DISTANCE RELAY ISTANCE RELAYS PERATION-depend on the agnitude of the current or ltage of the circuit . tio of the voltage and rrent (expressed in terms of impedance) lled ratio or impedance relay TYPES OF DISTANCE RELAYS • IMPEDANCE RELAY • REACTANCE RELAY • ADMITTANCE RELAY . IMPEDANCE RELAY(BASIC OPERATION) MPEDANCE RELAY lements in relay1.torque proportional to current-operating torque+ 2. torque proportional to voltage-restraining torque rrent element is energized by CT ltage element is energized by PT ring fault – voltage drop while current increases . Ratio V/I –I increases impedance- reduces(ZL). pedance reduce then its predetermined value ,it trip and makes the circuit breaker open. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS • Fault is nearer to relay , this ratio will be low and as fault position moves away from the relay the ratio becomes higher and higher • Effect of spring, non directional ,arc resistance of line fault affect the performance of relay SE OF IMPEDANCE RELAY FOR RANSMISSION LINE PROTECTION Voltage coil of the elay is fed from T while its urrent coil is fed rom CT. Non directional AC SE OF IMPEDANCE RELAY FOR RANSMISSION LINE PROTECTION . REACTANCE RELAY REACTANCE RELAY Operating torque is obtain by current and restraining torque due to a currentvoltage directional relay Structure-induction cup type Operating torque -interaction of fluxes produced by 1,2 and 3- proportional to square of the current. restraining torque -interaction of fluxes produced by 1,3 and 4-proportional to product of v and I. Desired maximum torque angle is obtain with the help of RC circuit. OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS . ADMITTANCE RELAY ADMITTANCE RELAY Induction cup type structure Operating torque -1,2 and 3-proportional to product of voltage and current Restraining torque -1,3 and 4-proportional to square of the voltage Torque angle is adjusted using series tuning circuit . ngle can be adjusted 450 is used for high ltage(33 to 11 kv) 600 is used for 66 to 132kv 750 is used for 275 to 0kv