Uploaded by Jeovany Gamez

Reading Notes: Communication & Recession

AAC&U Reading
For me, the biggest soft skill I want to improve is clear communication. I know exactly what I
want to say in my head but I can’t ever seem to properly address it out loud to my peers, family,
friends, or really anyone. I hesitate and doubt the words I wanna use and it just sounds like a
mess. This only happens when I need to say something important or in a very serious
environment not really in casual conversation. Recently what I’ve done to try to improve this is
to put myself in more of these uncomfortable situations where I have to articulate what exactly I
want to say to a clear concise matter. Now it’s not perfect but I will say I’ve gotten better at it.
Recession, What Could Go Wrong? Reading
● “Consumers are the final pillar holding up the recovery. If the job market weakens even a
little, she added, “that might wake people up and get them to think, ‘Well, I may not get
fired but I might get fired, and at least I’m not going to get that big bonus,’” and reduce
their spending accordingly.” — Not understanding this clearly. This is the only real point I
didn’t understand completely, everything else was explained well in my comprehension