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Dryland Ski Training Program Overview

Dryland Ski Program Overview
June 23, 2015
This training program is designed to prepare athletes for lift-assisted alpine skiing.
Program Goals:
Build the eccentric strength and strength endurance in your legs to prepare you for the
eccentric loading which occurs during alpine skiing.
Build the lactate tolerance and recovery in your legs so you can ski harder longer, and
recover quicker during stops or between runs.
Build your core/midsection strength and overall strength to add stability during skiing and
increase overall durability.
Build your glute medius strength, hamstring strength and landing mechanics to help protect
your knees from injury during the ski season.
This is a progressive, very intense, 6-week, gym-based training program. You will train 5 days/
week for a total of 30 training sessions. The intention is that Monday through Friday are are
training days. Saturday and Sunday are rest days.
This training program is designed to be completed in any commercial gym, with basic
equipment. None of the exercises or routines described here are complicated, nor are they
This training program is set up to be completed sequentially. Exercises and volumes build as it
progresses, so don’t skip around. Start at the beginning and follow the sessions in order.
Again, we are assuming a 5 day/week training schedule. Try not to train on the weekends.
Sessions 1, 6, 11, 16, 21 and 26 are the rst session of each week’s training.
If you are doing the program Monday through Friday, here is what your schedule will look like:
Monday – Leg Blasters, Skier Hops
Tuesday – Air Squat, tuck hold intervals, Wall Sits
Wednesday – Strength Training
Thursday – Leg Blasters, Skier Hops
Friday – Touch/Jump/Touch and Thruster Intervals, Wall Sits
How long should the training sessions take?
Generally around 60 minutes, though near the end of the program, training sessions may take
up to 75 minutes.
What if I can’t keep up the Monday to Friday Training Schedule?
In a Monday – Friday training schedule, Training Sessions 1, 6, 11, 16, 21, and 26 are all
Mondays. If for any reason you cannot keep this Monday-Friday training schedule, do not skip a
training session. Rather, complete all the training sessions in order. Whatever the schedule,
always take two days a week, ideally together, as total rest.
What if I can’t complete the exercises using the prescribed loads?
Drop, or “scale” the load or weight as necessary to meet the prescribed number of reps. For
example, if the training session calls for 10x weighted situps with 45# and this is too, heavy,
drop down to 35# or 25#, – whatever is required, to get 10 reps.
What if I’ve never training in a gym before?
This training program is going to be quite an adventure in athletic training for you! Wednesday’s
strength sessions are built primarily around classic barbell exercises like the power clean and
back squat. These are not complicated exercises, but they can be awkward at rst. If needed,
you can seek exercise instruction from a local coach or personal trainer. You can also teach
yourself these exercises by being patient, using lighter weights, and sticking with it. Practice
helps! There are many web-based sites and resources to nd information on performing these
common exercises. You’re not helpless. Be resourceful.
What about exercises unique to Mountain Athlete?
Unfamiliar exercises can be found under the “Exercises” link at www.mountainathlete.com.
What equipment do I need?
The equipment needed to complete this program is readily available in most commercial gyms.
What about my diet?
Eating well does not take rocket science. It takes discipline. Here are our recommended diet
6 days/week – eat as much meat, vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts as you want – no restriction.
Drink only water, coffee or tea. Do not eat bread, pasta, or grain of any kind, no potatoes, corn
or other starchy vegetables. No sugar, candy, soda or alcohol.
1 day/week – cheat like a mother. Eat/drink anything you want.
What about supplements?
Drink a whey protein shake 15 minutes before, and 15 minutes after training.
What if I have more questions?
Email rob@mountainathlete.com.
Good luck!
