Uploaded by Harshit Tatiparti

Credit Card Fraud Analysis

Credit Card Fraud Analysis
With the extensive use of credit cards, fraud appears as a major issue in the credit
card business. It is hard to have some figures on the impact of fraud, since
companies and banks do not like to disclose the number of losses due to frauds.
Credit card fraud detection is like being a financial detective, constantly on the
lookout for suspicious activity. Millions of transactions whiz by daily, and your job is
to identify the imposters. You analyse patterns, sniff out oddities like a bloodhound,
and leverage clever algorithms to catch the bad guys. But it's no easy feat.
Fraudsters evolve faster than fashion trends, and the sheer volume of data can be
overwhelming. Yet, the stakes are high - protecting people's hard-earned money and
keeping businesses safe from scams. So, we hone our skills, adapt to new tricks,
and strive for accuracy, because every caught fraudster means one less victim and
one step closer to a secure financial world.
Some of the challenges of credit card fraud detection:
The volume of data: There are billions of credit card transactions made every
day, so it can be difficult to analyse all of the data in real time.
The sophistication of fraudsters: Fraudsters are constantly developing new
techniques to bypass security measures, so it is important to keep up with the
latest trends.
The need for accuracy: Fraud detection systems need to be accurate in order
to avoid false positives, which can inconvenience legitimate cardholders.
Fraud Detection, Fraud Detection, Unusual Transactions, Data Analysis,
Authentication, Secure Access, Identity Verification, Fraud Prevention, Fraud
Prevention, Risk management, real-time monitoring, transaction monitoring, secure
transactions, transaction monitoring, Transaction patterns, Credit Card Security,
Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Fraud Risk Score, Fraud Risk Score.
Credit card fraud analysis helps protect digital financial ecosystems from the growing
threat of unauthorized transactions. Focusing on anomaly detection and real-time
tracking, this practice uses sophisticated analytics and advanced machine learning
algorithms to detect unusual patterns and behaviours. Behaviour analysis and
pattern recognition help to understand user behaviour and identify evolving fraud
tactics. Machine learning and predictive modelling improve the ability to detect and
prevent fraud. Authentication methods like multi-factor authentication (MFA) and
biometric verification enhance transaction security. Collaboration and information
sharing between financial institutions and stakeholders are essential to responding to
emerging risks together. Challenges include: Countering sophisticated fraud
techniques Minimizing false positives Tackling the global nature of fraud Adapting to
emerging payments technologies Maintaining compliance with PCI DSS (Direct
Payment System) and KYC (Know Your Customer) strengthens the security
infrastructure and ensures continued effectiveness in the ever-changing landscape
of electronic transactions.
Key Objectives of Credit Card Fraud Analysis:
Discovery of Peculiarities:
Credit card extortion investigation points to distinguish anomalous designs and
behaviours inside exchange information. By leveraging progressed analytics and
machine learning calculations, investigators can distinguish deviations from
commonplace investing or utilization designs, signalling potential false exercises.
Real-time Observing:
Opportune distinguishing proof of suspicious exchanges is significant in
anticipating budgetary misfortunes. Real-time observing frameworks ceaselessly
scrutinize exchanges, empowering fast reaction to abnormalities and potential
extortion pointers.
Behavioural Examination:
Understanding client behaviour could be a essential viewpoint of credit card
extortion investigation. By making profiles of ordinary investing habits, analysts
can recognize deviations and inconsistencies which will demonstrate false
exercises, such as startling exchanges or unordinary obtaining areas.
Design Acknowledgment:
Extortion examination includes the distinguishing proof of common extortion
designs and strategies. Recognizing patterns in false exercises permits money
related educate to remain ahead of rising dangers and adjust their security
measures in like manner.
Machine Learning and Prescient Modelling:
Utilizing machine learning calculations and prescient modelling, credit card
extortion investigation can persistently learn and adjust to unused extortion
strategies. These innovations upgrade the capacity to foresee and anticipate
extortion by recognizing advancing designs and patterns.
Confirmation Upgrades:
Credit card extortion examination expands to moving forward verification
strategies. Multi-factor verification, biometric confirmation, and tokenization are
among the strategies utilized to upgrade the security of electronic exchanges and
ensure against unauthorized get to.
Collaboration and Data Sharing:
Collaboration between money related educate, law authorization offices, and
industry partners is fundamental within the battle against credit card extortion.
Data sharing stages and consortiums facilitate the dispersal of risk insights,
empowering a collective reaction to rising dangers.
Compliance with Directions:
Credit card fraud examination is closely adjusted with administrative systems
planned to protect monetary exchanges. Compliance with measures such as the
Instalment Card Industry Information Security Standard (PCI DSS) and Know
Your Client (KYC) controls strengthens the security foundation and diminishes
Credit card extortion postures a critical risk to both people and budgetary educate.
