ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD. INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION Technical Specification for Manufacture and Supply of FRICTION BUFFERSTOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER-STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 2 2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 2 3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 3 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3 5. TECHNICAL DRAWINGS 7 6. CALCULATIONS AND TESTS 7 7. INSPECTION BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF ISR 7 8. MARKING 8 9. PACKING 9 10. LIST OF FILES (in PDF Format) TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BIDDER'S PROPOSAL 9 11. LIST OF FILES (in PDF Format) TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE SIGNING THE AGREEMENT 11 12. LIST OF FILES (in PDF Format) TO BE SUBMITTED WITH EVERY ORDER 12 TECHNICAL APPENDIX A – DRAWING DSB 2A 17409 – DBS82-1 WHEEL PROFILE 13 TECHNICAL APPENDIX B – STOPING DISTANCE DEFINITION TECHNICAL APPENDIX CONDITIONS C - ISRAEL CLIMATE AND 14 ENVIRONNEMENTAL 15 TECHNICAL APPENDIX D – EXAMPLE FOR RED AND WHITE REFLECTOR SIGN 16 1 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 1. SCOPE 1.1 These technical specifications describe the requirements for the manufacture and supply of Friction Buffer Stops with different working mechanism methods (friction, hydraulic), and different amount of energy absorption for restrain Passenger Trains; Freight Trains; locomitives; and Railbound Construction and Maintenance Machines ("Railway Vehicles") in emergency cases without serious injury to the driver and passengers and minimum impact to the vehicle construction. 1.2 In additionally these technical specifications describe the requirements for the manufacture and supply of Fixed Buffer Stops to be installed on track ends. 1.3 In additionally these technical specifications describe the requirements for manufacture and supply of Braking Wheel Stops Sets (*), to be installed on rail heads to use on depot tracks and marshalling yard tracks to stop track motor vehicles, locomotives or light train. ISR using wheels of several diameters the wheel profile types are in accordance with UIC510-2; EN13715 --- wheel type S1002 : h=28, e=32.5, reverse slope 15%; and with DSB82-1 wheel profile type (IC3 trains) (see Technical Appendix A). (*) Braking Wheel Stops Set - means two braking wheel stops, one for each rail of the track. 2. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS EN10204 Metallic products - Types of inspection documents; EN12899-1 Fixed, vertical road traffic signs - Part 1: Fixed signs; EN13481-2 Railway applications - Track - Performance requirements for fastening systems - Part 2 Fastening systems for concrete sleepers; EN13674-1 Track - Rail - Part 1: Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above; EN13715 Railway applications - Wheelsets and bogies Wheels - Wheels tread; 2 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 EN15020 Railway applications – Automatic coupler – Rescue coupler – Performance requirements, specific interface geometry and test methods; ISO1461 Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated iron and steel articles — Specifications and test methods; ISO9001 Quality management systems – Requirements; ISO10684 Fasteners — Hot dip galvanized coatings; ISO12944 Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems; UIC510-2 Trailing stock: wheels and wheelsets. Conditions concerning the use of wheels of various diameters. Note – The latest edition of the referenced document should be considered 3. REFERENCE DOCUMENTS 3.1 60E1 Rail Profile as defined in EN13674-1, Annex A, figure A.23; 3.2 60E2 Rail Profile as defined in EN13674-1, Annex A, figure A.24; 3.3 Automatic Coupler-Type 10 in accordance with EN15020 4. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 4.1 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be designed for used on railway track with 60E1 Rail Profile and/or 60E2 Rail Profile. 4.2 The Friction Buffer Stops and Fixed Buffer Stops, shall be designed for use on ballasted track, with concrete sleepers (1667 sleepers per km) and on ballastless track (Slab track), on depot track (non-ballasted track), with railway track nominal gauge of 1435 [mm], and with rail inclination of 1:30 on concrete bearers of ballast track and 1:40 slab track. 