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CubeSats: Small Satellites, Big Opportunities

Small Satellites,
Big Opportunities
CubeSats in Focus
• 1. Introduction
• 2. Using CubeSats
• 3. Sensors and actuators
• 4. Launching CubeSats in space
• 5. The benefits of using CubeSats
• 6. Applications
• 7. Future scope
• 8. References
• A CubeSat is a square-shaped miniature satellite (10 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm—roughly the size of a
Rubik's cube), weighing about 1 kg. A CubeSat can be used alone (1 unit) or in groups of multiple
units (maximum 24 units).
• CubeSats are taking over the space industry. The industry norm has been to use a single, multibillion dollar, massive satellite in geostationary orbit with multiple purposes. However, this has
been changing, and these single massive satellites are being replaced with constellations of
smaller, cheaper, easier to replace satellites in low Earth orbit, called CubeSats.
Using CubeSats
Things CubeSats have in common
Just like any satellite, CubeSats are custom built to the
specific requirements of their mission and have at least
three things in common:
1. The antenna and radio communication system, which
sends and receives information to and from Earth.
2. The power source, like a solar panel or simply a battery.
3. The computer, which executes instructions to ensure
proper functioning of the satellite.
Sensors and actuators
Magnetometer - for the satellite to
run its attitude determination and
control algorithms, there is a
requirement to determine the
magnetic field due to the Earth.
Sun Sensor – indicate the tilt of the
satellite. The sun sensor has on an
output based on 3 parameters:
1. Intensity of light falling
perpendicular to the surface.
2. Temperature of the Sun Sensor.
3. Wavelength of light incident on it.
Temperature Sensor – extreme changes
in temperature occur as the satellite
revolves around the earth. Critical
components in the system are sensitive
to temperature changes and require an
independent cooling solution
Magnetorquers – common method foe
actuation in nano satellites. The satellites
has to stabilize in 3 dimensions, a
magnetorquer was installed at 3 sides in
different dimensions of the satellite.
Launching CubeSats in space
• To be launched into space, CubeSats hitch a ride into space using extra space
available on rockets. They are packed in a container which, with the push of a
button, activates a spring that ejects the CubeSats into space. CubeSats can
also be deployed from the International Space Station (ISS) by using the same
technique from the airlock in the Japanese module. Like other satellites, they
can be flown alone or in a constellation network, in orbit around the Earth.
• The dimensions of a CubeSat are illustrated. It is 10 centimeters on each side,
making it similar in size to a Rubik's cube. A graphic shows that a CubeSat can
be used alone, or a maximum of 24 CubeSats can be stacked.
The benefits of using CubeSats
• Fast: can be built within two years
• Cost: far less expensive than large satellites
• Technology: simple, standard parts available off-the-shelf
• Design: simple design for short mission; no need to use thermal blankets
• Space debris: none – they burn up in the atmosphere upon re-entry
• Scope: limited due to reduced capacity to carry scientific instruments
• Mission duration: most of them are operational for a period of 3 to 12 months
Technology Experiment and Demonstration
Scientific Research
Biological Experiments
Earth Remote Sensing
Military Projects
Terrestrial Thermal Imaging
Real Time Cloud Monitoring for Early Cyclone detection
Weather Forecasting
Education and Training (80% of CubeSats are Student designs) etc.
Future scope
• CubeSats are revolutionizing access
to space: developers and users are
eagerly taking advantage of this new
platform to increase research and
development activities conducted in
• CubeSats are even being used for
interplanetary missions: NASA's
Mars Cube One (MarCO) will
embark on a mission to Mars in May
2018. CubeSats will offer an
experimental communications
service relaying information to Earth
during atmospheric entry and
Illustration depicting the future MarCO mission, during which two
CubeSats will fly by Mars while the InSight lander is touching down
on the red planet. (Credit: NASA)
1. “Design of a CubeSat Computer Architecture using Cots Hardware
for Terrestrial Thermal Imaging”. Chandrasekhar Nagarajan,
Roodney Gracian D’souza, Sukumar Karamuri, Krishna Kinger
2. “Applications of CubeSats”. Chris Adolphus Esionwu Jnr
3. https://www.space.com/34324-cubesats.html
4. https://www.asc-csa.gc.ca/eng/satellites/cubesat/what-is-acubesat.asp#launching
5. https://www.isispace.nl/cubesats
6. https://en.spacepi.space/