INDEX Download Our App Sr. No Topic Name Pagte No. 1 Number System, H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Numbers, Decimal Fractions and Simplification 3 2 Square Roots and Cube Roots, Surds and Indices 18 3 Average 19 4 Problems on Numbers 24 5 Problems on Ages 31 6 Ratio and Proportion 34 7 Miscellaneous 39 8 Percentage, Profit and Loss 42 9 Pipes and Cisterns 52 10 Time and Work 53 11 Time and Distance 57 12 Problems on Trains 61 13 Alligation or Mixture 62 14 Simple Interest, Compound Interest 63 15 Calendar and Clocks 64 16 Permutations and Combinations 68 17 Probability 72 18 Heights and Distances and Trigonometry 73 19 Odd Man Out and Series 74 20 Data Interpretation 75 21 2-D Mensuration 85 22 3-D Mensuration 87 23 Section B : REASONING 88-139 Delhi Secrets 2 Number System, H.C.F. and L.C.M. of Numbers, Decimal Fractions and Simplification 2023 1. Which of the statement given above are correct? What is the ramainder when (a) 1 and 2 only 85 × 87 × 89 × 91 × 95 × 96 is divided by (b) 2 and 3 only 100 ? (a) 0 (c) 1 and 3 only (b) 1 (d) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2 5. are different non-zero digits. What is the What is the unit digit in the expansion of value of A+B+C ? (57242)9 × 7 × 5 × 3 × 1 ? 3. (a) 2 (a) 18 (b) 4 (b) 16 (c) 6 (c) 15 (d) 8 (d) Cannot be determined insufficient data Three of the five positive integers p, q, r, s, t are even and two of them are old 6. due to For any choices of values of X, Y, and Z, (not necessarily in order). Consider the the 6-digit number of the form XYZXYZ is following: divisible by: (a) p + q + r – s – t is definitely even. (a) 7 and 11 only (b) 2p + q + 2r – 2s + t is definitely odd. (b) 11 and 13 only which of (c) 7 and 13 only the above statements is/are correct: (d) 7, 11 and 13 (a) 1 only 4. A 3-digit number ABC, on multiplication with D gives 37DD where A, B, C and D (d) 4 2. 1 7. How many distinct 8-digit numbers can (b) 2 only be formed by rearranging the digits of (c) Both 1 and 2 the number 11223344 such that odd (d) Neither 1 nor 2 digits occupy odd positions and even Consider the following in respect of prime number p and composite number c. 1. p+c can be even. p–c digits occupy even positions? (a) 12 (b) 18 (c) 36 (d) 72 2. 2p + c can be odd. 3. pc can be odd. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 3 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 8. 9. C-SAT MADE EASY Let x be a positive integer such that 7x + 13. How many natural numbers are there 96 is divisible by x. how many values of x which give a remainder of 31 when 1186 are possible? is divided by these natural numbers? (a) 10 (a) 6 (b) 11 (b) 7 (c) 12 (c) 8 (d) Infinitely many (d) 9 If p, q, r and s distinct single digit positive 14. Let pp, qq and rr be 2-digit numbers numbers, then what is the greatest value where p < q < r. If pp + qq + rr = tt0, where of (p + q)(r + s) ? tt0 is a 3-digit number ending with zero, (a) 230 consider the following statements: (b) 225 1. The number of possible values of p is 5. (c) 224 2. The number of possible values of q is 6. (d) 221 10. A number N is formed by writing 9 for 99 times. What is the remainder if N is divided by 13 ? correct? (b) 2 only (b) 9 (c) Which of the above statements is/are (a) 1 only (a) 11 (c) Both 1 and 2 7 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (d) 1 11. Each digit of a 9 digit number is 1. It is multiplied by itself. What is the sum of the digits of the resulting number? 15. What is the sum of all 4-digit numbers less than 2000 formed by the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4, where none of the digits is repeated? (a) 64 (a) 7998 (b) 80 (b) 8028 (c) 81 (c) 8878 (d) 100 (d) 9238 12. What is the sum of all digits which appear in all the integers from 10 to 100 ? 16. There are three traffic signals. Each signal changes colour from green to (a) 855 red and then from red to green. The first (b) 856 signal takes 25 seconds, the second signal takes 39 seconds and the third (c) 910 signal takes 60 seconds to change the (d) 911 Download Our App QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Delhi Secrets 4 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (a) The Question can be answered by using one of the Statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other Statement alone. colour from green to red. The durations for green and red colours are same. At 2:00 p.m, they together turn green. At what time will they change to green (b) The Question can be answered by using either Statement alone. next, simultaneously? (a) 4:00 p.m. (c) The Question can be answered by using both the Statements together, but cannot be answered using either Statement alone. (b) 4:10 p.m. (c) 4:20 p.m. (d) 4:30 p.m. (d) The Question cannot be answered even by using both the Statements together. 17. Question : Is p greater than q ? Statement -1 : p × q is greater than zero Statement-2 : p2 is greater than q2 19. Consider a 3-digit number. Which one of the following is correct in Question : Statement-1 : respect of the above Question and the Statements? to the product of the Statement-2 : digits. The number is divisible by the sum of the digits (b) The Question can be answered by using either Statement alone. of the number. Which one of the following is correct in (c) The Question can be answered by using both the Statements together, but cannot be answered using either Statement alone. respect of the above Question and the Statements? (a) The Question can be answered by using one of the Statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other Statement alone. (d) The Question cannot be answered even by using both the Statements together. (b) The Question can be answered by using either Statement alone. 18. Question: Is (p + q – r)) greater than (c) The Question can be answered by using both the Statements together, but cannot be answered using either Statement alone. (p - q + r), where p, q and r are integers ? Statement-1 : (p - q) is positive. Statement-2 : (p - r) is negative. (d) The Question cannot be answered even by using both the Statements together. Which one of the following is correct inrespect of the above Question and the Statements? Delhi Secrets What is the number? The sum of the digits of the number is equal (a) The Question can be answered by using one of the Statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other Statement alone. Download Our App QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 5 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2022 20. A rectangular floor measures 4 m in length and 2.2 m in breadth. Tiles of size 140 cm by 60 cm have to be laid such that the tiles do not overlop. A tile can be placed in any orientation so long as its edges are parallel to the edges of the floor. What is the maximum number of tiles that can be accommodated on the floor? 23. An Identity Card has the number ABCDEFG, not necessarily in that order, where each letter represents a distinct digit (1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 only). The number is divisible by 9. After deleting two first digits from the right, the resulting number is divisible by 6. After deleting two digits from the right of original number, the (a) 6 resulting number is divisible by 5. After (b) 7 deleting three digits from the right of (c) 8 original number, the resulting number is divisible by 4. After deleting four digits (d) 9 from the right of original number, the 21. What is the ramainder if 2 192 is divided by resulting number is divisible by 3. After 6? deleting five digits from the right of (a) 0 original number, the resulting number is (b) 1 divisible by 2. Which of the following is a possible value for the sum of the middle (c) 2 three digits of the number? (d) 4 22. AB and CD are 2-digit numbers. Multiplying AB with CD results in a 3-digits number DEF. Adding DEF to (a) 8 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 12 24. Which number amongst 240, 321, 418 and another 3-digit number GHI results in 812 is the smallest? 975 . Further A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I are (a) 240 (b) 321 distinct digits. If E = 0, F = 8, then what is (c) 418 (d) 812 A + B + C equal to ? 25. The digits 1 to 9 are arranged in three (a) 6 rows in such a way that each row contains (b) 7 three digits, and the number formed in the (c) 8 second row is twice the number formed in the first row; and the number formed in (d) 9 the third row is thrice the number formed in the first row. Repetition of digits is not allowed. If only three of the four digits 2, 3, 7 and 9 are allowed to use in the first row, how many such combinations are possible to be arranged in the three rows? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 6 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (a) 4 QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are sufficient to answer the Question (b) 3 (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not sufficient to answer the Question (c) 2 (d) 1 26. In a tournament of Chess having 150 29. How many seconds in total are there in ϰ entrants, a player is eliminated whenever weeks, ϰ days, ϰ hours, ϰ minutes and ϰ he loses a match. It is given that no match seconds? results in a tie/draw. How many matches (a) 11580ϰ are played in the entire tournament? (b) 11581ϰ (a) 151 (c) 694860ϰ (b) 150 (d) 694861ϰ (c) 149 30. Let A, B and C represent distinct non- (d) 148 27. How zero digits. Suppose ϰ is the sum of all many 3-digit natural numbers (without repetition of digits) are there such that each digit is odd and the number is divisible by 5? and C without repetation. Consider the following statements : 1. The 4-digit least value of ϰ is 1332. (a) 8 2. The 3-digit greatest value of ϰ is 888. (b) 12 Which of the above statements is/are (c) 16 correct? (d) 24 28. Consider possible 3-digit numbers formed by A, B the Question and two Statements given below : (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 Question : Is ϰ an integer? (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Statement-1 : ϰ/3 is not an integer. 31. What is the remainder when Statement-2 : 3ϰ is an integer. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Question and the 91 × 92 × 93 × 94 × 95 × 96 × 97 × 98 × 99 is divided by 1261? Statements? (a) 3 (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (b) 2 (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to (d) 0 (c) 1 answer the Question Download Our App Delhi Secrets 7 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 32. What is the smallest number greater (a) 7 than 1000 that when divided by any one (b) 6 of the numbers 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 leaves a remainder of 3? (c) 5 (d) 4 (a) 1063 36. The sum of three conssecutive integers (b) 1073 is equal to their product. How many such (c) 1083 possibilities are there? (d) 1183 (a) Only one 33. Let p be a two-digit number and q be the number consisting of same digits writtn in reverse order. If p × q = 2430, then what is the difference between p and q? (b) Only two (c) Only three (d) No such possiblity is there 37. What is the number of numbers of the (a) 45 form 0. XY, where X and Y are distinct (b) 27 non-zero digits? (c) 18 (a) 72 (d) 9 (b) 81 34. Consider the following statements in respect of two natural numbers p and q such that p is a prime number and q is a (c) 90 (d) 100 2021 composite number. 1. p × q can be an odd number. 38. If 32019 is divided by 10, then what is the 2. q/p can be a prime number. remainder? 3. p + q can be prime number. (a) 1 Which of the above statements are (b) 3 correct? (c) 7 (a) 1 and 2 only (d) 9 (b) 2 and 3 only 39. The number 3798125P369 is divisible by (c) 1 and 3 only 7. What is the value of the digit? (d) 1, 2 and 3 (a) 1 35. If Download Our App (b) 6 15 × 14 × 13 ×.... ×3 × 2 × 1 = 3m × n (c) 7 Where m and n are positive integers, then what is the maximum value of m? (d) 9 Delhi Secrets 8 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 40. From January 1, 2021, the price of petrol (in Rupees per litre) on m day of the year th is 80 + 0.1m, where m = 1, 2, 3, ..., 100 and therafter remains costant. On the other hand, the price of diesel (in Rupees per QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 1. S is always divisible by 74. 2. S is always divisible by 9. Select the correct answer using the code given below: litre) on nth day of 2021 is 69 + 0.15n for (a) 1 only any n. On which date in the year 2021 are (b) 2 only the prices of these two fuels equal. (c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 21 May st (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) 20 May th 44. Consider the following addition problem: (c) 19th May 3P + 4P + PP + PP = RQ2; where P, Q and (d) 18th May R are different digits. 41. A boy plays with a ball and he drops it What is the arithmetic mean of all such from a height of 1.5m. Every time the ball possible sums? hits the ground, it bounces back to attain (a) 102 a height 4/5th of the previous height. The ball does not bounce further if the (b) 120 previous height is less than 50cm. What (c) 202 is the number of times the ball hits the (d) 220 ground before the ball stops bouncing? 45. Consider the following multiplication (a) 4 problem : (b) 5 (PQ) × 3 = RQQ, where P, Q and R are dif- (c) 6 ferent digits and R ≠ 0. (d) 7 What is the value of (P + R) ÷ Q ? 42. Integers are listed from 700 to 1000. (a) 1 In how many integers is the sum of the (b) 2 digits 10? (c) 5 (a) 6 (d) Cannot be detemined insufficient data. (b) 7 to (c) 8 46. Using 2,2,3,3,3 as digits how many (d) 9 distinct numbers greater than 30000 can 43. Consider all 3-digit numbers (without Download Our App due be formed? repetition of digits) obtained using three (a) 3 non-zero digits which are multiples of 3. (b) 6 Let S be their sum. (c) 9 Which of the following is/are correct? (d) 12 Delhi Secrets 9 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 47. Consider the following statements: QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Which of the above statements is/are 1. The sum of 5 consecutive integers can be 100. correct? 2. The product of three consecutive natural numbers can be equal to their sum. (b) 2 only Which of the above statements is/are (a) 1 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 50. When a certain number is multiplied by correct? 7, the product entirely comprises ones (a) 1 only only (1111...). What is the smallest Such (b) 2 only Number? (c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 15713 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) 15723 48. An amount of money was distributed among A, B and C in the ratio p : q : r. (c) 15783 (d) 15873 Consider the following statements : 1. A gets the maximum share if p is greater than (q + r). 2020 51. How many zeroes are there at the end of 2. C gets the minimum share if r is less than (p + q). the following product? Which of the above statements is/ are 45 × 50 × 55 × 60 correct? (a) 10 (a) 1 only (b) 12 (b) 2 only (c) 14 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) 15 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 49. The difference between 1 × 5 × 10 × 15 × 20 × 25 × 30 × 35 × 40 × 52. Let XYZ be a three-digit number, where (X a 2-digit + Y + Z) is not a multiple of 3. Then (XYZ + number and the number obtained by YZX + ZXY) is not divisible by interchanging the positions of the digits (a) 3 is 54. (b) 9 Consider the following statements: 1. The sum of the two digits of the number can be determined only if the product of the two digits is known. (c) 37 (d) (X + Y + Z) 2. The difference between the two digits of the number can be determined. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 10 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 53. Let p, q, r and s be natural numbers (a) 34 such that P – 2016 = q + 2017 = r – 2018 = (b) 36 s + 2019. Which one of the following is the largest natural number? (c) 38 (d) 40 58. Which one of the following will have (a) p minimum change in its value if 5 is added (b) q to both numerator and the denominator (c) r of the fractions 2/3, 3/4, 4/5 and 5/6? (d) s (a) 2/3 54. How many five-digit prime numbers can be obtained by using all the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 without repetition of digits? (b) 3/4 (c) 4/5 (d) 5/6 (a) Zero 59. A digit n > 3 is divisible by 3 but not (b) One divisible by 6. Which one of the following (c) Nine is divisible by 4? (d) Ten (a) 2n 55. How many integers are there between 1 and 100 which have 4 as a digit but are not divisible by 4? (b) 3n (c) 2n + 4 (d) 3n + 1 (a) 5 60. What is the largest number among the (b) 11 following? (c) 12 (d) 13 (a) 1 2 (b) 1 4 (c) 1 3 (d) 1 6 56. In the sum ⊗ + 1 ⊗ + 5 ⊗ + ⊗ ⊗ + ⊗ 1 = 1 ⊗⊗ for which digit does the symbol ⊗ stand? (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5 57. A simple mathematical operation in each number of sequence 14, 18, 20, 24, 30, -6 -3 -4 -2 32, 36 … results in a sequence with respect to prime numbers. Which one of the following is the next number in the sequence? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 11 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 61. What is the greatest length ϰ such that 1 3 m and 8 m are integral multiples 3 2 4 of ϰ? 65. What is the remainder when 51 × 27 × 35 × 62 × 75 is divided by 100? (a) 50 1 m (a) 1 2 (b) 1 1m 3 (c) 1 m 4 (d) 1 QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (b) 25 (c) 50 (d) 1 66. A sum of Rs. 2,500 is distributed among, X, Y and Z in two ratio 1 3 m 4 is the difference between the maximum share and the minimum share? 62. The recurring decimal representation (a) Rs. 300 1.272727 … is equivalent to (b) Rs. 350 (a) 13/11 (c) Rs. 400 (b) 14/11 (d) Rs. 450 (c) 27/99 67. For what value of n, the sum of digits in (d) 37/99 the number (10n + 1) is 2? 63. What is the least four-digit number (a) For n = 0 only when divided by 3, 4, 5 and 6 leaves a (b) For any whole number n remainder 2 in each case? (c) For any positive integer n only (a) 1012 (d) For any real number n (b) 1022 2019 (c) 1122 68. The number of times the digit 5 will (d) 1222 appear while writing the integers 1 to 64. In adult population of a city, 40% men and 30% women are married. What percentage of adult population is 1000 is (a) 269 married if no man marries more than (b) 271 one woman and no woman marries more (c) 300 than one man; and there are no widows (d) 302 and widowers? 69. In a school every student is assign a 1 (a) 33 % 7 unique identification number. A student is a football player if and only if the (b) 34% identification number is divisible by 2 (c) 34 7 % (d) 35% Download Our App 1 3 5 : : What 2 4 6 Delhi Secrets 4, whereas a student is a cricketer if and only if the identification number is 12 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE divisible by 6. If every number from 1 to 73. Sunita cuts a sheet of paper into three 100 is assigned to a student, then how pieces Length of first piece is equal to many of them play cricket as well as the average of the three single digit odd football. prime numbers. Length of the second (a) 4 piece is equal to that of the first plus onethird the length of the third. The third (b) 8 piece is as long as the other two pieces (c) 10 together. The length of the original sheet (d) 12 of paper is 70. If ϰ is greater than or equal to 25 and y is (a) 13 units less than or equal to 40, then which one (b) 15 units of the following is always correct? (c) 16 units (a) ϰ is greater than y (d) 30 units (b) (y - ϰ) is greater than 15 74. How many triplets (x, y, z) satisfy the (c) (y - ϰ) is less than or equal to 15 equation x + y + z = 6 , where x, y and z (d) (ϰ + y) is greater than or equal to 65 are natural numbers ? 71. If the numerator and denominator of a proper fraction are increased by the (b) 5 same positive quantity which is greater (c) 9 than zero, the resulting fraction is (d) 10 (a) Always less than the original fraction (b) Always greater than the original fraction 75. An 8 digit number 4252746B leaves remainder 0 when divided by 3. How many values of B are possible ? (c) Always equal to the original fraction (a) 2 (d) Such that nothing can be claimed definitely (b) 3 72. Number 136 is added to 5B7 and the sum obtained is 7A3, where A and B are integers. It is given that 7A3 is exactly divisible by 3. The only possible value of B is (c) 4 (d) 6 2018 76. A number consist of three digits of which the middle one is zero and their sum is 4. (a) 2 If the number formed by interchanging (b) 5 the first and last digits is greater than the (c) 7 number itself by 198, then the difference between the first and last digits is (d) 8 Download Our App (a) 4 Delhi Secrets 13 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (a) 1 (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 nor 3 (c) 3 2017 (d) 4 80. If there is a policy that 1/3rd of a population 77. While writing all the numbers from 700 to of a community has migrated every year 1000, how many numbers occur in which from one place to some other place, the digit at hundred’s place is greater what is the leftover population of that than the digit at ten’s place is greater community after the sixth year, if there than the digit at unit’s place? is no further growth in the population (a) 61 during this period? (b) 64 (a) 16/243rd part of the population (c) 85 (b) 32/243rd part of the population (d) 91 (c) 32/729th part of the population 78. A bookseller sold ‘a’ number of Geography textbooks at the rate of Rs. 81. Certain 3-digit numbers have x per book, a + 2 number of history following characteristics: textbooks at the rate of Rs. (ϰ + 2 ) per 1. All the three digits are different. book and a - 2 number of Mathematics textbooks at the rate of Rs. (ϰ - 2 ) per the 2. The number is divisible by 7 3. The number on reversing the digits is also divisible by 7 book. What is his total sale in Rs. ? (a) 3ϰ + 3a How many such 3-digits numbers are (b) 3aϰ + 8 there? (c) 9aϰ (a) 2 (d) ϰ a 3 3 (b) 4 79. If ϰ - y = 8 , then which of the following must be true ? 