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Grade 7 Reading Lesson Plan: Noting Details & Vocabulary

February 23, 2024
Grade Level Grade 7
Date February 23, 2024
Name of Teacher LORNA A. LEGASPI
School Sampaguita Village National High School
Friday Routine/ Dynamic Exercise
Priming/Setting the Mood
To prepare the environment and the
learners for the discussion session
1. Grade Level Assembly
a. Mobilization
b. Prayer
c. Checking of Attendance
To activate learners’ prior knowledge to
spark their interest and motivate them to
read, watch and listen. This first part of
the session is for goal setting as the
learners prepare for the processes and
tasks which shall help in the development
of the lesson
2. Setting up expectations/ Objectives of the activity
a. Acquaint learners to importance of reading
b. Activate prior information about their personal reading experiences
c. Facilitate learning discussions through reading forum and activities
3. Video Presentation
Play a video presentation on reading titled Sa Aking Pagbabasa.
Recapitulation of Process Questions:
 What are the benefits of reading that were mentioned in the song that you have
listened to?
 How can you meet people while reading?
 How can you travel different places while reading?
To develop learners' various listening
skills. During this part, both the teacher
and learners engage in meaningful and
active discussion.
Note: The teacher may use appropriate
and targeted activities that vary according
to the learners’ ability and capacity. In
addition, activities must vary to avoid
4. Forum Proper
A. Recapitulation of the following topics:
 Benefits of Reading
 Silent Reading and Its Benefits
Ask the learners about their take aways during the discussion proper held last week. Then,
start the forum with a booster through yell presentations.
a. Ready, Yell, Go!
Each class or section should present their crafted yell. This will serve as their identity until the
end of Catch-Up Friday program.
Lead the learners to a learning set up where everyone is engaged in various activities or games
that will enhance their knowledge.
b. Letter Shuffle Challenge
The teacher will present five (5) words with jumbled letters. Instruct the students to unscramble
the letters to figure out the correct word. If a student knows the answer, they can raise their
Jumbled Words:
(a) Prior
(b) Facilitate
(c) Poet
(d) Acquaint
(e) Imagery
c. Pampilipit Dila / Tongue Twister
Each class will select one representative to perform a tongue twister. There will be a total of
twelve (12) tongue twisters, and each class will have a chance to present. After all the
presentations, the best performer will be selected.
Pampilipit Dila
Usong-usong isang isang salu-salong nagsisiusyosohan ang mga aso sa asosasyon sa
Tongue Twister
Betty bought butter but the butter was bitter,
so Betty bought better butter to make the
bitter butter better.
Kalabit ng kalabit si Alabit na may bitbit sa
balikat ng kanyang kalapit-kabalikat
Palakang kab-kab na kumakalabukab
ayokong pakalabukabin ngunit
kumakalabukab pa rin.
Sumasaway ng pasaway ang nagsasaway na
sanay magsaway.
Susie works in a shoeshine shop. Where she
shines she sits, and where she sits she shines.
Kakakanan lang sa kangkungan sa may
kakahuyan si Ken Ken habang kumakain ng
kakaibang kakanin kahapon.
Pitumpu’t pitong puting putong ipinirito ng
puting patong papito- pito.
The great Greek grape growers grow great
Greek grapes.
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
How many pickled peppers did Peter Piper
You know New York, you need New York,
you know you need unique New York.
Which wrist watches are Swiss wrist
B. Unlocking of Difficulties
Learners will identify the meaning of the given words taken from the poem titled, “I am Proud
to be a Filipino” using context clues.
7. oppression
C. Reading Exercise
The learners will read a poem titled, “I am Proud to be a Filipino” – Toribia A. Mano
silently. Then after reading, a set of comprehension questions will be answered. Highlight
how the questions are answered in complete sentences.
Process Questions:
 What are the Filipinos doing for a living according to the poem? Do you agree?
Support your answer.
 Do you think it is our duty to be proud of being a Filipino?
 As a learner of SVNHS, as a grade 7 student, how can you show your love to our
a. Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
There will be a total of fifteen (15) questions, and each correct response will have a
corresponding number of points through virtual money. The content of this activity has
something to do with Week 4’s lesson in English about Exploring Culture and History
through Poetry.
Reflection and Sharing
To assess progress, address issues, build
relationships, and reflect on experiences
B. Breakout Session (Classroom-Based Silent Reading Exercise)
Learners will proceed to their respective classrooms and perform the assigned tasks. Each class
is given a reading material with corresponding comprehension questions. Ask the class to read
the two given materials following the principle of silent reading. Then, ask them to answer the
questions that follow. Discuss the learner’s answers to the class. Assess and address issues in
the learners’ responses.
To provide the learners the chance to
reflect, develop a deeper understanding of
the lesson discussed
C. Exit Card
Ask the learners to complete the following statements:
Today I discovered that _______________________________________________.
Today I learned that __________________________________________________.