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ChatGPT Impact Study: Research Methodology

Chapter 3
This chapter presented a brief explanation of the research methodology used in the gathering,
analyzing, and development of the study’s data. It includes research design, research locale, participants
of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure, and data analysis, and ethical
Research Design
This research applied a qualitative research design. Phenomenology is a type of Qualitative
Research Method that seeks to explain the nature of things through the way people experience them. It
translates literally as the “study of phenomena.” In other words, it’s the study of the meaning these
things (or phenomena) have in the minds of the audience you’re studying. (Hugh Good, 2023).
Qualitative research relies on analyzing and interpreting social experiences and concepts in their own
context (Glesne, 1999). Additionally, this study method aims to create a thorough comprehension and
arrangement of concepts in a certain event. Since this study tries to answer questions about the Impact
of ChatGPT to Pagadian City Science High School students, the researchers believed that a qualitative
research design is the most applicable design to be implemented in this study.
Additionally, the researchers believe that a qualitative type of research requires non-numerical
data, which means that the research uses words rather than numbers to express the results, the inquiry,
or investigation about people’s thoughts, beliefs, feelings, views, and lifestyles regarding the object of
the study (Baraceros, 2016). These characteristics are required to complete the objective of the study
which is to obtain the information in regards with the Negative Impact of ChatGPT towards the
Pagadian City Science Highschool Students.
Research Instrument
This study will be using semi-structured interviews as our research instrument. It will allow the
researcher to collect qualitative and open-ended data and it can also explore the participants thoughts,
feelings, and beliefs about the topic. In this research, there are three interview guide questions asked to
determine what is the impact of ChatGPT to Pagadian City Science Highschool students.
Research Participants
The researchers of this study will be conducting out a Snowball Sampling Technique to gather
data from 30 selected Pagadian City Science Highschool Students that use ChatGPT who are from
Grade 7 to the Grade 12 Curriculum of the S.Y. 2023-2024. These selected Grade 7 to Grade 10 students
is from each junior high school grade level and The Grade 11 to Grade 12 students will be specifically
selected under the strand of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Accountancy,
Business and Management (ABM), and Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) of Pagadian City
Science High School. Snowball sampling technique will be used in identifying the participants of the
There are 12 participants aged 13 years old to 17 years old which is equivalent to 40% of the
total participants, 18 participants aged 17 years old to 19 years old which is equivalent to 60% of the
total participants. The total to 30 participants which is equal to 100.00%
Table 1.
The Research Participants
Grade Level
No. of Students
Research Locale
This study will be conducted at Pagadian City Science High School, located at Tuburan District,
Pagadian City. This new site has been established and began its operations on November 2012, after
years of construction prior to the announcement of the new site. The old site however, was the
abandoned rooms of Pablo Litigio Elementary School and Pagadian City Pilot School, which was
returned to the respective schools after the transfer to the new site. Pagadian City Science High School
founded on the year 2010 and is the only science high school in the city. The current school principal is
Mrs. Crestina Parot, the head teacher is Jocelyn Ybio Gamboa, and the assistant administrator is Ernadel
This currently school has four buildings located within the campus. One for the senior high
school which is a two-story building having six advisory classrooms. Facing the senior high school
building is the two-story PAGSCI building, which has seven advisory classrooms occupied by the
grades 9 and 10, also one for grade 11 and 12, one computer laboratory, one clinic, and the
administrative office. Located beside the senior high school building is the three-story junior and senior
high school building occupied by the grades 7, 8, 11 and 12 students, also including one library. Beside
the three-story building is the one-story building of grade 7 Nitrogen and Home economics. In between
the senior high school and junior high school building is the school’s canteen.
Figure 3. Map of Pagadian City Science High School
Data Gathering Procedure
The researchers allocated the following steps considering the procedures to be followed that is
necessary for gathering data.
First and foremost, the researchers formulated a brief interview questionnaire for gathering
data. Next, the researchers will schedule a date to conduct the research. In addition to, the researchers
will seek approval from their research adviser. Moreover, the researchers will gather data through semistructured interviews using interview questionnaires. Finally, the researchers will gather all the data
from interview questionnaires with the response of the participants and interpret it using data analysis.
