2022 19th International Computer Conference on Wavelet Active Media Technology and Information Processing (ICCWAMTIP) | 978-1-6654-9389-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCWAMTIP56608.2022.10016577 DESIGN OF 2-12 GHZ ULTRA-WIDEBAND BAND PASS FILTER USING GAAS INTEGRATED PASSIVE DEVICE TECHNOLOGY TAKELE YONAS MIRETE1, GEBRE FISEHATSION MESFIN2, MERESA GIRMA NIGUS1, TEGEGNE SOLOMON ESHETIE3, MENGESHA YARED GETACHEW1, MOLLA ELDANA BEYENE4 1 School of Information and Communication Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 2 School of Electronic Science and Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 3 School of Computer Science, China West Normal University 4 School of Information Science and Engineering, South East University E-MAIL: mihretieyonas23@gmail.com, mesfinfisehatsion@gmail.com, meresa.girma@gmail.com, solomoneshetie8@gmail.com, yarget1921@gmail.com, eldanabeyene27@gmail.com Abstract: An Ultra-Wideband band pass filter (UWB-BPF) based on GaAs Technology is considered in this article. It is designed by cascading the High pass filter (HPF) and Low pass filters (LPF) with a transmission-zero out band rejection method. The two filters were designed with 5th order Chebyshev approach separately and then cascaded to get the desired band pass filter. To have a fast roll-off attenuation, out-of-band transmission zero is applied. Thus, a parallel resonance circuit is used. Moreover, L-network impedance matching has been introduced to enhance the input return loss. The design has been successfully realized in theory and also verified by its full layout EM simulation. The resulting UWB-BPF with π. ππ π¦π¦π compact size provides 1.2 dB insertion loss, 134.6% fractional bandwidth, 78% selectivity factor, 0.094 ns group delay, and 16.2 dB return loss. Keywords: Ultra-wideband Band Pass Filter; Transmission Zero; Lnetwork; GaAs-IPD; Fractional Band Width 1. Introduction Currently, wireless microwave communication systems are playing vital roles in our daily activities. In Radio Frequency (RF) front end sections, the band width of out going and incoming signals need to be limited for a certain range of frequencies. And this can be handled by a band pass filter RF circuit. Ultra-wideband wireless technologies use a wireless system that can transmit data over a large range of frequency bands for a very short distance with very low power and high data rates. According to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) proclamation in 2002, the UWB was fixed in the range of frequency 3.10–10.60 GHz for commercial use [1]. From then on, the application of UWB bandwidth (3.1–10.6 GHz) and corresponding BPF filter design on this spectrum are getting immense attention for the past few decades [2]. Researchers and industries have given attention to UWB circuits. Numerous works and strategies showed up to cover the desires of UWB-BPF in terms of insertion loss, selectivity, out-of-band dismissal, and highlights like compactness and implementable structures. It has been designed using Inductively Compensated parallel-Coupled Lines (ICPCL) [1], by incorporating Defective Ground Structures (DGSs) [3], based on (GaAs-IPD) [4] using microstrip lines [5], using Parallelcoupled Lines and Circular Open-circuited Stubs [6], by a capacitor loaded coupled line [7] and by adopting a modified multiple-mode resonator (MMR) and annular structures [8]. In this design, cascading an HPF and LPF based on GaAs-IPD technology is proposed. LPF is constructed to attenuate higher-frequency signals for those beyond the higher cut-off frequency whereas HPF is to reject a signal below the lower limit frequency of the proposed work. To ensure, the attenuation of the signal out of the specified frequency range, 5th order Chebyshev filter design approach [9] collaborating with the transmission zero out band rejection method is considered. Increasing the number of orders is another way of having a fast roll-off. But as the number of orders gets increases, the size also increases too. And this in turn, affects the compactness of the proposed work. Therefore, in this design, out-of-band transmission zero is applied. GaAs-IPD technology is used to realize the proposed UWB-BPF. Because of their integrity ability, compact size, and small parasitic effects, IPD techniques are developing fast compared to other standard discrete systems [10]. Electrons move more quickly in GaAs than in silicon. Compared to silicon and glass, it has a higher breakdown voltage [11]. GaAs circuits are very versatile in mobile 978-1-6654-9389-5/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: Southern University of Science and Technology. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 07:52:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. phone and microwave communication applications, as well as in radar systems [12]. Thus, in this work, we used it to realize our proposed filter design. The key contribution of the proposed method is the ways it approached achieving a higher selectivity factor, higher fractional bandwidth and good in-band phase response. Because of the wide frequency range, we faced slow roll-off problem at transistion region. As a result, the selectivity factor gets down too. To have a fast transition region and so as to boost the selectivity factor, a transmission zero is applied. It is a way of making an infinite impedance at resonance frequency. Detail is given in sections 3 and 4. Moreover, cascading HPF and LPF results an UWB-BPF having higher fractional bandwidth. As shown in the simulation result Fig. 4c, at 3 dB bandwidth, 2.2-12.3 GHz bandwidth is obtained. Thus, based on Equation 7, 134.6% fractional bandwidth performance was achieved. This paper has four main design sections. A brief introduction about the UWB-BPF including its usage and impact on the current RF and Microwave industries is given in the first section. In the second section, the theoretical and schematic simulations of LPF and HPF are presented. Thirdly, the schematic design and simulations of UWB-BPF using non-ideal components are stated. Finally, the desired UWB-BPF is verified by its layout simulations. Advanced Design Software (ADS) is used as a designing software. 2. Theory and design of HPF and LPF 2.1. Design of Low Pass Filter The Low Pass Filter denies the higher frequency signal beyond the cut-off frequency and allows low frequency signals below its cut-off frequency ππ . To achieve a bandpass filter at the proposed frequency range, it is needed to cascade a low pass filter and high pass filter at 12 GHz and 2 GHz cut-off frequencies respectively. For N order low pass filter with cut-off frequency π€π, impedance ππ and normalized values ππ, the ππ‘β series inductor πΏπ, and shunt capacitor πΆπ can be obtained by; Z0 gn ο·c (1) gn ο·c Z 0 (2) Chebyshev is a good choice because of its sharp roll-off at stop band and its compact size. Therefore, the filter is designed based on chebyshev prototype. Thus, for 5th order of 0.5 db ripple Chebyshev filter, ππ = 50, ππ = 12 πΊπ»π§ and the normalized parameters of low pass filter ππ , the designing elements πΏπ and πΆπ can be calculated using Equations 1 and 2. Where ο·c = 2 * pi * f c . 2.2. HPF design As explained earlier, high pass filter only allows high frequency signals from its cut-off frequency, ƒc point. Based on the specifications given above in low pass filter, the series capacitor πΆπ and parallel inductor πΏπ of HPF are given by: Z0 ο·c g n 1 Cn = ο·c Z 0 g n Where f c = 2 GHz then, ο·c = 2 * pi * f c . Ln = 3. In this article, the proposed work aims to achieve an UWB-BPF with pretty low insertion loss, high enough return loss, compact size, higher than 100% fractional bandwidth and high selectivity factor at the transition frequency region. Ln = Cn = (3) (4) Circuit design of UWB-BPF As stated previously, the proposed UWB-BPF is designed by cascading HPF and LPF filters. Fig. 1 is the schematic design circuit of the proposed UWB-BPF. The two HPF and LPF circuits are designed based on 5th order Chebyshev design approach. The LPF has 2 series capacitors and 3 shunt inductors (5th order). The capacitor values are calculated by Equation 2 whereas the shunt inductances are obtained using Equation 1. It rejects a signal with a frequency beyond the higher cut-off frequency (12 GHz). On the other hand, HPF is built up with 2 shunt inductors and 3 series capacitors where their values are calculated using Equations 3 and 4 respectively. It is cascaded with LPF to form the proposed UWB-BPF by suppressing a signal having low frequencies beyond the lower cut-off frequency such that 2 GHz. The resonated capacitors are to enhance the out band attenuation at resonance frequency. Because of the wide frequency range, a slow roll-off problem is noticed at the transition region. As a result, the selectivity factor gets affected too. To higher the steepness of the transition region, and so as to boost the selectivity factor, two ways Authorized licensed use limited to: Southern University of Science and Technology. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 07:52:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Resonated capacitors L-network HPF LPF Fig.1 Schematic of the proposed UBW-BPF of stopband attenuation improvement methods are considered namely, increasing the filter order and applying a transmission zero at the region out of passband. But, increasing the filter order enlarges the size of the device [12]. Thus, in this design, applying the transmission zero point is considered. It is a way of making an infinite impedance at resonance frequency. Then, higher insertion loss and lower return loss will be obtained. This in turn, enhances the steepness of the transition region at stop band attenuation area. The LC resonant circuit can be used in series or shunt during implementation to achieve transmission zero at resonance [12]. The shunt resonant admittance is shown in Fig. 3(a) and its corrsponding admitance is given by Equation 5. According to equation (5), when the admittance is zero, implies that the circuit is in open state, and this is the point where resonance occurs. As