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Technology, Ethics, and Faith: A Reflection

Maaño, Franz Dennis A.
THES004 | Final Reflection Paper
The advent of advance technology paves way to new worldly opinions and ideas. This
opens up new opportunities for the human race to explore the unexplored, to engage what is still
needed to be engaged in, and to conquer what is still unconquered. What is unethical for the past
seems to be ethical in today’s time. This breakthrough opens up new worldly debates about certain
topics and issues whether it needs to be accepted or not. While I can’t set trends whether this is
wrong or right, I, on the other hand can voice out my opinion and that is one of the many
advantages compared to the aforementioned disadvantages of today’s time. The singularity of an
individual is now more celebrated than in the past. The world became open for new concepts that
seems gray in the old times. This gives an emphasis and, in some ways, fulfillment to those who
are feeling not accepted in society.
However, this breakthrough also leads to new unearthly ideas that those who lives in the
past can’t fathom that this will happen in the future. Sex-related cases became common and the
world doesn’t give a spotlight for these issues because these satisfies one’s needs. But for some
ways, looking in its downside, these incidents made one think that the sanctity of the body is just
a mere accessory that can be removed once one’s desires. This blinded the new generation to the
true purpose of it and that is to nurture it and to protect it. Problems with conceiving a child are no
longer a problem today but the manner of doing it became questionable yet this only sparks a little
controversy because today’s generation only think of the end and not it’s means. The impossible
long time ago is now possible today.
This brings me to thinking on how still God accepts and loves us even though we, including
myself is not worth it? Then again, I realized that the only answer is that because He is God. If
human brings a slightest success on proving the impossibilities to possibilities through science,
God on the other hand don’t need science. Because He is more than what people can think of. He
transformed the impossibilities to possibilities. One good example for this is the way He works on
someone’s life. While it is innate in human nature, including myself to give reasons and complains
on things, He still never disappoints. A criminal who is in the verge of death penalty, disobeyed
His own commandment of not killing a person, a husband who is committing infidelity, who also
disobeyed His own commandment, was still forgiven and now preaching Him. These
impossibilities are proofs that He works in ways we cannot question.
I wanted to believe when I was a child that the world I was in will be better as time goes
by. Unfortunately, this is the exact opposite of what I have imagined. I thought when I was a child,
the future will belong to those who loves and will bind each race to accepting new ideas and
opinions. This is not what I have dreamed of. This is not what I have imagined the people of today.
A religion battling out another religion just so they want to enforce their own belief and make a
statement. I thought leaders will be open up for accepting their roles openly and not just for the
sake of compensation. I thought unity and peace will be evident to today’s time. But these are all
frustrations I have seen. Meanwhile, to keep me going positive, I have realized that with these
Maaño, Franz Dennis A.
THES004 | Final Reflection Paper
uncertainties and heart breaks I have felt, one thing is for sure, God’s love is never changing and
constant. He could’ve change the world into its own former glory but He chooses to let human be
awaken in their own doings. I think that is love. Having to see your creations, whom you exerted
all your efforts, destroyed just for another to appreciate the importance of it. God’s way of showing
forms of love is beyond people can comprehend.