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Wicca Candle Spells.pdf ( PDFDrive )

Stop Procrastinating
Attract a New Friend
Travel Safely
For Protection
Find a Job
Break a Curse
Attract a Lover
Increase Luck
Count Your Blessings
Become More Attractive
Triumph Over Adversity
Purify a Second Hand Item
Complete a Goal
Reverse a Spell Cast Against You
To Make Amends
Relaxed Sleep
New Home Blessing
Decrease Bad Luck
For Healing
Lift Bewilderment
Enhance an Existing Talent
Release Negativity
Increase Personal Energy
Draw Money
Stop Procrastinating
Red candle
3 drops lemon oil
Tablespoon almond oil
Full Moon
Go outside underneath the full moon.
Combine three drops of lemon oil with a
tablespoon of almond oil. Anoint your
wrists, inhale the scent, and concentrate
on how energizing the smell is.
Light the red candle, making note of how
steady and bright the flame is. Close
your eyes and repeat the following chant
five times: fiery candle, bloody red,
clear the slowness from my head.
Mother moon of glowing light, give me
fierceness through the night. Make me
strong, steady, and as quick as the
candle’s fire licks. Place within me
strength and drive, so that my dreams
may come alive.
This needs to be perfectly recited, so
either take notes with you or commit it to
memory. After the chant, concentrate on
what it is you have been avoiding.
Imagine conquering and completing this
task, with success. Snuff the candle, and
visualize that the flame is your
procrastination, and it’s gone when the
flame is crushed. Either immediately
following the spell or the next morning,
get to work on whatever it is you have
been putting off. This spell can be
completed as often as necessary.
Attract a New Friend
Season of spring
Mini yellow rose bush, flowering
Bottle of club soda, room temperature
Choose your plant carefully. It can be
purchased from a local nursery or
grocery store. If there are many plants
available, take time considering each
one and buy the one that “speaks” to you
and that you find especially appealing.
You don't have to know why you find it
especially appealing, just that you do.
Take it home, find a great spot for it, and
water as needed. When watering, add a
few drops of club soda to help your
plant thrive.
Once the plant has
acclimated to its new home, take a
cutting and place it in a glass of water.
Take a second bloom and carefully
remove four petals. Say: a petal alone
does not a flower make, your beauty
does not erode if your petals break.
Now as beauty enters the air, a seed is
planted in a friend unaware.
Take the petals in your hand and go out
for a walk. Drop one, and change the
direction you were walking. Do this
three times and each time you change
direction, drop another petal.
By the time your cutting has established
roots of its own and is ready to be
planted, you will have attracted a new
friend. Once the relationship has taken
root give this new yellow rose plant to
your friend.
This spell can also be completed with a
pink rose plant to attract a romantic
partner, or a red rose plant to attract a
passionate lover.
Travel Safely
Bright blue candle
Fresh mint leaves
The night before the journey
Items you will take with you on the
Items you will take with you on the
journey need only to be representative of
travel. Such things as sunglasses, keys,
your wallet, or some jewelry are
In complete privacy, make a mini altar
using the blue candle as a center and
placing your related items around it in a
rough circle. Try to have between three
and seven items.
Light the candle and envision your
journey, be it by boat, plane, or car.
Imagine the actual trip followed by a
safe arrival at the desired destination.
Visualize yourself at peace during this
travel time. Whisper the following
chant: candle of blue like sky and sea,
on my journey protect me. Let no wind
or rain come near, keep me safe from
injury and fear. Let us reach our
destination in good health and sheer
elation, as I spread my wings and soar,
from road to road and shore to shore.
Eat one of the pieces of mint, and
sprinkle the remaining leaves around the
items. When ready, snuff the candle and
get a good night’s rest.
For Protection
White candle
Fire safe bowl or cauldron
Picture of the person you are protecting
White or purple ribbon
Light the white candle and stare into its
flame as you imagine the person you are
protecting. Visualize this person in your
mind as safe from harm. Spend at least
ten minutes doing this.
When you are ready, pick up the ribbon
and the picture. Wrap the ribbon around
the picture one time and say: I bind your
soul from all evil and protect you from
any harm.
This is a very generic verse, so if there
is something you are specifically hoping
to protect this person from, altar the
verse. You may say the verse as listed
and add your own second verse after it,
or make it one longer verse which
includes the specific protections you
wish to give.
Repeat the verse and wrap the ribbon
around the picture a second time. Do
this until the entire picture is wrapped in
Hold the ribbon wrapped
picture above the candle’s flame and
say: as I will it, so mote it be and at the
same time, burn the picture. Once lit,
place it in the fire safe bowl or cauldron
to finish burning. Snuff your candle to
complete the spell.
