Broadcasting
C. Television
B. New media
D. Film
41. CAI is an acronym that stands for ____________.
A. Computer Assisted Information
C. Computer Assisted Instruction
B. Computer Application Instruction
D. Computer Aided Information
42. Publications that contain scholarly articles and/or current information on research and development in a
particular topic.
A. Journal
C. Newsletter
B. Magazines
D. Leaflets
43. Computers are now used in the classroom for a more colorful and more realistic presentation except ________.
A. Computers Assisted Instruction
C. Documentaries
B. PowerPoint presentation
D. Simulations
44. Author of the “The Third Wave” book?
A. Alvin Toffler
C. Elihu Katz
B. Daniel Levitin
D. Roland Barthes
45. Search engine that was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
A. Bing
C. Yahoo
B. Google
D. Webcrawler
46. A computer program that is used to look for information on the internet.
A. Website
C. Webpage
B. Web browser
D. Search engine
47. Includes local knowledge shared within a society and culture.
A. Indigenous knowledge
C. Indigenous practices
B. Indigenous media
D. Superstitious beliefs
48. “An act to recognize, protect and promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities/indigenous people,
creating a national commission on indigenous people, establishing, implementing mechanisms, appropriating
finds therefor, and for other purposes”
A. R.A. no. 8317
C. R.A. no. 8713
B. R.A. no. 8137
D. R.A. no. 8371
It is a system that is used in identifying book category.
A. Archival data
C. Book listing
B. Dewey Decimal
D. Data set
The Philippines has __________ indigenous groups.
A. 109
C. 111
B. 110
D. 112
This internet source evaluation practice states that some information need to be constantly updated because of
possible changes.
A. Objectivity
C. Authority
B. Coverage
D. Currency
It is a ritual practiced to free sick people from spirits that inhibit his/ her body.
A. Dawak
C. Ud-udong
B. Pasyon
D. Hud-hud
The following are examples of primary sources except __________.
A. Artifacts
C. Biography
B. Internet communications
D. Photographs
These are common interpretations of people on things around them.
A. Codes
C. Conventions
B. Media portrayals
D. Both A and C
Maxwell Mccombs and Donald Shaw are the proponents of this theory.
A. Agenda setting
C. Third wave
B. Uses and Gratifications
D. Semiotics
These are generally accepted ways of doing things.
A. Conventions
C. Both A and B
B. Codes
D. Media portrayals
It is a social trend determined by the number sign (#), which was introduced by the social networking Twitter.
A. Tags
C. Trending
B. Hashtags
D. Viral
This focuses on the human brain, being a physical organ of the body, which is determined by its pre-birth
A. Physiological
C. Belief
B. Cognitive
D. Psychological
This kind of code is often seen on print media, especially on headlines.
A. Oral
B. Written
C. Technical
D. Commonality
Framing is an example of what code?
A. Oral
C. Technical
B. Written
D. Commonality