Health 10 Lesson Plan: Philippine Health Laws & Family Planning

Health 10
1. Divide the class into 4 groups.
2. Give each group 4 pieces of balloons and the host
(teacher) yells “GO!” the students will burst/pop the
3.Solve the basic mathematical equation inside the
balloons in order to reveal existing health related laws .
Then match the item found the balloon to its description
displayed on the board.
4. Give points to the each group who get the correct
Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health act of 2012
Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
Consumer Act of the Philippines
National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
National Blood Services Act of 1994
Seat Belts Use Act of 1999
Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
Anti- Child Pornography Act, 2009
Anti- Hazing Act of 1995
Anti- Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
RA 10354-Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health act of 2012
RA 9211- Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003
RA 9165- Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002
RA 7394 - Consumer Act of the Philippines
RA 9512 - National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
RA 8504 - Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998
RA 7719 - National Blood Services Act of 1994
RA 8750 - Seat Belts Use Act of 1999
RA 10175 - Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
RA9775- Anti- Child Pornography Act, 2009
RA 8049 - Anti- Hazing Act of 1995
RA 10586 - Anti- Drunk and Drugged Driving Law
• Directions: With the same groupings, you will
be given pieces of jigsaw puzzle and you need
to solve it. The first group who finish the task
will receive a prize.
Significance of Health-Related Laws in Safeguarding People’s Health
• For the children
Through family planning, the children get quality time and
attention from their parents and they are better taken care
of. The parents could meet the basic needs of the children,
which are food, clothing, and shelter. In addition, children
can receive the health care that they need. The parents can
provide them with a good education. More
importantly,children will be showered with love and will
receive proper attention from their parents.
• For the father
Family planning helps the father shoulder his
responsibility and enables him to give his children
equal attention. It also lightens the burden in
supporting his family as there are only a few to
support. It gives his family a better home, education,
and good future, thus, keeping the family happy and
• For the community
Family planning improves the economic and social status of the
community. It can provide a peaceful, orderly, and selfsustaining community with fewer problems, like juvenile
delinquency. The community will be a healthy place to live in
with more land, open spaces between houses, playground,
sanitation, and less pollution. Peace and order are of
paramount importance in every community.
The Subanen people are known as the aborigines of the Island of Mindanao, and are found
mostly in the northern, western and southern portions of the Zamboanga peninsula. They
were originally found along the river banks or "suba" but now reside in the mountains.
Education among these people was limited to instruction by the Thimuay head to a future
husband and wife regarding love, respect and treatment of each other, parents, and in-laws.
The tribe has no religion although it is believed that they had a holy book at one time. In
marriage, the parents of the man look for a woman he will marry and both sets of parents set
the wedding date. Polygamy and polyandry are practiced but separation is not allowed nor is
marrying nearest relatives. When a couple wants to have only 1 or 2 children the wife, after
giving birth, eats an herb called benayan. For birth spacing she eats 2 herbs, and if no more
children are desired she eats more. Another type of birth control is practiced by the midwife
who "manipulates" the woman after delivery. Various methods are practiced to predetermine
a child's sex. Pregnant women must abide by many regulations including placing a piece of
wood across her path before going in a doorway. It is considered a blessing to have more
daughters than sons because the father will be able to recover the dowry he paid for his wife.
There is a general belief that all human beings should marry
• For the country, and the world
With the rapid growth of population in the country and the
world, resources are being used more rapidly, health problems
also worsen as modern medicine is not able to keep pace with
the health crisis, population growth has been a source of
numerous economic problems. By observing family planning for
community, the use of resources like land, food, and fuel can
be reduced and sanitation control would be effective. There
would be fewer countries suffering from starvation brought
about by population explosion.
Government Agencies that Enforces the Laws
1. Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)- Advances consumer rights and welfare
2. Department of Agriculture (DA)- Promotes agricultural development
3. Department of Health (DOH) - Promotes quality health services
4. Department of Education (DepEd) - Ensures consumer education and information
5. Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) - Enforces laws and regulations relating to food
6. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) - Provides an effective redress mechanism to
financial consumers who feel have been aggrieved with conduct, products, and
7. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) - Assures sound standards for
financial performance
8. Department of Justice (DOJ) - Acts as the focal agency in formulating and
implementing law enforcement investigation and prosecution strategies in curbing
cybercrime and cyber-related offenses nationwide.
Learning Task No. 1 (Group Task)
• Situation A: ( Group 1 & 3)
You saw an advertised beauty product in the social media.
Since you are interested, you purchased one. But when the
order arrived, the product seems to be different from the one
Situation B: Group 2 & 4)
Joel and Joy are getting married in few months and they are
required to attend seminars on family planning. However , both
of them doesn’t want to attend .
• Learning Task 2
Ask the following questions
1.What are the different Health-related laws that safeguard
people’s health?
2.What is the significance of health-related laws in
protecting people’s health?
1.Advances consumer rights and welfare.
2.Promotes quality health services
3.Ensure consumer education and information
4.Provides effective redress mechanism to financial consumers who feel have been aggrieved with
conduct, products and services.
5.Assures sound standards for financial performance.
6.Acts as the focal agency in formulating and implementing law enforcement investigation and
prosecution strategies in curbing cybercrime and cyber-related offenses nationwide.
7.Enforces laws and regulations relating to food.
8.Promotes agricultural development,
9.Protects the people against hazards to health and safety and deceptive and unfair sales acts and
It also penalizes unsolicited commercial communication or content that advertises or sells products or
• Choose among the acts/policies that benefited you as an
adolescent, cite a situation.
• National Blood Services Act of 1994
• Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012
• The consumer Act of the Philippines