Find a Job
Red candle
Green candle
Small bowl of whole milk
This spell must be completed before you
interview, but after you know where you
plan on applying. If you are applying at
multiple places, have the names ready.
On the red candle, etch your name. On
the green candle, etch the name of the
company you want to work for. Light the
red candle first. As it burns, recite out
loud all of the positive qualities that
make you a good fit for the job you
want. Take as long as necessary. Light
the green candle second.
(Company Name) I have much to offer
you. I want to work, my words are
Allow the candles to burn for about 15
minutes. During this time, meditate on
having the job you want.
yourself as already having the job.
When ready, snuff the candles. Each
Thursday, light the candles for another
15 minutes and recite your positive
qualities, then visualize yourself at
work. Continue to do this until the
candles finish or you are offered a job.
If you have not received an offer by the
time the candles burn down, the spell
has failed. You should take this as a sign
to reanalyze the types of jobs you are
applying for. Are you qualified for these
jobs? Go over your resume, make sure
it is up to date and free of errors. If you
can’t find anything obviously wrong with
your actions, try lowering your
expectations and working up from
farther down.
Break a Curse
Black candle
Paper and pen
Black string
Tablespoon curry
Tablespoon dried dill
Tablespoon powdered ginger
Black mojo bag
Waning moon
This will work best if you know who
has cursed you. Go outside under the
waning moon. Focus on the person who
has cursed you. Write out their full name
and date of birth, fold the paper in
thirds, and place it in the mojo bag. Add
the ginger, add the curry, and last add the
dill. The idea is to completely bury the
paper in the bag. Light the candle and
let seven drops of wax fall into the bag.
Close the bag. Bind it shut with the
black string, using nine knots. Each time
you tie a knot, say the name of the person
out loud. Bury the bag where it will
remain safe, and snuff your candle.
Leave the bag in place until the waxing
At the waxing moon, take the same
candle you used to begin this spell and
dig up your bag. Burn it, burying the
ashes in the same place as the bag was
initially buried.
This weakens the
power of any curse over you, and
specifically breaks the power of the
curse you know was placed against you.
White candle
Myrrh oil
Paper and pen for chant (if necessary)
This is a very general spell that is easily
adjusted for your own purposes. It is
focused on blessing, but it is possible to
change it. It can be used for luck,
wishing, or protection. It works best if
you begin it during the waxing phase of
the moon, and plan to have it end on the
night of the full moon. This is the
optimal time to do this spell, but you can
choose to do it any other time as well.
You will write your own chant based on
the blessing you want. Think about your
intent carefully before committing to it,
write it down if it is too long to
Under the moon (whether waxing or
not), anoint your candle with myrrh oil.
Light the candle and meditate for five
minutes before speaking your blessing
out loud. Spend another five minutes
visualizing the success of your spell and
the results it brings you, then snuff out
the candle. Repeat this for a total of
seven days. On the last day (preferably
under a full moon) as you snuff the
candle for the last time, say: as I will it,
so mote it be.
Attract a Lover
Fresh rosemary
White candle
Red candle
2 strawberries
Ceramic white bowl
Dark or dimly lit room
Place the bowl between the candles and
light them. Arrange the rosemary nicely
in the bowl as if you are making a bed.
Cleanse your mind of any thoughts but
love, and imagine a white light filling
your body with truth and peace.
When ready, eat one of the strawberries.
Say three times: I seek a lover, come to
me strawberry sweet. Harmony I am
yours, you are my rosemary sigh. I call
by the divine, lover come to me. Come
to me like a banshee, I summon thee.
Now eat the second strawberry. Place
both strawberry tops in the bowl on top
of the rosemary.
Allow the candles to finish burning and
leave everything in place overnight. In
the morning, place the candle stubs in the
bowl and take it outside. Leave it under
the sunlight so the strawberries may rot
to complete the spell.
Increase Luck
Green candles
Fresh clover
Fire safe bowl or cauldron
Place the clover in the bowl, and shave
some green wax from the candle on top
of it. A small amount is fine. Place the
candle down in the center of all this and
light it. The idea is to incorporate the
clover, shavings, and fresh candle wax
into one. Be very careful while doing
this that you don’t catch anything on fire.
Chant the following: from fire I summon
luck and good fortune to come to me. I
summon the spirits to guide my fate. So
I say, so mote it be. Repeat this seven
times while watching the three elements
in the bowl become one. After chanting,
spend a few minutes meditating on
bringing positive energy towards you.
