Cenire Number .EXAM! N.AT! O1N.S,,'..G.0,U,.N.G I Examination Number L O F ZAM B I A,i,.,,:',,,,,,,,,,,,, ''' Exaqlination,fQri Gd$efAl,rG,ertifiC.d,te,:Of ,Educatioh,,Ord,inary Level '.:. . Science I :. .. ..: 2A21 Additional Materials: i:,.t :: , :.:.:..,. i:: ;::tr:.i:i:. 't :.: ; Electronio caipHlatqf:(non Dfogitrnmab:lei ii Graph , Soft clean . ., Soft pencil {type, B 61 }JB lsrretbmmended} paper eraser 'Time: 2 : hours Ma*ksil85 ' '''''' 1",,Wrlte ttte,'qEntrG,numb-Cr.,ahd,rvbw examination numbC-f.to,n.eVgr,lr.bbg6.of- tnis quesiion 2 There are three sections in this (i) SectionA .. :. - paper, ' ''' : :. ']hereaietwentyquestionsinthissection'Answerallquestions''' ,, Section A - : ,1,,,Afi,y'1ough,.W0$in.0 5h0uldl,be,d,one,:ln,thiS:q0e5,!i0hrpaperi - +,;r1,t$ Se-etion.G r,,:,'',i;,1 2 +! the end :of the examination: ,, (l) Fasten the separate Answer Bookleti Papers used: e, 3 .. a--- ..: . . - lii:,$i),,Cir,qlelth:e.:n!lmbp[s,,0f,,th€,,gedt1on,-€,qUeStiqns have answered in the grid below. r :. , . .- .. . ,13.:,Jhe,,P€flo,diel:fbbte',is' prinhed,onr,pa$,8 '-' tl .: one and fiark it with a cross (X) on the answer grid :proviaeO ln'this,qu,estion paper., : , :Arlswe.qg!y.,two Qu€s.tiofls, Write.your,anSweiS,.On fi:, t,,, i,,1,.,,Se.pafffi ,,A.'tl,Swe i. Boo.!il_et/ Pepd.f , proVidpd,,,.,,,. .r, ,, . .. For each question, there are four possible answers, A1 B, C and D. Choose the,best , I I ,' , ,l - r- .. ' ..,. ,f8,,',.,.,.,: . VOu,.:',,.,' . . ...,,,:,,,,,: ... , .. ,4,:neel!,.phones,are,inot g,!lowed,,in,,thg;,exa,rninat1oq,,iffim,,',, (dtrc.7 t/)atr , |tnt 4 tD 4 l itctal Examination Number Centre Number Page 2 of 78 SECTION A Answer all the questions in this section. Choose the best answer from the letters A, B, C or D and then mark the letter with a cross (X). For example if the answer is B, it is shown as: ANSWER GRID 1 A B c D 11 A B c D 2 A B c D L2 A B c D 3 A B c D 13 A B c D 4 A B c D L4 A B c D 5 A B C D 15 A B C D 6 A B c D 16 A B c D 7 A B C D L7 A B C D I A B c D 18 A B c D 9 A B c D 19 A B c D 10 A B c D 20 A B c D Page 3 of 78 SECTION A [20 marks] grid provided in this question paper' Answer all the questions on the answer AlWhichofthefollowingisnotalaboratoryrule? A B C D Do not write on the board Do not eat while in the laboratory AlwaYs Put on closed shoes AlwaYs close gas taPs A2Alearneraccidentallymixedamrnoniumchlorideandcommonsalt'Whatmethodwould the mixture? You use to seParate A B C D A3 Decantation Filtration Floatation Sublimation experiment are shown in the chromatogram The results of a paper chromatography below. i element X is an aqueous solution of a salt of a Group element Y is an aqueous solution of a salt of a transition lvent front Origin Which row is correct? Large A Rr value niquires a locating agent \,/ I ts X c X D Y Y --T _l Page 4 of 78 a gas' is a cooling curve for The following diagram A4 TemPerature ec) at stage V? What Process occurs A B C D Boiling Condensation Melting Sublimation which one is an ion? From the table below' A5 Particles in the substance A B c D A6 that to line the inside of furnaces used is It point' a high melting Magnesium oxide has This is because it "' at high temperatures' operate A B C D A7 its molecules' has strong forces between substance' is a simPle molecular has metallic bonds' is an ionic comPound' shown in the relative abundance is whose isotopes four has Y Naturally occurring element table below' Examination Number Centre Number Page 5 of 78 Find the relative atomic mass of the element. A B c D A8 207.24 706.25 204.22 The chemical formula for ammonia gas is NH:. Calculate the number of atoms contained in 859 of ammonia gas, A B C D A9 208.26 3.0 x 102s atoms 1,2 x 102s atoms 3.0 x 1024 atoms 2.4 x l02a atoms Sodium hydroxide was used to neutralise sulphuric acid as shown in the equation below. 