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Y13 History British Empire 1947-1967 A Chronological Overview

"1947 - Gold Coast
""Under Andrew Cohen, the Gold Coast is named the most advanced African colony
"1949 - ... founded
""CCP founded by Nkrumah
"1949 - ... founded in Nigeria
""Nigerian People's Congress founded in Nigeria
"1950 - ... imprisoned
""Nkrumah imprisoned
"1951 - CPP ... seats in legislative council
""CCP had 2/3 of seats in legislative council - British recognised they needed to be negotiated with for a federal republic
"1951 - ... freed
""Nkrumah freed by Arden Clarke
"1951 - ... constitution
""Macpherson Constitution - Nigeria
"1952 - ... becomes PM of Gold Coast
""Nkrumah becomes PM of Gold Coast
"1952: state of emergency
""State of emergency declared in Kenya from the Mau Mau
"1952 - ... imprisoned
""Kenyatta imprisoned
"1953 - ... formed
""Central Africa Federation formed - included Southern Africa and NAC
"1953 - ... riots and ...
""Nyasaland riots and civil disobedience
"1953 to 55 - ... bombs dropped
""6 million bombs dropped
"1954 - ... constitution revised
""Nigerian constitution revised, however flawed and led to tensions regionally and ethnically
"1956 - Obote part of ...
""Obote part of Ugandan National Congress Party
"1957 - ... independance
""Gold Coast independance -> Ghana
"1957 - ... elections
""Gold Coast elections on full adult sufferage
"1957 - Obote's ... represents ...
""Obote's legislative council represents his home district
"1958 - ... becomes founding member of ...
""Jamaica become's founding member of West Indies Federation
"1959 - ... Federal Elections
""Nigerian Federal Elections
"1959 - ... state of emergency
""Nyasaland state of emergency - 100 party officials and 200 others imprisoned, party suppressed
"Oct 1960 - ... independance through new constitution
""Nigerian independance through new constitution
"1960 - ... against West Indies Federation
""Jamaican Labour Party against West Indies Federation - cued referendum which agreed also
"1960 - ... speech in Southern Africa
""MacMillan's Wind of Change speech in Southern Africa
"1961 - ... independance x2 + ... leaves Commonwealth
""Sierra Leone independance<br>Tangerika independance<br>Southern Africa leaves Commonwealth
"August 1962 - ... independance
""Jamaican independance
"1962 - independance with Obote as PM
""Ugandan independance with Obote as PM (British appointed)
"1963 - ... independance
""Kenyan independance
"1963 - ... dissolved
""Central Africa Federation dissolved
"1964 - ... independance x2
""Northern Rhodesia independance<br>Nyasaland independance
"1965 - ... independance x2
""Gambian independance<br>Unilateral Declaration independance in Rhodesia - regarded Southern Rhodesia as an independant state
"1947 - ... in Suez Canal Zone
""10,000 British troops in Suez Canal Zone
"1948 - ... independance
""Palestine independance
"1951 - ... renounced 
""Farouk renounced 1963 - Egyptian
"1952 - ... overthrown
""Farouk overthrown by Nasser
"1953 - ... agreement
""Egypt's agreement to make Sudan independant - induce gradually
"1954 - British agreed...
""British agreed phased withdrawal from Suez Canal, on terms of reoccupation during war 
"1955 - ... engineered by British but ...
""Baghdad Pact engineered by British but Egypt strays out
"July 1956 - ... nationalised Suez Canal
""Nasser nationalised Suez Canal
"1956 - ... plan failed
""British plan with French and Israel failed
"Jan 1947 - ... agreed in London
""Burmese Constiutent Assembly agreed in London
"August 1948 - ... independance
""India's independance after nationalist pressures
"Jan 1948 - ... of Malaya
""Federation of Malaya
"June 1948 - Mayala declared ...
""Malaya declared state of emergency
"1951 - Association of ...
""Association of Malay high commision
"1953 - ... concession
""Signapore concession - 25/35 seats a legislative council elected by 300,000 electorates up from 6/25 seats chose by 23,000 British subjects, SSP dominated
"1955 - ... commision
""Reid commision drew up new constitution for Malaya
"1955 - ... election
""Malaya election - 51/52 seats to alliance party
"August 1957 - independant ...
""Independant Malaya created
"1957 - Full internal self-gov in ...
""Full internal self-gov in Singapore
"1958 - ... Act
""State of Singapore Act
"1960 - ... ends
""Communist insurgency ends
"1963 - Singapore joins ...
""Singapore joins Federation of Malaya
"1965 - ... expelled from Malaysia
""Singapore expelled from Malaysia
"1948 to 1952 - ... Crisis and ... Doctrine
""Sterling Crisis and Truman Doctrine - $3.3bn aid from the US
"1947 - ... Report
""Cohen Report - gradual decolonisation guided through reform
"1948 - Windrush
""Migration from the West Indies and Carribean to the UK - 425 to 500 migrants - to resolve labour shortage
"1948 - ... Act
""Nationality Act of 1948
"1950 - ... Boys
""Eagle-Boys - NOT villainising foreigners
"1951 - rise in ... Gov.
""Rise in Conservative Gov. under Churchill
"1952 - ... Economic Conference
""Commonwealth Economic Conference
"1954 - ... Games
""Commonwealth Games
"1956 - British had to buy ... in dollars
""British had to buy US Oil in dollars
"1957 - ... development
""EEC development to refocus trade with Britain
"1958 - ... Riots
""Nottinghall Riots
"1959 - ... Movement Panphlet
""Moseley's Union Movement Panplet
"1960 to 62 - ... immigration
""Peak immigration
"1962 - ... Act
""Commonwealth Immigrants Act 
"1962 - ... abolished
""Empire Day abolished
"1962 - survey...
""90% opposed immigration
"1963 - British applied for...
""British applied for EEC membership
"1964 - ... election
""General Election - Smethswick, 6,000/70,000 votes immigrants
"1965 - ... Act
""Race Relations Act - 1/5 objected to working with black and brown population - forbade public discrimination
"1965 - ... Board
""Race Relations Board - 982 complaints, 734 dismissed
"1967 - ... devaluation
""Sterling devaluation - $2.80 to $2.40 per pound