Rob Shaul
Mountain Athlete
Jackson, Wyoming
Dryland Ski Program Session 1
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
4-Square Drill
10x Air Squats
5x Walking Lunge
10x Push ups
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
4-Square Drill @ 8” Box
15x Situps
(2) 2 Rounds
10x WTD Situp @ 25#
10x EO’s
10x Good Morning @ 45# Barbell
20/20 Standing Founder
(3) 6 Rounds
3x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25#
6x 1-Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl
(4) 2 Rounds
10x WTD Situp @ 25#
10x EO’s
10x Good Morning @ 45# Barbell
20/20 Standing Founder
(5) 10 Reps
Depth Jump – 24” Box
(6) 4 Rounds
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 2
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 5 Rounds
6x Squats
6x Pushups
6x Box Jumps @ 20”
6x Situps
Instep Stretch
(1) 3 Rounds
30 sec Box Jump @ 20”
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Double Horizontal Hop
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Wall Ball @ 10#
20 sec Tuck Hold
60 sec Rest
(2) 6 Rounds
5x Bench Press – increase load each round until 5x is hard, but doable
3/4x Pull Ups
Foam Roll Quads
(3) 6 Rounds
10 Second Calve Raise
10 Second Hold
3x Nordic Hamstring
(4) 4 Rounds
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 3
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
4-Square Drill
10x Air Squats
5x Walking Lunge
10x Push ups
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
4-Square Drill @ 8” Box
15x Situps
(2) 2 Rounds
10x WTD Situp @ 25#
10x EO’s
10x Good Morning @ 45# Barbell
20/20 Standing Founder
(3) 6 Rounds
3x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25#
6x 1-Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl
(4) 2 Rounds
10x WTD Situp @ 25#
10x EO’s
10x Good Morning @ 45# Barbell
20/20 Standing Founder
(5) 10 Reps
Depth Jump – 24” Box
(6) 4 Rounds
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 4
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 15-10-5
Instep Stretch
(1) 3 Rounds
30 sec Skier Lateral Box Hop @16” Box
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Touch/Jump/Touch
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Thruster @ 45# Barbell
20 sec Tuck Hold
60 sec Rest
(2) 6 Rounds
5x Military Press – increase load each round until 5x is hard, but doable
5x Renegade Row @ 25/35#
3/3/3 Toe Touch Complex
(3) 6 Rounds
10 Second Calve Raise
10 Second Hold
3x Nordic Hamstring
(4) 4 Rounds
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
20 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 5
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
4-Square Drill
10x Air Squats
5x Walking Lunge
10x Push ups
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
4-Square Drill @ 8” Box
15x Situps
(2) 4 Rounds
20 Second Russian Triangle @ 25#
20 Second Plank Walk up
20 Second Rest
(3) 6 Rounds
4x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25#
6x 1-Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl
(4) 4 Rounds
20 Second Flutter Kicks
20 Second EO’s
20 Second Rest
(5) 10 Reps
Depth Jump – 24” Box holding 10# Plate
(6) 4 Rounds
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 6
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 5 Rounds
6x Squats
6x Pushups
6x Box Jumps @ 20”
6x Situps
Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
30 sec Skier Sandbag Hop
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Skier Lateral Shuttles
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Hang Squat Clean @ 45# Barbell
20 sec Tuck Hold
60 sec Rest
(2) 6 Rounds
5x Bench Press – increase load each round until 10x is hard, but doable
Rope Climb or 3x Tarzan Pull Ups
Foam Roll Hip Flexors
(3) 6 Rounds
10 Second Calve Raise
10 Second Hold
3x Nordic Hamstring
(4) 4 Rounds
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 7
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
4-Square Drill
10x Air Squats
5x Walking Lunge
10x Push ups
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
4-Square Drill @ 12” Box
15x Situps
(2) 4 Rounds
20 Second Russian Triangle @ 25#
20 Second Plank Walk up
20 Second Rest
(3) 6 Rounds
4x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25#
6x 1-Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl
(4) 4 Rounds
20 Second Flutter Kicks
20 Second EO’s
20 Second Rest
(5) 10 Reps
Depth Jump – 24” Box holding 10# Plate
(6) 4 Rounds
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 8
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 5 Rounds
6x Squats
6x Pushups
6x Box Jumps @ 20”
6x Situps
Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
30 sec Box Jump @ 20”
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Touch Jump Touch
20 sec Tuck Hold
30 sec Thruster @ 45#
20 sec Tuck Hold
60 sec Rest
(2) 3 Rounds
Shoulder Blaster
10x 1-Arm Horizontal Row – increase load each round until 10x is hard, but doable
(3) 5 Rounds
15 Second Calve Raise
15 Second Hold
4x Nordic Hamstring
(4) 4 Rounds
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
25 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Dryland Ski Program Session 9
June 23, 2015
Warm Up: 3 Rounds
4-Square Drill
10x Air Squats
5x Walking Lunge
10x Push ups
Hip Flexor + Instep Stretch
(1) 4 Rounds
4-Square Drill @ 12” Box
15x Situps
(2) 4 Rounds
20 Second Good Morning with 25# Plate
20 Second Weighted Situp with 25# Plate
20 Second Rest
(3) 6 Rounds
4x Quadzilla Complex @ 15/25#
6x 1-Leg Poor Man’s Leg Curl
(4) 4 Rounds
20 Second Flutter Kick
20 Second EO’s
20 Second Rest
(5) 10 Reps
Depth Jump – 24” Box, holding 25# Plate
(6) 4 Rounds
30 Second Mini Band Shuttle Right
30 Second Mini Band Shuttle Left
Foam Roll Quads/Hip Flexors
Fall Dryland Ski Session 10
October 8, 2015
Obj: General Endurance
(1) 700x Step Ups @ 25#