2NaOH + HzSO+ -+ NazSO+ + 2HzO How much sodium hydroxide would be used to neutralise 490 tons of sulphuric acid. 600 tons A B C D A10 450 tons 200 tons 150 tons A learner placed 2009 of calcium carbonate into a conical flask and added 500cm3 of a 1.5 molar dilute hydrochloric acid solution. Conical flask 1.sM dil. Hcl 2009 CaCO: What would remain in the flask at the end of the chemical reaction? A B C D Calcium chloride and water only, Aqueous calcium hydroxide only. Calcium carbonate, aqueous calcium hydroxide and water. Calcium carbonate, aqueous calcium chloride and water, Z Page 6 of 78 Atl Solution Q reacted with aqueous sodium hydroxide producing a gas which changed the colour of red litmus paper. Which of the following could have been solution Q? Ammonium sulphate A B C D A12 Calcium sulPhate Potassium sulphate Sodium sulphate Salts can be classified as acidic, basic or neutral. Which of the following is a pair of basic salts only? A B C D A13 NH4CI and CuSOq Na:PO+ and Ca(CH3COO)2 ZnClz and BaSO+ A bee sting is acidic. Which household substance will neutralise a bee sting? A B C D AL4 KCI and NazCOg Damp bicarbonate of soda Damp common salt Lemon juice Vinegar Choose a statement that is most likely to be true about the elements in Group VIII of the Periodic Table? They ... A B C D A15 form oxides of similar formulae. occur uncombined in nature. become less metallic as atomic number increases. Which of the following statements is correct about alloys? They are ... A B C D A16 are equally reactive chemically. mixtures made up of metals and other substances, compounds made up of metals and other substances. metals that are covalently bonded. formed by heavy metals only. Choose a fertilizer that contains all the three main elements needed by plants for normal growth, A B C D NH4NO: KNOr NH+KzPO+ (COXNH2)2 Page 7 of 78 AL7 A gas escaping from a pipe in a chemical plant is tested and found to be alkaline. What is this gas? A B C D A18 Ammonia Carbon dioxide Hydrogen Oxygen Some organic compounds are generally non-reactive due to lack of a specific site for chemical attack, Which of the following is such a compound? IT A H-I-c-t-I-H T HHH IT IT B r C-C-H H-C-C tltl HHHH c H-C-C-C-C-H IT IT i dnil 'i OHHH lllll D c-c-c-c-H b'I ri A19 ,! Choose one organic compound that makes up 980/o of natural gas. A B C D Butane Ethane Methane Propane Page I A20 to the same homologous series of compounds? Which of the following structures belong of 78 HHH H-C-i-C-tr ilil il HHHH HHHH H-C-l-C-L-n il il (iii) H-c-l-t:til ilil (iv) (i), (iii) and (iv) (i), (ii) and (iii) (ii) and (iii) (i) and (iii) A B c D Section CHa H (ii) (i) Cn,ilr TT H--I-f-on B [45 marks] Answer all questions in this section' Writeyouranswersinthespacesprovidedonthequestionpaper. 