As this spell is most effective the first
day it’s cast, it is best done early in the
Count Your Blessings
4 green candles
Pot of boiling water
4 fresh clover leaves
4 drops patchouli oil
4 rosebuds
Tablespoon honey
This ritual is about focusing on how
lucky you really are, despite how you
might feel. You don’t have to be in a
really wonderful and grateful mood to
perform it, in fact the opposite is best.
You will force yourself to recognize the
good in your life which can and will
minimize any pettiness, jealousy, or
general dissatisfaction.
Place the candles at the four corners of
the pot of boiling water. Take a few
cleansing breaths and say: I am blessed,
lucky me. Add the clover leaves,
patchouli oil, and rosebuds to the pot of
water. Inhaling the aroma, count your
blessings out loud. The object is to
reach at least thirteen, a witch’s dozen.
Take your time doing this.
Depending on your mood, it can be
difficult to come up with your blessings,
and that is the point. Once you think of
the first few things you are thankful for
the floodgates will open and you will
realize just how much you have. In fact,
you will probably want to list more than
thirteen blessings.
After reciting your blessings, consume
the honey and pour the water and its
ingredients on an outdoor plant.
Become More Attractive
4 purple candles
White candle
Strand of your hair
Sage incense
Place the white candle in the center of
your altar and light it. The purple
candles should flank the white candle,
two on each side with the white candle
in the center, slightly behind. Light the
purple candles.
Place the hair and incense in the bowl
directly behind the white candle and
light the incense. Chant the following
five times: Earth Mother, hear my plea.
Your alluring beauty, bring to me.
Breathe this sage on the wind. Bring
your beauty to me again.
Let all the candles and the incense burn
down. This spell can be repeated
anytime you feel that your appearance
needs a boost. It will certainly make you
more attractive to members of the
opposite sex, as well as increase your
self esteem.
Triumph Over Adversity
Black candle
Tablespoon dried basil
Teaspoon dried marjoram
Jalap root
Tonka bean
Smooth stone
This spell is best completed under the
moon’s light.
The basil represents
protection, the marjoram represents
peace and harmony in your life, the jalap
root represents your inner power, and
the tonka bean represents luck.
Place the black candle on the ground and
light it. Sprinkle your ritual ingredients
around it in this order: basil, marjoram,
jalap root, and tonka bean. As you do
this, visualize yourself as a success,
triumphing over anything that gets in
your way. Say: I am triumphant against
all adversity. I am free to live as I
Love surrounds me
completely. I am strong and I simply
will not lose.
Allow three drops of wax to fall on the
smooth stone. Snuff out the candle and
turn it upside down, penetrating the dirt
with the wick end. Leave the ritual
ingredients as they are.
The smooth stone should be carried on
you for the next week, and then stored in
a safe place.
Purify a Second Hand Item
Dried rosemary needles
Dried sage leaves
Dried thyme
Handful cedar chips
Fire safe bowl or cauldron
While many people love to buy things
second hand to save money, a drawback
to doing so is the energy, sometimes
negative, which clings to these things
and is still present when they become
ours. These energies can be cleared
easily, and it is preferable to do this on
any item we will be exposing ourselves
to regularly such as clothing or a
Place the cedar chips in the bowl and
light them. When they start to smoke,
add the rosemary, sage, and thyme.
Once everything has caught on fire a
little and there is a good amount of
smoke, slowly pass the item you are
purifying through the smoke. If your item
is too large to do this, such as a car,
circle the item and waft the smoke
around it with your hands.
rosemary, sage, and thyme, remove any
evil which may dwell within. Cedar,
clear this (item) and make it new.
Smoke wash away the past. As I will it,
so mote it be.
Allow the herbs and cedar chips to
finish burning, and your item is now
purified and ready for new ownership.
Complete a Goal
Magenta candle
Rural area outdoors, with privacy, at
White robes or an entirely white outfit
Paper and pen
Under the moonlight, light the magenta
candle. Magenta will hasten your path
to success. Set your goal firmly in your
mind and then write it out simply on the
Read your goal out loud four times,
facing north, south, east, and west. Face
north and say: my heart is pure, my soul
is clean. My focus is now, this goal
that’s near. Success will be mine, I call
upon the moon, it’s my time to shine!
Repeat this three times.
Burn the paper in the candle’s flame and
spread the ashes to the wind. You are
now imbued with strength, power, focus,
and ability so that you may accomplish
your goal in an orderly manner.
Reverse a Spell Cast Against You
Black candle
White paraffin, melted
Place the black candle in front of you
and light it. Say: easily lit, you burn as
I allow, but I have the power to
disavow. Blow out the candle.
