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CompTIA Security+ Exam: Pass in 90 Days

How I Passed the
CompTIA Security+
in 90 Days
7 Study Strategies
Introduction............................................................................ 02
A Few Reminders................................................................... 03
CompTIA Security+ Quick Breakdown.............................. 04
Structuring an Outline......................................................... 07
Finding the Right Resources............................................... 10
Dividing Resources into Primary and Secondary........... 13
Study Strategies.................................................................... 15
Strategy #1
Strategy #2
Strategy #3
Strategy #4
Strategy #5
Strategy #6
Strategy #7
Structure of Exam Questions............................................... 22
Exam Day.................................................................................. 23
Exam Voucher Discounts...................................................... 23
Conclusion............................................................................... 24
About the Author.................................................................... 24
Web Links................................................................................. 25
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
“I would suggest the CompTIA Security+ as a good place to start…” said the cybersecurity
professional looking at me across the lunch table. As I was sitting down with a fellow
graduate of the college program I would be pursuing in less than two years, I was a bit
confused on what “Security+” meant. After all, I was trying to get insights into what both
college life and the curriculum itself were going to offer, not “cybersecurity” lingo. At this
point, I knew “cybersecurity” was the new buzzword and the “career of the future.”
“Security What...? What is Security+?” were a few questions I was asking myself while
the security professional expanded on about the Security+ objectives…
Fast forward a few years and I finally understood what he meant by “Security+.” The
Security+ is a certification created, published, and maintained by the vendor CompTIA. If
you are reading this small eBook, I am almost certain by now that you already know what
the CompTIA Security+ certification is. I thought I would go ahead and share this short
experience with you to let you know that we all start from somewhere. Whether you are
just starting out in I.T., you have some limited experience, or you are an individual who
wants to increase their knowledge regarding I.T. security, we all begin from a starting
point. Even though everyone has a different starting experience (from knowing nothing
to expert-level), this small eBook addresses the learning materials, methods, and
studying strategies I used to pass the CompTIA SY0-501 Security+. My hopes in this small
eBook is to give you a clear direction and path towards learning, preparing, studying, and
partaking in the Security+ process. Let's get started!
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
A Few Reminders
Before I address how exactly I passed the CompTIA Security+, I want to outline a few
reminders for you as a reader or student.
First, my way is not the only way. The resources, studying techniques, and overall
structure of my preparation is not the only way to obtain this certification. There are
hundreds of ways or techniques you could use to study for the Security+. You are the only
one who truly knows what works and what doesn't, keep this idea in mind while reading
this eBook.
Second, understand I am a student trying to get into the Information Technology industry,
specifically “cybersecurity.” Maybe the fact that I am a student can help you relate to the
same situations and experience I have gone through or will continue to experience, but
understand I am not an expert within this industry. I am simply a student who has learned
and will continue to learn something new about the industry each and every day.
Third, the duration to study for the Security+ may depend on past knowledge and
experiences. For some individuals, the Security+ is the last of the trio (A+, Network+, and
Security+), while others are just beginning in the industry. I planned my exam date
roughly 90 days out which is equivalent to almost 3 months. I know a few people who
have been able to obtain the Security+ certification in under 3 weeks, while others have
studied up to 5 or 6 months for the exam. The duration will depend on the knowledge and
experience you have acquired in the past. I would classify my past knowledge and
experience as border novice to intermediate. I had some experience with the objectives
covered throughout the exam. This eBook assumes you are a beginner.
Lastly, know the Security+ is an investment. You will be investing time and money into
the certification process, voucher, resources, studying material, etc. The Security+ is not
free. Choosing to buy or subscribe to the right resources will allow you to be more
successful in the process. If you have this idea in mind while partaking in the process,
you will be able to better appreciate and stay dedicated throughout the journey.
With these reminders behind us, let's go ahead and briefly outline what the CompTIA
Security+ is and what it consists of.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
CompTIA Security+ Quick Breakdown
The CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 is an entry-level Information Technology (I.T.)
certification. As the name suggests, the CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 addresses the
basics of I.T. security. At the time of writing this eBook, the CompTIA Security+ is in the
current version number SY0-501 (version 5). The Security+ was first published in 2002
starting with the SY0-101. Since 2002, this certification has gone through four additional
version updates. CompTIA tends to update the Security+ (also the A+ and Network+)
around every three years due to the constant changes, updates, and creation of new
technologies. If you want to read more about the history behind the CompTIA Security+, I
recommend you check out this article [Link]. While the industry has continued to change,
the fundamentals have stayed relatively the same, meaning CompTIA also incorporates
the basic, underlying concepts and terminology within the exam.
