// Required restoration (Bluray media won't play because HFW 4.90.1 does not include these 3 files, this was needed to bring the old webkit back) bdj.self(4.90) bdp_BDMV.self(4.90) bdp_BDVD.self(4.90) // Recommended restoration (Small changes were introduced which might break game updating feature and PSN store) gameupdate_plugin 13,002 (4.90) vs 12,986 (4.82) newstore_plugin.sprx 467,286 (4.90) vs 467,356 (4.82) // Optional restoration (Not really needed since decrypted binaries are pretty much identical unless you have OCD) x3_mdimp11 vmclib user_plugin photoviewer_plugin nas_plugin mms_minimdimp_media_gamedisc gamelib_plugin custom_render_plugin avc_plugin autodownload_plugin Enjoy!