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Grade 10 Computer Systems Servicing Lesson Plan

February 14, 2024
Detailed Lesson Plan in T.L.E.
Computer Systems Servicing
Grade 10
At the end of the lesson the student will be able to;
a. Discuss the other specifications of computer such as the memory, drives, monitor,
graphics and sound cards, speakers and headphones, NIC, and the operating
b. Identify the different types of memory, drives, monitor, and operating systems.
c. Reflect on the importance of checking the computer specification.
Subject Matter
TOPIC: Computer Specifications
Materials: Laptop, projector, PowerPoint Presentation
A. Preliminary Activity
a.1. Prayers
Class let’s all stand.
Who can volunteer to lead the
You may start
a.2. Greetings
Good day class!
Okay, have a seat
a.3. Checking of Attendance
Class, may I know who is your
How many are absent today?
B. Review
What is computer specification?
C. Motivation
Class, before we start our lesson let
us have first this activity Entitled
“Guess me”
Are you ready, Class?
Okay, so let us proceed.
Me, Sir
(Students will stand)
Good day Sir.
(Class monitor will raise his/her hand)
(student will raise their hand)
Sir, the specification or ‘spec’ is a list of
the key components that make up the
computer. When we buy a PC, we are
deciding what we want to our PC to do
and which tells the specification that we
actually need.
Yes Sir.
The first one is?
Sir, it is RAM (Random Access Memory)
Very Good!
Next, who can answer?
Sir, it is HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
Sir, it is monitor
Yes, that’s correct
Okay, Next
Sir, it is speaker
Okay, lets proceed with the last
Sir it is headphone
Okay, very good!
Since you already familiar with the
pictures presented. Let us now proceed
with our discussion for today.
D. Lesson proper
We are now going to discuss the
other specifications of a computer
Let us now proceed with the
computer memory,
What do you think is the main
working memory in a computer?
Sir, it is called RAM or Random Access
Yes, also, the processor uses this
memory to run programs. In
addition, RAM is measured in
megabytes (MB). Most modern
computers use DDR 2 RAM.
Who has an idea about DDR2
The function of DDR2 RAM is to
provide temporary storage for data
that the computer’s processor
needs to access quickly. It allows
the CPU to rapidly read and write
data during normal operation, such
as running programs, accessing
files, and executing tasks. DDR2
RAM enables faster data transfer
rates and more efficient use of
system resources compared to
older memory technologies,
ultimately improving overall
system performance.
Once the operating system is
loaded, the computer uses RAM,
which stands for random-access
memory, which temporarily stores
data while the central processing
unit (CPU) is executing other tasks.
With more RAM on the computer,
the less the CPU has to read data
from the external or secondary
memory (storage device), allowing
the computer to run faster. RAM is
fast but it is volatile, which means
it will not retain data if there is no
power. It is therefore important to
save data to the storage device
before the system is turned off.
A minimum of 2024 MB (2GB) of
RAM is recommended for general
DDR2 RAM stands for Double Data Rate
2 Random Access Memory.
purpose PCs. 2048 MB (2GB) of
RAM is also sufficient for PCs
running multimedia applications,
i.e., those on which digital music,
digital video or high-end graphics
are being created/edited.
Two main types of RAM:
1. Dynamic RAM (DRAM)
- is widely used as a
computer’s main memory.
2. Static RAM (SRAM)
- is made up of four to six
Types Of Computer Drives
1. HDD (Hard Disk Drive)
- is the computer’s primary
storage area. It stores the
applications and programs
that run on the PC, as well
as any work created by
users. From a school’s
perspective, the capacity of
the hard drive, measured in
gigabytes (GB), is a key
criterion and should be
given due consideration
when reviewing PC
- A hard drive capacity of at
least 80GB is
recommended for general
purpose PCs. A hard drive
capacity of 200GB or more
is recommended if working
with multimedia
applications where large
graphics and digital
audio/video files are being
created and stored.
2. solid-state drives (SSDs)
- uses flash memory
3. Optical Drives
- use lasers to read and write
data on compact discs
(CDs), digital versatile disc
or digital video discs
(DVDs), and other types of
optical media.
SSDs are significantly faster than HDDs in
terms of data access speeds, boot times,
and application loading times. If you
prioritize speed and responsiveness,
especially for tasks like gaming, video
editing, or running demanding software,
SSDs are the better choice.