1. Both ϰ and y must be negative for any value of ϰ and y 2. If ϰ is positive, y must be negative for any value of ϰ and y 3. If ϰ is negative, y must be positive for any value of ϰ and y (a) 1 only Delhi Secrets (c) 6 (d) 8 82. How many numbers are there between 99 and 1000 such that the digit 8 occupies the units place? (a) 64 (b) 80 (c) 90 (d) 104 (b) 2 only Download Our App (d) 64/729th part of the population 14 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2016 83. If for a sample data Mean < Median < Mode then the distribution is 87. If R and S are different integers both (a) Symmetric divisible by 5, then which of the following (b) Skewed to the right is not necessarily true? (c) Neither symmetric nor skewed (a) R − S is divisible by 5 (d) Skewed to the left (b) R + S is divisible by 10 84. A 2-digit number is reversed. The larger (c) R × S is divisible by 25 of the two numbers is divided by the (d) R2 + S2 is divisible by 5 smaller one. What is the largest possible remainder? 88. How many numbers are there between 100 and 300 which either begin or end (a) 9 with 2 ? (b) 27 (a) 110 (c) 36 (b) 111 (d) 45 (c) 112 85. There are certain 2-digit numbers. The difference between the number and the one obtained on reversing it is always 27. How many such maximum 2-digit numbers are there? (d) None of these 89. Four-digit numbers are to be formed using the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 ; and none of these four digits are repeated in any manner Further, (a) 3 1. 2 and 3 each not to immediately follow each other (b) 4 (c) 5 2. 1 is not to be immediately followed by 3 (d) None of the above 86. What is the total number of digits printed, 3. 4 is not appear at the last place if a book containing 150 pages is to be 4. 1 is not appear at the first place numbered from 1 to 150? (a) 6 (a) 262 (b) 8 (b) 342 (c) 9 (c) 360 (d) None of the above (d) 450 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 15 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 90. If there is a policy that 1/3rd of a population of a community has migrated every year from one place to some other place, what is the leftover population of that community after the sixth year, if there is no further growth in the population during this period ? (a) 16/243rd part of the population (b) 32/243rd part of the population (c) 32/729th part of the population (d) 64/729th part of the population Prathmesh Tijare (IFoS) AIR 85 - 2022 Saurabh Shinde cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 16 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key Download Our App 1 A 19 D 37 A 55 C 73 D 2 A 20 C 38 C 56 B 74 D 3 A 21 D 39 B 57 C 75 C 4 D 22 A 40 B 58 D 76 B 5 A 23 A 41 B 59 D 77 C 6 D 24 B 42 D 60 C 78 B 7 C 25 C 43 C 61 D 79 D 8 C 26 C 44 C 62 B 80 D 9 B 27 B 45 B 63 B 81 B 10 A 28 D 46 B 64 C 82 C 11 C 29 D 47 C 65 A 83 D 12 B 30 A 48 A 66 C 84 D 13 D 31 D 49 B 67 B 85 D 14 C 32 C 50 D 68 C 86 B 15 A 33 D 51 A 69 B 87 B 16 B 34 D 52 B 70 C 88 A 17 D 35 B 53 C 71 B 89 A 18 C 36 C 54 A 72 D 90 D Delhi Secrets 17 Square Roots and Cube Roots, Surds and Indices 2020 1. 2017 How many pairs of natural numbers are 3. The age of Mr. X last year was the there such that the difference of whose square of a number and it would be squares is 63? the cube of a number next year. What (a) 3 is the least number of years he must wait for his age to become the cube of (b) 4 a number again ? (c) 5 (a) 42 (d) 2 (b) 38 2018 2. 2 (c) 25 (d) 16 If X is between -3 and -1, and Y is between -1 and 1, then ϰ2- y2 is in between which of the following ? Answer Key 1 (a) -9 and 1 A 2 D 3 B (b) -9 and -1 (c) 0 and 8 (d) 0 and 9 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 18 3 Average 2023 1. Which of the above statements is/ are correct? In how many ways can a batsman score (a) 1 only exactly 25 runs by scoring single runs, fours and sixes only, irrespective of the (b) 2 only sequence of scoring shots ? (c) Both 1 and 2 (a) 18 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) 19 2020 (c) 20 4. (d) 21 Consider the following date: 2022 2. The average weight of A, B, C is 40 kg, Girls Boys Overall the average weight of B, D, E is 42 kg and the weight of F is equal to that of B. What is the average weight of A, B, C, D, E and average marks F? (a) 40.5 kg Average marks in Hindi 8 7 8.8 X What is the value of x in the above table? (b) 40.8 kg (a) 7.8 (c) 41 kg (b) 7.6 (d) Cannot be determined as data is inedequate. (c) 7.4 (d) 7.2 2021 3. Average marks in English 9 8 There are two classes A and B having 25 and 30 students respectively. In Class-A the highest score is 21 and lowest score is 17. In Class-B the highest score is 30 and lowest score is 22. Four students are shifted from Clas-A to Class-B 5. The average score of a batsman after his 50th innings was 46.4. After 60th innings, his average score increases by 2.6. What was his average score in the last ten innings? (a) 122 (b) 91 Consider the following stetements : 1. The average score of Class-B will definitely decrease. (c) 62 (d) 49 2. The average score of Class-A will definitely increase. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 19 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 6. C-SAT MADE EASY 2017 In a class, there are three groups A, B and C. If one student from group A and two students from group B are shifted to group C, then what happens to the average weight of the students of the class? 9. Suppose the average weight of 9 persons is 50 kg. The average weight of the first 5 persons is 45 kg, whereas the average weight of the last 5 persons is 55 kg. Then the weight of the 5th person will be (a) It increases (a) 45 kg (b) In decreases (b) 47.5 kg (c) It remains the same (d) No conclusion can be drawn due to insufficient data 2019 7. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE The average marks of 100 students are given to be 40. It was found later that marks of one student were 53 which were misread as 83. The corrected mean marks are (c) 50 kg (d) 52.5 kg 10. There are thirteen 2-digit consecutive odd numbers. If 39 is the mean of the first five such numbers, then what is the mean of all the thirteen numbers ? (a) 47 (b) 49 (a) 39 (c) 51 (b) 39.7 (d) 45 (c) 40 (d) 40.3 11. The average rainfall in a city for the first 8. A family has two children along with their parents. The average of the weights of the children and their mother is 50 kg. The average of the weights of the children and their father is 52 kg. If the weight of the father is 60 kg, then what is four days was recorded to be 0.40 inch. The rainfall on the last two days was in the ratio of 4 : 3. The average of six days was 0.50 inch. What was the rainfall on the fifth day ? (a) 0.60 inch the weight of the mother ? (b) 0.70 inch (a) 48 kg (c) 0.80 inch (b) 50 kg (d) 0.90 inch (c) 52 kg (d) 54 kg Download Our App Delhi Secrets 20 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2016 2015 12. Average hourly earnings per year (E) of 14. The graph below depicts the earnings of the workers in a firm are represented in A and B over the period 2000 to 2010 figures A and B as follows : A Earnings E 40 35 Hourly 30 earning 25 20 B 2000 2013 14 15 16 17 years Fig. A 2007 2010 Y From the graph, which one of the following can be concluded? E (a) On the average A earned more than B during this period. 40 Hourly earning 30 (b) On the average B earned more than A during this period. 20 10 2013 14 15 16 17 (c) The earnings of A and B were equal during this period. Y years (d) The earnings of A were less as compared to B during this period. From the figures, it is observed that the 2014 (a) Values of E are different (b) Ranges (i.e. the difference between the maximum and the minimum) of E are different 15. Direction for the follows 4 (four) items: The following graph shows the average profit of two fruit-sellers A and B in (c) Slopes of the graphs are same thousands (Rs) per year from the year (d) Rates of increase of E are different 1995 to 2000. Consider the graph and 13. The average monthly income of a person answer the 4 (four) items that follow : in a certain family of 5 is Rs. 10,000. What 6 person in the same family if the income 5 of one person increased by Rs. 1,20,000 per year ? (a) Rs. 12,000 (b) Rs. 16,000 (d) Rs. 34,000 Delhi Secrets 4 21 A 3 A 2 1 0 (c) Rs. 20,000 Download Our App Average profit in thousands (Rs.) will be the average monthly income of a 1995 1996 1997 Year 1998 1999 2000 DELHI UPSC SECRETS i) C-SAT MADE EASY In which year is the average profit of A and B same? (a) 1995 QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Sanskrit 30 50 15 25 The difference in the mean aggregate percentage marks of the students is (b) 1996 (a) 2.5 % (c) 1997 (b) 13.75 % (d) 1998 ii) What is the difference between the average profit of B and A in the year 1998? (a) - Rs. 100 (c) 1.25 % (d) Zero 2011 17. A student on her first 3 tests receives (b) - Rs. 1000 on an average score of N points. If she (c) + Rs. 600 exceeds her previous average score by 20 points on her fourth test, then what is (d) + Rs. 300 iii) How much more average profit did A make in the year 2000 than in the year 1999? the average score for the first 4 tests? (a) N + 20 (b) N + 10 (a) Rs. 200 (c) N + 4 (b) Rs. 1000 (d) N + 5 (c) Rs. 1500 (d) Rs. 2000 iv) What is the trend of the average profit of B from the year 1997 to the year 2000? (a) Non - increasing (b) Non - decreasing (c) Steady (d) Fluctuating 16. The following table shows the marks obtained by two students in different subjects: English Psychology History Download Our App Students A B 60 100 70 100 50 100 Delhi Secrets C 80 70 60 D 150 100 100 Soubhagya cleared CSE & IFoS Prelims 2023 22 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 A 5 C 6 C 7 B 8 D 9 C 10 A 11 C 12 C 16 C 13 A 14 A 15 i B ii C iii D iv B 17 Download Our App D Delhi Secrets 23 Problems on Numbers 2019 2020 1. Consider the following sequence of 4. balls and 10 rackets. Rakesh spent Rs. 52243496 1300 and Rajesh spent Rs. 1500. If each racket costs three times a ball does, then what is the price of a racket? the odd number in the above sequence? (a) 5 (a) Rs. 70 (b) 6 (b) Rs. 90 (c) 7 (c) Rs. 210 (d) 8 (d) Rs. 240 A is 16th from the left end in a row of boys 5. the participants are vegetarian, then from A towards the right and 3rd from V which of the following statements is/are towards the right end. How many boys correct? are there in the row? 1. At least 30 Indian participants are vegetarian. 2. At least 10 Indian participants are nonvegetarian (a) 40 (b) 41 (c) 42 (d) Cannot be determined insufficient data In a conference, out of a total 100 participants, 70 are Indians, If 60 of and V is 18th from the right end. G is 11th 3. Rakesh and Rajesh together bought 10 numbers: 5 1 4 7 3 9 8 5 7 2 6 3 1 5 8 6 3 8 How many odd numbers are followed by 2. 4 due Select the correct answer using the to codes given below : One page is torn from a booklet whose (a) 1 only pages are numbered in the usual manner (b) 2 only starting from the first page as 1. The sum (c) Both 1 and 2 of the numbers on the remaining pages (d) Neither 1 nor 2 is 195. The torn page contains which of 6. the following numbers. Seeta and Geeta go for a swim after a gap of every 2 days and every 3 days (a) 5, 6 respectively. If on 1st January both of (b) 7, 8 them went for a swim together, when will (c) 9, 10 they go together next? (d) 11, 12 (a) 7th January (b) 8th January (c) 12th January (d) 13th January Download Our App Delhi Secrets 24 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 7. C-SAT MADE EASY A printer numbers the pages of a book What was the approximate total value (in starting with 1 and uses 3089 digits in all. $) of sheet steel imported over the six How many pages does the book have? months period? (a) 1040 (a) 45,555 (b) 1048 (b) 50,555 (c) 1049 (c) 55,550 (d) 1050 (d) 65,750 2018 8. 9. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 10. X and Y are natural numbers other than Directions for the following 3 (three) items : The following three items are based on 1, and Y is greater than X. Which of the following represents the largest number? (a) XY the graph given below which shows (b) X / Y imports of three different types of steel (c) Y / X over a period of six months of a year. (d) (X +Y) / XY Study the graph and answer the three items that follows. 11. A student has to get 40% marks to pass in an examination. Suppose he gets 30 Thousands of tons imported marks and fails by 30 marks, then what are the maximum marks in the examination? (a) 100 (b) 120 (c) 150 (d) 300 The figures in the brackets indicate the 12. 19 boys turn out for playing hockey. Of average cost per ton over six months these, 11 are wearing hockey shirts and period. 14 are wearing hockey pants. There are 1. no boys without shirts and/or pants. By how much (measured in thousands of tons) did the import of sheet steel exceed the import of coil steel in the first three months of the year ? (a) 11 uniform? (a) 3 (b) 5 (b) 15 (c) 6 (c) 19 (d) 8 (d) 23 Download Our App What is the number of boys wearing full Delhi Secrets 25 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2017 13. Consider the following figures A and B: Cost of production (Rs. in Lakhs) 8 7 14. The sum of income of A and B is more 6 than that of C and D taken together. The 5 sum of income of A and C is the same as 4 that of B and D taken together. Moreover, 1000 2000 A earns half as much as the sum of the 3000 No. of pieces manufactured income of B and D whose income is the Selling Price per (Price Rs.) Fig. A highest ? (a) A 500 450 (b) B 400 350 (c) C 300 1000 2000 (d) D 3000 No. of pieces sold 15. There are three pillars X, Y and Z of Fig. B The manufacturing cost and projected sales for a product are shown in the above figures A and B respectively. What is the minimum number of pieces that should be manufactured to avoid a loss? (a) 2000 different heights. Three spiders A, B and C start to climb on these pillars simultaneously. In one chance, A climbs on X by 6 cm but slips down 1 cm. B climbs on Y by 7 cm but slips down 3 cm. C climbs on Z by 6.5 cm but slips down 2 cm. If each of them requires 40 chances (b) 2500 to reach the top of the pillars, what is the (c) 3000 height of the shortest pillar? (d) 3500 (a) 161 cm A lift has the capacity of 18 adults or 30 (b) 163 cm children. How many children can board (c) 182 cm the lift with 12 adults? (d) 210 cm (a) 6 16. 15 students failed in a class of 52. After (b) 10 removing the names of failed students, (c) 12 a merit order list has been prepared in (d) 15 which the position of Ramesh is 22nd from the top. What is his position from the bottom ? (a) 18th (b) 17th (c) 16th (d) 15th Download Our App Delhi Secrets 26 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 17. Six boys A, B, C, D, E and F play a game 20. In paid of charity, every student in a of cards. Each has a pack of 10 cards. F class contributes as many rupees as the borrows 2 cards from A and gives away 5 number of students in that class. With to C who in turn gives 3 to B while B gives the additional contribution of Rs. 2 by 6 to D who passes on 1 to E. Then the one student only, the total collection is number of cards possessed by D and E is Rs. 443. Then how many students are equal to the number of cards possessed there in the class? by (a) 12 (a) A, B and C (b) 21 (b) B, C and F (c) 43 (c) A, B and F (d) 45 (d) A, C and F 21. In a class, there are 18 very tall boys. 18. In a test, Randhir obtained more marks If these constitute three-fourths of the than the total marks obtained by Kunal boys and the total number of boys is two and Debu. The total marks obtained by – thirds of the total number of students Kunal and Shankar are more than those in the class, what is the number of girls of Randhir. Sonal obtained more marks in the class? than Shankar. Neha obtained more (a) 6 marks than Randhir, who amongst them obtained highest marks? (c) 18 (a) Randhir (d) 21 (b) Neha 22. A daily train is to be introduced between (c) Sonal station A and B starting from each end at (d) Data are inadequate 6 AM and the journey is to be completed 2016 in 42 hrs. What is the number of trains 19. There are some nectar-filled flowers on a tree and some bees are hovering on it. If one bee lands on each flower, one bee needed in order to maintain the shuttle service? (a) 2 will be left out. If two bees land on each (b) 3 flower, one flower will be left out. The (c) 4 number of flowers and bees respectively (d) 7 are: 23. In a question paper there are five (a) 2 and 4 questions to be attempted and answer (b) 3 and 2 Download Our App (b) 12 to each question has two choices – True (c) 3 and 4 (T) or False (F). It is given that no two (d) 4 and 3 candidates have given the answer to the Delhi Secrets 27 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE For this to happen the maximum number (c) C has more than what A and D have together of candidates is: (d) B is richer than D five questions in an identical sequence. (a) 10 27. In a parking area, the total number of (b) 18 wheels of all the cars (four – wheelers) (c) 26 and scooters / motorbikes (two – wheelers) is 100 more than twice the (d) 32 number of parked vehicles. The number 24. A person is standing on the first step from the bottom of a ladder. If he has to climb 4 more steps to reach exactly the of cars parked is (a) 35 middle step, how many steps does the (b) 45 ladder have? (c) 50 (a) 8 (d) 55 (b) 9 28. If ABC × DEED = ABCABC where A, B, C, D and E are different digits, what are the (c) 10 values of D and E? (d) 11 25. In a class of 60 students, where the (a) D = 2, E = 0 number of girls is twice that of boys, (b) D = 0, E = 1 Kamal, a boy, ranked seventeenth from (c) D = 1, E = 0 the top. If there are 9 girls ahead of (d) D = 1, E = 2 Kamal, the number of boys in rank after him is : 2014 (a) 13 29. A group of 630 children is seated in rows (b) 12 for a group photo session. Each row contains three less children than the row (c) 7 in front of it. Which one of the following (d) 3 number of rows is not possible? 2015 (a) 3 26. Each of A, B, C and D has Rs. 100. A pays (b) 4 Rs. 20 to B, who pays Rs. 10 to C, who (c) 5 gets Rs. 30 from D. In this context, which (d) 6 one of the following statements is not correct ? (a) C is the richest (b) D is the poorest Download Our App Delhi Secrets 28 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2013 30. The letters L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T in their order are substituted by nine integers 1 to 9 but not in that order 4 is assigned to P. The difference between P and T is 5. The difference between N and T is 3. What is the integer assigned to N? 33. In a class of 45 students, a boy is ranked 20th. When two boys joined, his rank was dropped by one. What is his new rank from the end? (a) 25th (a) 7 (b) 26th (b) 5 (c) 27th (c) 4 (d) 28th (d) 6 31. Four persons, Alok, Bhupesh, Chander and Dinesh have a total of Rs. 100 among themselves. Alok and Bhupesh between them have as much money as Chander and Dinesh between them, but Alok has more money than Bhupesh and Chander 34. A gardener has 1000 plants. He wants to plant them in such a way that the number of rows and the number of columns remains the same. What is the minimum number of plants that he needs more for this purpose? has only half the money that Dinesh has. (a) 14 Alok has in fact Rs. 5 maximum amount (b) 24 of money? (c) 32 (a) Alok (d) 34 (b) Bhupesh 35. A sum of Rs. 700 has to be used to (c) Chander give seven cash prizes to the students (d) Dinesh of a school for their overall academic 32. For a charity show, the total tickets sold were 420. Half of these tickets were sold at the rate of Rs. 5 each, one-third performance. If each prize is Rs. 20 less than its preceding prize, what is the least value of the prize ? at the rate of Rs. 3 each and the rest for (a) Rs. 30 Rs.2 each. What was the total amount (b) Rs. 40 received? (c) Rs. 60 (a) Rs. 900 (d) Rs. 80 (b) Rs. 1540 (c) Rs. 1610 (d) Rs. 2000 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 29 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key 1 B 13 2 B 14 3 B 4 i A ii B 25 B B 26 C 15 B 27 C C 16 C 28 C 5 C 17 B 29 D 6 D 18 D 30 D 7 C 19 C 31 A 8 C 20 B 32 C 9 C 21 B 33 C 10 A 22 C 34 B 11 C 23 D 35 B 12 C 24 B Vipin cleared CSE & IFoS Prelims 2023 Jitin Yadhav cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Finally Dreams Comes True ... Nikhil Murthy cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 30 Problems on Ages 2023 1. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Question and the For five children with ages a < b < c < d statements? < e ; any two successive ages differ by 2 (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question years. Question What is the age of the youngest child? Statement-1 The age of the eldest is 3 times the youngest. Statement-2 The average age of the children is 8 years. (b) Statement-2 alone sufficient to answer the Question (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are sufficient to answer the Question (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not sufficient to answer the Question Which one of the following is correct inrespect of the above Question and the 2021 Statements? (a) The Question can be answered by using one of the Statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other Statement alone. 3. villagers cultivate paddy. One-third of the villagers are literate. Four-fifth of the villagers are under 25 years of age. Which one of the following statements is (c) The Question can be answered by using both the Statements together, but cannot be answered using either Statement alone. certainly correct? (a) All the villagers who have their own houses are literate. (b) Some villagers under 25 years of age are literate. (d) The Question cannot be answered even by using both the Statements together. (c) Only half of the villagers who cultivate paddy are literate. 2022 (d) No villager under 25 years of age has his own house. Consider the Question and two Statement given below : Question : What is the age of Manisha? Statement-1 : Manisha is 24 years younger than her mother. Statement-2 : 5 years later, the ages of Manisha and her mother will be in the ratio 3:5 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 31 Half of the villagers of a certain village have their own houses. One-fifth of the (b) The Question can be answered by using either Statement alone. 2. 5 4. X said to Y, “At the time of your birth I was twice as old as you are at present.” If the present age of X is 42 years, then consider the following statements : 1. 8 years ago, the age of X was five times the age of Y. DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2. After 14 years, the age of X would be two times the age of Y. (b) 30 years Which of the above statements is/are (d) 45 years (c) 35 years correct? 2019 (a) 1 only 7. (b) 2 only age of Meera, whereas in 2010, Meenu’s (c) Both 1 and 2 age was half the age of Meera. What is (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Meenu’s year of birth? 2020 5. (a) 1992 Three Statements S1, S2 and S3 are (b) 1994 given below followed by a Question: (c) 1996 S1 : C is younger than D, but older than A and B. S2 : D is the oldest. (d) 1998 8. Ena was born 4 years after her parents marriage. Her mother is three years S3 : A is the older than B. younger than her father and 24 years older than Ena, who is 13 years old. At Questions: what age did Ena’s father get married? Who among A, B, C and D is the younges? (a) 22 years Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above Statements and the (b) 23 years Question? (c) 24 years (a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. (d) 25 years (b) S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer the Question. (c) S2 and S3 together are sufficient to answer the Question. (d) S1 and S3 together are sufficient to answer the Question. 6. In 2002, Meenu’s age was one-third of the The average age of a teacher and three students in 20 years. If all the three students are of same age and 2016 9. The sum of the ages of 5 members comprising a family, 3 years ago was 80 years. The average age of the family today is the same as it was 3 years ago, because of an addition of a baby during the intervening period. How old is the baby ? (a) 6 months the difference between the age of the (b) 1 year teachers and each student is 20 years, (c) 2 years then what is the age of the teacher? (d) 2 years and 6 months a) 25 years Download Our App Delhi Secrets 32 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2011 10. Consider the four age pyramids given Answer Key 1 B 6 C four different countries. 2 C 7 B D 3 B 8 B 4 B 9 B 5 D 10 C below namely A, B, C and D representing B C Age A Percent in age class Which one of them indicates the declining population? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) D Download Our App Delhi Secrets 33 Ratio and Proportion 2023 1. ₹50 and ₹10. 3. 20 notes of ₹10 are used and the remaining are in the denominations of ₹50 and ₹20. D is a 3-digit number such that the ratio of the number to the sum of its digits is least. What is the difference between the 2. digit at the hundred’s place and the digit Which of the above statements are not at the unit’s place of D? correct? (a) 0 (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 7 (b) 2 and 3 only. (c) 8 (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 9 (d) 1, 2 and 3 There are large number of silver coins 4. weighing 2 gm, 5 gm, 10 gm, 25 gm, 50 gm each. Consider the following statemens : 1. To buy 78 gm of coins one must buy at least 7 coins. 2. To weigh 78 gm using these coins one can use less than 7 coins. are correct? (b) 68 (a) 1 only (c) 60 (b) 2 only (d) 52 5. (c) Both 1 and 2 2022 ₹1,840 is paid in the denominations of ₹50, ₹20, and ₹10 A bill for notes. 50 notes in all are used. Consider the following statements : 1. 25 notes of ₹50 are used and the remaining are in the denominations of ₹20 and ₹10. 2. 35 notes of ₹20 are used and the remaing are in the denomiations of Delhi Secrets A person X wants to distribute some pens among six children A, B, C, D, E and (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Download Our App A has some coins. He gives half of the coins and 2 more to B. B gives half of the coins and 2 more to C. C Gives half of the coins and two more to D. The number of coins D has now, is the smallest twodigit number. How many coins does A have in the beginning? (a) 76 Which of the statements given above is/ 3. 6 34 F. Suppose A gets twice the number of pens received by B, three times that of C, four times that of D, five times that of E and six times that of F. What is the minimum number of pens X should buy so that the number of pens each one gets is an even number? (a) 147 (b) 150 (c) 294 (d) 300 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2021 6. 7. 2020 A person P asks one of his three friends X litres of liquid A is taken out of its and “ If Y gives me ₹ 40, then Y will have half replace by same quantity of liquid B. of as much as Z, but if Z gives me ₹ 40, Again 4 litres of the mixture is taken out then three of us will have equal amount.” and replaced by same quantity of liquid What is the total amount of money that X, B. What is the ratio of quantity of liquid Y and Z have? A to that of liquid B in the final mixture? (a) ₹ 420 (a) 4 : 1 (b) ₹ 360 (b) 5 : 1 (c) ₹ 300 (c) 16 : 9 (d) ₹ 270 (d) 17 : 8 2019 There are three points P, Q and R on a is the number of possible values of PQ : PR, then what is n equal to? 10. The ratio of a two-digit natural number to a number formed by reversing its digits is 4 : 7. The number of such pairs is (a) 1 (a) 5 (b) 2 (b) 4 (c) 3 (c) 3 (d) 4 A cubical vessel of side 1 m is filled completely with water. How many millilitres of water is contained in it (neglect thickness of the vessel)? (d) 2 11. In an examination, A has scored 20 marks more than B. If B has scored 5% less marks than A, how much has B scored? (a) 360 (a) 1000 (b) 380 (b) 10000 (c) 400 (c) 100000 (d) 420 (d) 1000000 Download Our App A bottle contains 20 litres of liquid A. 4 as to how much money he had. X replied, straight line such that PQ : QR = 3 : 5. If n 8. 9. Delhi Secrets 35 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2018 QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 14. The monthly incomes of X and Y are the 12. Directions for the following 1 (one) items: The following three items are based on the graph given below which shows imports of three different types of steel ratio of 4 : 3 and their monthly expenses are in the ratio of 3 : 2. However, each saves Rs. 6000 per month. What is their total monthly income ? over a period of six months of a year. (a) Rs. 28000 Study the graph and answer the three (b) Rs. 42000 items that follows. (c) Rs. 56000 (d) Rs. 84000 2016 15. The total emoluments of two persons are the same, but one gets allowances to the extent of 65% of his basic pay and the other gets allowances to the extent of 80% of his basic pay. The ratio of the The figures in the brackets indicate the basic pay of the former to the basic pay average cost per ton over six months of the latter is : period. (a) 16 : 13 What was the approximate ratio of sheet (b) 5 : 4 steel and scrap steel imports in the first (c) 7 : 5 three months of the year ? (d) 12 : 11 (a) 1 : 1 2015 (b) 1.2 : 1 16. In a 500 meters race, B starts 45 meters (c) 1.4 : 1 ahead of A, but A wins the race while B (d) 1.6 : 1 is still 35 meters behind. What is the ratio 2017 of the speeds of A and B assuming that 13. P works thrice as fast as Q, whereas P and Q together can work four times as (a) 25 : 21 fast as R, If P, Q and R together work on (b) 25 : 20 a job, in what ratio should they share the (c) 5 : 3 earnings? (d) 5 : 7 (a) 3 : 1 : 1 17. The monthly income of Peter and Paul (b) 3 : 2 : 4 Download Our App both start at the same time ? are in the ratio of 4 : 3. Their expense are (c) 4 : 3 : 4 in the ratio of 3 : 2. If each saves Rs. 6000 (d) 3 : 1 : 4 at the end of the month, their monthly Delhi Secrets 36 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY incomes respectively are (in Rs.) QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 19. In a rare coin collection, there is one gold coin for every three non-gold coins. (a) 24,000 and 18,000 10 more gold coins are added to the (b) 28,000 and 21,000 collection and the ratio of gold coins (c) 32,000 and 24,000 to non-gold coins would be 1 : 2. Based (d) 34,000 and 26,000 on the information, the total number of coins in the collection now becomes. 2013 (a) 90 18. Direction for the following questions. Study the two figures given below and answer the questions. (b) 80 (c) 60 (d) 50 20. Out of 120 applicants for a post, 70 are male and 80 have a driver’s license. What is the ratio between the minimum to maximum number of males having dirver’s license ? (a) 1 to 2 (b) 2 to 3 (c) 3 to 7 (d) 5 to 7 2012 21. Two glasses of equal volume are respectively half and three-fourths filled with milk. They are then filled to the brim by adding water. Their contents are then Figure 1 Number of Professors in selected disciplines in a University by sex. Figure 2 Age of Physics Professors poured into another vessel. What will be the ratio of milk to water in this vessel? (a) 1 : 3 (b) 2 : 3 Which one of the following disciplines (c) 3 : 2 has the highest ratio of males to females? (d) 5 : 3 (a) Physics (b) Mathematics (c) Chemistry (d) Economics Download Our App Delhi Secrets 37 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2011 Answer Key 22. A village having a population of 4000 1 C 8 D 15 D day. It has a tank measuring 20 m × 15 m 2 A 9 B 16 A × 6 m. The water of this tank will last for 3 D 10 B 17 A (a) 2 days 4 D 11 B 18 A (b) 3 days 5 C 12 B 19 A (c) 4 days 6 B 13 A 20 C (d) 5 days 7 B 14 B 21 D 22 B requires 150 liters of water per head per Download Our App Delhi Secrets 38 Miscellaneous 2021 1. (c) 20 kg (d) 25 kg A biology class at high school predicted that a local population of animals will 4. A frog tries to come out of a dried well double in size every 12 years. The 4.5 m deep with slippery walls. Every time population at the beginning of the year the frog jumps 30 cm, slides down 15 cm. 2021 was estimated to be 50 animals. What is the number of jumps required for If P represents the population after n the frog to come out of the well? years, then which one of the following (a) 28 equations represents the model of the (b) 29 class for the population? (c) 30 (a) P = 12 + 50n (d) 31 (b) P = 50 + 12n 2019 (c) P = 50 + (2)12n (d) P = 50 + (2)n/12 5. The number of parallelograms that can be formed from a set of four parallel lines 2020 2. intersecting another set of four parallel A man walks down the backside of his lines is: house straight 25 metres, then turns to (a) 18 the right and walks 50 metres again; (b) 24 then he turns towards left and again walks 25 metres. If his house faces to the (c) 32 East, what is his direction from the start- (d) 36 ing point? 2018 (a) South-East 6. (b) South-West B. The straight line OKP represents (d) North-West the velocity of vehicle A at any instant, A vessel full of water weighs 40 kg. If it whereas the horizontal straight line CKD is one-third filled, its weight becomes 20 kg. What is the weight of the empty vessel? any instant. In the figure, D is the point where perpendicular from P meets the 1 PD = 2 LD (b) 15 kg Delhi Secrets represents the velocity of vehicle B at horizontal line CKD such that (a) 10 kg Download Our App The figure drawn below gives the velocity graphs of two vehicles A and (c) North-East 3. 7 39 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2014 Velocity P C Vehicle B K 9. D Points are to be marked on the line from A cle i h Ve O both the end points. From each end, the first point is at a distance of 1 cm from Time the end, the second point is at a distance L of 2cm from the first point and the third What is the ratio between the distance point is at a distance of 3cm from the covered by vehicles A and B in the time second point and so on. If the points interval OL? on the ends are not counted and the (a) 1 : 2 common points are counted as one, what is the number of points? (b) 2 : 3 (a) 10 (c) 3 : 4 (b) 12 (d) 1 : 1 (c) 14 2017 7. A straight line segment is 36 cm long. (d) 16 Two walls and a ceiling of a room meet 2012 at right angles at a point P. A fly is in the air 1m from one wall, 8m from the other wall and 9 m from the point P. How many meters is the fly from the ceiling? 10. P (a) 4 9 (b) 6 R (c) 12 (d) 15 8 7 5 1 6 Q 2 3 S hardworking people, circle Q represents In a plane, line X is perpendicular to intelligent people, Circle R represents line Y and parallel to line Z line U is truthful people and circle S represents perpendicular to both lines V and W line honest people. Which region represents X is perpendicular to line V. the people who are intelligent, honest Which one of the following statements is and truthful but not hardworking? correct? diagram (a) Z, U and W are parallel (a) 6 (b) X, V and Y are parallel (b) 7 (c) Z, V and U are all perpendicular to W (c) 8 (d) Y, V and W are parallel Download Our App 4 11 In the above figure, circle P represents 2015 8. 10 Delhi Secrets 40 (d) 11 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key Download Our App 1 D 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 A 8 D 9 C 10 A Delhi Secrets 41 Percentage, Profit and Loss 2023 1. (b) 17 In a party, 75 persons took tea, 60 (c) 23 persons took coffee and 15 persons took (d) 35 both tea and coffee. No one taking milk 2022 takes tea. Each person takes at least one 3. drink. by 20% and then again increased by 10%. What is the resultant increase in the Statement-1 : 50 persons took milk. price? Statement-2 : Number of persons who attended the party is five times the number of persons who took milk only. (a) 5% (b) 10% Which one of the following is correct in (c) 12.5% respect of the above Question and the (d) 15% Statements? (a) The Question can be answered by using one of the Statements alone, but cannot be answered using the other Statement alone. (b) The Question can be answered by using either Statement alone. (c) The Question can be answered by using both the Statements together, but cannot be answered using either Statement alone. (d) The Question cannot be answered even by using both the Statements together. 4. Five friends P, Q, X, Y and Z purchased some notebooks. The relevent information is given below: 1. Z purchased 8 notebooks more than X did. 2. P and Q together purchased 21 notebooks. 3. Q purchased 5 notebooks less than P did. 4. X and Y together purchased 28 notebooks. P purchased 5 notebooks more than X did. In an examination, the miximum marks If each notebook is priced ₹ 40, then what for each of the four papers namely P, Q, is the total cost of all the notebooks? R and S are 100. Marks scored by the (a) ₹ 2,600 students are in integers. A student can score 99% in n different ways. What is Download Our App The increase in the price of a certain item was 25%. Then the price was decreased Question : How many persons attended the party? 2. 8 (b) ₹ 2,400 the value of n? (c) ₹ 2,360 (a) 16 (d) ₹ 2,320 Delhi Secrets 42 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 5. C-SAT MADE EASY When 70% of a number ϰ is added to 8. and rest are foreigners. Further, 70 165% of the value of y. When 60% of the persons in the group can speak English. number ϰ is added to another number The number of Indians who can speak z, then the sum becomes 165% of the English is value of z. Which one of the following is (a) 20 (b) 30 (a) z < ϰ < y (c) 30 or less (b) ϰ < y < z (d) 30 or more (c) y < ϰ < z 9. (d) z < y < ϰ Jay and Vijay spent an equal amount of money to buy some pens and special Two candidates X and Y contested an pencils of the same quality from the election. 80% of voters cast their vote same store. If Jay bought 3 pens and 5 and there were no invalid votes. There pencils, and Vijay bought 2 pens and 7 was no NOTA (None of the above) option. pencils, then which one of the following X got 56% of the votes cast and won by 1440 votes. What is the total number of voters in the voters list? is correct? (a) 15000 (b) 12000 (a) A pencil costs more than a pen (b) The price of a pencil is equal to that of a pen (c) The price of a pen is two times the price of a pencil (c) 9600 (d) The price of a pen is three times the price of a pencil (d) 5000 2021 7. In a group of 120 persons, 80 are Indians another number y, the sum becomes correct? 6. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 10. P scored 40 marks more than Q in an In a class, 60% of students are from India examination. If Q scored 10% less marks and 50% of the students are girls. If 30% than P, then how much did Q score? of the Indian students are girls, then (a) 360 what percentage of foreign students are boys? (b) 380 (c) 400 (a) 45% (d) 420 (b) 40% 11. In an objective types test of 90 questions, (c) 30% 5 marks are allotted for every correct (d) 20% answer and 2 marks are deducted for every wrong answer. After attempting all the 90 questions, a student got a total of 387 marks. What is the number of incorrect response? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 43 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2020 (a) 9 (b) 13 15. As a result of 25% hike in the price of (c) 27 rice per kg, a person is able to purchase (d) 43 6 kg less rice for Rs. 1,200. What was the 12. A pie diagram shows -the percentage original price of rice per kg? and (a) Rs. 30 other dry elements in the human body. (b) Rs. 40 Given that proteins correspond to 16% (c) Rs. 50 distribution of proteins, water and water corresponds to70%. If both proteins and the other dry elements (d) Rs. 60 correspond to p%, then what is the 16. A person bought a car and sold it for Rs. central angle of the sector representing 3,00,000. If he incurred a loss of 20%, p on the pie diagram? then how much did he spend to buy the car? (a) 540 (a) Rs. 3,60,000 (b) 960 (b) Rs. 3,65,000 (c) 1080 (c) Rs. 3,70,000 (d) 1200 13. If the price of an article is decreased by (d) Rs. 3,75,000 2019 20% and then the new price is increased by 25%, then what is the net change in the price? B is placed on the top of A, the weight (a) 0% increases by 60%. How much weight will (b) 5% increase reduce with respect to the total weight of (c) 5% decrease A and B, if B is removed from the top of (d) Cannot be determined insufficient data due to 14. A man completes 7/8 of a job in 21 days. A? (a) 60 % (b) 45.5 % How many more days will it take him (c) 40 % to finish the job if quantum of work is (d) 37.5 % further increased by 50% 18. Raju has Rs. 9000 with him and he wants (a) 24 to buy a mobile handset but he finds that (b) 21 he has only 75% of the amount required to (c) 18 buy the handset. Therefore, he borrows Rs. 2000 from a friend. Then (d) 15 Download Our App 17. A and B are two heavy steel blocks. If (a) Raju still does not have enough amount to buy the handset. Delhi Secrets 44 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (b) Raju has exactly the same amount as required to buy the handset. (a) 1 and 2 only (c) Raju has enough amount to buy the handset and he will have Rs. 500 with him after buying the handset. (c) 1 and 3 only (d) Raju has enough amount to buy the handset and he will have Rs. 1000 with him after buying the handset. 