a result, energy is completely reflected, creating a transmission zero with pretty high insertion loss. On the otherhand, the series resonance circuit with zero impedance is depicted in Fig. 3(b). And Equation 6 is its equivalent mathamtical expression. In this resonance circuit, the ground absorbs all energy and it act as a short circuit. In this design, since inductors a little larger than capacitors, 3 capacitors are connected parallel to each inductor. The circular inductor is used in this design. As proved in [13] the circular inductor has lower resistance than the square inductor. The transmission lines are to obtain the layout. In filter and other circuit designs, impedance matching is another important issue [14]. Impedance mismatching results poor performance circuit design having high insertion loss and low return loss in the passband region. And this in turn causes abnormal power loss, biased information and signal reflection. Maximum power transfer occurs when the load has an optimum impedance value equal to the complex conjugate of the source impedance [15].To overcome this obstacle, we proposed different matching techinques such as L-network, pi-network, T-network and graphical analysis (smith chart). In this design, L-network is used to match the load and source impedances. It has L-shape made from a series capacitor and shunt inductor. In another word, it’s 2nd order high pass filter which attenuates lower frequencies and allows higher frequency signals. Fig.2 Layout 1 ) ο·L 1 Z = j (ο· L − ) ο·C Y = j (ο· C − (a) (5) (6) (b) Authorized licensed use limited to: Southern University of Science and Technology. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 07:52:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Fig.2 (a) parallel resonance (b) series resonance 4. Simulation results and analysis Fig. 4a, is the performance of the proposed UWB-BPF without the transmission zero and L-network circuits. Input and output return losses are less than 10 dB. Very low (b) (a) (a) (d) (c) Fig. 3. simulation (a) before transmission zero and L-networks applied (b) after transmission zero and L-networks applied (c) layout simulation (d) Group delay selectivity factor was obtanied. However, after the transmission zero and L-network impedance matching circuits get applied, at 3 dB pass band, the bandwidth runs from 2.2 to 12.3 GHz (Fig. 4b). The return loss and selectivity factor get improved well. This is because of the transmission zero at resonance frequency and the return loss impedance matching network. The parallel capacitors are to enhance the out-band attenuation at resonant frequency. Equation 5 proves that the circuit admittance gets zero at resonance point, and of course with infinite impedance. This implies that all signals get reflected back and in turn, the out band rejection gets improved as depicted in the Fig. 4b. Therefore, the transmission zero method is more advantageous to increase the selectivity factor and since it’s applied at the point out of the pass band, doesn’t affect the insertion loss of passband. L-network impedance matching is added to improve the input return loss. As shown from the Fig. 4a, the return losse was less than 10 dB. However, after L-network is applied, it turned out to be 16.2 dB (Fig. 4c). Fig. 2 is the layout version of the proposed UWB-BPF and its EM simulation is given in the Fig. 4c. It’s found that the EM simulation performances of the layout version exactly agree with that of the schematic one. It also demonstrated a UWB reject band from 12.3 GHz to more than 18 GHz at 40 dB. As depicted in the simulation Fig. 4c, the resulting UWB-BPF with 3.23 mm2 compact size provides 78% selectivity factor (S.F), 1.2 dB insertion loss and 2.2-12.3 GHz bandwidth at 3 dB bandwidth. Thus, based on equation 7, 134.6% fractional bandwidth is obtaned. At 30 dB, bandwidth runs from 1.1 to 14 GHz. Then, from equation 8, 78% S.F is obtained. The measured group delay of the proposed work is 0.4–0.09 ns as shown in the Fig. 4d, and its fluctuation is only 0.31 ns, which shows a good phase response. FBW = BW @ 3 dB *100 (7) BW 3.1−10.6 GHz S .F = BW @ 3 dB *100 (8) BW @ 30 dB The performance analyses of the proposed filter with state of the arts are listed in Table1. Authorized licensed use limited to: Southern University of Science and Technology. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 07:52:59 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Table 1 comparision with other works Ref [1] Pass band(GHz ) 2.9-10.9 FB W( %) 107 [6] 3.1-10.6 [10] 0.99-2.0 110. 2 70.5 9 134. 6 (S2 1) Size( mm2) GD (ns) Publishi ng year 0.4 9 0.3 5 0.5 3 1.2 6 121.4 8 NA NA 2021 0.4 2 NA 2020 1.224 [7] [8] 2022 [This 2.2-12.3 3.23 0.0 2022 work 9 ] GD:group delay; FBW:fractional bandwidth; NA:not available [9] [10] 5. Conclusion In this paper, a UWB-BPF using HPF and LPF is designed. Transmission zero and L-matching networks are applied to enhance the out-band rejection and return loss of the proposed design respectively. 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