Nonjabulo Ntombela- 10815287 Teacher As Manager- Examination. QUESTION 1: 1. Tasks (Things that need to be done in the classroom), Learners (The people you teach), Time (Timetables and target dates) and Resources (teaching media and parent support). 2. Tasks- classroom activities, Learners- managing their classroom behaviour, Time- how long a lesson should be and Resources- Textbooks. 3. Well planned lessons and minimal disruptions and disciplinary problems. QUESTION 2: 4. School level planning: This is a curriculum that arranges a content in a particular pattern and assigns it to certain subjects and puts it into identified sequences. Grade level planning: This document contains the guidelines for programming in the different learning subjects at various levels. Classroom-level planning: It involves designing the individual lessons that align with the curriculum, this includes the lesson plan or learning programme that educators plan. 5. Providing learning experiences, getting the learners to attend lessons, Keeping the learners involved in classroom discussions or lessons, Keeping track of what they are doing and Give special attention to "difficult" learners. 6. By being assertive or using the Assertive approach which means the educator knows the way and the learners will need guidance. Or the educator can use the Business academic approach which helps in managing the disruptive behavior of the learners as they will be fully engaged in meaningful learning activities given by the educator. QUESTION 3: 7. Ecology: This is the physical aspects of the classroom or physical things that are in the classroom, EG: CHAIRS. Milieu: This is the part of the classroom that can be described as the feeling of the classroom. Social system: The informal and formal rules that guide interpersonal relationships in the classroom. Culture: The values, beliefs, systems and norms existing in the classroom. 8. Visual elements: Eye contact, Active listening skills: Projective listening and Vocal elements: Pronunciation. 9. Respect for the learners: This is the educators concern for the learners as individuals. Credibility: If an educator is credible, they will practice what they preach. Accountability: The educator holds themselves and their learners accountable for the learning that takes place. QUESTION 4: 10. Main idea: An individuals behaviour is shaped by the behaviour's consequences; individuals respond to environmental events and extrinsic reinforcement. Theorist: Skinner. 11. Main idea: It attempts to identify internal factors that motivate an individual's behaviour; individuals aim to satisfy needs such as self fulfilment, achievement and influence. Theorist: Maslow, Deci and McClelland. 12. Main idea: The individuals actions are influenced by what they believe in and attributions about their success or failure situations. Theorist: Weiner. 13. Main idea: Individuals' actions are influenced by the value particular goals hold for them and expectations they have of their individual success. Theorist: Bandura. (b) Intristic motivation: When a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task. Extrinsic motivation: When a person feels motivated to do something to gain a reward or to avoid punishment; a person is motivated by something external. QUESTION 5: · The disciplinary process must be fair, consistent, just, corrective and educative. The learners should be proctected from abuse by adults or other learners and the parent should also be involved in the correction of the learner's behaviour. · Discipline must be maintained in the school and the classroom to ensure that the education of learners proceeds without disruptive behavior. · Educators may restrain a learner that would harm others, himself or herself or that may violate the rights of other learners or the educator. Educators may use reasonable measures where necessary to prevent a learner from harming him/herself or others. · The authority to discipline learners may not be delegated to fellow learners. · A consultative process is recommended , which may include consultation with the learner or with his or her parents. · Any corrective measures or disciplinary action must be commensurate with the offence. Learners should not think that they cannot be suspended or expelled just because it is their first offence. · Serious misconduct must be referred to the principal (In cases where a learner cannot adjust to a school and where his or her behavior is objectionable in that it violates thee rights of the others). · The emphasis must be on teaching and leading learners to self-discipline. · Educators have full authority and responsibility to correct the behaviour of learners whenever such correction is necessary at the school. · The South African Schools Act, 1996, empowers school authorities to discipline learners, but it is beyond the law to delegate this authority to fellow learners. Learners are partners with other members of the school and are not in charge of the school. DECLARATION FORM I Nonjabulo Ntombela (full names): ______________________________________________________________ Student number: ____10815287___________________________ Module code: TAM2601 Declare that 14. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard. 15. I declare that this submission is my own, original work. 16. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own. 17. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it as his or her own work. Signature ____Nonjabulo Carry Ntombela___________________________ Date: ____________05/10/2023_____ ©