19. All members of a club went to Mumbai and stayed in a hotel. On the first day, 80% went for shopping and 50% went for sightseeing, whereas 10% took (b) 2 and 3 only (d) 1,2 and 3 21. Rakesh had money to buy 8 mobile handsets of a specific company. But the retailer offered very good discount on that particular handset. Rakesh could by 10 mobile handsets with the amount he had. What was the discount the retailer offered? rest in the hotel. Which of the following (a) 15 % conclusion(s) can be drawn from the (b) 20 % above data ? 1. 40 % members went for shopping as well as sightseeing. (c) 25 % (d) 30 % 2. 20 % members went for only shopping. 2018 Select the correct answer using the code 22. A shopkeeper sells an article at Rs. 40 and given below : gets X % profit. However, when he sells (a) 1 only it at Rs. 20, he faces same percentage of loss. What is the original cost of the (b) 2 only article ? (c) Both 1 and 2 (a) Rs. 10 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (b) Rs. 20 20. In a school, 60% students play cricket. A student who does not play cricket, play football. Every football player has got (c) Rs. 30 (d) Rs. 40 2017 a two-wheeler. Which of the following conclusions cannot be drawn from the above data ? 1. 60% of the students do not have two wheelers 2. No cricketer has a two wheeler. 3. Cricket players do not play football. Select the correct answer using the code given below Download Our App Delhi Secrets 23. Gopal bought a cell phone and sold it to Ram at 10% profit. Then Ram wanted to sell it back to Gopal at 10% loss. What will be Gopal’s position if he agreed? (a) Neither loss nor gain (b) Loss 1 % (c) Gain 1 % (d) Gain 0.5 % 45 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 24. P (40% of A) + (65%of B) and QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 27. The monthly average salary paid to all Q = (50% of A) + (50% of B) where A is greater than B the employees of a company was Rs. 5000. The monthly average salary paid In this context, which of the following statements is correct? to male and female employees was Rs. 5200 and Rs. 4200 respectively. Then the percentage of males employed in the (a) P is greater than Q company is (b) Q is greater than P (a) 75 % (c) P is equal to Q (d) None of the above can be concluded with certainty 25. In a city, 12 % of households earn less (b) 80 % (c) 85 % (d) 90 % than Rs. 30,000 per year, 6% households 28. Two members X and Y are respectively earn more than Rs. 2,00,000 per year, 20% and 28% less than a third number Z. 22% households earn more than Rs. By what percentage is the number Y less 1,00,000 per year and 990 households than the number X ? earn between Rs. 30,000 and Rs. 1,00,000 (a) 12 % per year. How many households earn (b) 10 % between Rs. 1,00,000 and Rs. 2,00,000 per year ? (c) 9 % (d) 8 % (a) 250 29. A person allows a 10% discount for cash (b) 240 payment from the marked price of a toy (c) 230 and still he makes a 10 % gain. What is (d) 225 the cost price of the toy which is marked Rs. 770 ? 2016 26. Anita’s mathematics test had 70 problems carrying equal marks i.e. 10 arithmetic, (a) Rs. 610 (b) Rs. 620 30 Algebra and 30 geometry. Although (c) Rs. 630 she answered 70% of the arithmetic, 40 (d) Rs. 640 % of algebra and 60% of the geometry problems correctly, she did not pass the test because she got less than 60% marks. The number of more questions she would have to answer correctly to earn a 60% passing marks is: Download Our App (a) 1 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9 Delhi Secrets 46 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2015 30. An automobile QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE From these charts, we can conclude that owner reduced his monthly petrol consumption when the prices went up. The price consumption relationship is as follows: Price (in Rs. Per litre) 40,50,60,75 Monthly consumption (in. L) 60,48,40,32 If the price goes up to Rs. 80 per litre, his expected consumption (in litres) will be : (a) Family A spent more money on food than family B (b) Family B spent more money on food than family A (c) Family A and Family B spent the same amount on food (d) The expenditure on food by family A and family B cannot be compared. 33. A cow costs more than 4 goats but less (a) 30 than 5 goats. If a goat costs between Rs. (b) 28 600 and Rs. 800, which of the following is (c) 26 a most valid conclusion? (d) 24 (a) A cow costs more than Rs. 2,500 31. In a test, a candidate attempted only 8 questions and secured 50% marks in each of the questions. If he obtained a total of 40% in the test and all questions in the test carried equal marks, how many questions were there in the test? (b) A cow costs less than Rs. 3,600 (c) A cow costs between Rs. 2,600 and Rs. 3,800 (d) A cow costs between Rs. 2,400 and Rs. 4,000 34. Candidates in a competitive examination (a) 8 consisted of 60% men and 40% women. (b) 10 70% men and 75% women cleared the (c) 15 qualifying test and entered the final test (d) 16 where 80% men and 70% women were 32. The proportion of expenditure on various item by two families A and B are represented in the following Bar successful. Which of the following statements is correct? (a) Success rate is higher for women 50% Food 30% Other items 30% Education Family A Family B Rs. 20,0000 Download Our App (c) More men cleared the examination than women. 60% Other items 20% Education Total expenditure (b) Overall success rate is below 50% 10% Food (d) Both (a) and (b) above are correct. Total expenditure Rs. 1,00,000 Delhi Secrets 47 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2014 35. If Sohan, while selling two goats at the QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (c) Per capita income was always above Rs. 5000 same price, makes a profit of 10% on one (d) Per capita income was highest in 1994 goat and suffers a loss of 10 % on the 38. A and B decide to travel from place X other to place Y by bus. A has Rs. 10 with him (a) He makes no profit and no loss and he finds that it is 80 % of the bus fare for two persons. B finds that he has (b) He makes a profit of 1% Rs. 3 with him and hands it over to A. In (c) He suffers a loss of 1% this context, which one of the following (d) He suffers a loss of 2% statements is correct? 36. Out of a total of 120 musicians in a club, 5% can play all the three instruments, guitar, violin and flute. It so happens that the number of musicians who can play any two and only two of the above instruments is 30. The number of musicians who can play the guitar alone is 40. What is the total number of those who can play violin alone or flute alone? (a) 49 (a) Now the money A has is just enough to buy two tickets. (b) A still needs Rs. 2 for buying the tickets. (c) After buying the two tickets A will be left with 50 paise. (d) The money A now has is still not sufficient to buy two tickets. 2013 39. Direction for the following questions. (b) 44 Study the two figures given below and (c) 38 answer the questions. (d) 30 37. The following table gives population and total income of a city for four years. Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 Population 20 21 22 23 In lakhs Income Increases 1010 1111 1225 1345 crores (Rs.) Which one of the following statements is correct in respect of the above data? (a) Population increased by 5% or more every year. (b) Income increased by 10% or more every year. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 48 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (b) 500 (c) 600 (d) 700 2011 40. There are 100 students in a particular class. 60% students play cricket, 30% student play football and 10% student play both the games. Figure 1 Number of Professors in selected disciplines in a University by sex. Figure 2 Age of Physics Professors What is the number of students who play neither cricket nor football? (a) 25 (b) 20 (c) 18 i) What percentage of all Psychlology professors are females? (a) 40 % 41. In a group of persons, 70% of the persons are male and 30% of the persons are (b) 50 % ii) (d) 15 married. If two sevenths of males are (c) 60 % married, what fraction of the females is (d) 70 % single? If the number of female Physics professors in the age group 25 – 34 equals 25% of all the Physics professors in that age group, then what is the number of male Physics professors in the age group 25 -34 ? (a) 2/7 (b) 1/3 (c) 3/7 (d) 2/3 42. Read the following passage and answer (a) 9 the 3 (three) items that follow: (b) 6 In a survey regarding a proposed (c) 3 measure to be introduced, 2878 persons took part of which 1652 were males. (d) 2 1226 persons voted against the proposal iii) If the Psychology professors in the University constitute 2% of all the professors in the university, then what is the number of professors in the university ? of which 796 were males. 1425 persons voted for the proposal. 196 females were undecided. (a) 300 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 49 DELHI UPSC SECRETS i) C-SAT MADE EASY How many females voted for the proposal? (a) 430 QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (c) 426 (d) 581 (b) 600 iii) How many females were not in favour the proposal ? (c) 624 (a) 430 (d) 640 (b) 496 ii) (c) 586 How many males were undecided ? (a) 31 (d) 1226 (b) 227 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 50 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key 1 C 10 A 19 A 28 B 37 C 2 D 11 A 20 D 29 C 38 C 3 B 12 C 21 B 30 A 39 i C ii A iii B 4 A 13 A 22 C 31 B 40 B 5 A 14 D 23 C 32 C 41 D 6 A 15 B 24 D 33 D 7 D 16 D 25 B 34 C 8 D 17 D 26 B 35 C 9 C 18 D 27 B 36 B 42 i B ii A iii A Husnain cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Salman Khan cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 51 Pipes and Cisterns 9 2015 1. Two pipes A and B can independently fill a tank completely in 20 and 30 minutes respectively. If both the pipes are opened simultaneously, how much time will they take to fill the tank completely ? (a) 10 minutes (b) 12 minutes (c) 15 minutes (d) 25 minutes Answer Key 1 B Bhartendra Deshmukh cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Megha cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 52 10 Time and Work 2020 2023 1. A, B, C working independently can do 3. A person x can complete 20% of work in 8 a piece or work in 8, 16 and 12 days days and another person Y can complete respectively. A alone works on Monday, 25% of the same work in 6 days. If they B alone works on Tuesday, C alone works work together, in how many days will on Wednesday; A alone, again works 40% of the work by completed? on Thursday and so on. Consider the (a) 6 following statements: (b) 8 1. The work will be finished on Thursday. (c) 10 2. The work will be finished in 10 days. (d) 12 Which of the above statements is/are 2016 correct? 4. (a) 1 only … (b) 2 only photography, electronics (c) Both 1 and 2 and yachting, gardening. chess, The gardening group meets every second (d) Neither 1 nor 2 day, the electronics group meets every third day, the chess group meets every 2022 2. There are five hobby clubs in a college fourth day, the yachting group meets 24 men and 12 women can do a piece of every fifth day and the photography work in 30 days. In how many days can group meets do all the five groups meet 12 men and 24 women do the same piece on the same day within 180 days? of work? (a) 5 (a) 30 days (b) 18 (b) More than 30 days (c) 10 (c) Less than 30 days or more than 30 days (d) 3 (d) Data is inadequate to draw any conclusion 5. There is an order of 19000 quantity of a particular product from a customer. The firm produces 1000 quantity of that product per day out of which 5% are unfit for sale. In how many days will the order be completed? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 53 (a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 22 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 6. 7. C-SAT MADE EASY A class starts at 11.00 am and lasts till 8. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Ram and Shyam work on a job together 2.27pm. Four periods of equal duration for four days and complete 60% of it. are held during this interval. After every Ram takes leave then and Shyam works period, a rest of 5 minutes is given to for eight more days to complete the job. the students. The exact duration of each How long would Ram take to complete period is : the entire job alone? (a) 48 minutes (a) 6 days (b) 50 minutes (b) 8 days (c) 51 minutes (c) 10 days (d) 53 minutes (d) 11 days Four friends A, B, C and D need to cross 9. W can do 25% of a work in 30 days, X can a bridge. A maximum of two persons can do ¼ of the work in 10 days, Y can do 40% cross it at a time. It is night and they just of the work in 40 days and Z can do 1/3 have one lamp. Persons that cross the of the work in 13 days. Who will complete bridge must carry the lamp to find the the work first ? way. A pair must walk together at the (a) W speed of slower person. After crossing the bridge, the person having faster (b) X speed in the pair will return with the (c) Y lamp each time to accompany another (d) Z person in the group. Finally, the lamp has 2014 to be returned at the original place and the person who returns the lamp has to 10. Five persons fire bullets at a target at cross the bridge, the time taken by them an interval of 6,7,8,9 and 12 seconds is as follows : A : 1 minutes, B : 2 minutes, respectively. The number of times they C : 7 minutes and D : 10 minutes. What would fire the bullets together at the is the total minimum time required by all target in an hour is the friends to cross the bridge? (a) 6 (a) 23 minutes (b) 7 (b) 22 minutes (c) 8 (c) 21 minutes (d) 9 (d) 20 minutes Download Our App Delhi Secrets 54 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2013 13. The tank – full petrol in Arun’s motorcycle 11. Consider the following diagrams : x men, working at constant speed, do a certain job in y days. Which one of these lasts for 10 days. If he starts using 25% more everyday, how many days will the tank – full petrol last ? diagrams shows the relation between x (a) 5 and y ? (b) 6 (c) 7 y (d) 8 2012 Days Days y O x Men 14. Mr. Kumar drives to work at an average O Diagram I Men speed of 48km/hr. The time taken to x cover the first 60% of the distance is Diagram II y 10 minutes more than the time taken to cover the remaining distance. How far is his office? (a) 30km Days Days y O QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Men x Diagram III (b) 40km O (c) 45km Men x (d) 48km Diagram IV (a) Diagram I 2011 (b) Diagram II 15. A contract on construction job specifies (c) Diagram III a penalty for delay in completion of the work beyond a certain date is as follows: (d) Diagram IV Rs. 200 for the first day, Rs. 250 for the 12. In a garrison, there was food for 1000 s second day, Rs. 300 for the third day etc., for one month. After 10 days, 1000 more the penalty for each s joined the garrison. How long would the being 50 more than that of the preceding s be able to carry on with the remaining day. How much penalty should the food? contractor pay if he delays the work by (a) 25 days 10 days ? (b) 20 days (a) Rs. 4950 (c) 15 days (b) Rs. 4250 (d) 10 days (c) Rs. 3600 succeeding day (d) Rs. 650 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 55 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key 1 A 6 A 11 D 2 D 7 A 12 D 3 A 8 C 13 D 4 D 9 D 14 B 5 C 10 B 15 B Download Our App Delhi Secrets Sagar Dhanraj cleared CSE Prelims 2023 56 Time and Distance 2022 1. 4. same time to walk towards each other. The places are separated by a distance of 15 km. X walks with a uniform speed of 1.5 km/hr and Y walks with a uniform speed of 1 km/hr in the first hour, with a uniform speed of 1.25 km/hr in the (a) 2 second hour and with a uniform speed of (b) 3 1.5 km/hr in the third hour and so on. (c) 4 Which of the following is/are correct? (d) 5 1. They take 5 hours to meet. 2. They meet midway between A and B. Select the correct answer using the code A bank employee drives 10 km towards given below: South from her house and turns to her left and drives another 20 km. She again (a) 1 only turns left and drives 40 km, then she turns (b) 2 only to her right and drives for another 5 km. (c) Both 1 and 2 She again turns to her right and drives (d) Neither 1 nor 2 another 30 km to reach her bank where 2020 she works. What is the shortest distance between her bank and her house? 5. (a) 20 km (b) 25 km at an average speed of 2v km/hr, again (c) 30 km from X to Y at an average speed of 3v km/ hr and again from Y to X at an average speed of 4v km/hr. Then the average Replace the incorrect term by the correct term in the given sequence (b) lies between v and 2v km/hr where odd terms and even terms follow the same pattern. (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 3 (d) 6 Delhi Secrets speed of the car for the entire journey (a) is less than v km/hr 3, 2, 7, 4, 13, 10, 21, 18, 31, 28, 43, 40 Download Our App A car travels from a place X to place Y at an average speed of V km/hr, from Y to X (d) 35 km 3. A person X from a place A and another person Y from a place B set out at the X and Y run a 3km race along a cicular course of length 300 m. Their speeds are in the rario 3 : 2. If they start together in the same direction, how many times would the first one pass the other (the start-off is not counted as passing)? 2021 2. 11 (c) lies between 2v and 3v km/hr (d) lies between 3v and 4v km/hr 57 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 6. C-SAT MADE EASY What is the ratio of the speed in still water to the speed of current? 9. A freight train left Delhi for Mumbai at an average speed of 40 km/hr. Two hours later, an express train left Delhi for (a) 1 : 2 Mumbail, following the freight train on (b) 2 : 1 a parallel track at an average speed of (c) 1 : 3 60 km/hr. How far from Delhi would the express train meet the freight train? (d) 3 : 1 (a) 480 km 2019 (b) 260 km When a runner crossing the 12 km mark, she was informed that she had completed only 80%of the race. How many kilometers was the runner supposed to (c) 240 km (d) 120 km 10. Two persons, A and B are running on a run in this event? circular track. At the start, B is ahead (a) 14 of A and their positions make an angle of 300 at the centre of the circle. When A (b) 15 reaches the point diametrically opposite (c) 16 to his starting point, he meets B. What is (d) 16.5 8. 2017 A man takes half time in rowing a certain distance downstream than upstream. 7. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE the ratio of speeds of A and B, if they are X, Y and Z are three contestants in a running with uniform speeds ? race of 1000 m. Assume that all run with (a) 6 : 5 different uniform speeds. X gives Y a (b) 4 : 3 start of 40 m and X gives Z a start of 64 (c) 6 : 1 m. If Y and Z were to compete in a race of 1000 m, how many meters start will Y (d) 4 : 2 2016 give to Z ? (a) 20 11. A and B walk around a circular park. (b) 25 They start at 8 am. From the same point (c) 30 in the opposite directions. A and B walk at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 (d) 35 rounds per hour respectively. How many times shall they cross each other after 8.00 am and before 9.30 am. (a) 7 (b) 6 (c) 5 (d) 8 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 58 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2014 12. In a race, a competitor has to collect 6 apples which are kept in a straight line on a track and a bucket is placed at the beginning of the track which is starting point. The condition is that the competitor can pick only one apple at a time, run back with it and drop it in the bucket, how much total distance he has 15. A worker reaches his factory 3 minutes late if his speed from his house to the factory is 5 km/hr. If he walks at a speed of 6 km/hr. then he reaches the factory 7 minutes early. The distance of the factory from his house is to run if the bucket is 5 meters from the (a) 3 km first apple and all other apples are placed (b) 4 km 3 meters apart? (c) 5 km (a) 40 m (d) 6 km (b) 50 m 16. Two cars start towards each other, (c) 75 m from two places A and B which are at (d) 150 m a distance of 160 km. They start at the 2015 same time 08 : 10 AM. If the speeds of 13. In a 500 meters race, B starts 45 meters respectively, they will meet each other at the cars are 50 km and 30 km per hour ahead of A, but A wins the race while B is still 35 meters behind. What is the ratio of the speeds of A and B assuming that (a) 10 : 10 AM (b) 10 : 30 AM both start at the same time ? (c) 11 : 10 AM (a) 25 : 21 (d) 10 : 20 AM 2013 (b) 25 : 20 (c) 5 : 3 17. A thief running at 8 km/hr is chased by (d) 5 : 7 a policeman whose speed is 10 km/hr. If 14. Two cities A and B are 360 km apart. A car goes from A to B with a speed of 40 km/hr and returns to A with a speed of 60 the thief is 100 m ahead of the policeman, then the time required for the policeman to catch the thief will be km/hr. What is the average speed of the (a) 2 min car ? (b) 3 min (a) 45 km/hr (c) 4 min (b) 48 km/hr (d) 6 min (c) 50 km/hr (d) 55 km/hr Download Our App Delhi Secrets 59 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 18. Four cars are hired at the rate of Rs. 6 per km plus the cost of diesel at Rs. 40 a Answer Key litre. In this context, consider the details 1 B 8 B 15 C given in the following table: 2 B 9 C 16 A 3 A 10 A 17 B 4 C 11 A 18 A 5 B 12 D 19 A 6 D 13 A 20 B 7 B 14 B Car A B C D Mileage (km/l) 8 10 9 11 Hours 20 25 24 22 Total Payment (INR) 2120 1950 2064 1812 Which car maintained the maximum average speed? (a) Car A (b) Car B (c) Car C (d) Car D 19. A person can walk a certain distance and drive back in six hrs. He can also walk both ways in 10 hrs. How much time will he take to drive both ways? (a) Two hours (b) Two and a half hours (c) Five and a half hours Shobhit Pandey cleared CSE & IFoS Prelims 2023 (d) Four hours 2011 20. If a bus travels 160 km in 4 hours and a train travels 320 km in 5 hours at uniform speeds, then what is the ratio of the distances travelled by them in one hour? (a) 8 : 5 (b) 5 : 8 (c) 4 : 5 (d) 1 : 2 Priyanka Kumari cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 60 Problems on Trains 2013 2018 1. A train 200 metres long is moving at the 2. A train travels at a certain average speed rate of 40 kmph. In how many seconds for a distance of 63 km and then travels will it cross a man standing near the a distance of 72 km at an average speed railway line? of 6 km/hr more than its original speed. (a) 12 If it takes 3 hours to complete the total journey, what is the original speed of the (b) 15 train in km/hr? (c) 16 (a) 24 (d) 18 (b) 33 Answer Key 1 Download Our App 12 D 2 Delhi Secrets (c) 42 C (d) 66 61 13 Alligation or Mixture 2022 1. Answer Key There are two containers X and Y. X contains 100 ml of milk and Y contains 1 A 2 A 3 D 100 ml of water. 20 ml of milk from X is transferred to Y. After mixing well, 20 ml of the mixture in Y is transferred back to X. If m denotes the proportion of milk in X and n denotes the proportion of water in Y, then which one of the following is correct? (a) m = n (b) m > n (c) m < n (d) Cannot be determined insufficient data due to 2017 2. There is a milk sample with 50% water in it. If 1/3rd of this milk is added to equal amount of pure milk, then water in the new mixture will fall down to : (a) 25% (b) 30% (c) 35% (d) 40% 2016 3. 30g of sugar was mixed in 180 ml water in a vessel A, 40 g of sugar was mixed in 280 ml of water in vessel B and 20 g of sugar was mixed in 100 ml of water in LIET & SCOPE BATCH STUDENT vessel C. The solution in vessel B is : (a) Sweeter than that in C (b) Sweeter than that in A (c) As sweet as that in C (d) Less sweet than that in C Download Our App Delhi Secrets 62 Simple Interest, Compound Interest 2023 1. 4. A principle P becomes Q in 1 year when compounded half-yearly with R% annual rate of interest. If the same principle P becomes Q in 1 year when compounded annually with S% annual rate of interest, then which one of the following is correct? 2. As per agreement with a bank, a businessman had to refund a loan in some equal instalments without interest. After paying 18 instalments he found that 60 percent of his loan was refunded. How many instalments were there in the agreement? (a) 22 (a) R = S (b) R > S (b) 24 (c) R < S (d) R ≤ S (c) 30 Three of the five positive integers p, q, 14 (d) 33 r, s, t are even and two of them are odd (not necessarily in order). Consider the following: Answer Key 1 C 2. 2p+q+2r-2s+ t is definitely odd. 2 A Which of the above statements is/are 3 D correct? 4 C 1. p+q+r-s-t is definitely even. (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 2018 3. A person bought a refrigerator worth Rs. 22800 with 12.5% interest compounded yearly. At the end of first year he paid Rs. 8650 and at the end of second year Rs. 9125. How much will he have to pay at Abhilash Bhandari cleared CSE Prelims 2023 the end of third year to clear the debt? (a) Rs. 9990 (b) Rs. 10000 (c) Rs. 10590 (d) Rs. 11250 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 63 Calendar and Clocks 2023 1. (c) 10 minutes fast (d) 5 minutes fast What is the number of selections of 10 consecutive things out of 12 things in a 5. circle taken in the clockwise direction? Consider the following statements : 1. Between 3:16 p.m. and 3:17 p.m., both hour hand and minute hand coincide. (a) 3 (b) 11 2. Between 4:58 p.m. and 4:59 p.m., both minute hand and second hand coincide. (c) 12 (d) 66 2. If today is Sunday, then which day is it Which of the above statements is/are exactly on 1010 day? correct? (a) Wednesday (a) 1 only (b) Thursday (b) 2 only (c) Friday (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Saturday (d) Neither 1 nor 2 2022 3. 2021 Which date of June 2099 among the following is Sunday? 6. Which day is 10th October, 2027 ? (a) Sunday (a) 4 (b) Monday (b) 5 (c) Tuesday (c) 6 (d) Saturday (d) 7 4. 15 A man started from home at 14:30 hours and drove to village, arriving there when the village clock indicated 15:15 hours. After staying for 25 minutes, he drove back by a different route of length 1.25 times the first route at a rate twice as 7. Joseph visits the club on every 5th day, Harsh visits on every 24th day, while Sumit visits on every 9th day. If all three of them met at the club on a Sunday, then on which day will all three of them meet again? fast reaching home at 16:00 hours. As (a) Monday compared to the clock at home, the (b) Wednesday village clock is (c) Thursday (a) 10 minutes slow (d) Sunday (b) 5 minutes slow Download Our App Delhi Secrets 64 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2020 8. (b) Thursday In the particular year 12th January is a (c) Saturday Sunday, then which one of the following (d) Sunday is correct? 9. 11. A wall clock moves 10 minutes fast in (a) 15th July is a Sunday if the year is a leap year. every 24 hours. The clock was set right (b) 15th July is a Sunday if the year is not a leap year. Monday. When the clock shows the time (c) 12th July is Sunday if the year is a leap year. correct time? (d) 12th July is a not Sunday if the year is a leap year. (b) 5 : 30 pm Consider the following data: (d) 5 : 18 pm Year Birth rate 1911-1921 1921-1931 1931-1941 1941-1951 1951-1961 1961-1971 1971-1981 48.1 46.4 45.2 39.9 41.7 41.1 37.1 Death rate 35.5 36.3 31.2 27.4 22.8 18.9 14.8 to show the correct time at 8.00 am. On 6.00 pm. On Wednesday, what is the (a) 5 : 36 pm (c) 5 : 24 pm 12. Which year has the same calendar as that of 2009? (a) 2018 (b) 2017 (c) 2016 (d) 2015 2017 For which period was the natural growth 13. If second and fourth Saturdays and all rate maximum? the Sundays are taken as only holidays (a) 1911-1921 for an office, what would be the minimum number of possible working days of any (b) 1941-1951 month of any year ? (c) 1961-1971 (a) 23 (d) 1971-1981 (b) 22 2019 (c) 21 10. Mr X has three children. The birthday of the first child falls on the 5 Monday of th April, that of the second one falls on the 5th Thursday of November. On which day is the birthday of his third child, which falls on 20th December? Delhi Secrets (d) 20 14. A watch loses 2 minutes in every 24 hours while another watch gains 2 minutes in every 24 hours. At a particular instant, the two watches showed an identical time. Which of the following statements (a) Monday Download Our App QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE is correct if 24 hour clock is followed ? 65 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (a) The two watches show the identical time again on completion of 30 days After (b) The two watches show the identical time again on completion of 90 days one above the other? (c) The two watches show the identical time again on completion of 120 days (b) 62 (d) None of the above statements is correct. (d) 67 15. A clock strikes once at 1 o’clock, twice at 2 o’clock and thrice 3 o’clock, and so on. If it takes 12 seconds to strike at 5 o’clock, what is the time taken by it to strike at 10 o’clock how many minutes (nearest integer) will the two hands be again lying (a) 60 (c) 65 18. A bell rings 18minutes. A second bell rings every 24minutes. A third bell rings every 32minutes. If all the three bells ring at the same time at 8 o’clock in the morning, at what other time will they all ring together? (a) 20 seconds (a) 12 : 40 hrs. (b) 24 seconds (b) 12 : 48 hrs. (c) 28 seconds (c) 12 : 56 hrs. (d) 30 seconds (d) 13 : 04 hrs. 2015 19. If the 3rd day of a month is Monday, 16. Between 6 PM and 7 PM the minute hand which one of the following will be the fifth of a clock will be ahead of the hour hand day from 21st of this month? by 3 minutes at (a) Monday (a) 6 : 15 PM (b) Tuesday (b) 6 : 18 PM (c) Wednesday (c) 6 : 36 PM (d) Friday (d) 6 : 48 PM 2013 2014 20. There are five hobby clubs in a college. 17. Assume that photography, yachting, chess, electronics 1. The hour and minute hands of a clock move without jerking. and gardening. The gardening group 2. The clock shows a time between 8’o clock and 9’o clock. group meets every third day, the chess 3. The two hands of the clock are one above the other. meets every second day, the electronics group meets every fourth day, the yachting group meets every fifth day and the photography group meets do all the five groups meet on the same day within 180 days? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 66 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (a) 3 Answer Key (b) 5 (c) 10 (d) 18 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 67 1 C 8 C 15 C 2 B 9 D 16 C 3 D 10 B 17 C 4 D 11 A 18 B 5 C 12 D 19 C 6 A 13 B 20 A 7 B 14 D Permutations and Combinations 2023 1. 4. One non-zero digit, one vowel and one consonant from English alphabet A flag has to be designed with 4 (in capital) are to be used in forming horizontal stripes using some or all of passwords, such that each password the colours red, green and yellow. What has to start with a vowel and end with a is the number of different ways in which consonant. How many such passwords this can be done so that no two adjacent can be generated? stripes have the same colour? (a) 105 (a) 12 (b) 525 (b) 18 (c) 945 (c) 24 (d) 1050 (d) 36 5. 2022 2. There are 9 cups placed on a table arranged in equal number of rows and A, B and C are three places such that there are three different roads from A to B, four different roads from B to C and three different roads from A to C. In how many different ways can one travel from A to C using these roads? columns out of which 6 cups contain (a) 10 (b) 27 (b) 13 (c) 54 (c) 15 (d) 81 coffee and 3 cups contain tea. In how many ways can they be arranged so that each row should contain at least one cup of coffee? (a) 18 (d) 36 3. 16 2021 There is a numeric lock which has a 3-digit PIN. The PIN contains digits 1 to 7. There is no repetition of digits. The digits in the PIN from left to right are in decreasing order. Any two digits in the PIN differ by 6. On a chess board, in how many different ways can 6 consecutive squares be chosen on the diagonals along a straight path? at least 2. How many maximum attempts (a) 4 does one need to find out the PIN with (b) 6 certainty? (c) 8 (a) 6 (d) 12 (b) 8 (c) 10 (d) 12 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 68 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 7. C-SAT MADE EASY 2018 There are 6 persons arranged in a row. Another person has to shake hands with 3 of them so that he should not shake hands with two consecutive persons. In how many distinct possible combinations can the handshakes take place? 10. A bag contains 15 red balls and 20 black balls. Each ball is numbered either 1 or 2 or 3.20% of the red balls are numbered 1 and 40% of them are numbered 3. Similarly, among the black balls, 45% are (a) 3 numbered 2 and 30% are numbered 3. (b) 4 A boy picks a ball at random. He wins if (c) 5 the ball is red and numbered 3 or if it is black and numbered 1 or 2. What are the (d) 6 chances of his winning? 2020 8. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE How many different sums can be formed with the denomination Rs. 50, Rs. 100, Rs. 200, Rs. 500, and Rs. 2,000 taking at least three denominations at a time? (a) 16 1 2 4 (b) 7 (c) 5 9 12 (d) 13 (a) (b) 15 11. For a sports meet, a winner’s stand (c) 14 comprising three wooden blocks is in the (d) 10 following form : 2019 9. Suppose you have sufficient amount of rupee currency in three denominations: Rs. 1, Rs. 10, Rs. 50. In how many different ways can you pay a bill of Rs. 107 ? There are six different colours available (a) 16 to choose from and each of the three (b) 17 wooden blocks is to be painted such (c) 18 that no two of them has the same colour. In how many different ways can the (d) 19 winners’ stand be painted? (a) 120 (b) 81 (c) 66 (d) 36 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 69 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2017 2015 12. A bag contains 20 balls. 8 balls are 15. There are 5 tasks and 5 persons. Tasks-1 green, 7 are white and 5 are red. What is cannot be assigned to either person-1 the minimum number of balls that must or person-2. Task -2 must be assigned be picked up from the bag blindfolded to either person-3 or person 4. Every (without replacing any of it) to be person is to be assigned one task. In how assured of picking at least one ball of many ways can the assignment be done each colour? ? (a) 17 (a) 6 (b) 16 (b) 12 (c) 13 (c) 24 (d) 11 (d) 144 13. If 2 boys and 2 girls are to be arranged in 16. In a box of marbles, there are three less a row so that the girls are not next to each white marbles than the red ones and five other, how many possible arrangements more white marbles than the green ones. are there ? If there are a total of 10 white marbles, (a) 3 how many marbles are there in the box ? (b) 6 (a) 26 (b) 28 (c) 12 (c) 32 (d) 36 2014 (d) 24 14. Directions for the following questions: 17. Six identical cards are placed on a table. Consider the given information and Each card has number 1 marked on one answer the items that follow: side and number 2 marked on its other Eight railway stations A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are connected either by two – way passages or one-way passages. One-way passages are from C to A, E to G, B to F, D to H, G to C, E to C and H to G. Two – way passages are between A and E, G and B, F and D, and E and D. such a manner that the number 1 is on the upper side. In one try, exactly four (neither more nor less) cards are turned upside down. In how many least number of tries down. In how many least number of tries can the cards be turned upside down such that all the six cards show In how many different ways can a train number 2 on the upper side ? travel from F to A without passing through (a) 3 any station more than once? Download Our App side. All the six cards are placed in (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4 Delhi Secrets (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) This cannot be achieved. 70 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Answer Key Download Our App 1 C 2 C 3 C 4 C 5 D 6 B 7 B 8 A 9 C 10 B 11 A 12 B 13 C 14 D 15 C 16 B 17 A Delhi Secrets 71 17 Probability 2023 1. 3. balls, 26 green balls, 28 yellow balls, 38 Raj has ten pairs of red, nine pairs of red balls and 54 white balls. Consider the white and eight pairs of black shoes in a following statements: box. If he randmoly picks shoes one by 1. The smallest number n such that any n balls drawn from the box randomly must contain one full group of at least one colour is 175. one (without replacement) from the box to get a red pair of shoes to wear, what is the maximum number of attempts he has to make? 2. The smallest number m such that any m balls drawn from the box randomly must contain at least one ball of each colour is 167. (a) 27 (b) 36 (c) 44 Which of the above statements is/are (d) 45 2. correct? There are four letters and four envelopes (a) 1 only and exactly one letter is to be put in exactly one envelope with the correct address. If (b) 2 only the letters are randomly inserted into the (c) Both 1 and 2 envelopes, then consider the following (d) Neither 1 nor 2 statement : 1. It is possible that exactly that exactly one letter goes into an incorrect envelope. 2016 4. A round archery target of diameter 1m is marked with four scoring regions from 2. There are only six ways in which only two letters can go into the correct envelops. the centre outwards as red, blue, yellow Which of the statements given above is/ bands is equal. If archers throw arrows are correct? towards the target, what is the probabili- and white. The radius of the red band is 0.20m. The width of all the remaining ty that the arrows fall in the red region of (a) 1 only the archery target? (b) 2 only (a) 0.40 (c) Both 1 and 2 (b) 0.20 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (c) 0.16 Answer Key Download Our App A box contains 14 black balls, 20 blue (d) 0.04 1 B 3 C 2 B 4 C Delhi Secrets 72 Heights and Distances and Trigonometry 18 2020 1. If you have two straight sticks of length 7.5 feet and 3.25 feet, what is the minimum length can your measure? (a) 0.05 foot (b) 0.25 foot 35 (c) 1 foot (d) 3.25 feet 2016 2. AB is a vertical trunk of a huge tree with A being the point where the base of trunk touches the ground. Due to a cyclone the trunk has been broken at C which is at a height of 12 meters, broken part is partially attached to the vertical portion of the trunk at C. If the end of the broken part B touches the ground at D which is at a distance of 5 meters from A, then the original height of the trunk is (a) 20 m (b) 25 m (c) 30 m (d) 35 m Mansi cleared CSE Prelims 2023 Answer Key Download Our App 1 C 2 B Delhi Secrets 73 Odd Man Out and Series 2019 1. 4. Consider the sequence given below : 4/12/95, 1/1/96, 29/1/96, 26/2/96, …. What What is X in the sequence: 132, 129, 124, is the next term of the series? 117, 106, 93, X ? (a) 24/3/96 (a) 74 (b) 25/3/96 (b) 75 (c) 26/3/96 (c) 76 (d) 27/3/96 (d) 77 2. 2013 What is X in the sequence: 4, 196, 16, 144, 36, 100, 64, X ? 5. (a) 48 Consider the following matrix: 3 2 1 (b) 64 (c) 125 370 224 730 7 6 X What is the number at X in the above (d) 256 matrix? 2018 3. 19 Consider the (a) 5 following pattern of numbers : (b) 8 (c) 9 8 10 15 13 6 5 7 4 4 6 8 8 6 11 16 ? (d) 11 What is the number at? in the above pattern ? (a) 17 (b) 19 (c) 21 (d) 23 Answer Key 1 C 2 B 4 B 5 C Download Our App Delhi Secrets 3 Animesh cleared CSE Prelims 2023 A 74 Data Interpretation 2022 1. 3. Consider the following Table: Player A pie chart gives the expenditure on five different items A, B, C, D and E in a household. If B, C, D and E correspond to 90°, 50°, 45° and 75° respectively, then what is the percentage expenditure on A B C D item A? of (a) (c) (b) (d) 112 9 125 9 155 9 250 9 Runs Balls Runs Balls scored faced scored faced in the in the in the in the First First Second Second Innings Innings Innings Innings 61 99 14 76 05 12 50 85 15 75 20 50 13 55 12 50 Who is the fastest run scorer in the TestMatch? (a) A (b) B (c) C 2021 2. 