This audit points to investigate the existing investigate scene in credit card extortion
investigation, analysing different location approaches, challenges, and future
Data and Techniques:
Information sorts: Considers frequently analyse exchange information (sum,
time, area, vendor), cardholder information (socioeconomics, investing
propensities), and dealer information (industry, chance score).
Extortion location strategies: Prevalent strategies incorporate rule-based
frameworks, machine learning (irregularity location, classification, clustering),
arrange investigation, behavioural profiling, and content investigation.
Key Findings:
Machine learning appears promising comes about: Considers report tall
precision in extortion location utilizing differing calculations like Arbitrary
Timberland, SVM, and Neural Systems.
Significance of information pre-processing and include designing: Cleaning
and enhancing information essentially moves forward calculation execution.
Challenges stay: Imbalanced datasets, concept float (extortion strategies
advance), and real-time location complexities posture challenges.
Developing Patterns:
Profound learning: Convolutional Neural Systems (CNNs) and Repetitive
Neural Systems (RNNs) hold guarantee for analysing complex exchange
Graph-based approaches: Recognizing joins between false performing artists
through arrange examination is picking up footing.
Social media and behavioural information: Coordination extra information
sources for moved forward client profiling and irregularity discovery.
Future Headings:
Reasonable AI: Understanding how models make choices is vital for building
believe and relieving predisposition.
Cross-institutional collaboration: Sharing information and experiences can
improve framework viability and combat organized extortion.
Versatile frameworks: Ceaselessly altering to advancing extortion strategies
through real- time learning and upgrades.
Credit card extortion investigation inquire about may be a energetic field, continually
advancing with modern information sources, strategies, and challenges. Whereas
machine learning appears guarantee, tending to information complexities and rising
patterns will be pivotal in handling advanced extortion and guaranteeing money
related security.
Research & Methodology
1. The approach that this paper proposes uses the latest machine learning, and when
looked at in detail on a larger scale, along with real-life elements, the full architecture
diagram can be represented as follows:
The above diagram is explained as:
When a credit card transaction takes place, the details are sent to the
credit card fraud detection system. This data includes things like the
amount of the transaction, the location of the transaction, and the
cardholder's billing information.
The system then analyses the transaction data using a decision
function. This function is made up of a set of rules or algorithms that
are designed to identify fraudulent transactions.
Some systems use machine learning (ML) algorithms to analyse the
data. These algorithms are trained on historical data that includes both
fraudulent and legitimate transactions. The ML engine can then identify
patterns in the data that are associated with fraud.
If the decision function determines that a transaction is fraudulent, the
system will block the transaction and may also take other actions, such
as notifying the cardholder or the bank. If the transaction is not
fraudulent, it is authorized and the process is complete.
2. Machine learning
We obtained our dataset from Kaggle, a data analysis website that provides
datasets. Inside this dataset, there were twelve columns. These columns
represented Account Number, Customer Age, Gender, Marital Status, Card Colour,
Card Type, Domain, Amount, Outcome, and Customer City Address.
In this dataset, the outcome column represents 0 and 1. Where 0 was used to
represent a valid transaction and 1 was used to represent a fraudulent one.
No of fraudulent transaction
The above diagram shows the total number of males and females who have faced
fraudulent transactions. From this graph, we get to know that the male count is
13015, i.e., the highest as compared to the female count.
The line graph on the left appears to be a Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC)
curve. An ROC curve is a graphical plot that illustrates the diagnostic performance of
a binary classification model (such as a machine learning model for fraud detection)
as its discrimination threshold is varied. It plots the true positive rate (TPR) against
the false positive rate (FPR) for different cut-off points.
The specific ROC curve in the image shows good performance of the model. It starts
at a point close to the origin (0,0), which is ideal, and then rises quickly and levels off
at a high value for TPR, while FPR remains low. This means that the model is able to
correctly identify a high proportion of positive cases (true positives) while keeping the
number of negative cases incorrectly classified as positive (false positives) low.
The flowchart on the right appears to depict the general process of evaluating a
machine learning model. It starts with selecting the relevant columns from the
dataset, followed by data pre-processing steps such as editing metadata, cleaning
missing data, and splitting the data into training and testing sets.
Next, the model is trained on the training data. This involves the model learning to
identify patterns in the data that are associated with the target variable (e.g.,
fraudulent transactions in fraud detection). After training, the model is evaluated on
the testing data. This involves using the model to make predictions on the testing
data and then comparing those predictions to the actual values of the target variable.