4.3 The Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be designed for use on rails in depot and shunting area with rail inclination of 1:30; 1:40 and of zero. 3 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 4.4 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be designed for restrain Railway Vehicles having axle load of up to 22.5 [ton]. 4.5 The Friction Buffer Stops and Fixed Buffer Stops shall be designed to enable safety stop of Railway Vehicles running at speed up to 10 [km/h] or at speed up to 15 [km/h], as detailed in the table in section 4.12. 4.6 The Fixed Buffer Stops shall be designed to enable safely stop of Railway Vehicles running at speed up to 5 [km/h], as detailed in the table in section 4.12. 4.7 The Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be designed with height above the rail head of 85 or 90 [mm]; and 125 [mm] to enable safely stop Railway Vehicles running at speed up to 5 [km/h], as detailed in the table in section 4.12. 4.8 The Friction Buffer Stop and Fixed Buffer Stops shall be designed to arrest the full range of Railway Vehicles between the heaviest and lightest using a track without risk of serious injury to people on the Railway Vehicle. Railway Vehicles shall be brought to a controlled halt from the determined impact speed with an average deceleration rate not exceeding 0.15g (1.47 m/s2). Where site constrains make it unavoidable, lightweight trains may be subjected to higher deceleration rates, but the average acceleration rate for any train shall not exceed 0.25g (2.45 m/s 2), as detailed in the table in section 4.12. 4.9 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops design shall be taken in consideration absorbing extra energy based on the following energy coefficient factors - 1.5; 1.8; 2, as detailed in the table in section 4.12. 4.10 The Friction Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be design with maximum stopping distance (Lw) (see Technical Appendix B), as detailed in the table in section 4.12. 4.11 The Friction Buffer Stops and Fixed Buffer Stops shall be designed with two large side strikes fit to absorb Railway Vehicles with anticlimbers height of 1030+20 −20 [mm] above top of the rails and with distance between the center of the two side strikes of 1650+8 −8 [mm], and at the same time to absorb Railway Vehicles with 4 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 buffers height of 1060+20 −20 [mm] above top of the rails, and distance in between the center of the two side strikes shall be 1750+5 −5 [mm]. In additional to the two side strikes the Friction Buffer Stop shall be design with center strike fit to absorb Railway Vehicle Automatic Coupler - Type 10, with height of 1030+10 −10 above top of the rails. 4.12 Parameter Impact speed Maximum mass Minimum mass Rail profile Track gradient Maximum Stopping distance (Lw) (see Technical Appendix B) Plain Track Distance in front of stop device Energy safety factor Average deceleration Wheel diameter The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be designed in accordance with the following parameters: Friction Buffer Stop Type ISR101A 10 km/h 2200 ton 120 ton 60E1 -2.5‰ Friction Buffer Stop Type ISR102A 10 km/h 3500 ton 670 ton 60E1 -2.5‰ Friction Buffer Stop Type ISR103A 15 km/h 760 ton 410 ton 60E1 -2.5‰ Friction Buffer Stop Type ISR104A 15 km/h 760 ton 410 ton 60E1 -2.5‰ Friction Buffer Stop Type ISR105A 15km/h 760 ton 670 ton 60E1 -2.5‰ 9 meter 12 meter 7 meter 10 meter 12 meter 20 meter 20 meter 20 meter 20 meter 20 meter 100 meter 1.8 2 1.5 1.8 2 1.8 0.25g (2.45 m/s2) 0.25g (2.45 m/s2) 0.15g (1.47 m/s2) 0.15g (1.47 m/s2) 0.15g (1.47 m/s2) 0.25g (2.45 m/s2) Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant + + + + + Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant concrete concrete concrete concrete Center strike in addition to side strike Braking wheel stop set -height above the rail head Sleepers type Fixed Buffer hydraulic Stop Type ISR201A 5km/h 116 ton 44.7 ton 60E1 0‰ Braking Wheel Stop set Type ISR301 Braking Wheel Stop set Type ISR302 5 km/h 101 ton 60E1 0‰ 5 km/h 180 ton 3 meter 3 meter 850[mm] trains with wheel type DSB 82-1 920[mm] and 1010 mm (UIC510-2) - Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant Not relevant 125[mm] 85mm or 90mm concrete concrete Not relevant Not relevant 60E1 0‰ 4.13 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets life cycle shall not be less than 40 years. A signed statement approving it shall be submitted. 4.14 The Friction Buffer Stops and Fixed Buffer Stops shall be installed on electrified track with 25 [kV AC] and/or on non-electrified track with electrical circuit and/or on track with electronic signaling and/or on depot track. A signed statement approving it shall be submitted. 