20 (d) D 2019 You are given two identical sequences in two rows : 4. Sequence-I 8 4 6 15 52.5 236.25 Passage : Six students A, B, C, D, E and F appeared in several tests. Either C or F scores the Sequence-II 5 A B C D highest. Whenever C scores the highest, E then E scores the least. Whenever F What is the entry in the place of C for the scores the highest, B scores the least. Sequence-II? i) In all the tests they got different marks (a) 2.5 : D scores higher than A, but they are (b) 5 close competitors; A scores higher than B; C scores higher than A. If F stands in (c) 9.375 the ranking, then the position of B is (d) 32.8125 (a) Third (b) Fourth (c) Fifth (d) Sixth Download Our App Delhi Secrets 75 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 2018 ii) If B scroes the least, the rank of C will be 6. (a) Second Directions for the following 3 (three) items : The following three items are (b) Third based on the graph given below which (c) Fourth shows imports of three different types of steel over a period of six months of (d) Second or third a year. Study the graph and answer the iii) If E is ranked third, then which one of three items that follows. the following is correct? (a) E is gets more marks than C (b) C gets more marks than E (c) A is ranked fourth (d) D is ranked fifth 5. Directions for the following 2 (two) items: Read the following statements S1 and S2 and answer the two items that follow. S1: Twice the weight of Sohan is less than the weight of Mohan or that of Rohan S2: Twice the weight of Rohan is greater than the weight of Mohan or that of Sohan The figures in the brackets indicate the average cost per ton over six months period. i) i) Which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Weight of Mohan is greatest (a) 11 (b) Weight of Sohan is greatest (b) 15 (c) Weight of Rohan is greatest (d) Whose weight is greatest cannot be determined. ii) Which one of the following statements is correct? Download Our App By how much (measured in thousands of tons) did the import of sheet steel exceed the import of coil steel in the first three months of the year? (c) 19 (d) 23 ii) What was the approximate total value (in $) of sheet steel imported over the six months period? (a) Weight of Mohan is least (a) 45,555 (b) Weight of Sohan is least (b) 50,555 (c) Weight of Rohan is least (c) 55,550 (d) Whose weight is least cannot be determined. (d) 65,750 Delhi Secrets 76 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY after 35 years. iii) What was the approximate ratio of sheet steel and scrap steel imports in the first three months of the year ? 3. Death rate has fallen by 10% in the first 10 years (a) 1 : 1 4. Birthrate has stabilized after 35 years. Which of the above are the most logical and rational statements that can be made from the above graph ? (b) 1.2 : 1 (c) 1.4 : 1 (d) 1.6 : 1 7. Directions for the following 2(two) items (a) 1 and 2 only : Consider the following graph in which Birth and death rates per Thousand QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE the birthrate and death rate of a country (b) 1,2 and 3 only are given, and answer the two items that (c) 3 and 4 only follows. (d) 2 and 4 only 8. 30 For a sports meet, a winner’s stand comprising three wooden blocks is in the following form : Birth rate 20 Death rate 10 0 1970 There are six different colours available 1990 Years 1980 2000 2010 to choose from and each of the three wooden blocks is to be painted such i) Looking at the graph, it can be inferred that from 1990 and 2010 (a) Population growth rate has increased (b) Population growth rate has decreased (c) Growth rate of population has remainded stable (d) Population growth rate shows no trend that no two of them has the same colour. In how many different ways can the winners’ stand be painted ? (a) 120 (b) 81 (c) 66 (d) 36 ii) With reference to the above graph consider the following statements considering 1970 as base year : 1. Population has stabilized after 35 years. 2. Population growth rate has stabilized Download Our App Delhi Secrets 77 DELHI UPSC SECRETS QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Average hourly earnings per year (E) of the workers in a firm are represented in figures A and B as follows : E 40 500 450 400 350 300 1000 30 The manufacturing cost and projected 2013 14 15 16 17 sales for a product are shown in the Y above figures A and B respectively. What years is the minimum number of pieces that E should be manufactured to avoid a loss ? 40 35 Hourly 30 earning 25 20 (a) 2000 (b) 2500 (c) 3000 (d) 3500 11. Consider the following graphs. The 2013 14 15 16 17 years Fig. A Y curves in the graphs indicates different age groups in the population of two countries A and B over a period of few From the figures, it is observed that the decades : (a) Values of E are different (b) Ranges of E are different (c) Ranges (i.e. the difference between the maximum and the minimum) of E are different 12 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1950 Population (in millons) Consider the following figures A and B: 8 7 6 5 4 1000 2000 Country A 1970 1990 2010 Years <15 15-64 (d) Rates of increase of E are different Cost of production (Rs. in Lakhs) 3000 Fig. B 20 10 10. 2000 No. of pieces sold Population (in millons) Hourly earning Selling Price per (Price Rs.) 9. C-SAT MADE EASY 12 10 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 1950 3000 2030 2050 64+ Country B 1970 1990 2010 Years <15 15-64 2030 2050 64+ No. of pieces manufactured Fig. A With reference to the above graphs, which of the following are the most logical and rational inferences that can be made 1. Over the last two and a half decade, Download Our App Delhi Secrets 78 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY the dependency ratio for country B has decreased. 2. By the end of next two and a half decades, the dependency ratio of country A will be much less than that of country B 3. In the next two decades, the work force relative to its total population will increase in country B as compared to country A. Select the correct answer using the code QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE (b) Increasing the liquidity (c) Encouraging both public and private savings. (d) Anti-inflationary stance 13. Directions for the following 2 (two) items: The following table gives the GDP growth rate and Tele-density data of different states of a country in a particular year. Study the table and answer the two items that follow. States given below (a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 12. The graph given below indicates the changes in key policy rates made by the central Bank several times in a year : Key policy rates % 7.25 7.50 7.00 6.50 6.00 5.50 5.00 7.50 (+25) 7.50 (+25) Repo Rate 6.25 CRR 6.00 6.00 6.00 (0) Reverse Repp Rate 5.50 4.50 tele-density 70.27 35.88 50.7 5.94 76.12 77.5 104.86 6 82.25 96.7 57.7 63.8 52.3 97.9 62.3 93.8 49.9 47.84 of the following is/are the most logical 4.00 3.50 and rational inference / inferences that Jul 2 Jul 27 Sep 16 Nov 2 Des 16 Jan 25 Mar 17 May 3 Jun 16 2010 2011 Which one of the following can be the most likely reason for the Central Bank for such an action Delhi Secrets can be made? 1. Higher per capita income is generally associated with higher Tele-density. 2. Higher GDP growth rate always ensure higher per capita income. 3. Higher GDP growth rate does not necessary ensure higher Tele-density. (a) Encouraging foreign investment Download Our App GDP growth rate($) 9.52 5.31 10.83 9.78 10.8 11.69 8.88 6.92 7.76 9.55 4.7 7.85 9.37 5.46 7.48 7.03 5.8 7.49 With reference to the above table, which 4.00 3.00 state 1 state 2 state 3 state 4 state 5 state 6 state 7 state 8 state 9 state 10 state 11 state 12 state 13 state 14 state 15 state 16 state 17 state 18 per capita income($) 704 419 254 545 891 1077 9100 395 720 893 363 966 495 864 497 777 335 599 79 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Select the correct answer using the code With reference to the above graph, hich given below of the following is/are the most logical (a) 1 only and rational inference / inferences that can be made? (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 3 only 14. With reference to the above table, the following assumption have been made: 1. Nowadays, prosperity of an already high performing stata cannot e sustained without making further large investments in its telecom infrastructure. 2. Nowadays, a very high Tele-density is the most essential condition for promoting the business and economic growth in a state. Which of the above assumptions is/are 1. During the given period, the revenue from Direct Taxes as percentage of gross tax revenue has increased while that of Indirect Taxes decreased. 2. The trend in the revenue from excise duty demonstrates that the growth of manufacturing sector has been negative during the given period Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 2015 valid? (a) 1 only 16. Year – wise variation of the price of (b) 2 only a certain commodity is shown in the (c) Both 1 and 2 following graph : 15. The following graph indicates the composition of our tax revenue for a 30 20 10 1990 2000 Years → 2010 The price of the commodity in the year 1990 Customs Corporate Tax Personal income tax Delhi Secrets 2009-10 (Prov) 2010-11 (BE) 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 2005-06 2004-05 2003-04 1995-96 (a) Must have been Rs. 10 Excise Download Our App 40 0 1980 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1990-91 Per cent of gross tax revenue period of two decades : Price in Rupees → 50 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Service tax (b) Must have been Rs. 12 (c) Must have been anywhere between Rs. 10/- and 20/(d) Is higher than that in the year 1991 80 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2014 17. Direction for the follows 4 (four) items : The following graph shows the average profit of two fruit-sellers A and B in QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE iv) What is the trend of the average profit of B from the year 1997 to the year 2000? (a) Non - increasing thousands (Rs) per year from the year (b) Non - decreasing 1995 to 2000. Consider the graph and (c) Steady answer the 4 (four) items that follow : (d) Fluctuating 18. The following table gives population and Avarage profit in thousands (Rs.) total income of a city for four years. 5 B → 4 3 A 2 1 0 i) Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 Popula20 21 22 23 tion In lakhs Income 1010 1111 1225 1345 Increases crores (Rs.) 6 1995 1996 1997 Year 1998 1999 2000 In which year is the average profit of A and B same ? Which one of the following statements is (a) 1995 (a) Population increased by 5% or more every year. (b) 1996 (b) Income increased by 10% or more every year. (c) 1997 (d) 1998 ii) correct in respect of the above data? What is the difference between the average profit of B and A in the year 1998? (a) - Rs. 100 (c) Per capita income was always above Rs. 5000 (d) Per capita income was highest in 1994 2013 (b) - Rs. 1000 19. Direction for the following questions. (c) + Rs. 600 Study the two figures given below and (d) + Rs. 300 answer the questions. iii) How much more average profit did A make in the year 2000 than in the year 1999? (a) Rs. 200 (b) Rs. 1000 (c) Rs. 1500 (d) Rs. 2000 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 81 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE iv) If the number of female Physics professors in the age group 25 – 34 equals 25% of all the Physics professors in that age group, then what is the number of male Physics professors in the age group 25 -34 ? (a) 9 (b) 6 Figure1 Figure 2 i) disciplines in a University by sex. Age of Physics Professors. (d) 2 How many Physics professors belong to the age group 35 – 44 (a) 18 (b) 16 v) If the Psychology professors in the University constitute 2% of all the professors in the university, then what is the number of professors in the university? (a) 400 (c) 14 (b) 500 (d) 12 ii) (c) 3 Number of Professors in selected (c) 600 Which one of the following disciplines has the highest ratio of males to females ? (d) 700 2012 (a) Physics 20. Consider (b) Mathematics following information regarding the performance of class of 1000 students in four different tests: (c) Chemistry Test (d) Economics Average iii) What percentage of all Psychlology professors are females ? (a) 40 % Marks Range of marks (b) 50 % Download Our App the I II III IV 60 60 70 80 30 45 20 0 to to to to 90 75 100 100 (c) 60 % If a student scores 74 marks in each (d) 70 % following tests is her performance the Delhi Secrets of the four tests, in which one of the 82 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY best comparatively? QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE Distribution of diseases in town - A (a) Test I (b) Test II (c) Test III (d) Test IV 2011 21. The followings figures has four curves namely A, B, C and D, Study the figure A Distribution of diseases in town - B 2000 1800 D 1600 1400 1000 AD 800 600 400 0 C B 1200 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 200 Population (billions and answer the item that follows. Year Which curve indicates the exponential growth? (a) A (b) B (a) Town A (c) C (b) Town B (d) D (c) Same in Town A and Town B 22. Directions for the following 2 (two) items: The following pie charts show the breakup of disease categories recorded in the patients from two towns, Town A and Town B. Pie charts plot the disease Categories as percentage of the total number of patients. Based on these, answer the two items that follow the charts. i) Download Our App Which of the two towns has a higher number of persons with Diabetes? Delhi Secrets 83 (d) No inference can be drawn ii) What can we say about persons with more than one disease from these graphs? (a) There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in Town A. (b) There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in Town B. DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (c) There are likely to be persons with more than one disease in both Towns A and B. 1 D 13 D (d) No inference can be drawn. 2 C 14 D 3 B 15 A 16 C 23. Consider the following Velocity-Time Answer Key graph. It shows two trains starting simultaneously on parallel tracks. 4 Velocity Train B 0 Time to With reference to the above graph, which one of the following statements is not 6 correct ? (a) Train B has an initial acceleration greater than that of Train A. (b) Train B is faster than Train A at all times. 7 (c) Both trains have the same velocity at time to’ (d) Both trains travel the same distance in time to units. Delhi Secrets i) C ii) D iii) B i) D 5 Train A Download Our App QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 84 17 ii) B i) C ii) C iii) B i) A ii) i) B ii) C iii) D iv) B 18 19 D C i) B ii) A iii) C iv) A v) B 8 A 20 B 9 C 21 C 10 A 22 11 C 23 12 D i) D ii) B D 2-D Mensuration 2022 1. Which of the above statements is/are correct? Consider the following statements in respect of a rectangular sheet of length (a) 1 only 20 cm and breadth 8 cm : (b) 2 only 1. It is possible to cut the sheet exactly into 4 square sheets. (c) Both 1 and 2 2. It is possible to cut the sheet into 10 triangular sheets of equal area. (d) Neither 1 nor 2 4. If 1 litre of water weighs 1 kg, then how many cubic millimetres of water will Which of the above statements is/are weigh 0.1 gm? correct? (a) 1 (a) 1 only (b) 10 (b) 2 only (c) 100 (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) 1000 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 2019 2020 2. 5. The number of parallelograms that can Let x, y be the volumes; m, n be the be formed from a set of four parallel lines masses of two metallic cubes P and Q intersecting another set of four parallel respectively. Each side of Q is two times lines is : that of P and mass of Q is two times that (a) 18 of P. Let u = m / x and v = n /y. Which one (b) 24 of the following is correct? (c) 32 (a) u = 4v (d) 36 (b) u = 2v 2018 (c) v = u (d) v = 4u 3. 6. How many diagonals can be drawn by Consider the following statements: joining the vertices of an octagon? 1. The minimum number of points of intersection of a square and a circle is 2. (a) 20 2. The maximum number of points of intersection of a square and circle is 8. Download Our App 21 Delhi Secrets 85 (b) 24 (c) 28 (d) 64 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 7. C-SAT MADE EASY There are 24 equally spaced points lying agricultural field will not exceed which on the circumference of a circle. What one of the following values ? is the maximum number of equilateral (a) 400 sq.m triangles that can be drawn by taking (b) 300 sq.m sets of three points as the vertices? (c) 200 sq.m (a) 4 (d) 80 sq.m (b) 6 11. A and B walk around a circular park. (c) 8 They start at 8 am. from the same point in (d) 12 8. the opposite directions. A and B walket Twelve equal squares are placed to fit at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 in a rectangle of diagonal 5cm. There rounds per hour respectively. How many are three rows containing four squares times shall they cross each other after 8 each. No gaps are left between adjacent am and before 9.30 am. ? squares. What is the area of each square? (a) 7 5 7 7 (b) 5 (c) 1 (b) 6 (a) (d) 9. QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE 25 12 (c) 5 (d) 8 2014 12. A gardener increased the area of his rectangular garden by increasing its 2017 length by 40% and decreasing its width There are 4 horizontal and 4 vertical by 20%. The area of the new garden. lines, parallel and equidistant to one (a) Has increased by 20 % another on a board. What is the maximum (b) Has increased by 12 % number of rectangles and squares that can be formed ? (c) Has increased by 8 % (a) 16 (d) Is exactly the same as the old area (b) 24 (c) 36 Answer Key (d) 42 2016 10. An agricultural field is in the form of a rectangle having length X1 meters and 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 A 7 C 8 C 9 C 10 A 11 A 12 B breadth X2 meters (X1 and X2 are variable). If X1+ X2 = 40 meters, then the area of the Download Our App Delhi Secrets 86 22 3-D Mensuration 2023 1. 3. A cuboid of dimensions 7 cm x 5 cm x 3 cm is painted red, green and blue colour on each pair of opposite faces of dimensions 7 cm x 5 cm, 5 cm x 3 cm, 7 cm x 3 cm respectively. Then the cuboid A cylindrical overhead tank of radius 2m and height 7m is to be filled from an underground tank of size 5.5m × 4m × 6m . How much portion of the underground tank is still filled with water after filling the overhead tank completely? is cut and separated into various cubes (a) 1/3 each of side length 1 cm. Which of the (b) 1/2 following statements is/are correct? (c) 1/4 1. There are exactly 15 small cubes with no paint on any face. (d) 1/6 2. There are exactly 6 small cubes with exactly two faces, one painted with blue and the other with green. Answer Key 1 A 2 C 3 A Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 2016 2. A piece of tin is in the form of a rectangle having length 12cm and width 8 cm. This is used to construct a closed cube. The side of the cube is : (a) 2 cm (b) 3 cm (c) 4 cm (d) 6 cm Prasanth M. cleared CSE & IFoS Prelims 2023 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 87 Section B : REASONING 2023 1. 5. If ABC and DEF are both 3-digit numbers 1. A is older than B. such that A, B, C, D, E and F are distinct 2. C and D are of the same age. non-zero digits such that ABC + DEF = 3. E is the youngest. 1111, then what is the value of A + B + C 4. F is younger than D. +D+E+F? 5. F is older than A. (a) 28 How many statements given above are (b) 29 required to determine the oldest person/ (c) 30 persons? (d) 31 2. (a) Only two 125 identical cubes are arranged in the (b) Only three form of a cubical block. How many cubes are surrounded by other cubes from (c) Only four each side? (d) All five (a) 27 6. Question and the Statements: (c) 21 There are 5 members A, B, C, D, E in a family. If 7 Ꚛ 9 Ꚛ 10 = 8, 9 Ꚛ 11 Ꚛ 30 = 5, 11 Ꚛ 17 15? (a) 6 Statement-2: D is the father of C. (b) 8 Statement-3: E is D’s son. (c) 13 Statement-4: A and C are sisters. (d) 15 Which one of the following is correct If ‘ZERO’ is written as ‘CHUR’, then how in respect of the above Question and is PLAYER’ written? Statements? (a) SOCAGT (a) Statement-1, Statement- 2 and Statement-3 are sufficient to answer the Question. (b) SODBGT (c) SODBHT (b) Statement-1, Statement-3 and Statement-4 are sufficient to answer the Question. (d) SODBHU Download Our App Question: What is the relation of E to B? Statement-1: A and B are a married couple. Ꚛ 21 = 13, what is the value of 23 Ꚛ 4 Ꚛ 4. Consider the following including the (b) 25 (d) 18 3. Consider the following statements: Delhi Secrets 88 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 7. C-SAT MADE EASY (c) All four statements together are sufficient to answer the Question. (a) 6 (d) All four statements are not sufficient to answer the Question. (c) 18 Choose the group which is different from theothers: (a) 17, 37, 47, 97 (b) 31, 41, 53, 67 (c) 71, 73, 79, 83 40 children are standing in a circle and one of them (say child-1) has a ring. The ring is passed clockwise. Child-1 passes on to child-2, child-2 passes on to child-4, child-4 passes on to child-7 and so on. 11. Consider the following : I. A + B means A is neither smaller nor equal to B. II. A - B means A is not greater than B. IV. A ÷ B means A is neither greater nor equal to B. V. A + B means A is neither smaller norgreater than B. Statement: P X Q, P – T, T ÷ R, R + S Conclusion-1: Q + T child-1) will the ring be in the hands of Conclusion-2: S + Q Which one of the following is correct in (a) 14 respectof the above Statement and the (b) 15 Conclusions? (c) 16 (a) Only Conclusion-1 theStatement. (d) 17 What is the middle term of the sequence Z, Z, Y, Y, Y, X, X, X, X, W, W, W, W, W, ..., A? (a) H follows from (b) Only Conclusion-2 follows from the Statement. (c) Both Conclusion-1 and Conclusion-2 follow from the Statement. (d) Neither Conclusion-1 nor Conclusion-2 follows from the Statement. (b) I (c) J 12. Consider the sequence (d) M ABC _ _ ABC _ DABBCD _ ABCD 10. There are five persons P, Q, R, S and T each one of whom has to be assigned one task. Neither P nor Q can be assigned Task-1. Task-2 must be assigned to Download Our App (d) 24 After how many such changes (including child-1 again? 