81 impoftant to keep the laboratory safe' Laboratory safety rules and regulations are (a) take if the following happened State the immediate action that a learner should while carrying out an exPeriment: (i) or skin or mouth' Chemicals got into contact with his or her clothes t1l (ii) She or he burnt or cut herself or himself' t1l Examination Number Centre Number Page 9 of 78 (b) The following diagram shows a Bunsen burner, the most commonly used heating apparatus in the chemistry laboratory, Give one reason why the air hole should be fully open when the Bunsen burner is in use. ill (c) One of the gases used in a Bunsen burner is methane. (i) State all products of combustion of this gas in the Bunsen burner when the air-hole is fully open. [1] (ii) One of the products of complete combustion of methane is a pollutant. Name the product and state its effect on the environment. Name........ Effect.....,.. ................ tll tll [Total: 6 marks] = Centre Number Examination Number Page 7O of 78 82 Figure 82.1 shows a separation technique used to separate miscible liquids, Thermometer Water out Liebig condenser Glass bead Anti-bumping granules ilil Heat Figure 82.1 (a) What is the name of this separation technique? t1l (b) What is the purpose of the glass beads in the fractionating column, t1l (c) Why is the Liebig condenser kept in the slanting position as shown in Figure B2.L? t1l (d) Apaft from the mixture of miscible liquids, name two other mixtures which can be separated using this separation technique. 121 Centre Number Examination Number Page 77 of 78 Z.0g of pure magnesium ribbon reacted with exactly 100cm3 of 2.0 mol/dm3 hydrochloric acid. (a) Construct a balanced chemical equation for the reaction. Include state symbols. [3] (b) Determine the limiting reagent for the reaction. tzl (c) Calculate the volume of the gas that was evolved at r.t.p. Volume t2l [Total: 7 marks] I Centre Number Examination Number Page 72 of 78 94 (a) Table 84 contains atomic mass units (a.m.u) and percentage (o/o) abundances for element Q, Element a.m.u a o/o abundance LA7 52 109 48 Table B4 Determine the relative atomic mass of element Q. Relative atomic (b) mass........ l2l Describe a radioisotope. t1l (c) State one use of (i) Carbon-l4 isotope, i1l (ii) Iodine-131 isotope. l1l [Total: 5 marks] Examination Number Centre Number Page 13 of 18 Fluorine gas is bubbled through a solution of potassium brornide as shown in the diagram below. Fluorine t gas l-:+I-:_-_tr-_._-_u-_- .-rt---t!.-rt-- .---If--- Potassium bromide solution l-:o-:.-_-9_-_ ._-_9_- 'est tube ---------_-_-_'j \-_-_-l : (a) (i) Describe what would be observed in the test tube. tll (ii) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction that occurs in the test tube. l2l (b) What would be obserued in the test tube if iodine gas was bubbled through the potassium bromide solution? Give a reason for your answer. Obseruation tll Reason t1l [Total: 5 marks] e_ Centre Number Examination Number Page 74 of 78 86 (a) Describe the rate of a chemical reaction' t1l (b) State a reason for each observation below. (i) Hydrogen peroxide decomposes much faster in the presenc of the enzyme catalase. t2l (ii) The reaction between man$anese carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid speeds up when some concentrated hydrochloric acid is added, t2l (iii) powdered magnesium is used in fireworks rather than magnesium ribbon. [2] [Total: 7 marks] Centre Number Examination Number Page 15 of 18 87 During the extraction of zinc, the ore is first roasted in air as illustrated by the equation below. ZnS + Oz -+ ZnO + SOz (a) Give the common name of the ore in the equation above. tll (b) Name the substance which can be used to reduce zinc oxide, ZnO. t1l (c) Suggest a reason why sulphur dioxide should not be allowed to escape into the atmoSphere. Lzl (d) State one use of zinc. t1l [Total: 5 marks] Centre Number Examination Number Page 16 of 78 88 The structure displayed