4.15 All components – metallic and non-metallic shall be made of hot weather resistant materials, suitable for use at ambient temperature of up to 50 [ᵒC], and rail temperature of up to 70 [ᵒC], and under 5 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 high corrosion conditions. All metallic components shall be painted or galvanized, and all non-metallic components shall be UV protected. Israel climate condition shall be considered (see Technical Appendix C). The certificates approving the requirements above shall be submitted. 4.16 The components painting shall be done with two layers: the first layer shall be premier layer, and second layer shall be pearl dark grey paint (RAL 9023). The second paint layer shall have high resistance to the environment condition including UV sun radiation, and corrosion environment, and high resistance to wear, to comply with ISO12944. Document describing the painting process and a statement approving its compliance with ISO12944 and with quality control in accordance with ISO9001 shall be submitted. 4.17 The components galvanizing shall be done with hot dip galvanized process, to conform the requirements of ISO10684 and ISO1461, all surfaces shall be thoroughly covered. Documents describing the galvanizing process and a statement approving its compliance with ISO10684 and ISO1461 and with quality control in accordance with ISO9001 shall be submitted. 4.18 The Friction Buffer Stop and Fixed Buffer Stops shall be equipped with 1[m] length red and white reflector sign in front of it, (see Technical Appendix D). The reflector sign material shall be of a material used for traffic reflector sign, with the highest reflectibility (day and night) in accordance with EN12899. Certificate of the complince with EN12899 shall be submitted. In addition, the Friction Buffer Stops and the Fixed Buffer Stop shall be equipped with affixation plate suitable to carry a red light illuminator electric device, all to increase safety. 4.19 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets Components shall be manufactured in accordance to the Manufacturer's quality management plan complying with ISO9001 and based on the relevant EN, UIC and ISO standards and these Technical Specifications. A list of components and the referenced standards and components test results shall be submitted. 4.20 Detailed List of Sub-Contractors, which are the components manufacturers, shall be submitted (Name and Factory address, Email, and its experience). 6 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 The components shall be manufactured only by the components Manufacturers, which are listed in the Detailed List. 4.21 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets installation, maintenance and safety manuals shall be submitted. 5. TECHNICAL DRAWINGS 5.1 The Technical Drawing, with dimensions and table of Components with quantity and material main characteristics and coating material, including relevant EN and/or ISO standards, for each type of Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets, in accordance with the table in section 4.12 above, shall be submitted and shall include the following: Assembled Friction Buffer Stops, including clamping components to the track; Assembled Fixed Buffer components to the track; Assembled Braking Wheel Stop Sets with installation components, including blow up drawing. Stops, including clamping 5.2 ISR uses, SKL W14 fastening systems, and the fastening system overall dimension are inside the envelope described in EN134812 section 5.8. It shall be taken into consideration when the Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets will be designed. 6. CALCULATIONS AND TESTS 6.1 For each type of Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets, as detailed in table 4.12., the energy absorbing calculation results and limit cases, shall be submitted. 6.2 The test reports, done by the Bidder or in his behalf, and include at least the following: documentation detailing test date; location and which laboratory or facility performed the tests; the test procedure; and test results, shall be submitted. 7. INSPECTION BY A REPRESENTATIVE OF ISR 7.1. The ISR technical team and/or an inspection body appointed by the ISR ("The Inspector") shall have the privilege to inspect the 7 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 manufacture processes and/or the Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets, during and/or after production. 