North American Journal of Fisheries Management ISSN: 0275-5947 (Print) 1548-8675 (Online) Journal homepage: Artificial Reefs under Marina Docks in Southern Florida Edwin S. Iversen & Scott P. Bannerot To cite this article: Edwin S. Iversen & Scott P. Bannerot (1984) Artificial Reefs under Marina Docks in Southern Florida, North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 4:3, 294-299, DOI: 10.1577/1548-8659(1984)4<294:ARUMDI>2.0.CO;2 To link to this article:<294:ARUMDI>2.0.CO;2 Published online: 08 Jan 2011. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 13 View related articles Citing articles: 6 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [University of Arizona] Date: 29 March 2016, At: 09:57 NorthAmericanJournalof FisheriesManagement4:294-299, 1984 ¸ Copyrightby the AmericanFisheriesSociety1984 Artificial Reefs Under Marina Docks in Southern Florida EDWIN S. IVERSEN RosenstielSchoolof Marine and Atmospheric Science Divisionof Biologyand LivingResources 4600 RickenbackerCauseway Miami, Florida 33149 SCOTT P. BANNEROT National Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Center Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 09:57 29 March 2016 75 Virginia Beach Drive Miami, Florida 33149 ABSTRACT Placementof large rocks under three recently constructeddocks at a new marina in Biscayne Bay, Florida providedadditional habitat to a stressedarea. The bottom consistedof an accumulation of black, flocculentmud supportingfew or no fish or macroinvertebrates prior to placingthe habitat under the docks.After placement,numerousfish and macroinvertebratesbecameassociated with the habitat. This techniqne can mitigate some of the ecologicallyadverseeffects of dock constructionand increasethe standingcropsof fish and macroinvertebrates beneaththe dock. A number of marinas have been constructed ticularly where grassbedsexist. This paper prerecentlyin shallowmarinebay areasin southern sents a simple, economical, and generally Florida and many more are proposed.Construc- applicablehabitat improvementtechniquethat tion of marinasmay negativelyimpact the stand- may be usedto counteractsomeof the negative of marinadevelopmentby increasing the ing cropsof fishand macroinvertebrates in these aspects areas.Destruction of productive habitat suchas standingcropsof fishand macroinvertebrates at turtle grass(Thalassiatestudinum)often occurs the development site. Our specificobjective was to demonstratethe during constructionand later by the dredging effect of turbulence from propellers of vessels effectivenessof this managementtechniqueby usingthe marina.Eitherindirectdredging by boat quantitativeobservationsof absoluteabundance propellersor direct dredgingto accommodate of fish and macroinvertebratestandingcropsbevesselswith deeperdraftsoftencreatesbasinsin fore and after its application.The hypothesiswas the bottom that soon become anoxic due to acthat habitat improvement would result in large cumulation of decayingdetritus, discouraging increases in numbers of fish and macroinverteaerobicbiologicalproductivity in the area. The bratesrelativeto standingcropsizebeforeplace- advent of a marina inevitably causesan influx ment. Our test of this hypothesiswas qualitative, of pollution from engine oil and exhaust,oily madebeforeand afterhabwater pumped into the sea by automatic bilge consistingof censuses pumps, and various soaps,oils, and detergents itat improvement. A three-dockmarina recently that enter the environment as boaters clean their had been constructed in association with the de- vesselsafter outings.Marina docks may reduce sunlightreachingthe bottom and hencereduce productivity of benthic algaeor createan environment unsuitablefor turtle grass. These negativefactorshave stimulatedenvi- velopment of a new condominium before the inceptionof the study. During three visitsby us to the regionunder and around the newly built dockson March 15, March 