Uploaded by Muhammad Yahya Haq

Muhammad Yahya Haq - Computer Science Resume

Muhammad Yahya Haq
383 G3 Wapda Town, Lahore
myahyahaq@gmail.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/yahya-haque-721900202/
Lahore University of Management Sciences
BS Computer Science
September 2017-June 2021
Strategic Systems International
February 2022 - Present
Senior Software Engineer
● Currently working as a backend Golang and Python engineer for a fortune 500 company
● Responsibilities include writing REST APIs, working with Postgres, Docker, Kubernetes, CICD
pipelines, Mongo and ElasticSearch to fulfill client's technical requirements
● Improved Developer productivity by creating a command line tool enabling us to run our data
pipeline using a CLI tool rather than manually copying parameters from AWS secret manager and
running the pipeline. This brought down a 5 minute repetitive task to a few seconds saving
countless development time and reduced human error
● Identified bottlenecks in our application and fixing them enabling our organization to save an
estimated thousands of dollar per year costs by shifting to a smaller EC2 instance
● Created a translation service utilizing Kafka and OpenAI Api to translate real time data
● Created a credential validation service to authenticate credentials present on AWS secret manager
Odyssey Analytics
March 2021-February 2022
Software Engineer
● Worked as a backend and machine learning engineer on Odyssey Analytics inhouse products.
● Created the MVP for a Forecasting and data analysis custom pipeline creator where users could
choose data preprocessing algorithms, data cleaning algorithms and machine learning models
with their desired hyper parameters. They can train and test their models and deploy it online
● Created and deployed machine learning algorithms that are product used
● Created the backend of our product using Python, S3 and MongoDB
1. Layer 7 Load Balancer
Created a layer 7 load balancer using Golang. Load balances between multiple servers
using Round Robin algorithm. Ability to dynamically add and remove servers based on
health checks. Added 80% Test coverage of the code. Link:
https://github.com/YahyaHaq/Layer-7-Load-balancer2. Google Foobar
Attempted the Google Foobar challenge. Completed 4 out of 5 levels. Added my questions
and solution online.
Link : https://github.com/YahyaHaq/GoogleFoobarChallenge
3. Bank Application
Created a Bank Application using Go and Postgres. Created the Rest Apis in gin. Used
Github actions for CI pipeline. Used PAESTO and JWT for authentication. Followed Test
driven approach and created unit tests for my application. Still working on deployment
using kubernetes and docker. Its a work in progress.
Link : https://github.com/YahyaHaq/Banking-Application
4. Geo-Localization Network
A deep learning network that can give you the GPS location of a query image
5. Augmented Data Science Platform
An augmented data science platform where users can upload their files, perform data
mining, visualization, and analysis. They can choose machine learning algorithms,
perform training, and train and test their data.
6. Ecommerce Store mobile application
A Fashion ecommerce store mobile app where users can scroll through the list of clothes,
add them to the shopping cart and buy them. Also had an admin interface to add items.
7. Image Generation using GANs
Built a Generative Adversarial Neural Network(GAN) that can output realistic
images based upon the training data. Created a GAN that can create new emojis
● Proficient with Golang
● Proficient with Python
● Proficient with Docker, Kubernetes, CI CD pipelines
● Proficient with API creation and testing
● Proficient with SQL and NoSQL databases
● Ability to create multithreaded and asynchronous code
● Proficient with machine learning
● Proficient with Machine Learning, Deep Learning
● Proficient with Github, Docker