7.2. It is the manufacturer’s responsibility to guarantee dimensional accuracy and to ensure that the inspection is carried out with the appropriate and calibrated measuring instruments. 7.3. The Manufacturer shall be responsible to coordinate inspection process time table with The Inspector in accordance to the delivery date defined in the purchase order. 7.4. The Manufacturer shall extend, to The Inspector, all necessary assistance and cooperation, and shall give access to all test records, calibrations and calculations that contribute to the results. 7.5. All the gauge/measuring instruments for manufacture verification and inspection of Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be made available by The Manufacturer to The Inspector on request. 7.6. All Tests results shall be made available to The Inspector on request. 7.7. The Calibration Certificates of the gauge/measuring instruments signed and other relevant documents shall be made available to The Inspector on request. 8. MARKING 8.1 Each Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets shall be inscribed with at least the following marks: The Manufacturer mark, 8.2 The last two figures of the year of manufacturer, The product identification type. Drawing number. Item type (e.g. ISR101A) Each Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets components shall be inscribed with at least the following marks: The Manufacturer mark, The last two figures of the year of manufacturer, 8 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 The product identification type. 9. PACKING 9.1 The Friction Buffer Stop, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets components shall be packed in wooden boxes and will put in container. The dimensions of the wooden shall be according to EN standard, to enable maximum effective storage capacity in containers. It shall be possible to put at least 3 wooden boxes one on the other. wooden boxes will be tied to one another, and to wooden platform by metal bands, and all shall be wrapped with Stretch wrap. 9.2 Each package shall include packing list with the following details: o Components name and type; o Production batch number; o Date of manufacture; o Component barcode; o Component quantity in box; o Gross and net weight; o Manufacturer recognition number or name; o ISR recognition number; o ISR order number; o Ordinal number on the packing list. The labeling shall be with black letters and shall be on 3 spots on the package (one on top of the package and the two others on the sides). 9.3 Each type of Friction Buffer Stop, Fixed Buffer Stop and Braking Wheel Stops Sets shall be delivered with 2 technical drawing and packing list in the package. 10. LIST OF FILES (in PDF Format) TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BIDDER'S PROPOSAL 10.1 A signed declaration signed by the manufacturer that the Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets estimate life cycle (in years). (see section 4.13) 10.2 A signed declaration signed by the manufacturer that the Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops is approved for use on electrified track with 25 [kV AC] and/or on non-electrified track with 9 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 electrical circuit and/or on track with electronic signaling and/or on depot track. (see section 4.14) 10.3 Certificates approving that All components – metallic and nonmetallic shall be made of hot weather resistant materials, suitable for use at ambient temperature of up to 50 [ᵒC], and rail temperature of up to 70 [ᵒC], and under high corrosion conditions. All metallic components shall be painted or galvanized, and all non-metallic components shall be UV protected. (see section 4.15) 10.4 Document describing the painting process on the Components and the certificates approving its compliance with ISO12944. (see section 4.16) 10.5 Document describing the galvanizing process on the Components and the certificates approving its compliance with ISO10684 and ISO1461. (see section 4.17) 10.6 Certificate on the Red and White Reflector Sign, with the highest reflectibility approving its complying with EN12899. (see section 4.18). 