Dip the candle from the bottom into the
white paraffin, you may dip it as far as
two thirds of its length, but leave some
of the black portion near the wick
untouched. Dip the candle three times.
Notice how each time you dip it, it gets
whiter. Allow this to dry.
Light the candle again and allow it to
burn the black portion remaining. As the
flame reaches the part where the white
paraffin begins, say: your will remains
and though it is black, it has been
transformed, it cannot attack. Allow
the candle to burn down into the white
paraffin area, and then snuff it out.
Discard the unused portion at a
crossroads, over your shoulder, without
looking back.
This spell can be performed any time
you know or suspect someone has put a
spell on you, or when you seem to
having a string of bad luck and you can’t
explain why.
To Make Amends
Candle in a color that represents you
Lavender flowers
Borage flowers
White carnations
White ribbon
Pen and paper
Light the candle while you put the
flowers into a nice bouquet.
lavender will help you to make peace
with the person you have wronged. The
borage will give you courage to
apologize, and give them courage to
accept that apology. The carnation will
help heal the relationship.
Once the flowers are arranged, write a
sincere letter to the person you have
wronged. Remember, this is about you
and your remorse and sorrow. Not about
them, what they did, or to justify your
poor behavior. These are some words
you might add, but it’s not required: this
bouquet is an offering of my deepest
apology, for any wrong I have caused
you. Please accept this and know that
you mean the world to me. Best wishes.
Fold the letter in thirds (not necessarily
equal thirds) and seal it with some wax
from the candle. Deliver it as soon as
possible, but remember to give the
recipient some time alone, for healing.
Relaxed Sleep
Lavender oil
Fresh hyacinth
Fresh chamomile
Fresh mugwort
Square of white linen
Light blue or white thread
Make a small medicine bag out of the
linen. This is to be filled with the
hyacinth, chamomile, and mugwort.
Anoint it with two drops of lavender oil
and place it inside your pillowcase, to
be refreshed monthly as needed.
The mugwort is to help you dream of the
future, the chamomile and lavender are
to help you relax and sleep deeply, and
the hyacinth is to prevent nightmares.
Each night as you are ready to fall
asleep, say silently: mugwort let me see
my future, hyacinth keep nightmares at
bay, chamomile and lavender, ride with
me to a peaceful sleep, where dreams
help guide my way.
New Home Blessing
White candle
Cinnamon stick
Hot water
Sage oil
Small spray bottle
This is to be done on the first night after
moving into a new house or apartment.
In the center of the home, light the white
candle. Take the cinnamon stick and run
it through the flame a few times, until
you can really start to smell the scent.
Add the water to the spray bottle with
seven drops of sage oil while saying:
sage of cleansing purity, bless my
home. It will be a place I love merrily.
It will be a place I live happily. Sage
of cleansing purity, banish sickness,
fear, and keep loneliness at bay. In this
house I will welcome true friends.
Carry the spray bottle to each room,
including closets, and repeat this chant
spraying the bottle of the sage and water
three times in each space.
For the next week, lightly simmer the
cinnamon stick each night to permeate
your home with a pleasing scent. The
cinnamon stick should be discarded in
your front yard.
Decrease Bad Luck
White candle
Glass candleholder
Blessed water
Pipette (glass eyedropper)
To begin, take three cleansing breaths.
As you do this, focus on exhaling
anything old or impure.
Light the
candle. As the flame flickers, watch it,
and mentally release any bad luck, just
as you released each of your three
breaths. Say out loud: happenings past
are history now. Whether intended or
not to be foul, energy that has not been
now protected
malevolence. Glass is impenetrable,
fire transforms, water is pure, and a
drop can end even the largest storm.
Fill the pipette with purified water and
extinguish the candle one drop at a time.
When the candle is extinguished, close
your eyes and take three deep breaths.
This spell is performed to create
distance from past bad luck, and to
surround the caster with protection from
future bad luck.
For Healing
Blue candle
Eucalyptus oil
Ounce of powdered ginger
This is a ritual bath for healing. It is
important to use your own bathtub and
that you start in a clean bathroom. You
don’t want any lingering dirt or
Fill the bathtub with water as warm as
you like. Slowly add the powdered
ginger and stir a few times with your
hand. Add five drops of eucalyptus oil.
Light the candle, place it anywhere, and
turn off the bathroom lights.
Soak in the water. Concentrate on
feeling the water washing away your
toxins. As you feel the power of your
bathwater increasing and purifying you,
say: Isis, Goddess who heals all.