Since we are currently in the SY0-501 (initial release October 2017) version without an
overlap of the older version (SY0-401), we will not have to worry about which version to
choose. This makes the decision much easier, as you will not have to consider how much
time you have left until the expiration date of the older version. If you are reading this
eBook at the time where there is an overlap, I recommend taking a look at when the final
exam date will be for the SY0-501. If you feel like you have enough time to successfully
study for the current version (version 5) of the Security+, go ahead and start studying.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Exam Objectives
Unlike many other vendors who sponsor, create, and publish certifications, CompTIA
provides the exam objectives covered within in the exam through their official objectives
PDF [Link]. I recommend you print these exam objectives at the very beginning, as they
offer the best possible guidance into what is covered throughout the exam itself.
In addition to the exam objectives provided, CompTIA also outlines the percentage of
each overall domain covered in the exam. Each security domain can be broken into
further subtopics and concepts.
The table below details the percentage of each domain covered:
1.0 Threats, Attacks, and Vulnerabilities
2.0 Technologies and Tools
3.0 Architecture and Design
4.0 Identity and Access Management
5.0 Risk Management
6.0 Cryptography and PKI
If you take a quick look at the exam objectives [Link], you will find that there are 11 total
pages covered throughout all 6 domains. 11 pages may not seem like that much or it may
seem like a lot. Regardless, the objectives are there to help guide you throughout the
process, use them to your advantage! I highly recommend you print these exam
objectives as before starting to learn. The objectives are meant to guide and direct you
throughout the learning journey.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Exam Details
The SY0-501 exam includes a maximum of 90 questions. You will see two types of
questions in the exam, multiple choice and performance-based. Multiple choice
typically include “a scenario” where you will have to pick the best possible choice. As
outlined in the exam objectives, the majority of the concepts are to be applied through a
scenario, some are simply testing your knowledge of a particular concept. In addition to
the multiple choice questions, there is also “performance-based” questions.
Performance-based questions assess your knowledge through providing “hands-on”
exercises. These exercises could include examining logs, configuring a small network
with the best possible security settings, drag and drop exercises, matching, etc. Keep in
mind you may not see exactly 90 questions, it depends on the exam. Don't worry though,
you will only see a maximum of 90 questions.
You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam. After taking the exam, you will be
redirected to take a required short survey. Once completed, you will be able to see your
score. You will need a minimum score of 750 out of 900 (83.33%) to successfully pass
the exam (on a scale of 100 - 900).
At the end of this eBook, I suggest 7 strategies I used which you can utilize leading up to
testing day.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Structuring an Outline
My first suggestion for you as a reader (after printing out those exam objectives…) is to
structure an outline. This outline should include the following details:
Planned Exam Date
Learning Resources
Completion Deadlines for Learning Resources
Planned Study Time
Here is a picture of the outline I created before I even started to study:
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Here is a link to my exam outline if you are curious. It's a very simple Google Document
This outline can be as simple as one to two page Google Docs sheet where you are able to
detail and structure your overall learning process. Let's go ahead and briefly expand on
the details outlined above.
Planned Exam Date
As the title of this eBook suggests, planning your exam date 90 days out from when you
are currently reading this book is recommended. I would suggest you mark the date
which works best for you and write this down on your outline.
Once you have a date, go ahead and make your commitment official. Buy the exam
voucher [Link] and schedule your exam with the nearest testing center around you [Link].
(Discounted links/methods are mentioned later in the book). I made the grave mistake of
waiting until three days before buying my exam voucher and scheduling my exam. There
were barely any available testing centers around my area, meaning I would have to
reschedule when I could take the exam again. Do not make the same mistake I did. If you
are going to partake in the process, make the decision to commit now by investing your
money upfront.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Learning Resources
We will cover the learning resources I recommend and used to get the Security+ in more
depth in a few moments. What you need to remember here is dividing your learning
resources into a way which will help guide you throughout the learning process.
