DONG MIN 13650706534 QQ GROUP Evaluation Criteria 1. Final Exam ----------------------------------------60% 2. Others --------------------------------------------40% Ø Homework, class performance, presentation,etc:----20% Ø LAB and Demonstration -----------------------------20% What can a computer do for us? What does a computer look like? What is C++? Why do you learn C++? What will you learn in this semester? What can a computer do for us? What does a computer look like? What is C++? Why do you learn C++? What will you learn in this semester? ENIAC 1945 How to control the computer? Hello World! 01011010........ Hello World! 01011010........ Compiler High Level Language Machine Language Hello World! C++, Java, Python, VB.... High-Level Language Compiler Machine Language What can a computer do for us? What does a computer look like? What is C++? Why do you learn C++? What will you learn in this semester? Words and Sentences I am a studant. I a student. I am a flower. Translation Parser Lexer Source code Semetic Analysis Target code C++ tokens data types grammar rules... High-Level Language Compiler Machine Language 主观题 2分 Please list some High-level Programming Languages you know. 正常使用主观题需2.0以上版本雨课堂 作答 2022 Popular Programming Language Swift 2020年10月鲲鹏毕昇编译器 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ! ″ # % & ′( ) * + - / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~ . 1.keywords auto enum new sizeof void break explicit case char extern operator private static while struct class float const continue default delete for friend goto if inline int protected public register return short switch this typedef union unsigned else long signed virtual 2.Identifiers An identifier is a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores ( _ ) that does not begin with a digit. C++ is case sensitive—uppercase and lowercase letters are different, so a1 and A1 are different identifiers. a 2a x1 x+y no_1 _a2c a,b sum Name a&b const name 2.Identifiers An identifier is a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores ( _ ) that does not begin with a digit. C++ is case sensitive—uppercase and lowercase letters are different, so a1 and A1 are different identifiers. different a 2a x1 x+y no_1 _a2c a,b sum Name a&b const name 2.Identifiers An identifier is a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores ( _ ) that does not begin with a digit. C++ is case sensitive—uppercase and lowercase letters are different, so a1 and A1 are different identifiers. a 2a x1 no_1 x+y Start with digits _a2c a,b sum Name a&b const name 2.Identifiers An identifier is a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores ( _ ) that does not begin with a digit. C++ is case sensitive—uppercase and lowercase letters are different, so a1 and A1 are different identifiers. a 2a x1 x+y illegal no_1 _a2c a,b sum Name a&b const name 2.Identifiers An identifier is a series of characters consisting of letters, digits and underscores ( _ ) that does not begin with a digit. C++ is case sensitive—uppercase and lowercase letters are different, so a1 and A1 are different identifiers. a 2a x1 x+y no_1 _a2c a,b keyword sum Name a&b const name 3.Operators 4.Separators ,: ( ) // space int a, b, c ; a=b+c ; 4.Separators ,: ( ) // operators int a, b, c ; a=b+c ; 5.Literals 500 3.14159 'N' 投票 最多可选1项 Are you familiar to C++? A YES B NO C A LITTLE 此处添加选项内容 提交 Topics to cover •Basic C++, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Objects, Classes, Strings( required: about 32 periods) •labs: about 8 periods 36 •C++ how to program, 9th edition, DEITEL •Most of the information you need can be found online, especially at • /224/Default.aspx 37 •Thinking in C++, 4th Edition •《C++编程思想》 •《C++程序设计教程》清华大学出版社 38