19, and May 4, 1981, few fish and no ronmentalagencies(e.g., Florida's Department macroinvertebrates were noted. An earlier visit of EnvironmentalRegulation)to promulgatereg- on June 19, 1979 by biologistsfrom the Florida ulations on depth and number of marinas and Department of Environmental Regulation the number, width, and lengthof docksin ma- showedan area of small (lessthan 2 m in dirinas in order to prevent lossof productionpar- ameter)patchesof very sparseseagrasses. Tha294 Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 09:57 29 March 2016 ARTIFICIALREEFS UNDERMARINADOCKS ,..14.6rn• Dock 1 •._ 23.8 m Dock BISCAYNE _• 2 295 •_14.6m• Dock 3 BAY Figure1. Location ofthestudy sitein Biscayne Bayimmediately south ofthedowntown areaof Miami,Floridaandthelayoutofmarinadocks. Largerockswereplaced fromtheareaofsparse seagrass outtotheendsofthedocks. Thecenter dockis3.6m wide;theothers are3.0m wide. lassia,Halodule,and $yringodiumwerepresent 1981; February8, May 28, August5, and Ocwithin 10 m of shore under Dock 1, 14 m of tober 23, 1982; and January 9, 1983. shoreunder Dock 2, and 30 m of shoreunder Dock 3 (Fig. 1) duringour earlyvisits. STUDY SITE This studywas conductedin an area of BiscayneBay, Florida off Miami that was largely themarinadevelopers underall threedocksfrom devoidof turtlegrassdueto dredgingmanyyears onbottom the offshoreboundaryof grassbedsout to and ago.The newmarinawasconstructed includingthe dockfacingin waterof about3.3 virtually barrenof any biota due to a layer of m depth(Fig. 1). This habitatimprovementwas black, flocculentmud more than 29 cm thick. carriedout duringmid-June1981. Subsequent Mud bottomis a persistentfeatureof the western observationson the presenceof macroinverte- part of BiscayneBay, from approximatelythe At the suggestion of the seniorauthor,rocks of about 0.6-2.0 m in diameter were placed by brates and fisheswere made on September 10, Miami River southward to south of Ricken- 296 IVERSENAND BANNEROT backer Causewaynear Viscaya (about 6.4 km). This area,whichis about0.8 km wide, normally doesnot supportseagrasses or algae,althoughin someareasvery sparsepatchesof Halodule have been reported(Roesslerand Beardsley1975). The docks extend out from shore to a depth of approximately3.3 m, and rangefrom 39 to 61 m in length (Fig. 1). The rock piles, after settlement into the mud bottom at the time of placement, provide between 0.5 and 1.0 m of relief. The rocksremain submergedat low tide. Total area coveredby the rock piles is approximately 110 m2. Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 09:57 29 March 2016 The marina is located 1 mile south of the mouth of the Miami River. Sediment load from the river is negligiblein this part of BiscayneBay. Water visibility is normally 1.5-3.0 m near shore,increasingto 3.0-4.5 m at the dock facing. Mœ'rI-IOr•S Each of the nine censuses(three before placement of the artificial habitat, six after) consisted of a completeinventory of all fish and macroinvertebratespeciesand individuals presentunder the threedocksmade by a singlediver. The number of individuals of each specieswas recorded by slowly swimming the length of each dock, stoppingfor aslongas necessaryto recordgroups of individualsand searchcrevicesand openings in the rock piles and around the pilings. Inaccuracyfrom countingindividualsmore than once wasminimal. Most fishoccurredeitherin resting schools(e.g.,lutjanids, haemulids,clupeids,atheriniris)associatedwith localizedregionsof the artificial habitat or as distinguishableindividuals. The three censuses before and the first one pendenceon detailedcensusprotocol);and (3) difference in abundance of fish and macroinver- tebratesbeforeand after habitatplacement,from virtually nothingto relativelylargenumbers,was easilysufficientto qualitativelyverify the effect of the technique. Water visibility tended to be lower (1.5-3.0 m) nearshore,increasing towardthedockfacings (3.0-4.5 m). Between-visitvariabilityvariedby a maximum of 2.0 m but had little effect on amenability of fish to censusbecausefish and macroinvertebrates tendedto remaincloselyassociatedwith the artificial habitat when approachedby the diver. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION BiscayneBayhasrelativelyfewareasof rocky habitat.The additionof artificialhabitat(rocks) increasedthe number and density of invertebrates and fish. The increase in biota was dra- matic. Where few macroorganisms existedbefore, populationsof macroinvertebratesand fishes became abundant. A list of speciesand total number observedover the 9 censusdaysbefore and after placementof the rocksis presentedin Table 1. Some increase in number of individuals and species wouldbe expecteddueto thehabitatprovided by the dock structurealone. Quantitative estimates of the influence of dock structure on standing crops of fish and macroinvertebrates wouldrequirea controlsitein the samegeneral area. A qualitativeestimateis possiblefrom our data, despite the lack of a suitable control site. The presenceof the rocks appearsto have been responsiblefor a significantproportion of the observedincreases.The spiny lobsters(Panuli- after placement of the rocks were made by a singlediver (Iversen)free diving with snorkeling gear. Subsequently,we felt that the use of scuba gearwould facilitate efficientenumerationof the largenumbersof fishand macroinvertebrates that beganaccumulatingin the vicinity of the rocks. Thus, the last five censuseswere conductedby a singlediver (Bannerot)usingscuba.All data were recorded with pencil on underwater paper. Each dock required approximately 25 minutes of ef- the rocks for shelter. The rocks provide additional habitat for daytime restingfor schoolsof economically valuable haemulid and lutjanid speciesthat scatterat night to feed. Gray snappers(Lutjanus griseus)and white fort. All censuses were made between 1000 and grunts(HaernulonplurnierObecameparticularly 1600 hours.We believethat any error introduced by the modification in survey techniqueis relatively small because:(1) depth seldom exceeded water visibility; (2) the censusconsistedof absolute,rather than relative, counts(reducingde- abundantin the vicinity of therocks.Both species are valued by local anglers.Over 100 gray snap- rusargus),red hind (Epinephelus guttatus),foureye butterflyfish(Chaetodoncapistratus),green moray (Gymnothorax funebris), red-banded coral shrimp(Stenopushispidus),and high-hats (Equetusacurninatus)dependalmostentirelyon pers,of which an estimated 30% exceeded20 cm in total length,wererecordedduringeachcensus exceptAugust5, 1982. This correspondsto the ARTIFICIAL REEFSUNDER MARINA DOCKS Table 1. List of fish and macroinvertebrate Table 1. Continued. speciesunder marina docks and total numbers observed on nine census dates--three Total before and six after placement of large rocks beneath the docks. Transient schoolingspeciesare denoted by an asterisk. 297 Species Seabream (Archosargus rhomboidalis) Pinfish(Lagodonrhomboides) bets 37 1 Sciaenidae Total Species Before addition High-hat (Equetusacuminatus) bets Bermudachub(Kyphosus sectatrix) 1 Chaetodontidae of rocks Foureyebutterflyfish(Chaetodoncapistratis) Invertebrates 1 Pomacanthidae None Gray angelfish(Pomacanthusarcuatus) Frenchangelfish(Pomacanthus paru) Fish 6 1 Pomacentridae Atherinidae Hardheadsilverside(Atherinomorus $tipes)* Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 09:57 29 March 2016 5 Kyphosidae After addition 2,350 Invertebrates Palinuridae Spinylobster(Panulirusargus)(juveniles) 9 Xanthidae Stone crab (Menippe mercenaria) Stenopodidae Red-bandedcoral shrimp ($tenopushispidus) 2 1 Serranidae Red hind (Epinephelusguttatus) Carangidae Crevallejack (Caranx hippos) Lutjanidae Schoolmaster (Lutjanusapodus) Gray snapper(Lutjanus griseus) 3 I 4,200 Frenchgrunt (Haemulonfiavolineatum) Sailor'schoice(Haemulon parrat') White grunt (Haemulonplumiel') Bluestripedgrunt (Haemulon sciurus) Sparidae Sheepshead (Archosargus probatocephalus) 31 Crestedgoby(Lophogobius Cyprinoides) 3 Bannergoby (Microgobiusmicrolepis) 2 Ostraciidae 5 18 15 spawningperiodfor this specieswhenthe larger individuals leave inshoreareasand gather on offshorereefs(Starckand Schroeder1970).Other recreationally important fish speciesnoted at 1,200 tarpon(Megalops atlanticus), greatbarracuda 3,733 (Sphyraenabarracuda),schoolmasters (LutjarlttSapodus),sheepshead (Archosargus probato- 1 cephalus), crevalle jacks(Caranxhippos), and 19 several other haemulids--particularly bluestripedgrunts(Haemulon sciurus).Juvenile spi- 3 ny lobsters alsobecame abundant among the 685 rocksunderthe dock. The Shannon-Weaverdiversity function (H') 63 3 wascomputed forthefishandmacroinvertebrate 90 community at eachcensus dateto providea 28 numberfor temporal comparisonover the course of the studyand to allow researchers to compare Haemulidae Porkfish (Anisotremusvirginicus) Tomtare (Haemulon aurolineatum) 477 640 various timesafterthehabitatimprovement were Gerreidae Spotfin mojarra (Eucinostomusargeneteus) Yellowfin mojarra ( Gerrescinereus) Mixed spotfinand yellowfin mojarrajuveniles Stripedmullet(Mugil cephalus)* Sphyraenidae Great barracuda(Sphyraenabarracuda) Bandtailpuffer(Sphoeroides spenglerO Checkeredpuffer(Sphoeroides testudineus) Atherinidae Hardheadsilverside(Atherinomorusstipes)* 5 Scrawledcowfish(Lactophrysquadricornis) Yellow stingray(Urolophusjamaicensis) Green moray (Gymnothoraxfunebris) Clupeidae Falsepilchard(Harengulaclupeola)* Dwarf herring (Jenkinsialamprotaenia)* Engraulidae Dusky anchovy(Anchoalyolepis)* 5 Redtailparrotfish(Sparisomachrysopterum) Tetraodontidae Dasyatidae Southern stingray (Dasyatis americana) Muraenidae Rainbow parrotfish(Scarusguacamaia) Gobiidae Fish Myliobatyidae Spottedeagleray (Aetobatusnarinarl) Elopidae Tarport (MegMops atlanticus) 11 Mugilidae 532 Portunidae Blue crab (Callinectessapidus) Sergeantmajor (Abudefdufsaxatilus) Scaridae of rocks 3 32 5 259 74 8 thesevalueswithotheraquatic communities. These values of H' for each censusbefore and after placementof the artificial habitat under the docksare shownin Table 2. Schoolsof transient fishspecies (clupeids, engraulids, atherinids, and mugilids),denotedby an asteriskin Table 1, pe- 298 IVERSEN AND BANNEROT Table 2. Values of Shannon-Weaver diversity indices (H') before and after placement of artificial habitat. Note that H' is zero when one or no speciesis observed. no justification in this paper for building additional docks and marinas, particularly in productive seagrassareas. This study was carried out at a marina newly constructedon an already barren bottom. Without All fish and macroinvertebrates Date March 15, 1981 March 19, 1981 May 4, 1981 Before placement 0 0 0 transient schooling fish species 0 0 0 Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 09:57 29 March 2016 After placement September 10, 1981 February 8, 1982 May 28, 1982 August 5, 1982 October 23, 1982 January 9, 1983 0.73 0.84 0.72 1.10 1.21 2.00 once-barren was never used dur- observed the effect of an active marina on the fish and macroinvertebratepopulations. Basedon this example in BiscayneBay, we believe that the technique will be effective in other marinas, docks,and fishingpiers in tropical, subtropical, and temperate marine waters that have three attributes 0.71 1.11 3.08 1.54 1.51 2.00 riodicallytakeup temporaryresidence undermost docksin this areaof BiscayneBay.The H' values calculated with and without these speciesincludedappearin Table 2. Both valuesare high relative to the initial The marina ing the time of the study; hence, we have not in common with this studysite: (1) water quality sufficientto sustain substantialfish and macroinvertebratepopulations;(2) a presentlack of habitat suchas rocks which might attract various fish and macroinvertebratespecies;and (3) a significantnumber of larvae,juveniles, or adults in the generalvicinity to colonizethe newhabitat.Rocksor other artificial habitatsshouldbe placedsothey do not substantiallyreduce water exchangeunder the dock or pier structuresor interfere with the primary functionsof thedocksor navigationof boats in marinas. H' value of zero for the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS area. A substantialbody of literaturedocumentsthe value of artificial reefscomposedof man-made or natural objects placed in aquatic environmentsto providebottomhabitatswhichincrease standingcrops of fish and macroinvertebrates. Proposedcausalmechanismsincludeconcentration of sparselydistributedindividuals and/or increasedlocal productivity as a result of the artificial habitat. Examplesin marine environ- We thank Ronald Schefer of ABD Manage- ment Corporation,Miami, Florida, for support of this project and for his cooperationand assistanceduringthis study.J. A. Bohnsackand E. D. Prince of the National Marine Fisheries Ser- vice and C. R. Robins and D. de Sylva of the RosenstielSchool of Marine and Atmospheric Scienceskindly reviewed the manuscript and provided useful suggestions. ments include studies in the Gulf of Mexico (Wickham et al. 1973; Smith et al. 1979), in the New York Bight (Zawacki 1969), and in the coastalwatersof SouthCarolina(Buchanan1973; Buchananet al. 1974), California (Turner et al. 1969), Washington(Anonymous 1982; Laufle 1982), and Hawaii (Kanayama and Onizuka 1973). Princeand Lambert (1972) reportedon a communityprojectwhere artificial habitat was placedundera fishingpierin MontereyBay,Cal- REFERENCES ANONYMOUS. 1982. Artificial reefs and marine fish- eriesenhancement. Marine FisheriesReview44(67): 1-60. BUCHANAN, C.C. 1973. Effectsof an artificial habitat on the marine sport fisheryand economyof Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Marine Fisheries Re- view 35(9):15-22. BUCHANAN,C. C., R. B. STONE,AND R. O. PARKER, JR. 1974. Effects of artificial reefs on a marine ifornia. While the use of these artificial habitats sport fisheryoff South Carolina. Marine Fisheries Review 36(11):32-38. wheretheyhavebeenplacedundermarinadocks LAUFLE,J.C. 1982. Biologicaldevelopmentand materialscomparisons on a PugetSoundartificialreef.. to mitigatesomeof the ecologicallyadverseconTechnical report 72, State of Washington,Deditions causedby the constructionand use of partmentof Fisheries,Olympia, Washington,USA. is well recognized,we do not know of any cases marinas. It is important to point out that we provide KANAYAMA,R. K., AND E. W. ONIZUKA. 1973. Artificial reefsin Hawaii. Fish and Game Report 73- ARTIFICIAL REEFS UNDER MARINA DOCKS 01, Department of Land and Natural Resources, State of Hawaii, USA. PRINCE,E. D., ANDT. R. LAMBERT. 1972. Reefs from tires?Outdoor California 33(3):7-9. ROESSLER, M. A., AND G. L. BEARDSLEY.1975. Bis- cayneBay:Its environmentandproblems.Florida Scientist37(4):186-204. 299 tigationson the gray snapper,Lutjanus griseus. Studiesin Tropical OceanographyNumber 10, Universityof Miami Press,CoralGables,Florida, USA. TURNER,C. H., E. E. EBERT,ANDR. R. GIVEN. 1969. Man-madereef ecology.Fish Bulletin 146, California Departmentof Fish and Game, Sacramen- SMITH,G. B., D. A. HENSLEY,AND H. H. MATHEWS. to, California, USA. 1979. Comparativeefficacyof artificial and nat- WICKHAM,D., J. W. WATSON,JR., ANDL. H. OGREN. ural Gulf of Mexico reefs as fish attractants. Flor- ida Marine ResourcesPublication35, Florida Department of Natural ResourcesMarine Research Laboratory,St. Petersburg,Florida,USA. Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 09:57 29 March 2016 STARCK,W. A., AND R. E. SCHROEDER.1970. Inves- 1973. The efficacyof midwater artificial structuresfor attractingpelagicsportfish.Transactions of the American FisheriesSociety102:563-572. ZAWAC•O, C. S. 1969. Long Island'sartificial fishing reefs. New York Conservationist 24:18-21.