Completion Deadlines for Learning Resources
After deciding the best learning resources for you, I recommend you divide the material
into weeks. For instance, on week 1 you will commit to reading 3 chapters in The Get
Certified, Get Ahead book by Darril Gibson [Link]. ]. By week 4 you commit to finishing
this book and proceed to your next learning resource. Dividing your learning resources
into weeks will help you have a better clarity in what you need to accomplish and study
throughout the week. This method will also give you guidance through the studying
Planned Study Time
I see many students who decide to pursue the Security+ certification. They buy online
courses, books, and practice exams, but never finish the material. When it comes time to
take the exam, they have yet to fully finish one item on their list of materials.
Planning out your study time is important. Commit to a set of amount of time where you
are focused on studying, learning, or preparing for the exam. Remember, through a
consistent, dedicated effort, you will be able to better prepare yourself for test day. It can
be one hour, two hours, or even thirty minutes, but commit to this set study time every
single day throughout the course of your journey.
Now that we have a structured outline, it's time to find the right resources for you.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Finding the Right Resources for You
We all have different ways of learning. Some of us like to learn through reading a
textbook, while others learn the most effectively through visual aids. The resources I
used are not the only resources offered in the CompTIA training market. Use the type of
learning resource which best suits you up for success.
The Resources I Used
CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Training Course & CompTIA Security+ Study
Group Live Replays by Professor Messer
CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) by Christopher Rees on PluralSight.com
CompTIA Security+ Get Certified Get Ahead: SY0-501 Study Guide by
Darril Gibson
To reiterate, there are many more options you have when it comes to choosing the
learning resources you want to utilize for the preparation process…
Here's what I will suggest to you, when it comes to choosing resources, ensure you are
getting highly regarded, updated, and qualified studying material which aligns close to
the CompTIA Security+ Objectives [Link].
Making the grave mistake of studying from outdated or inaccurate information will not
help you when it comes time to take the test…
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Why I Used These Resources
Before listing out some additional resources for you, let me go ahead and briefly explain
why I chose the learning resources I used to learn, prepare, and study for the exam.
CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Training Course & CompTIA Security+ Study Group Live
Replays by Professor Messer: Professor Messer provides training for the CompTIA A+,
Network+, and Security+. He has a YouTube channel [Link] and owns professormesser.com
[Link]. Both of these resources can help you tremendously for learning the Security+
while following along with the objectives. Professor Messer is highly regarded within the
CompTIA training market and has helped thousands of students pass all three exams. In
addition, his CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Training Course [Link] is free to access on
YouTube with great visual aids.
CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) by Christopher Rees on PluralSight.com: PluralSight is an
online education company which offers training in many subjects, including I.T. security.
Christopher Rees is the author of the CompTIA Security+ (SY0-501) course path. This
path is a great introductory course for the Security+ concepts. The course is broken into
six sections, each individual module covering one of the Security+ domains. In addition,
this specific course path offers a practice exam where you are able to apply what you
learn to real world questions. You can find the course here [Link].
CompTIA Security+ Get Certified, Get Ahead, SY0-501 Study Guide by Darril Gibson:
Darril Gibson published the Security+ Get Certified Get Ahead series in October 2017.
Since its initial launch, the Get Certified Get Ahead series has been one of the most highly
recommended resources for learning and studying the objectives. This book aligns
closely with the CompTIA Security+ Objectives [Link], while providing sample questions,
“Remember This” sections, a pre and post-test exam, and a detailed glossary defining
every term covered throughout the book.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
What Resources Should You Use?
Out of the three above resources, I personally recommend the Get Certified, Get Ahead
book series by Darril Gibson. This resource was detailed, descriptive, to the point,
organized, and easy to read. Darril does a great job of ensuring the concepts being
described are closely aligned with official CompTIA Security+ objectives while still giving
you viable, easy to understand information.
In addition, to the Get Certified, Get Ahead series, I also recommend the PluralSight
courses as a means to introducing yourself to the general Security+ objectives. In fact, I
would suggest starting with the SY0-501 Course Path on PluralSight first, then read Get
Certified, Get Ahead by Darril Gibson.
I used Professor Messer's SY0-501 Training Course and Study Group Live Replays as a
means of reinforcing what I was learning while commuting around. I often turned on the
Study Group Live Replays to test my knowledge and understand how questions were
worded. This point transitions me into my next section.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Dividing Resources into Primary and
Three resources may not appear to be much. However, when breaking down each
resource, you will find there is a substantial amount of information contained within
every individual course, module, section, or chapter. In order to easily conquer my study
goals, I broke my resources down into Primary and Secondary.
Why You Should Use More than One Resource to
Learn, Study, and Prepare
Before I explain the Primary and Secondary method, let me quickly tell you why I
recommend you study from more than one resource.
Using one resource consolidates and confines you to one specific perspective. For
example, if we study solely from Professor Messer, he might explain a concept or describe
a particular scenario differently than Darril Gibson. Each description will be correct, but
having the ability to learn how a system or concept works from two different perspectives
can often be beneficial for you as student. In addition, you will find different graphics,
notes, and points provided when learning from more than one resource. I am not saying
that you can't trust learning and utilizing one resource, but having more than one
perspective can be beneficial for you as a student when first starting out.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Primary and Secondary Resources
A “Primary Resource” in the context of this small eBook are the resources you will
primarily use to generally learn and study from. These will be resources where you will
grasp the concept being taught while taking notes to reference later.
A “Secondary Resource” are the resources used to reinforce the concepts learned from
the Primary Resource. A quick example of a Secondary Resource could simply be audio
files from Professor Messer's Study Group Live Replay podcast [Link]. While commuting
to school, work, exercising, or walking around, you can use the Secondary Resources as a
means of reinforcing what you have already learned.
In my particular case, I designated the Security+ Courses on PluralSight taught by
Christopher Rees and Darril Gibson's book as my two Primary Resources. Every other
resource I used were categorized under Secondary Resources. I ensured my full attention
was devoted while using the Primary Resources. This meant taking detailed notes,
building out a set of Quizlet [Link] flashcards, taking screenshots of graphics, looking up
more information on a particular topic through a quick Google Search if I did not fully
understand the concept, etc.
My Secondary Resources were used when I couldn't “devote my full attention” towards
the subject. For my Secondary Resources, I used Professor Messer's Group Live Replay,
Security+ Training Course, my personal audio files I read to myself in the “Remember
This” section, and the Quizlet Flashcards automatic audio option.
Dividing your chosen resources into “Primary and Secondary” will help you stay focused
on accomplishing the end-goal while effectively studying for test day. Primary
Resources are used as a means of understanding and learning the concepts, while
Secondary Resources are utilized to help reinforce what is being learned. Generally
speaking, your Primary Resources should take longer to complete because you are
devoting your full attention towards understanding how a concept works.
Keep this method in mind when it comes to choosing the right resources for you. If you
choose to utilize more than one resource, I recommend using this method as a means of
both effectively and efficiently learn and getting through the material you desire to use.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Study Strategies
Possibly the section you have been waiting for the most… What kind of “study strategies”
did I utilize throughout my learning process? Although most of us use different strategies
which best suit our learning styles, the methods outlined below can be applicable in
almost any situation.
Without the following strategies implemented in my learning process, I would have not
been as prepared as I would have been for test day. As I am a student in this industry,
having “real-world” experience and expertise is rare to come by… Therefore, I had to
work hard in incorporating my own study strategies to wage the gap between novice to
being somewhat experienced with the Security+ objectives.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Strategy #1 Pomodori Technique
The Pomodori Technique is a well-known studying strategy. If you do not know what a
“Pomodoro” is (Pomodori is the plural of Pomodoro), that's okay. Let me briefly explain.
To put it simply, the pomodori technique is twenty-five minutes of focused work and five
minutes of break. When I say focused work, I mean “focus” without any distractions (TV,
distracting music, people, social media, etc). After twenty-five minutes of focused work,
you take a five minute break. The process repeats itself after the five minute break is
Why use this technique? The pomodori technique allows for you to gain momentum into
your learning, studying, and preparation process. Instead of being overwhelmed with
eighteen hours of content to learn, you simply start with a pomodoro. From here, you are
able to track your progress regarding how many pomodori you do in a day/week/month.
The pomodori technique allowed for me to focus on the material while gaining
momentum into my learning process. I highly suggest you use this method when first
starting out, as the journey may seem overwhelming!
I suggest you take a simple notepad, jot down how many pomodori you do with a talley
and use this online tomato timer to start with this technique [Link].
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Strategy #2 Flashcards from Primary Resources
Okay, these are not “cutting edge” strategies being revealed here… Using and studying
from flashcards is not a new method. Having this idea in mind, here's how I used
flashcards to my advantage.
Do you understand the pomodori technique? If not, go read the above strategy again or
do a simple Google search to gain further knowledge into this studying technique.