10.7 The Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets Components Manufacturer's quality management plan complying with ISO9001 and based on the relevant EN, UIC and ISO standards. (see section 4.19) 10.8 Detailed List of Sub-Contractors, which are the Components manufacturers (Name and Factory address, E-mail, and its experience). (see section 4.20) 10.9 A sample of Friction Buffer Stop Technical drawing. (see section 5.1) 10.10 A sample of Friction Buffer Stop technical descriptions. (see section 5.1) 10.11 A sample of Friction Buffer Stop energy absorbing calculation results. (see section 5.1) 10.12 A sample of Friction Buffer Stop installation, maintenance and safety manuals. (see section 4.21) 10.13 For each type of Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets, as detailed in table 4.12., the energy absorbing calculation results and limit cases. (see section 6.1) 10 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 10.14 The test reports, done by the Bidder or in his behalf, and include at least the following: documentation detailing test date; location and which laboratory or facility performed the tests; the test procedure; and test results. (see section 6.2) 10.15 The manufacturer shall submit technical drawing of clamping components dimension design in which envelope interface with fastening system components is avoided in accordance with EN13481-2 paragraph 5.8. (see section 5.2) 11. LIST OF FILES (in PDF Format) TO BE SUBMITTED BEFORE SIGNING THE AGREEMENT 11.1 The manufacturer shall submit the relevant technical descriptions for each type of the Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets, in the table, in section 4.12 including: The nature and main characteristics of the metallic and nonmetallic material including the mechanical properties and chemical composite for every component. All components shall be conformed to the latest relevant ISO or EN or UIC standards. A list of components and the referenced standards shall be supplied. 11.2 The Technical Drawing, with dimensions and table of Components with quantity and material main characteristics and coating material, including relevant EN and/or ISO standards, for each type of Friction Buffer Stops, Fixed Buffer Stops and Braking Wheel Stop Sets, in accordance with the table in section 4.12 above, shall be submitted and shall include the following: Assembled Friction Buffer Stops, including clamping components to the track; Assembled Fixed Buffer components to the track; Assembled Braking Wheel Stop Sets with installation components, including blow up drawing. Stops, including clamping (see section 5.1). 11.3 Material examination certificates of mechanical characteristics and chemical composition shall be submitted by request. 11 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 11.4 The manufacturer shall submit signed and approved installing, maintenance and safety manuals. The manufacturer in maintenance manual shall specify what the needed instructions to guaranty safe operation during the product life cycle, including Spare Part List. 12. LIST OF FILES (in PDF Format) TO BE SUBMITTED WITH EVERY ORDER 12.1 For every order - visual inspection, surface finish, geometry, mechanical properties and chemical composition tests results, which shall conform to the drawings, the quality management plan, these technical specification and the relevant EN and/or ISO standard, and in additional EN10204, Type 3.1; or Type 3.2, shall be submitted. 12 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 TECHNICAL APPENDIX A – DRAWING DSB 2A 17409 – DBS82-1 WHEEL PROFILE 13 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 TECHNICAL APPENDIX B – STOPING DISTANCE DEFINITION Lv – Track length for install Friction Buffer Stop and ensure efficient stopping distance Lb – Friction Buffer stop length Lw - Maximum stopping distance 14 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 TECHNICAL APPENDIX C - ISRAEL CLIMATE AND ENVIRONNEMENTAL CONDITIONS C.1 Climate and Environmental Conditions Max. ambient temperature 50 °C (shade) Min. ambient temperature -5 °C Relative humidity 10 to 90 % Altitude -400 to +800 meter Sunny 3300 hours per year UV Radiation 360 to 600 MJ/m² per year Rainfall 400 to 800 mm/year C.2 Dust Conditions in the atmosphere Maximum Half Hour Maximum Daily Value* Value* NOx 1064 560 SO2 780 260 O3 312 143 Suspended 350 Dust *(Microgram per m³ atmosphere) C.3 Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) Particle size to 0.5-1 micron C.4 Sea Salt Concentrations in the Atmosphere Salt Element Na* Cl* Position Dry Wet Dry Sea Air at Coast Line 7.3 16.0 12.0 600 m from Shore 3.1 4.8 4.2 6000 m from Shore 1.1 1.4 1.5 * (Micrograms per m³ atmosphere) 15 Wet 22.0 7.9 1.7 SO4* Dry 5.3 1.9 1.3 Average 71 21 84 100 Wet 7.0 2.0 1.4 ISRAEL RAILWAYS LTD FRICTION BUFFER STOPS, FIXED BUFFER STOPS and BRAKING WHEEL STOP SETS No. E-01-0017.1 April 2020 TECHNICAL APPENDIX D – EXAMPLE FOR RED AND WHITE REFLECTOR SIGN <200 (Dimensions in millimeters) 100 100 1000 16