Storage Capacity: HDDs typically offer
larger storage capacities at a lower cost per
gigabyte compared to SSDs. If you need a
lot of storage space for storing large files
such as videos, photos, or games, HDDs
may be more suitable, especially for
budget-conscious users
Let us now move on to monitor
Who among the class has an idea what is
A monitor is an electronic output device
used to display information being entered
and processed on a computer. The
primary use of a monitor is to display
images, text, video, and graphics
information generated by the computer
via a computer’s video card.
Presenting to you the types of monitors
1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Monitors
It is a technology used in early monitors.
2. Flat panel monitors /LCD
These types of monitors are lightweight
and take less space. They consume less
power as compared to CRT monitors.
These monitors are more effective as they
do not provide harmful radiation. These
monitors are more expensive than CRTs.
These monitors are available in various
sizes like 15”, 17”, 18” & 19” and more.
The display of a flat-panel monitor is
made with the help of two plates of glass.
What is LCD?
LCD (Liquid crystal display) screen
contains a substance known as liquid
3. LED (Light Emitting Diode)
It is a flat screen computer monitor,
which stands for light-emitting diode
display. It is lightweight in terms of
weight and has a short depth. As the
source of light, it uses a panel of LEDs.
Average entry-level PCs usually come
with a 17” flat-screen and this is adequate
for most general purpose applications.
Larger 19” flat-screens are available and
may be appropriate if video editing and
advanced graphics work is being carried
Teachers of students with special needs
may want to consider using larger
monitors with their students.
Lets move on to graphics and sounds card
■ These cards are installed inside a
PC and are responsible for
determining the quality of the
audio and visuals (graphics and
video) output by the computer.
They hold their own memory (in
MB), which is why they add to a
computer’s capability.
■ An integrated graphics card with
256MB of memory is
recommended for general purpose
■ Computers running high-end
applications generally require a
separate 256MB graphics card.
What do you think about the purpose of
graphics and sound card?
Display Output: The primary purpose of a
graphics card is to render images and
graphics for display on a monitor or other
output device.
Audio Playback: Sound cards are
responsible for processing and outputting
audio signals to speakers or headphones,
providing high-quality sound
reproduction for music, movies, and
Audio Recording: Sound cards enable the
input of audio signals from microphones
or other sources for recording and editing
purposes, such as voiceovers, podcasts,
and music production.
Okay. Very Good
Next we have speakers and headphones
- Most computers come with either built-in
or external speakers. Schools may also
consider buying headphones to control
sound levels within a classroom or
computer room. Cheap ‘headphone
splitters’ can also be purchased — these
enable two sets of headphones to be used
per computer.
Another is the NIC or Network Interface
It is recommended that all PCs be
purchased with a suitable network
interface card (NIC). A network card
allows a computer to be connected to a
network. A 10/100/1000 Mbps (Megabits
per second) card is the standard network
card today. Few school networks currently
operate at speeds higher than 100Mbps.
Lets proceed to O.S.
- PCs are generally purchased with an
operating system pre-installed. It is worth
checking that your existing software will
still work with the operating system of any
new systems being purchased. It may be
possible to choose a particular operating
system and, if so, this may help
standardize new machines with existing
school PCs.
Can you give the different types of O.S.
Very Good !
Microsoft windows
Apple mac OS
Google’s Android OS
Apple iOS
Linux Operating System
Since you are already familiar and I
already discussed to you the other
computer specifications, Now, Lets try this
Let’s have a group activity
Divide the class into five
1. LCD stands for?
2. RAM stands for?
3. LED stands for?
4. O.S. stands for?
5. NIC stands for?
6. CRT stands for?
7. HDD stands for?
8. SSD stands for?
9. DRAM stands for?
10. SRAM stands for?
What is the importance of
checking the computer
specifications more specifically
the capacity of RAM? How do
you say so?
Write True if the statement is
correct and write False if the
statement is wrong.
1. RAM stands for Read
Access Memory
2. Microsoft windows is not a
type of operating system
3. A monitor is an electronic
output device used to
display information being
entered and processed on a
4. SSDs uses flash memory
5. RAM is fast but it is
1-2. Give the two main types of
3-4. Give at least two types of
computer drives.
5. What is LED stands for?
Research on a sample
computer/laptop specification.
Write it on your notebook.
Prepared by:
Student Teacher
Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher