Circuit Training: What I Learned

Clarito, Kate Catherine C.
What I Learned from My Circuit Training
I never expected such a challenge a while ago. I did exercise before but circuit
training is definitely more challenging than isolated sets and routines. A circuit workout
entails performing a sequence of timed exercises back-to-back with varied periods of
rest in between and this morning, it was all about cardio. To be able to do this, I learned
the following:
Before the circuit training
Make sure to eat a meal hours beforehand. It is necessary to ensure that you
have enough energy to perform in the first place. Circuit training is highly intense and
doing it without food in your stomach will not be helpful. In addition to that, we must
ensure we are well-rested too. A goodnight’s sleep will allow us to start out fresh and
free from exhaustion.
During the circuit training
The training consists of different exercises all of which work on different muscle
groups. First, we must be aware of what muscles we must engage and the reason
behind doing them. There are proper ways to execute these exercises and only then, will
the exercises be effective and fruitful. It can also prevent injuries from happening.
Second, be mindful of proper breathing for your lungs and for your heart. Remember
when to inhale and exhale and how to stabilize the heart rate during the periods of rest.
Third, although it’s hard to keep going, make sure to do your best and challenge yourself
to go beyond your perceived limits. You’ll never know you’re capable of having a
healthier cardiovascular system if you never try.
After the circuit training
Rest. Very simple. As our instructor taught us, our muscles tear during exercises.
It is when we’re resting that they grow stronger and better. Our cardiovascular system is
the same. Only with rest will it be able to rejuvenate its state. Hence, don’t forget to rest
after. Also, eat well. We can never outrun bad nutrition. We must eat foods that’ll help
keep us healthy.