After implementing my first primary resource, Security+ Course taught by Christopher
Rees, I committed to doing four pomodori a day. Two pomodori of focused learning and
two pomodori of building out flashcards and studying from what I just learned. As I was
learning, I was writing down the important concepts on a Google Docs sheet. I then
converted these notes to online Quizlet [Link] flashcards.
Instead of taking notes and moving onto the next module, I ensured I knew what I had just
learned by building out flashcards and studying from them.
After each week, I would go over all of my newly created flashcards and ensure I knew
what I had learned throughout the week.
My second primary resource was the Get Certified, Get Ahead series by Darril Gibson.
Instead of creating flashcards again, I read the “Remember This” section after each
chapter. You could call these audio flashcards.
Again, I was ensuring I knew exactly what I had learned.
Using the above method will help you tremendously, as you will be able to better recall
information and concepts as you go through the process.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Strategy #3 Implementing Consistency
If there is any strategy you remember from this small eBook written by a novice student, it
would be this one…
When we declare our commitment to achieving the CompTIA Security+ or anything really,
what do we find ourselves doing? We maybe read the first chapter of the book, but fail to
come back to the second, the third, fourth, fifth, etc… Maybe we binge the first six hours of
a course, but then never logon to the website again… This is not the most effective way to
study for a certification like this one.
Implementing consistency is so important when it comes to studying for the Security+!
I cannot stress this point enough… Whether it's studying for thirty minutes in your car or
two hours after dinner, being able to consistently study for the Security+ is crucial for
your success.
I would suggest studying a maximum of three hours per day with the 90 day tradictory. If
you can implement a certain period of time per day towards learning, you will see results.
For me, this was waking up two hours before my first class and studying for the
Implement consistency!
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Strategy #4 Security+ Labs
Part of the Security+, as outlined in the CompTIA Security+ Breakdown section, is being
able to successfully answer the “performance-based” questions. These questions can
vary in exercises, labs, matching questions, etc.
In order to best set yourself up for success, I suggest doing some Security+ Labs.
Security+ labs will allow you to work with the tools covered throughout the objectives. In
addition, you will be able to learn and actually apply the tools covered within the
CompTIA objectives.
These labs helped me understand and work through the process of building certain
programs, installing tools, and working with the command prompt.
Where can you find these labs? I suggest following Darril Gibson's freely accessible labs
on his website [Link]. These labs go best when following along with the book.
Strategy #5 Audio on the Go
Through dividing my learning resources into primary and secondary, I was able to
distinguish which ones I could listen to without having to focus on the visual content.
I choose Professor Messer's CompTIA Security+ SY0-501 Training Course & CompTIA
Security+ Study Group Live Replays as my secondary resource. Even though Professor
Messer provides presentations, I decided to listen to the content.
Strategy #5 provided a great way for me to reinforce the concepts, answer practice
questions, and reiterate through my PluralSight Flashcards sets while commuting and
exercising. I highly recommend using this strategy as a means to continue to study even
when you can't fully focus on the content.
Audio on the Go played a very important role in being able to recall what I was learning
throughout the day (instead of only studying for a specific period of time throughout the
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Strategy #6 Sample Questions
Utilizing sample questions is key to your success when it comes to exam day. After all, if
you can't perform and answer the given questions, you can't expect success. Using
sample questions as a means to learn how questions are worded, what to pay attention to,
and how to eliminate answers are all ways you can improve your chances of being
successful on the exam.
Darril Gibson's book, Get Certified, Get Ahead, does a fantastic job of ensuring you are
practicing and applying what you are learning to questions worded similar to the ones on
the Security+ exam. This is one of the main reasons why I highly recommend Darril
Gibson's book, as he emphasizes this strategy.
In addition to using Darril Gibson's book, I also utilized a CompTIA practice exam website,
ExamCompass [Link]. ExamCompass provides over twenty-four practice tests for the
SY0-501 (at the time of writing this) and nine “Exam by Topic” exams. I used
ExamCompass as a means of reinforcing the concepts I was learning. I would recommend
you use ExamCompass for this purpose only. The questions worded on the CompTIA
Security+ Exam are more complex than the ones provided by ExamCompass.
Strategy #6 is an important stepping stone into being able to choose the correct answer.
