CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter provides a description of the methodology. It includes description of the research design, research locale, population, sampling procedures, sampling size and design, validity and reliability, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data for the thesis titled "THE EFFECT OF SCAFFOLDING STRATEGY IN TEACHING READING READINESS OF GRADE 3 PUPILS OF PORTHOLLAND CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL" A. Research design Aaker et al (2002) defines a research design as the detailed blue print used to guide a research study towards its objectives. Descriptive research design method of research was used in this study. Descriptive research a powerful tool used by researchers to gather information about a particular group or phenomenon. Hence, this research type is deemed to be the most appropriate for the perceived since this method involved the survey and questionnaire. B. Research Locale The research locale for these research was conducted at Portholland Central Elementary School barangay Lower Portholland, Zone IV, Maluso, Basilan. C. Population According to Frankel, et. al, (2012, p. 92), the population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group of whom the researcher would like to generalize the result of study. Meanwhile, Arikunto (2010, p. 173) defines that Population is all the subjects of investigation. In these study, the population was conducted at Grade 3 teachers and selected pupils of 19 Portholland Central Elementary School academic year 2022-2023. The total population of grade 3 was 224 pupils. In Aquarius total number of 37 pupils formed of 16 males and 21 female; in Libra, the total number of pupils was 35 formed of 19 males and 16 females; in Gemini, they have 37 total number of pupils, 18 males and 19 females; the total number of pupils of Virgo was 38 pupils with 21 males and 17 females; the Capricorn has 37 total number of pupils with 20 males and 17 females; in Sagittarius, they have 40 total number of pupils formed of 24 males and 16 females. The total numbers of selected respondents for the pupil was 60, consists of 10 males and 50 females all over the grade 3. Each section have the participants based on their availability to answer the research questionnaire. The total numbers of teachers were 6, formed of 6 female. The distribution of whole population can be seen in sampling size and design Table 1 and table 2. D. Sampling size and design: Table 1: The total of pupils respondents No.: Grade 3 section Selected pupils: Total: Male: Female: 1. Aquarius 4 6 10 2. Libra 1 8 9 3. Gemini 0 11 11 4. Virgo 0 13 13 20 5. Capricorn 3 4 7 6. Sagittarius 2 8 10 Total of respondents: 60 ( Source: School administration of Portholland Central Elementary School academic year 20222023) Table 2: The total of teachers respondents No: 1. Grade: 3 Teachers: Total: Male: Female: 0 6 Total of teachers: 6 6 ( Source: School administration of Portholland Central Elementary School academic year 20222023) E. Sampling Procedure The respondents was selected using convenient sampling, under this sampling, that sample elemens are selected from population based on their availability of the participants and because this is the easiest for the researchers to access. This study population was conduct at Portholland Central Elementary School Maluso, Basilan. The main target groups of sampling are the teachers and pupils of primary grade specifically grade 3. F. Research Instrument 21 Research instrument of the research were a survey, questionnaire, rating, or tool designed to measure the effects of using scaffolding strategy used by the teachers on reading readiness of grade 3 pupils. The research Instrument is gathered using a questionnaire, most of them being in closed question form. The mother tongue was used in pupils questionnaire. The researchers were guided the pupils to answer the questions. The teachers can use the research paper proposal of the researchers for them to add more knowledge about the study. The research questionnaire for teachers has a 2 section. The first section deals with the demographic information such as name (optional), age, sex, civil status, grade level of teaching, school and years of teaching experience. The last section is the proper questions which is the closed questions form. The research questionnaire for pupils has a 2 section. The first section is about the pupil demographic information such as, name (optional), age, sex, school, and grade level. The last part is the proper questions which they can choose the best answer in the following choices. The direction was provided. G. Validity and Reliability The original questionnaire was elaborated and validated by our subject teacher, leading to the final form that is use as an instrument. The questionnaire included a cover letter where the pupils and teachers are given background information about the research. The guided questionnaire developed by the researchers was subject for validation and reliability test. Validity is the ability of the research tools to measure what is required to measure. A measurement procedure cannot be valid unless it is reliable. Without reliability and validity it would be very difficult to decide which research should be trusted and which should be completely disregarded (Mattick,1998). H. Data gathering procedure 22 A letter of request to conduct the study was prepared by the researcers. The researchers were develop the guided questionnaires. Survey was subject for validation and reliability test. The data gathering process for the study was quantitative methods to measure the insights into the effect of scaffolding strategy used by the teacher in teaching reading readiness of grade 3 pupils of Portholland Central Elementary School. The researchers were introduced the research to the respondents and seek their consent to participate in the study. As the respondents give their consent, the researchers were already arranged the schedule for the survey. The researchers were observed the most convenient time for the research respondents during the survey. I. Statistical treatment of data The following statistical procedure was used to interpret the data gathering from the respondents of the study. Frequency Counting and Percentaging: the demographic profile and survey answers of the respondents will analyze using the simple percentage with the following formula: P= f÷n(100) Where: p: percentage. f: frequency for each category n: total number of respondents 100: constant multiplayer J. Ethical Consideration 23 The researchers were adhered to the basic ethical principles in research during the conduct of the study since human subjects will be included as respondents. The researchers were assured utmost confidentiality in handling all the information and data of the subjects. No physical or/and psychological harm was inflicted to the respondents. The assumptions of keeping the identity and findings of the study under the condition of anonymity will be properly observed. The researchers understand that the subjects have the right to make choices based on their perspectives, beliefs, and values; hence, full autonomy will be afforded to them. 24