9. (b) 12 III. A x B means A is not smaller than B. (d) 83, 89, 91, 97 8. REASONING that follows a certain pattern. Which one of the following completes the sequence? either R or S. In how many ways can the (a) DACB (b) CDAB assignment be done? (c) DCCA DDCA Delhi Secrets 89 (d) DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 13. Consider the following statements in REASONING 15. letters of the word The respect of five candidates P, Q, R, S “INCOMPREHENSIBILITIES” and T. Two statements are true and one arranged alphabetically in reverse order. statement is false. How many positions of the letter/letters True Statement : One of P and Q was will remain unchanged? selected for the job. False Statement : At least one of R and S are (a) None (b) One was selected for the job. (c) Two True Statement : At most two of R, S and T (d) Three were selected for the job. Which of the following conclusions can Answer Key be drawn? 1.At least four were selected for the job. 1 D 9 A 2. S was selected for the job. 2 A 10 A Select the correct answer using the code 3 A 11 B givenbelow: 4 D 12 D (a) 1 only 5 D 13 D (b) 2 only 6 C 14 A (c) Both 1 and 2 7 D 15 C (d) Neither 1 nor 2 8 B 14. Let P, Q, R, S and T be five statements such that: I. If P is true, then both Q and S are true. II. If R and S are true, then T is false. Which of the following can be concluded? 1. If T is true, then at least one of P and R must be false. 2. If Q is true, then P is true. Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 only Dinesh cleared CSE Prelims 2023 (b) 2 only (c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 90 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2022 REASONING 20. Consider 16. What is the value of X in the sequence 20, 10, 10, 15, 30, 75, X? the Question two Statements given below : Question : Is Z brother of X? Statement-1: (a) 105 and X is a brother of Y and Y is a (b) 120 (c) 150 Statement-2: (d) 225 brother of Z. X, Y and Z are siblings. 17. Two friends X and Y start running and Which one of the following is correct they run together for 50 m in the same in respect of the Question and the direction and reach a point. X turns right Statements? and runs 60 m, while Y turns left and runs (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question 40 m. Then X turns left and runs 50 m and stops, while Y turns right and runs 50 m and then stops. How far are the two friends from each other now? (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are sufficient to answer the Question (a) 100 m (b) 90 m (c) 60 m (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not sufficient to answer the Question (d) 50 m 21. In the series AABABCABCDABCDE..., 18. If the order of the letters in the English which letter appears at the 100th place? alphabet is reversed and each letter (a) G represents the letter whose position it (b) H occupies, then which one of the following (c) I represents ‘LUCKNOW? (d) J (a) OGXPMLD 22. Three persons A, B and C are standing (b) OGXQMLE in a queue not necessarily in the same (c) OFXPMLE order. There are 4 persons between A (d) OFXPMLD and B, and 7 persons between B and C. 19. The letters A, B, C, D and E are arranged in such a way that there are exactly two letters between A and E. How many such (a) 12 (b) 18 (c) 24 (d) 36 Delhi Secrets If there are 11 persons ahead of C and 13 behind A, what could be the minimum number of persons in the queue? (a) 22 arrangements are possible? Download Our App (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question 91 (b) 32 (c) 28 (d) 38 DELHI UPSC SECRETS 23. Consider the Question C-SAT MADE EASY and two Statements given below in respect of three cities P, Q and R in a State : (c) Both Conclusion-III and Conclusion-IV (d) None of the Conclusions follows 25. Three Statements followed by three Question : How far is city P from city Q? Conclusions are given below. You have Statement-1 City Q is 18 km fromcity R. to take the Statements to be true even Statement-2: City P is 43 km from city R. if they seem to be at variance from the Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Question and the Statements? (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question commonly known facts. Read all the Conclusions and then decide which of the given Conclusions logically follows/ follow from the Statements, disregarding the commonly known facts : Statement-1 : Some doctors are teachers. Statement-2 : All teachers are engineers. (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are sufficient to Question answer the Statement-3 : All engineers are scientists. (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not sufficient to answer the Question Conclusion-II : All engineers are doctors. 24. Two Statements followed by four Conclusions are given below. You have to take the Statements to be true even Conclusion-1: Some scientists are doctors. Conclusion-III : Some engineers are doctors. Which one of the following is correct? (a) Only Conclusion-I if they seem to be at variance from the (b) Only Conclusion-II commonly known facts. Read all the (c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-III Conclusions and then decide which of (d) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II the given Conclusions logically follows/ follow from the Statements, disregarding the commonly known facts:: 26. Eight students A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H sit around a circular table, equidistant from each other, facing the centre of the table, Statement-1 : All pens are books. not necessarily in the same order. B and Statement-2 : No chair is a pen. D sit neither adjacent to C nor opposite Conclusion-I : All chairs are books. to C. A sits in between E and D, and F sits Conclusion-II : Some chairs are pens. in between B and H. Which one of the following is definitely correct? Conclusion-III : All books are chairs. (a) B sits in between A and G Conclusion-IV : No chair is a book. (b) C sits opposite to G Which one of the following is correct? (c) E sits opposite to F (a) Only Conclusion-I (d) None of the above (b) Only Conclusion-II Download Our App REASONING Delhi Secrets 92 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 27. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting 28. Six lectures A, B, C, D, E and F, each equidistant from each other around a of one hour duration, are scheduled circular table (facing the centre of the between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. table). Consider the Question and Statements Consider the Question and two Statements given below: given below : Question: Question : Who is sitting on the immediate left of A? Statement-1: B is sitting opposite to C and D is sitting opposite to E. Statement-2: F is sitting on the immediate left of B. Which lecture is in the third period? Statement-1: Lecture F is preceded by A and followed by C. Statement-2: There is no lecture afterlecture B. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Question and the Which one of the following is correct Statements? in respect of the Question and the Statements? (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (b) Statement-2 alone is toanswer the Question (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are sufficient to answer the Question (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are sufficient to Question answer the (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not sufficient to answer the Question (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are not sufficient to answer the Question 29. What is the value of X in the sequence 2, 12, 36, 80, 150, X? (a) 248 Answer Key 16 D 17 A 18 D (b) 252 19 C 20 D 21 C (c) 258 22 A 23 D 24 D 25 C 26 D 27 D 28 D 29 B Download Our App Delhi Secrets sufficient (d) 262 93 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2021 30. A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the Statement to be true REASONING Conclusion-I: Certainly some almirahs are tables. Conclusion-II: Some cats may not be chairs. even if it seems to be at variance from Which one of the following is correct? the commonly known facts. Read all (a) Only Conclusion-I Conclusions and then decide which of (b) Only Conclusion-II the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/ follow from the Statement, disregarding (c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II the commonly known facts. (d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II Statement: Some radios are mobiles. All mobiles are computers. Some computers are watches. Conclusion-I: Certainly some radios watches. Conclusion-II: Certainly some mobiles are watches. 32. Images of consonants of the English alphabet (Capitals) are observed in a mirror. What is the number of images of these which do not look like their original shapes? (a) 13 (b) 14 Which one of the following is correct? (c) 15 (a) Only Conclusion-I (d) 16 33. A woman runs 12 km towards her North, (b) Only Conclusion-II then 6 km towards her South and then 8 (c) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II (d) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II 31. A Statement followed by Conclusion-I and, Conclusion-II is given below. You have to take the Statement to be true km towards her East. In which direction is she from her starting point? (a) An angle less than 45° South of East (b) An angle less than 45° North of East even if it seems to be at variance from (c) An angle more than 45° South of East the commonly known facts. Read all (d) An angle more than 45° North of East Conclusions and then decide which of 34. Seven books P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/ follow from the Statement, disregarding the commonly known facts. Statement: placed side by side. R, Q and T have blue covers and other books have red covers. Only S and U are new books and the Some cats are almirahs. Some almirahs are chairs. All chairs are tables. rest are old. P, R and S are law reports; the rest are Gazetteers. Books of Old Gazetteers with blue covers are (a) Q and R (b) Q and U Download Our App Delhi Secrets 94 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (c) Q and T Question ? (d) T and U (a) Statement-1 alone is not sufficient to answer the Question 35. Replace the incorrect term by the correct term in the given sequence 3, 2, 7, 4, 13, 10, 21, 18, 31, 28, 43, 40 where odd terms and even terms follow the same pattern. (a) 0 (b) Statement-2 alone is not sufficient to answer the Question (c) Either Statement-1 alone or Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (b) 1 (d) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are required to answer the Question (c) 3 38. Consider two Statements and a Question: Statement-1: (d) 6 36. Following is a matrix of certain entries. The entries follow a certain trend rowwise. Choose the missing entry (?) accordingly. 7B 3C 10A 10A 9B 13C 3C 6A ? Each of A and D is heavier than each of B, E and F, but none of them is the heaviest. Statement-2 : A is heavier than D, but is lighter than C. Question : Who is the heaviest among A, B, C, D and E? Which one of the following is correct (a) 9B in respect of the Statements and the (b) 3A Question? (c) 3B (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (d) 3C 37. Consider two Statements and a Question: Statement-1: Priya is 4 ranks below Seema and is 31st from the bottom. Statement-2 : Ena is 2 ranks above Seema and is 37th from the bottom. Question : What is Seema’s rank from the top in the class of 40 students? Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Statements and the Download Our App REASONING Delhi Secrets 95 (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 arerequired to answer the Question (d) Neither Statement-1 alone nor Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question 39. In the English alphabet, the first 4 letters are written in opposite order; and the next 4 letters are written in opposite order and so on; and at the end Y and Z are interchanged. Which will be the fourth letter to the right of the 13th letter? DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (a) N Conclusion-2: No green is black. (b) T Conclusion-3: All greens are blacks. (c) H Conclusion-4: All blacks are greens. (d) I Which one of the following is correct? 40. Consider two Statements and a Question: Statement-1: The last day of the month is a Wednesday. Statement-2 : The third Saturday of the month was the seventeenth day. Question : What day is the fourteenth of the given month? Which one of the following is correct in respect of the Statements and the Question? (a) Statement-1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (b) Statement-2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question (c) Both Statement-1 and Statement-2 are required to answer the Question (d) Neither Statement-1 alone nor Statement-2 alone is sufficient to nor answer the Question 41. Consider two Statements and four Conclusions given below. You have to take the Statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from the commonly known facts. Read all (a) Conclusion-1 and Conclusion-2 only (b) Conclusion-2 and Conclusion-3 only (c) Conclusion-3 and Conclusion-4 only (d) Neither Conclusion 1 nor 2 nor 3 nor 4 42. What is the value of ‘X’ in the sequence 2, 7, 22, 67, 202, X, 1822 ? (a) 603 (b) 605 (c) 607 (d) 608 43. In a code language ‘MATHEMATICS’ is written as ‘LBSIDNZUHDR’. How is ‘CHEMISTRY’ written in that code language? (a) DIDLHRSSX (b) BIDNHTSSX (c) BIDLHTSSX (d) DGFLIRUQZ 44. At which one of the following times, do the hour hand and the minute hand of the clock make an angle of 180° with each other? Conclusions and then decide which of (a) At 7:00 hours the given Conclusion(s) logically follows/ (b) Between 7:00 hours and 7:05 hours follow from the Statements, disregarding (c) At 7:05 hours the commonly known facts. Download Our App REASONING (d) Between 7:05 hours and 7:10 hours Statement-1: Some greens are blues. Statement-2: Some blues are blacks. Conclusion-1: Some greens are blacks. Delhi Secrets 96 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 45. In the series _b_a_ba_b_abab_aab; fill in the six blanks (_) using one of the following given four choices such that the series follows a specific order. REASONING (c) S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer the Question, but neither S1 alone nor S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question. (d) S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer the Question. (a) bababa (b) baabba 47. Two Statements S1 and S2 are given (c) bbaabb below followed by a Question: (d) ababab S1 : n is a prime number. S2 : n leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 4. Answer Key Question: 30 D 35 A 40 B 31 C 36 C 41 D 32 B 37 C 42 C 33 B 38 C/D 43 B respect of above Statements and the 34 C 39 B 44 D Question? 45 D If n is a unique natural number between 10 and 20, then what is n? Which one of the following is correct in (a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. (b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. 2020 46. Two Statements S1 and S2 are given below with regard to four members P, Q, R and S followed by a Questions: S1 : R is greater than P as well as Q. (d) S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer the Question. S2 : S is not the largest one. 48. Two Statements S1 and S2 are given Question: Among four numbers P, Q, R and S, which one is the largest? Download Our App (c) S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer the Question, but neither S1 alone nor S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. below with regard to two numbers followed by a Question: Which one of the following is correct in S1 : Their product is 21. respect of the above Statements and the S2 : Their sum is 10. Question? Question: (a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. What are the two numbers? (b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. respect of the above Statements and the Delhi Secrets 97 Which one of the following is correct in Question? DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. Conclusion-II: (b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. Which of the above Conclusions logically (c) S1 and S2 together are sufficient to answer the Question, but neither S1 nor S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. Statements, (d) S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer the Question. 49. Two statements are given followed by two Conclusions: follows/follow from the two disregarding given commonly known facts? (a) Only Conclusion-I (b) Only Conclusion-II (c) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II (d) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II has some missing letters: abab_b_bcb_dcdcded_d All numbers are divisible by 2. The missing letters which complete the All numbers are divisible by 3. arrangement are Conclusion-I: (a) a, b, c, d All numbers are divisible by 6. (b) a, b, d, e Conclusion-II: (c) a, c, c, e All numbers are divisible by 4. Which of the above Conclusions logically follows/follow Some dogs are not black. 51. Consider the following arrangement that Statements: from the two given Statements? (d) b, c, d, e 52. Let A3BC and DE2F be four-digit numbers where each letter represents a different digit greater than 3. If the sum (a) Only Conclusion-I of the numbers is 15902, then what is the (b) Only Conclusion-II difference between the values of A and (c) Neither Conclusion-I nor Conclusion-II D? (d) Both Conclusion-I and Conclusion-II (a) 1 50. Two Statements are given followed by (b) 2 two Conclusions: (c) 3 Conclusions: (d) 4 Statements: 53. Two statements S1 and S2 are given All cats are dogs. below followed by a Question: All cats are black. S1 : There are not more than two figures on any page of a 51-page book. Conclusion-I: S2 : There is at least one figure on every page. All dogs are black. Download Our App REASONING Delhi Secrets 98 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY Question: REASONING 56. The letters from A to Z are numbered Are there more than 100 figures in that from 1 to 26 respectively. If GHI = 1578 book? and DEF = 912, then what is ABC equal to? Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above Statements and the (a) 492 Question? (b) 468 (a) Both S1 and S2 are sufficient to answer the Question, but neither S1 alone nor S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. (c) 262 (d) 246 57. What is the missing term @ in the (b) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. following? (c) S1 and S2 together are not sufficient to answer the Question. (a) NPJL (d) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the Question. (c) NPIL ACPQ : BESU : MNGI : @ (b) NOJM (d) NPJM 54. A family of two generations consisting of six members P, Q, R, S, T and U has three males and three females. There are two married couples and two unmarried Answer Key siblings. U is P’s daughter and Q is 46 C 50 C 54 B R’s mother-in-law. T is an unmarried 47 D 51 C 55 D male and S is a male. Which one of the 48 C 52 C 56 D 49 A 53 C 57 D following is correct? (a) R is U’s husband (b) R is S’s wife 2019 (c) S is unmarried 58. A solid cube is painted yellow, blue and (d) None of the above black such that opposite faces are of 55. How many different 5-letter words (with or without meaning) can be constructed The cube is then cut into 36 cubes of two using all the letters of the word ‘DELHI’ different sizes such that 32 cubes are so that each word has to start with D and small and the other four cubes are big. end with I? None of the faces of the bigger cubes is (a) 24 painted blue. How many cubes have only one face painted? (b) 18 (a) 4 (c) 12 (b) 6 (d) 6 Download Our App same colour. Delhi Secrets 99 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (c) 8 (d) 10 59. Consider the following Statements and Conclusions: Statements: 1. Some rats are cats. REASONING (c) Statement 1 is not sufficient, but statement 1 along with statement 2 is sufficient (d) Statement 3 is not sufficient, but statement 3 along with statement 2 is sufficient 61. P, Q and R are three towns. The distance between P and Q is 60 km, whereas the 2. Some cats are dogs. distance between P and R is 80 km. Q is 3. No dog is a cow. in the West of P and R is in the South of Conclusions: P. What is the distance between Q and R? I. No cow is a cat. (a) 140 km II. No dog is a rat. (b) 130 km III. Some cats are rats. (c) 110 km Which of the above conclusions is/are drawn from the statements? (d) 100 km 62. In a group of 15 people; 7 can read (a) I, II and III French, 8 can read English while 3 of (b) Only I and II them can read neither of these two (c) Only III languages. The number of people who can read exactly one language is (d) Only II and III 60. A five-storeyed building with floors from (a) 10 I to V is painted using four different (b) 9 colours and only one colour is used to (c) 5 paint a floor. (d) 4 Consider the following statements: - 63. A printer numbers the pages of a book 1. The middle three floors are painted in different colours. starting with 1 and uses 3089 digits in all. 2. The second (II) and the fourth (IV) floors are painted in different colours. (a) 1040 3. The first (I) and the fifth (V) floors are painted red. (c) 1049 To ensure that any two consecutive How many pages does the book have? (b) 1048 (d) 1050 floors have different colours (a) Only statement 2 is sufficient (b) Only statement 3 is sufficient Download Our App Delhi Secrets 100 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 64. Consider the following sequence that follows some arrangement : c_accaa_aa_bc_b REASONING (d) Both S1 and S2 are necessary to answer the question 67. If every alternative letter of the English The letters that appear in the gaps are alphabet from B onwards (including B) is (a) abba written in lower case (small letters) and the remaining letters are capitalized, (b) cbbb then how is the first month of the second (c) bbbb half of the year written? (d) cccc (a) JuLY 65. ‘A’ started from his house and walked (b) jULy 20m towards East, where his friend B (c) jUly joined him. They together walked 10 m in the same direction. Then ‘A’ turned left while friend ‘B’ turned right and travelled 68. In the sequence 1, 5, 7, 3, 5, 7, 4, 3, 5, 2m and 8m respectively. Again ‘B’ turned 7, how many such 5s are there which are left to travel 4m followed by 5m to his not immediately preceded by 3 but are right to reach his office. ‘A’ turned right immediately followed by 7? and travelled 12m to reach his office. (a) 1 What is the shortest distance between the two offices? (b) 2 (c) 3 (a) 15m (d) None (b) 17m 69. A joint family consists of seven members (c) 19m A, B, C, D, E, F and G with three females. G (d) 20m is a widow and sister in-law of D’s father 66. Consider two statements S1 and S2 Download Our App (d) jUlY F. B and D are siblings and A is daughter followed by a question: of B. C is cousin of B. Who is E? S1: p and q both are prime numbers. 