As most of the CompTIA Security+ exam is made up of multiple choice questions,
ensuring you know how the questions are worded is important. Utilize the above two
resources as means in getting some practice and receiving the most value out of this
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Strategy #7 Consulting Reddit for Exam Insights
Reddit offers a great community of students, learners, and individuals who are pursuing
the CompTIA certifications. This includes the CompTIA Security+ as well…
I used the subreddit r/CompTIA [Link] as a means of receiving information about the
exam, understanding what kind of “performance-based” questions were being
displayed, potential problems people were dealing with, how to better my chances of
receiving the certification, and reading about people's successes and failures.
The r/CompTIA subreddit community provides an abundance of insights and information
into the current exams being published and how to answer the performance-based
My Only Caution To You: Reading about both people's successes can be encouraging.
While reading stories of failure can be discouraging. Don't let the stories determine
whether you feel prepared enough, you have to make this decision based on the your own
personal feeling/effort.
Consulting Reddit was a way for me to get some more information and surround myself
with a community of individuals who were in the same situation as myself. I recommend
utilizing this resource for the occasional browse and words of encouragement.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Structure of the Exam Questions:
Two Key Points to Remember
The important part to remember about exam questions is about being able to actually
apply what you are learning. As the majority of exam objectives [Link] outline, being able
to successfully answer questions based off of a particular scenario is most commonly
seen throughout the exam.
You will not be asked what BCP stands for, rather you will have to know how to apply the
concept of BCP (Business Continuity Planning) to a given situation.
How can you answer these questions in the best ways possible?
Two key points:
1. Process of Elimination: Use the process of elimination to knock out any of the
answers which would not make sense.
2. Pay Attention to Detail: Ensure you pay attention to what the question is asking
and what kind of details you are given. If you can hone your attention in on the
detail of the questions, you will be more successful in understanding what the
question is asking for.
In addition to these two key points, I would recommend skipping over the “performancebased” questions until the very end. This way, you are able to answer all of the multiple
choice questions without having to worry about time. When you are finished with the
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Exam Day
After finishing your studying process, you finally arrive on test day. What do you do now?!
First, relax (which may be hard to do!). Remember to relax and tell yourself that you are
prepared because you have put in the effort, time, and money for the last 90 days.
Second, make sure you get a good night's sleep. You do not want to be tired or drowsy on
test day.
Third, plan to arrive at least twenty minutes before your exam time so you can check in
and calm yourself down if you feel nervous.
Fourth, take the exam. Always revert back to the basics. When you feel like you are
second guessing yourself, choose the answer which first came to mind. Pay attention to
those details and skip the “performance-based” until the very end!
Fifth, after completing the exam, make sure you receive the printed papers which tell you
whether you pass or fail the exam. Regardless of the outcome, I would highly recommend
looking at what objectives you missed. Keep this list of objectives if you failed, as this
will help direct your attention on what you will need to study more on in the future.
Exam Voucher Discounts
As a student, the CompTIA Security+ Exam Vouchers [Link] can be quite the investment. I
have found two way for you to receive any CompTIA exam voucher at a discounted price.
Sign up for PluralSight, receive a 10% discount: If you sign up with PluralSight [Link], you
will be able to receive 10% discount with the code provided to you when signing up.
If you have a .edu email address, receive a 40% discount: If you are a student or have a
.edu email address, you can get a 40% discount on all CompTIA exam vouchers. This is a
significant price reduction considering the original exam pricing.
I hope you can use one of the two methods above to receive the CompTIA exam voucher at
a discounted price!
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
After walking away from the lunch I had with this particular security professional, I felt
overwhelmed, behind in my studies, and knew I had a long journey ahead of me. The
CompTIA Security+ certification didn't come to my mind as a means to starting out my
learning journey, however, I do remember questioning what the heck “a Security+” was.
Fast forward a few years and now I laugh at myself for thinking “a Security+” instead of
“the Security+.” With the help of a supporting community of learners, proper guidance,
discipline, an ambition to learn, and knowing there was opportunity in the Security+
certification, I was able to receive the certification.
My hopes is that through your own motivation you will also be able to experience both
the learning process and receive the CompTIA SY0-501 Security+ at the end of the day!
I hope this small eBook can provide you some direction and get you started on your
learning journey.
Happy Learning!
About the Author
Grant is a student at Southeast Missouri
State University currently pursuing a
cybersecurity undergraduate bachelor of
science degree. He runs the website,
CyberInternAcademy [ Link ], a platform
which helps students who want to pursue a
cybersecurity career have direction, clarity,
and proper guidance.
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days
Web Links
How I Passed the CompTIA Security+ in 90 Days