Uploaded by shaikha Alkthirie

6th Grade English Lesson Plan: The Phantom Tollbooth

Ibn Roshd International School
Academic Year 2021-2022
Third Semester
Lesson plan
Subject: English
Teacher Name: Shaikha Alkthirie
Date: 21 March 2022
Day & Period: Mon, 1+2
Grade & Class: 6
Topic: Reading: The Phantom tollbooth
Common Core
Standards addressed
CCS: ELA-Literacy.RL.6.3
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters
toward a resolution.
Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contri
setting, or plot.
Learners can:
1- Students will deepen their perspective about imagination by reading, writing, speaking, listening, and pres
2. Read and analyze character and plot development.
3. Expand your knowledge and use of academic and thematic vocabulary.
4. Write a fictional narrative as you develop imagined experiences or events using effective techniqu
5. Conduct research projects of various lengths to explore a topic and clarify meaning.
6. Combine sentences for variety.
7. Collaborate with your team to build on the ideas of others, develop consensus, and communicate.
8. Integrate audio, visuals, and text in presentations.
Language objective
Learners can:
Students will
Read the text The Phantom Tollbooth
Use the Internet to gather information and determine the literal meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases
Determine the figurative meaning of words and phrases using context clues from the story
Identify figurative language in the novel The Phantom Tollbooth
Learn the proper MLA format for citing sources
Subject-specific vocabulary & terminology:
jubilant, refined, ordinance; unethical; mismanaged; ferocious; hospitality; empire
Previous learning
Plan/Structure of the lesson:
Planned timings
Planned activities
Ibn Roshd International School
Academic Year 2021-2022
Third Semester
Have the date, topic and learning objectives on the board
Asking students the Essential Question
Where can imagination lead?
Preview the selections in the unit and discuss how they
relate to the EQ and unit topic.
My Prespective g
(end of lesson)
My Prespectiv
Time to Read:
Read Independently
 Students will read Chapters 1 and 2 of The Phantom
Tollbooth before beginning this activity.
 In Chapter 2, the main character visits an imaginary land
where he gets stuck "in the doldrums." This phrase will be
the focus of the motivational part of this lesson.
After reading The Phantom Tollbooth, students complete the
figurative language chart by finding the word or phrase from
column 1, and using context clues from the story to determine
the figurative meaning. Assign students one chapter of the novel
to read each night for homework.
While reading, students should note the page in the book where
they found the word or phrase. Internet research can be
scheduled during class time to allow students to find the literal
meanings of the words they found during their reading. The
figurative meanings can be completed in class or at home.
6. After completing the examples provided on the chart, students
identify 5 to 10 additional examples of figurative language used
in the book and add them to their chart. Again, they should use
the Web resources provided to determine the literal meaning of
the word or phrase and context clues in the story to determine
the figurative meaning.
8. After completing the chart each student compares his or her
chart with another student and adds any additional examples of
figurative language to the chart. After the charts have been
revised, students save them to their folders on the hard drive or
to a floppy disk. They can print a hard copy, e-mail an electronic
copy, or provide the teacher with the floppy disk for evaluation. 9.
A final whole class discussion focuses on the examples of
figurative language found in the story. Each student should share
at least one example from his or her chart with the rest of the
Internet links: htt
British Council B
resources and a
National Literacy
offering recomm
Ibn Roshd International School
Academic Year 2021-2022
Third Semester
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you
plan to give more support?
How do you plan to
challenge the more able
Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?
This lesson may be used
with other children's
novels. The novels
should include examples
of figurative language
that can be readily
The chart may be
changed to include a
column for simile and
metaphor or other types
of figurative language.
Students can send the
playwrite a letter
describing how figurative
language made The
Phantom Tollbooth more
interesting and enjoyable
for them. In the letter,
they should provide a
few of their favorite
examples of figurative
language from the story.
Evaluate students with a Figurative Language Rubric
The rubric is based on whether students correctly identified the
literal and figurative meanings of words and phrases, how many
additional examples they were able to find and record, and the
resources that they used.
ICT link
Homework/Extension work/Self Study
1. Read
the Drama at home, find the literal meaning of the given figurative language items.
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? Wh
like? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make
Use the space below to reflect on your lesson. Answer the most relevant questions above about
My planing of lesson was perfect, everything went well.
Ibn Roshd International School
Academic Year 2021-2022
Third Semester
Summary evaluation
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: The figurative language chart
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
1: if
students were able to access to internet so they would look the meaning of the figurative language it
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?