2024-1st semester Chemical Reaction Engineering Chemical Reaction Engineering 1 - Introduction Jaekyoung Lee Assistant professor Chemical engineering PKNU Contents Introduction - Instructor Introduction - Course How to study? 2 Introduction - Instructor Education background 3 Introduction - Course Book and references Grade Evaluation 중간고사 기말고사 과제 출결 기타 합계 Midterm Final Homework Attendance Other Total 35% 35% 10% 10% 10% 100% 4 Introduction - Course Course schedule 주차 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 강의내용 반응공학 서론-화학공정 및 반응기 소개, 반응속도 정의 Introduction - Chemical process, reactors, reaction rates 반응속도법칙과 영향인자 및 화학양론 Reaction rate laws and stoichiometry 반응기 종류 및 몰 수지를 이용한 회분식 반응기 설계식 Types of chemical reactors Design equation for batch reactors using mole balance 반응속도 자료 해석 (1) -적분법 Analysis of rate data using integral methods (1) 반응속도 자료 해석 (2) -적분법 Analysis of rate data using integral methods (2) 몰 수지를 이용한 연속교반탱크반응기 설계식 Design equation for CSTR using mole balance 몰 수지를 이용한 관형반응기 및 충전층반응기 설계식 Design equation for PFR, PBR using mole balance 수업 1차시 2차시 3.2 3.7 3.9 3.14 3.16 3.21 3.23 3.28 사전녹화 3.30 4.04 4.6 4.11 사전녹화 4.13 사전녹화 4.18 4.25 (화) 오후 3시-5시 중간고사 Midterm exam 부피변화가 포함된 화학반응 / 균일상 반응속도론 및 반응메커니즘 Chemical reactions with volume and phase changes Chemical kinetics and Mechanism of homogeneous reactions 단일반응의 등온반응기 설계(1) Isothermal reactor design for single reaction (1) 단일반응의 등온반응기 설계(2) Isothermal reactor design for single reaction (2) 복합반응-병렬 및 직렬 반응 Multiple reactions - parallel and series reactions 복합반응의 등온반응기 설계 (1) Isothermal reactor design for multiple reactions (1) 복합반응의 등온반응기 설계 (2) Isothermal reactor design for multiple reactions (2) 기말고사 Final exam 4.27 사전녹화 5.2 5.4 사전녹화 5.9 사전녹화 5.11 6.8 사전녹화 6.15 5.23 5.25 5.30 6.1 6.13 사전녹화 6.20 (화) 오후 3시-5시 5 Introduction - Course Course schedule 중간 기말 ▪ 4.22 (월) 오전11시-오후 3시 ▪ 4.24 (수) 오전10시-오후 2시 ▪ 6.24 (월) 오전11시-오후 3시 ▪ 6.26 (수) 오전10시-오후 2시 6 Before starting… Q1. What do you think about chemical reaction engineering? Q2. Goals from this course ? Q3. Any questions/suggestions? 7 Introduction – Chemical Reaction Engineering Q. What is chemical reaction engineering and why do we learn? ❖ Chemical Catalytic Process Chemical plant 관련수업 [반응공학] [촉매공학] Catalysts Chemical Reactors Products H2 Reactants C3H8 C3H6 Temperature Pressure Raw material (C1-C6) profits Valuable products Reactor Design Selection of reaction system (safe, efficient operation) PtSn Al2O3 Chemical Kinetics chemical reaction rates ? reaction mechanisms ? Chemical Reaction Engineering 8 Introduction – Chemical Reaction Engineering Examples of chemical process [고분자석유화학공정] 9 Introduction – Chemical Reaction Engineering Q. why do we learn? Develop the new chemical processes or replace/improve the previous chemical processes depending on the environmental changes/demand. Annual Energy Outlook 2020 ❖ Related Companies, etc. 10 Introduction – Chemical Reaction Engineering Reactor Design Reactor type Chemistry : Kinetics Reaction rates • Batch • Continuous flow reactor (CSTR, PFR, PBR, etc.) H2 C3H6 C3H8 PtSn Al2O3 Chemical Reactors Reactants Products Mole balance Mass transfer Temperature Pressure Design Equation Heat transfer Operation condition Reactor volume estimation 11 Introduction - Instructor Research background 현대자동차 cleanemissions.com 12 How to study How to study ? ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ 13 Concept) Ex) design equation for mixed flow reactor (CSTR) CSTR Design equation for CSTR 14 Problem Solving Ex) Design equation for MFR (Situation) ▪ Reactor type : MFR ▪ Reaction : ? liquid ▪ Information : v0 / CA0,B0 CAf,Bf,Cf / V ▪ Goal : rate of reaction of A,B,C 15 Problem Solving Ex) Design equation for MFR (Situation) (Idea) ▪ Reactor type : MFR ➢ Design equation for MFR ▪ Reaction : ? liquid ➢ Constant V(density) ▪ Information : v0 / CA0,B0 CAf,Bf,Cf / V ➢ Design Eqn : Correlation ▪ Goal : rate of reaction of A,B,C ➢ Design equation for MFR : -rA vs CA 16 Problem Solving Ex) Design equation for MFR (Idea) ➢ Design equation for MFR ➢ Constant V(density) ➢ Design Eq: correlation ➢ Design equation for MFR : -rA vs CA 17 Problem Solving Ex) Design equation for MFR Calculation) ➢ Rate of reaction for A 18 How to study? Note writing 19 Note writing Grade Evaluation 중간고사 기말고사 과제 출결 기타 합계 Midterm Final Homework Attendance Other Total 30% 40% 10% 10% 10% 100% ▪ 20 Summary 21