below is a polymer that was formed from monomer Y. T tt, T -c-c-c-cln, L lt, IH, 'l (a) Name the PolYmer' t1l (b) (i) Name the monomer Y. t1l (ii) Construct the displayed structure of monomer Y. t1l (c) Monomer Y was reacted with steam under suitable conditions and an organic compound Z was produced. (i) To which homologous series does compound Z belong? tll (ii) Write the general formula of the homologous series stated in (cXi). [1] [Total: 5 ma*s] _,j.r 7 Examination Number Cenke Number Page 77 of 78 SECTION C Answer any Cl [20 marks] two questions from this section in the separate Answer Booklet provided. Lime is an important compound in industry. (a) (i) (ii) State the chemical name of lime. tll Describe how lime is obtained from limestone on a large scale. Include an equation in your answer. (b) (i) (ii) Give two uses of lime. l2l What environmental problem is likely to arise or be caused by large scale production of lime? Suggest a possible solution to the problem. C2 l2l t5l [Total: 10 Marks] Incjicators are pigments that can be extracted from flowers, fruits or roots and are used in acid-base titrations. (a) Describe how you can extract dyes or pigments from flowers. (b) (i) Name one salt that can be prepared by titration in the laboratory and give a reason why titration is suitable for preparing the salt. (ii) Describe an experiment you would carry out using the indicator t4l tZl solution extracted as described in (a) to show that it is an effective indicator, t4l [Total: L0 Marks] C3 A hydrocarbon V which contains only 3 carbon atoms was bubbled through bromine solution and there was a rapid decolourisation of the solution, (a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) Identify the hydrocarbon V Draw the structure of the hydrocarbon t1l V tll To which homologous series does the hydrocarbon V beicng? Write the general formula of the homologous series where the hydrocarbon V belong. (b) (i) (c) tll Explain the danger of burning the hydrocarbon V in limited oxygen, (ii) [1:l t3l Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction in (bXi) above" l2l Under suitable conditions, the hydrocarbon V was polymerised and the polymer W was produced. Display the structure of polymer W. tll fTotal: 10 Marksl 7-J o oE c ooE r+ ^22 v{€ € iY5 -: OF :xg Y O A! o o .q so o3 )(/,gA@ :z -o o z -o o E E oi o-€ ,OA F6 a -4 € c 9 $.clP -<€ :(/,E f;a N <#<3 -; E qoi (l) o *(/l*-3.t :F= oOF Eo--€o E a o N o o @ o 3|'E no9 " 6r 365 C trE *6 @ ROE6 o o 6 o ci -lE E c : O pfsb Il? 0o o Cc i.:oH so€o K(,): -oE o (,)tr r N O € o *.: i ,fr€ .:o UO I I o) )6 (t) t m o .E :o3 n<E -o5 =oE_ _td -o <- otrP @Nin @ = G @ o o E o F =q6- N N E r-9 'uJ azt lUq= Ie @-9 E e r:€ : o-s oE o oC)r e -r€ o(DF nlL! E ",= , o*FE P €n E E f 5 DOF c (J >N E E O; -o(/)fi Fr \o Fr E E E +o€Os -o o sgggS ^(sl _ O.= o F o E L= -a.nF 6@ N ct E d l lo lc lo lF r lo Itr t= lo l> -lo -c. N F a h.= : r€TN 96 Lh of, =c F >(rl -@ F a.2 e(E= s 6;6 + € s tE5 :6F E ii<E<o c 6r JO E _c! lo F t, P GE s>E a0 lo lc IL N E E oN lo Ep FO oN3 +FE i:nN NU c0 tr.8 E ZEz E = E = oi E -cl.t >oN I o: l(5 ls IO F3p Eg6 E .l l> '| c c aF l} N E>E l$ lC') N o F t'lo 30to@ @ 8l 3l ?fl *R 6Nt =l €al CD(DI l.+ N(Jt c)cl lo.l 1a c Oi N o- b IE lrc F -tsN 2tvy I IL EoN ): L? E o o L o e2 [E E =EF N S.et 3 loo l* t(5 E o*7 $o G s€ F ) :o a ctE 3{a* oo.f_ c) L 5 -9)5 N-L-g : o€ +JF E c(g E NiE O a c o E o lu o- <f, \.f NE€tr@ 6 6c a O(/) 'E 0) oc (/)o Ea o co.!l oc h< J cr) ro F* \: C oco :e6 il OO 6Nd llI X! x.,13t (f <cj ll z I