Finally, the evaluation results are analysed to assess the model’s performance. This
typically involves calculating various metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and
ROC AUC. The ROC AUC, which is likely represented by the area under the ROC
curve in the image, is a measure of the model’s ability to correctly distinguish
between positive and negative cases.
Overall, the image suggests that the machine learning model being evaluated
is performing well. The ROC curve shows high accuracy and the flowchart
outlines a comprehensive evaluation process.
The X-axis is the recall, which is the fraction of actual positives that are
correctly predicted.
The Y-axis is the precision, which is the fraction of predicted positives that are
actually positive.
The blue line is the precision-recall curve.
The green line is the baseline precision, which is the precision that would be
achieved if the model simply predicted the most common class (in this case,
that the loan will be repaid).
It appears to be a precision-recall curve, which is a way of visualizing the
performance of a binary classification model. In this case, the model is trying to
predict whether or not a loan will be repaid.
The curve shows the relationship between the precision and recall of the model at
different threshold values. Precision is the fraction of predicted positives that are
actually positive, while recall is the fraction of actual positives that are correctly
The ideal point on the curve is in the upper left corner, where the model has both
high precision and high recall. However, this is often not achievable, and there is
typically a trade-off between precision and recall.
In the image, the curve starts at a high precision and recall, but then drops off as the
threshold increases. This means that the model is able to achieve high precision at
the cost of recall. In other words, the model is able to correctly identify most of the
loans that will be repaid, but it is also missing some of the loans that will be repaid.
The specific threshold that is chosen will depend on the specific application. For
example, if it is very important to avoid making bad loans, a higher threshold might
be chosen, even if it means that some good loans are also missed. Conversely, if it
is more important to approve all of the good loans, a lower threshold might be
chosen, even if it means that some bad loans are also approved.
Overall, the image shows that the model is performing well, but there is still room for
improvement. It is important to consider the trade-off between precision and recall
when choosing a threshold for this model.
The model's accuracy is highest for the score bins with the lowest predicted scores
(0.966 for score bins 0.500-0.600 and 0.600-0.700). This suggests that the model is
good at identifying the most likely fraudulent transactions.
The model's precision is also highest for the lower score bins, while the recall is
highest for the higher score bins. This is a typical trade-off in binary classification
tasks. Increasing the threshold to improve precision will typically decrease recall, and
vice versa.
The F1 score is highest for the score bin 0.600-0.700 (0.671), which suggests that
the model achieves a good balance between precision and recall in this range.
The cumulative AUC increases as the score threshold increases, reaching 0.957 for
the last score bin. This indicates that the model has good overall performance in
discriminating between fraudulent and non-fraudulent transactions.
Overall, the table suggests that the machine learning model is performing well
for credit card fraud detection. It is able to accurately identify a high
proportion of fraudulent transactions while maintaining a reasonable level of
precision and recall.
Credit card fraud detection is a constant arms race against evolving criminal tactics.
While no system is foolproof, advancements in technology and data analysis offer
promising improvements:
Machine learning and deep learning: These algorithms can identify complex
patterns in transaction data, significantly improving fraud detection accuracy
and adapting to novel attack methods.
Real-time monitoring: Continuous analysis of transactions enables swift
intervention, minimizing losses and inconvenience for legitimate users.
Collaboration: Sharing data and intelligence across financial institutions and
other stakeholders strengthens the overall defence against fraud.
While technology plays a crucial role, it's important to remember the human element:
Customer education: Raising awareness about fraud tactics and promoting
responsible card usage empower individuals to contribute to their own
Fraud investigation: Dedicated teams skilled in investigating fraudulent
activity and tracking down perpetrators remain essential for deterring and
prosecuting crime.
Invest in advanced analytics: Implement machine learning and deep
learning models alongside traditional rule-based systems for a more robust
Prioritize real-time monitoring: Continuous analysis allows for immediate
action against suspicious transactions, minimizing losses.
Foster collaboration: Share data and insights with other financial institutions
and organizations to gain a broader view of fraud patterns and emerging
Educate customers: Promote awareness about fraud tactics and best
practices for secure card usage through campaigns and informative materials.
Maintain a skilled workforce: Invest in training and development for fraud
investigators to effectively track down and apprehend criminals.
Stay updated: Continuously monitor new fraud trends and adapt detection
systems to stay ahead of evolving criminal techniques.
By combining technological advancements with robust human support, the financial
industry can significantly reduce the impact of credit card fraud and create a safer
environment for consumers and businesses alike.
 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/3
 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/arti
 https://journalofbigdata.springeropen.com/a
 https://www.kaggle.com/
Group Members
1. Harshit Tatiparti – 2305490
2. Chhavi Mittial – 2304346
3. Siddharth Rathi - 2308045