Data Analysis
To interpret the gathered data, the researchers must first prepare and organize the collected data
by gathering their notes, documents or other materials, then mark the source of any demographic that
the researchers have collected from or any other sources of information that will help the researchers
analyze the data. Then the researchers will have to review and explore the gathered data by reading the
data several times to get a sense of what it contains. Subsequently, the researchers will then have to use
highlighters, notes, sticky pads, concept maps to aid themselves in connecting their data to organize it,
during organizing the data, the researchers will also identify reoccurring themes, opinions, and beliefs.
Then present the study by considering the audience, the purpose of the study and what contents should
be included to elaborate on the story of the gathered data. (Campuslabs, 2020).
Ethical Considerations
The researchers ensured that the quality of the interview is thoroughly expounded. Participants
in this study are made aware of the purpose of their participation, the response they’re about to provide
and what they should do. They will all be voluntary because if we force them, they would not provide
a truthful response, if they aren’t interested of the interview being conducted. The interview ensures
that the researchers use the correct language in order to avoid misunderstandings with their respondents.
It will not cause any harm to our volunteered participants, and we do not want to lead them in any verbal
or physical attack. To prevent harm, the respondents’ carefully researched results must be kept private
and anonymous. Only relevant components will be assessed by the researchers.
(Ethon Nash, 2023) Positive and Negative Impacts of ChatGPT on Education
(Elsa, 2023) What Is ChatGPT and Has It Impacted Children's Education
(Egens Lab, 2023) The Pros and Cons of using Chat GPT URL:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/proscons-using-chat-gpt-egens-lab
(Ben, 2023) ChatGPT can hinder students’ critical thinking skills
(Kathryn Hulick, 2023) How ChatGPT and similar AI will disrupt education
(Bernard Marr, 2023) A Short History of ChatGPT: How We Got to Where We Are Today
URL: https://www.forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2023/05/19/a-short-history-of-chatgpt-how-we-gotto-where-we-are-today/?sh=7cb8cf69674f
(Will Douglas Heaven, 2023) The inside story of how ChatGPT was built from the people who madeit
URL: https://www.technologyreview.com/2023/03/03/1069311/inside-story-oral-history-how-chatgptbuilt-openai/
(Kathryn Hulick, 2023) How ChatGPT and similar AI will disrupt education
URL: https://www.sciencenews.org/article/chatgpt-ai-artificial-intelligence-education-cheatingaccuracy
(Parvin Mohmad, 2023) How Does ChatGPT Become Popular So Quickly and How Is It Growing
(Tony Chua, 2023) What is ChatGPT and how does it impact Filipinos?
URL: https://leapoutdigital.com/what-is-chatgpt/
(Gelo Gonzales, 2023) OpenAI tech increased productivity of Philippine contact center agents by 13.8%
(Cem Dilmegani, 2023) ChatGPT Education Use Cases, Benefits & Challenges in 2023 URL:
(Muhammad Huzaif, 2023) The Impact of ChatGPT on Student learning
(Editorial Desk, 2023) ChatGPT May Lead To The Downfall Of Education And Critical Thinking
URL: https://www.techbusinessnews.com.au/blog/chatgpt-may-lead-to-the-downfall-of-eduction-andcritical-thinking/
(Chung Kwan Lo, 2023) What Is the Impact of ChatGPT on Education? A Rapid Review of the
URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2227-7102/13/4/410
(Crossplag, 2022) ChatGPT and its impact on education
URL: https://crossplag.com/chatgpt-and-its-impact-on-education/
(Muhammad Hamdan, 2023) The Impact of ChatGPT on Students: Positive Effects and Potential
Negative Effects
URL: https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2023/03/14/the-impact-of-chatgpt-on-students-positive-effectsand-potential-negative-effects/
(CambriLearn, 2023) The impact of ChatGPT on education
URL: https://cambrilearn.com/blog/impact-chatgpt-education
(Campuslabs, 2020) How to analyze qualitative data
(Glesne, 1999) Qualitative Research in Social Sciences: A Research Profiling Study
URL: https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1335923.pdf
(Baraceros, 2016) Qualitative research
URL :https://www.studocu.com/ph/document/bohol-island-state-university/bsed-filipino/practicalresearch-1-1st-module/33277048