Department of Education Region X Division of Bukidnon DON CARLOS NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Sinangguyan, Don Carlos, Bukidnon School ID: SHS-340995 LESSON PLAN IN ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT I. Objectives:At the end of the discussion, the students are expected to: a) describe the local and international business environment of a firm. ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-6 II. Subject Matter: Local and international business environment. References : Materials : Organization and Management: 1st Edition, pp: 17-19 By: Helena Ma. F. Cabrera, Ph.D. Power Point Presentation, Projector, Laptop, Visual Aids, pictures, III. Procedure: 4 A’s Preliminary Activities (Prayer, Greetings, Attendance, classroom rules) A. Activity 1st Activity: The teacher will instruct the class to group themselves into 4 groups. The teacher will then present a video clip from a local establishment and one video clip also from international establishment. B. Analysis Teacher will ask the following questions to the students after the activity: 1. What can you say about the video being presented? 2. Do you know other establishments from local and international firms aside from the video presented? 3. Have you observed any culture from local and international firms? 4. Why do you think they possess such culture? C. Abstraction To give more understanding of the lesson, the teacher will define first the terminologies: > Local Business-A company which provides goods or services to a local population. Though most often used when referring to a locally-owned business, the term may also be used to describe a franchise or corporate branch operating within a local area. > International business-International business comprises all commercial transactions (private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics, and transportation) that take place between two or more regions, countries and nations beyond their political boundaries. Types of economic culture: 1. Monochronic culture - refer to people who tend to do one thing at a time. 2. Polychronic culture- more flexible and tend to accomplish different things at a time. After defining the two types, the teacher will now then discussed the five cultural dimension studied by Geert Hofstede. 1. Power distance - the degree to which the society accepts or rejects the unequal distribution of power among people in organization. 2. Uncertainty avoidance - the degree to which the society is uncomfortable with risk, change , and situational uncertainty. 3. Individualism-Collectivism- the degree to which the society emphasizes the individual accomplishment versus the collective accomplishment. 4. Masculinity-Feminity - the degree to which a society values assertiveness and feeling of material versus concern for relationship. 5. Time Orientation- the degree to which a society emphasizes short term thinking versus greater concern for the future or long term thinking. D. Application Each group will be given five minutes to give situations for each dimensions from a local business environment versus international business environment as a form of a role play. Each group will be given 3 minutes to present. (Before proceeding to their respective group, the teacher will give the rubric of how their presentation will be graded) Rubric for Roleplay: Content of the play: 10 points Stage presence : 5 points Participation of each member : 5 points Total : 20 points IV. Generalization/Synthesis The teacher will call at least three students to generalize all the things they have learned from all the activities done and then the teacher will also give a support ideas thereafter. Value Integration The teacher asked the students the what appropriate value to possess when they will be working in any local or international firm, how will they apply the identified values in their life as a student. V. Evaluation A 15 item quiz is given on the subject matter. VI. Assignment In a ¼ sheet of paper, explain the role of business in relation to the economy. Prepared by: CHRISTINE MARIE B. PAJARES Don Carlos National High School Division of Bukidnon