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Vocabulary List: 71 Words & Definitions

1. Uncharted - Not previously mapped or explored.
2. Meandered - Wandered or followed a winding path.
3. Imbued - Filled or saturated with a quality or feeling.
4. Iridescent - Displaying a play of colors like a rainbow.
5. Reverence - Deep respect or admiration for something or someone.
6. Azure - A bright blue color, often associated with the sky or sea.
7. Tempestuous - Stormy or turbulent, characterized by strong emotions.
8. Intangible - Not physical or easily defined; abstract.
9. Jovial - Cheerful, friendly, and full of high spirits.
10. Jubilant - Extremely joyful and exuberant.
11. Tantalizing - Provoking interest or desire by teasing or promising something just out of reach.
12. Resonated - Elicited a strong emotional response or had a lasting impact.
13. Heralding - Announcing or signaling the arrival of something important.
14. Ordeal - A difficult, painful, or trying experience.
15. Plethora - An excess or abundance of something.
16. Pirouette - A graceful spin or twirl, often performed in ballet.
17. Reinvigorate - To revitalize or refresh something, often with new energy.
18. Juxtaposed - Placed or positioned side by side for comparison or contrast.
19. Poignant - Evoking a strong sense of sadness or emotion.
20. Enigmatic - Mysterious or puzzling; difficult to understand.
21. Craggy - Having rugged, rough, or steep features, like a rocky surface.
22. Primordial - Existing from the earliest times; ancient or original.
23. Trepidations - Feelings of fear, anxiety, or unease.
24. Cognizance - Awareness or understanding of something.
25. Redolent - Having a pleasant or strong fragrance; reminiscent of something.
26. Glade - An open area in a forest or woods.
27. Palpable - Capable of being touched, felt, or perceived.
28. Cascaded - Fell or flowed in a series of small, successive stages.
29. Stupefied - Astonished or shocked to the point of being unable to think clearly.
30. Cadence - A rhythmic pattern or flow, often in music or speech.
31. Indomitable - Impossible to subdue or defeat; unconquerable.
32. Ephemeral - Lasting for a very short time; transient.
33. Concocting - Creating or preparing by combining various elements.
34. Unfurled - Opened or spread out from a folded state.
35. Astral - Related to the stars or celestial bodies.
36. Rejuvenating - Renewing or restoring to a youthful or vital state.
37. Entwined - Twisted or woven together, often referring to objects or ideas.
38. Pervasive - Widespread and existing in every part; all-encompassing.
39. Quietude - A state of calm, tranquility, or peacefulness.
40. Impending - About to happen; looming in the near future.
41. Futile - Ineffectual or incapable of producing the desired result.
42. Haven - A safe or peaceful place, often providing refuge or protection.
43. Embodiment - A concrete representation or personification of an idea or quality.
44. Pallid - Pale in color or complexion; lacking vitality.
45. Thrummed - Produced a continuous, low, vibrating sound.
46. Frantic - Marked by hurried, frenzied activity or agitation.
47. Reprieve - A temporary relief or postponement of a negative situation.
48. Plight - A difficult or dangerous situation or condition.
49. Tremor - A slight shaking or quivering movement.
50. Clambered - Climbed or moved awkwardly and noisily, often over obstacles.
51. Quilt - A bedcover made of layers of fabric stitched together.
52. Stoic - Remaining calm and unemotional, especially in the face of adversity.
53. Craggy - Having rugged, rough, or steep features, like a rocky surface.
54. Veneer - A superficial or deceptive outward appearance.
55. Boisterous - Noisy, energetic, and rowdy.
56. Exuding - Emitting or giving off, often a quality or feeling.
57. Unabashed - Not embarrassed, ashamed, or hesitant; confident.
58. Matronly - Characteristics or qualities associated with a mature, motherly woman.
59. Ensnared - Trapped or caught in a difficult or dangerous situation.
60. Unbridled - Not restrained or controlled; unrestrained.
61. Reverence - Deep respect or admiration for something or someone.
62. Ensemble - A coordinated outfit or group of musicians or actors.
63. Poignant - Evoking a strong sense of sadness or emotion.
64. Abyss - A deep, bottomless chasm or void.
65. Paradoxically - In a way that seems contradictory or illogical yet may be true.
66. Tethered - Tied or connected to something as if by a rope or leash.
67. Luminescent - Emitting light, often without heat; glowing.
68. Phosphorescent - Emitting a soft, steady light after exposure to a source of light.
69. Primordial - Existing from the earliest times; ancient or original.
70. Indelible - Impossible to remove or erase; lasting.
71. Ineffable - Too great or beautiful to be expressed in words; beyond description.