Release this (whatever your ailment
is). Make me well again. Repeat this
until you feel yourself become start to
shake slightly.
When ready, exit the bath. Visualize all
the toxins that have left your body and
watch as they drain away with the bath
water. Rinse yourself off with cool
water from the shower head while
watching that water go down the drain as
Carry the candle back to your bed and
let it burn for a few minutes. Snuff it
out, and this candle can be burned for a
few minutes each night until it’s gone
and you are well.
Lift Bewilderment
2 yellow candles
Glass of blackberry wine
Sit down on the floor in a comfortable
position, place a candle on each side of
you, and light them. Lift the glass of
wine to your face and inhale the aroma,
so that you fully experience the scent.
Blackberry will bring you protection and
mental agility allowing you to overcome
feelings of being overwhelmed. Wine
will increase your mental capacity,
allowing you to see clearly what is
causing your confusion. Say: let the
flames of these candles burn bright and
light my way. Let the wine give me
power to see what harms me now. I
bring blackberry wine to my lips to
protect me from evil thoughts, and to
share with me its powers to protect.
Slowly drink the wine while analyzing
your current problem and as you finish
it, you should start seeing possible
solutions. This ritual can be performed
once a day as needed, but you will need
fresh candles each time.
Enhance an Existing Talent
Yellow candle
Any song that has meaning to you, or
perhaps reflects your talent
Waxing moon
Light your candle and speak to the
flames about the talent you would like to
increase. Say: I call upon the God and
Goddess and all wise elements, that
you hear my plea. Help me with
guidance in enhancing (your talent).
As the music does dance, and my heart
can see, all artistic expression and the
imagination in me. This or something
better now come forth for me. In
perfect timing and without harming
others, so mote it be.
Now play the song you have chosen
while watching the flame of the candle.
Concentrate on the God and Goddess
and see your talent infusing with the
yellow candle and its flame. Wave your
hand through the flame and feel the
energy you are soaking in. As the song
ends, snuff out the candle. Spend time
working on your talent whenever
possible, and you may perform this spell
again, each time the waxing moon falls
on a Sunday, as you deem it necessary.
Release Negativity
Black candle
Paper and pen
Fire safe bowl or cauldron
This spell can release negativity,
frustration, and other bad emotions. It is
a simple cleansing spell which can be
altered to suit your needs.
Write down your basic issue which you
feel is created by an excess of negative
energy. This should be only one issue
per spell. If you have more than one
problem, select the biggest one and
repeat this spell for other issues on a
different day.
Place the candle in the cauldron and
light it. Look at what you wrote, and
read it out loud. Say: candle, burn
away my plight with your fiery light.
Turn to ash my grudges now, as I say
this out loud.
Burn the paper with your problem on it
and sprinkle the ashes in the cauldron.
Let the candle finish. The candle stub
and ashes should be carried to the
nearest crossroad and discarded.
Increase Personal Energy
Silver candle
Olive oil
Cup salt water
Tablespoon sugar
Lock of your hair
Small bowl
Light the candle. Combine the salt
water, sugar, and olive oil in a small
bowl. Hold this over the flame for a
minute until the mixture starts to bubble
a little bit. When it starts to bubble, say:
salt water, give me the spirit to run free
and the energy to endure. Oil, let my
bones never be tired or lazy. Sugar,
rush through my blood and fill me with
more energy than I have ever known in
this life.
Set the bowl aside and burn the lock of
hair in the flame. Add the ashes to the
mixture and place the bowl on your front
porch for a week. This spell can be
repeated once a month.
Draw Money
5 coins
5 green candles
Gold candle
Chamomile oil
Cinnamon oil
Waxing moon
Outside, under a waxing moon, arrange
the coins in a pentacle shape with each
coin being one point on the pentacle.
Anoint the green candles with
chamomile oil, visualizing as you do so
the money you are seeking. Place each
green candle with a coin at the point of
the pentacle.
Light the green candles, starting with the
top point and moving clockwise. Anoint
the gold candle with cinnamon oil, place
it in the center of the pentacle, and light
it. Repeat three times: multiply my
wealth, while diminishing no other.
Bring to me fortunes which cause no
harm. Let money flow, let money grow.
Bring to me, much needed prosperity.
Snuff the candles and place the coins in
a safe location where they will absorb
moonlight. Leave the coins in place
until the full moon, or until you receive
the money you wished for, whatever
comes first. If the moon is full and you
have not received the money, the spell
has failed and should be repeated at the
next waxing moon. To increase your
chance of success, make sure your need
is true and worthy.