This book written by and illustrated by Vibhas Pandey . This book published in New world Publication. This is printed in 16 page including front and back. This book lovely in eyes catching colourful illustrations for young readers. The size font is 14 easy to read. The story opens on a warm, sunny day in the middle of summer. A grasshopper is lying in a field, enjoying the sunshine, singing and playing his fiddle. Suddenly, he notices an ant scurrying through the field, carrying an ear of corn. The grasshopper, wanting to chat for a while, calls out to the ant. ‘What are you doing? Come and talk to me for a while. ’The ant shakes his head. ‘I’m sorry, I can’t stop, I’m too busy. I have to gather food for the winter. The grasshopper laughs at the ant.‘ The winter is ages away! It’s the middle of summer, and there’s plenty of food,’ he says. ‘Come and talk to me.’ But the ant refuses to stop working. He spends all day scurrying backwards and forwards across the field, carrying his supplies. The grasshopper watches on, thinking the ant is missing a great opportunity to enjoy himself. The ant is obviously not having a good time, while the grasshopper is completely content. All too soon, the winter comes. The weather is cold and there is no food to be found anywhere. The grasshopper is hungry and has nothing to eat. He knocks at the ant’s door, hoping the ant will take pity on him. The ant opens the door, and the grasshopper can see plentiful supplies of food inside the house. ‘I’m so hungry,’ says the grasshopper. ‘You have plenty of food. Is there any chance you might share some with me?’ ‘No,’ says the ant. ‘You laughed at me for gathering food in summer. You’ll have to see yourself through the winter. So, the grasshopper has to survive the winter on whatever meagre rations he can find elsewhere The moral lesson of this story is all about being prepared. If we work hard and plan for the future, we won’t find ourselves in the grasshopper’s position, relying on others. The full story teaches us that one must make the best use of the present situation, instead of suffering later. The theme of this story is that we need to plan for the future and for that we should start working today to reap the benefits tomorrow. In the story, the grasshopper keeps wasting his time without pondering over how he would sustain the winter. On the other hand, the ant works hard during summer to get shelter and store enough food for the winter. The grasshopper faces the harsh reality and learns the lesson in a hard way. In some versions of the fable, the ant doesn’t turn the grasshopper away. Instead, he invites him in. The grasshopper plays his fiddle for the ant and his family all winter, keeping them entertained in return for food and shelter. This shows us that we all have skills we can use to make our way in the world. However, the ant can also learn something from the grasshopper. During the summer, the ant is not happy, as he doesn’t give himself a break. It’s important to remember there’s a time for work and a time for play, and we need to get the balance right. In this book I have fun with Word Search It’s ideal for help to learn and recognise some of the important words from the story. Its help me to grip with the vocabulary, Moreover, this book helped me to gain a deeper understanding of the story. The Comprehension Activity will help me to think about the fable and its message by answering a series of questions based on the text. Again, it’s differentiated to suit children’s learning levels Take the example of the story about the ant and the grasshopper. I learned about the importance of time and hard work, we shall have to begin with telling them what is time, what is an opportunity, why one needs to sow now to reap the rewards later et cetera. Other than this, it helped a lot in teaching and shaping young minds. In other way, If I were an Ant I will be a great planner, when it is winter; the ant store up enough food. Ants are better planners than some individuals. I will be an amazing sense of discipline. Even the grass hopper invite to play and enjoy, the ant refuse do to it. This make me impressed to discipline my self . If I am an Ant I won’t get scared of hard work or heavy task. As, Ants are determined for their work. I hope you all enjoyed my book review..see you all in next video tq.