1. Wife of F S2: p + q is an odd integer. 2. Grandmother of A Question: Is pq an odd integer? 3. Aunt of C Which one of the following is correct? Select the correct answer using the code (a) S1 alone is sufficient to answer the question given below: (b) S2 alone is sufficient to answer the question (b) 2 and 3 only (c) Both S1 and S2 taken together are not sufficient to answer the question (d) 1, 2 and 3 Delhi Secrets 101 (a) 1 and 2 only (c) 1 and 3 only DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 70. Each face of a cube can be painted in 2018 black or white colours. In how many different ways can the cube be painted? 72. Consider the following three dimensional figure: (a) 9 (b) 10 (c) 11 (d) 12 71. If $ means ‘divided by’; @ means ‘multiplied by’; # means ‘minus’, then the value of 10#5@1$5 is (a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 9 Answer Key How many triangles does the above 58 C 63 C 68 A 59 C 64 B 69 D 60 B 65 B 70 D 61 D 66 D 71 D 62 B 67 D figure have? (a) 18 (b) 20 (c) 22 (d) 24 73. Consider the following sum: *+1*+2*+*3+*1= 21* In the above sum, * stands for (a) 4 (b) 5 (c) 6 (d) 8 74. Rotated positions of a single solid are shown below. The various faces of the solid are marked with different symbols like dots, cross and line. Answer the three items that follow the given figures. Aditya LIET & SCOPE BATCH STUDENT (I) Download Our App Delhi Secrets 102 (II) (III) (IV) DELHI UPSC SECRETS i) C-SAT MADE EASY What is the symbol on the face opposite to that containing a single dot? 77. Directions for the following 2 items Read following information and answer the two items that follow. (a) Four dots The plan of an office block for six officers A, B, C, D, E and F is as follows: both B and C occupy officers to the right of the corridor (as one enters the office block) and A occupies on the left of the corridor. E and F occupy officers in opposite sides the corridor but their offices do not face each. The offices of C and D face each other. E does not have a corner office. F’s office is further down the corridor than A’s but on the same side. (b) Three dots (c) Two dots (d) Cross ii) What is the symbol on the face opposite to that containing two dots? (a) Single dot (b) Three dots (c) Four dots (d) Line iii) What is the symbol on the face opposite to that containing the cross? (a) Single dot REASONING i) If E sits in his offices and faces the corridor, whose office is to his left? (b) Two dot (a) A (c) Line (b) B (d) Four dots (c) C 75. If LSJXVC is the code for MUMBAI the code for DELHI is (d) D ii) (a) CCIDD Who is/ are F’s immediate neighbour/ neighbours? (b) CDKGH (a) A only (c) CCJFG (b) A and D (d) CCIFE (c) C only 76. If RAMON is written as 12345 and DINESH as 675849 then HAMAM will be (d) B and C 78. A solid cube of 3 cm side, painted on all written as its faces is cut up into small cubes of 1 (a) 92233 cm side. How many of the small cubes will have exactly two painted faces? (b) 92323 (a) 12 (c) 93322 (b) 8 (d) 93232 (c) 6 (d) 4 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 103 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 79. If pen< book and book> cap then which REASONING iii) C is Studying in one of the following is always true? (a) Science college (a) Pen > cap (b) Rajasthan (b) Pen < cap (c) Gujarat (c) Pencil = cap (d) City Q (d) Pencil > cap iv) Which one of the following statements is correct? 80. Direction for the following 6 Items: Read the information given below and (a) D is not studying in city S answer the six items that follow. (b) A is studying in Science college A B C and D are students they are (c) A is studying in Kerala studying in four different cities, viz, P Q (d) Engineering college is located in Gujarat. R and S (not necessarily in that order). They are studying in Science college, Arts college, Commerce and Engineering which are situated in four different states Which one of the following statements is correct regarding Engineering college? viz., Gujrat, Rajasthan, Assam and Kerala (a) C is studying there (not necessarily in that order) further, it (b) B is studying there college (not necessarily in that order) is given that- (c) It is located in Gujarat (a) D is studying in Assam (b) Arts college is located in city S which is in Rajasthan (c) A is studying in commerce college (d) D is studying there vi) Which one off the following statements is the correct? (a) Engineering college is located in Assam. (d) B is studying in city Q (e) Science college is located in Kerala i) v) (b) City Q is situated in Assam A is studying in (c) C is studying in Kerala (a) Rajasthan (d) B is studying in Gujarat. (b) Gujarat (c) City Q (d) Kerala ii) Science college is located in (a) City Q (b) City S (c) City R (d) City P Download Our App Delhi Secrets 104 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 81. Consider the figures given below: REASONING 83. Lakshmi, her brother, her daughter and her son are badminton players. A game of doubles is about to begin: 1. Lakshmi’s brother is directly across the net from her daughter. 2. Her son is diagonally across the net from the worst player’s sibling 3. The best player and the worst player are on the same side of the net. ? Who is the best player? (a) Her brother To fit the question mark the correct (b) Her daughter answer is (c) Her son (a) (d) Lakshmi (b) (c) (d) Answer Key 82. Consider the following figures 72 (i) (iv) (ii) (v) 73 (vi) regular directions. Following the same sequence which of the figures given below will appear at VII stage? Download Our App (c) (d) Delhi Secrets 74 B 80 77 i) C ii) A B ii) A iii) B iv) A v) D vi) A 81 A B ii) C 78 A 82 B 79 B 83 A iii) C 75 105 D i) are shown to change their position in (b) 76 (iii) In the figures I to IV above, some parts (a) B i) A DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2017 84. Four tests-Physics, REASONING (a) Q is the son of P Chemistry, (b) Q is the wife of P Mathematics and Biology are to be (c) Q is the father of P conducted on four consecutive days, (d) None of the above not necessarily in the same order. The Physics test is held before the test which is conducted after Biology. Chemistry is conducted exactly after two tests are held. Which is the last test held? 87. In a group of six women, there are four tennis in Sociology, four one postgraduates postgraduate in Commerce and three bank employees. Vimala (a) Physics players, and Kamla are the bank employees while Amala and Komala (b) Biology are unemployed. Komala and Nirmala (c) Mathematics are among the tennis players. Amala, Kamla, (d) Chemistry Komala and Nirmala are postgraduates in Sociology of whom two 85. Consider the following: are bank employees. If Shyamala is a Statement: Good voice is a natural gift postgraduate in Commerce. Who among but one has to keep practicing to improve the following is both a tennis player and and excel well in the field of music. a bank employee? Conclusions: (a) Amala I. II. Natural gifts need nurturing and care. Even though one’s voice is not good, one can keep practicing. Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statement and (b) Komala (c) Nirmala (d) Shyamala 88. Consider the given statement and the conclusions? two conclusions that follow: (a) Only conclusion I follows from the statement. Statement : Morning walk is good for (b) Only conclusion II follows from the statement, Conclusions: (c) Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows from the statement. (d) Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows from the statement. 86. Consider the following: health. 1. All healthy people go for morning walk. 2. Morning walk is essential maintaining good health. for What is / are the valid conclusions / conclusion? A+B means A is the son of B. (a) 1 only A – B means A is the wife of B. (b) 2 only What does the expression P+R – Q mean? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 106 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (c) Both 1 and 2 REASONING 91. The outer surface of a 4 cm × 4 cm × 4 cm cube is painted completely in red. It is (d) Neither 1 nor 2 sliced parallel to the faces to yield sixty- 89. Examine the following statements: four 1 cm × 1 cm x 1 cm small cubes. How 1. All colours are pleasant. many small cubes do not have painted 2. Some colours are pleasant. faces? 3. No colour is pleasant. (a) 8 4. Some colours are not pleasant. (b) 16 Given that statement 4 is true, what can (c) 24 be definitely concluded? (d) 36 (a) 1 and 2 are true 92. Consider the following: (b) 3 is true (c) 2 is false A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are standing in a row facing North. (d) 1 is false B is not neighbour of G. among members of a family of six F is to the immediate right of G and neighbour of E persons A, B, C, D, E and F: G is not at the extreme end. 1. The number of males equals that of females A is sixth to the left of E. 90. Consider the following relationships 2. A and E are sons of F H is sixth to the right of C. Which one of the following is correct in 3. D is the mother of two, one boy and one girl 4. B is the son of A 5. There is only one married couple in the family at present. Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from the above? respect of the above? (a) C is to the immediate left of A (b) D is immediate neighbour of B and F (c) G is to the immediate right of D (d) A and E are at the extreme ends 93. In a certain code, ‘256’ means ‘red colour chalk’, ‘589’ means ‘green colour flower (a) A, B and C are all females and 254’ means white colour chalk’. The (b) A is the husband of D digit in the code that indicates white’ is (c) E and F are children of D (a) 2 (d) D is the daughter of F (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 8 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 107 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING ii) Items: To which city does the Lecturer specialized in Economics belong? Consider the given information and (a) Hyderabad answer the three items that follow. (b) Mumbai A, B, C, D, E, F and G are Lecturers from different cities-Hyderabad, Delhi, Shillong, Kanpur, Chennai, Mumbai and Srinagar (not necessarily in the same order) who participated in a conference. Each one of them is specialized in a different subject, viz., Economics, Commerce, History, Sociology, Geography, Mathematics and Statistics (not necessarily in the same order). (c) Neither Hyderabad nor Mumbai 94. Directions for the following 3 (three) (d) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate iii) Who of the following belongs to Hyderabad? (a) B (b) E (c) Neither B nor E (d) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate Further. 1. Lecturer from Kanpur is specializedin Geography 95. In a school, there are five teachers A, B, C, D and E. A and B teach Hindi and 2. Lecturer D is from Shillong English. C and B teach English and 3. Lecturer C from Delhi is specializedin Sociology Geography. D and A teach Mathematics 4. Lecturer B is specialized in neither History nor Mathematics French. Who teaches maximum number 5. Lecturer A who is specialized in Economics does not belong to Hyderabad (a) A and Hindi. E and B teach History and of subjects? (b) B (c) D 6. Lecturer F who is specialized in Commerce belongs to Srinagar. 7. Lecturer G who is specialized in Statistics belongs to Chennai. i) Who is specialized in Geography? (a) B (b) D Download Our App (d) E Answer Key 84 C 88 D 92 C 85 D 89 D 93 B (c) E 86 (d) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate 87 Delhi Secrets 108 C C 90 91 B A 94 95 i) A ii) B iii) B B DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2016 REASONING 98. A person X was driving in a place where 96. A ate grapes and pineapple; B ate grapes and oranges; C ate oranges, pineapple and apple; D ate grapes, apple and pineapple. After taking fruits, B and C fell sick. In the light of the above facts, it can be said that the cause of sickness was : all roads ran either north-south or eastwest, forming a grid. Roads are at a distance of 1 km from each other in a parallel. He started at the intersection of two roads, drove 3 km north, 3. km west and 4 km south. Which further route could bring him back to his starting point, (a) Apple if the same route is not repeated ? (b) Pineapple (a) 3 km east, then 2 km south (c) Grapes (b) 3 km east, then 1 km north (d) Oranges (c) 1 km north, then 2 km west (d) 3 km south, then 1 km north 97. Consider the following statements : 1. The rate of population growth is increasing in the country 99. There were 50 faculty members comprising 30 males and the rest 2. The death rate is declining faster in the country compared to birth rate females. No male faculty member knew 3. The birth rate is declining faster in the country compared to death rate members did. The Head of the institution 4. Rural-urban migration is taking place regularly in the country party by draw of lots. At the party it was Which one of the following conclusions may be true in the light of the above facts? (a) The rate of population growth is increasing due to rural-urban migration (b) The rate of population growth is increasing due to decline in death rate only (c) The rate of population growth is increasing due to increase in birth rate only (d) The rate of population growth is increasing due to faster decline in death rate than in birth rate 3. music, but many of the female faculty invited six faculty members to a tea discovered that no member knew music. The conclusion is that: (a) The party comprised male faculty members only (b) The party comprised only those female faculty members who could not give renderings in music (c) The party comprised both male and female faculty members (d) Nothing can be said about the gender composition of the party 100. Five people A, B, C, D and E are seated about a round table. Every chair is spaced equidistant from adjacent chairs. (i) C is seated next to A (ii) A is seated two seats from D (iii) B is not seated next to A Download Our App Delhi Secrets 109 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY On the basis of above information, which (c) 3 and 4 of the following must be true ? (d) 4 and 3 1. D is seated next to B 103. Directions for the following 5 (five) items: 2. E is seated next to A Consider the following information and 3. D and C are separated by two seats answer the five items that follow : Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 3 only (d) Neither 1 nor 2 nor 3 101. There college are five hobby …photography, clubs in a yachting, chess, electronics and gardening. The There are five persons in a group — P, Q, R, S and T. The group has one doctor, one lawyer and one artist. P and S are unmarried students. T is a man married to one of the group members. Q is the brother of P and is neither doctor nor artist. R is not doctor. i) Who is the doctor ? (a) T gardening group meets every second (b) P day, the electronics group meets every (c) Q third day, the chess group meets every (d) R fourth day, the yachting group meets every fifth day and the photography ii) Who is the artist ? group meets every sixth day. How many (a) P times do all the five groups meet on the (b) Q same day within 180 days ? (c) R (a) 5 (d) T (b) 18 iii) Who is the spouse of R ? (c) 10 (a) P (d) 3 (b) T 102. There are some nectar-filled flowers on a tree and some bees are hovering on it. If one bee lands on each flower, one bee (c) Q (d) S will be left out. If two bees land on each iv) Who is the lawyer ? flower, one flower will be left out. The (a) P number of flowers and bees respectively (b) Q are : (c) R (a) 2 and 4 (d) S (b) 3 and 2 Download Our App REASONING Delhi Secrets 110 DELHI UPSC SECRETS v) C-SAT MADE EASY Who of the following is definitely a man? (a) P REASONING (a) A is older than B (b) B and D are of the same age (c) D is older than C (b) S (d) A is older than C (c) Q 106. Direction for the following 3 (three) (d) None of the above items:Consider the given information 104. Four friends A,B,C and D need to cross a and answer the three items that follow. Six boxes A, B, C, D, E and F have been painted with six different colours viz., violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow and orange and arranged from left to right (not necessarily either kept or painted with the colours in the same order). Each box contains a ball of any one of the following six games: cricket, hockey, tennis, golf, football and volleyball (not necessarily in the same order). The golf ball is in violet box and is not in the box D. The box A which contains tennis ball is orange in colour and is at the extreme right. The hockey ball is neither in box D nor in box E. The box C having cricket ball is painted green. The hockey ball is neither in the box painted blue nor in the box painted yellow. The box C is fifth from right and next to box B. The box B contains volleyball. The box containing the hockey ball is between the boxes containing golf ball and volleyball. bridge. A maximum of two persons can cross it at a time. It is night and they just have one lamp. Persons that cross the bridge must carry the lamp to find the way. A pair must walk together at the speed of slower person. After crossing the bridge, the person having faster speed in the pair will return with the lamp each time to accompany another person in the group. Finally, the lamp has to be returned at the original place and the person who returns the lamp has to cross the bridge without lamp. The time taken by them is as follows: A: 1 minute, B: 2 minutes, C: 7 minutes and D:10 minutes. What is the total minimum time required by all the friends to cross the bridge? (a) 23 minutes (b) 22 minutes (c) 21 minutes (d) 20 minutes i) 105. Consider the following statements : 1. Either A and B are of the same age or A is older than B Which one of the following boxes contains the golf ball ? (a) F 2. Either C and D are of the same age or D is older than C (b) E 3. B is older than C (d) None of the above (c) D Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements ? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 111 DELHI UPSC SECRETS ii) C-SAT MADE EASY Which of the following statements is/ are correct? REASONING 109. A person climbs a hill in a straight path from point ‘O’ on the ground in the direction of north-east and reaches a (a) D is painted yellow point ‘A’ after travelling a distance of 5 (b) F is painted indigo km. Then, from the point ‘A’ he moves to (c) B is painted blue point ‘B’ in the direction of north-west. (d) All of the above Let the distance AB be 12 km. Now, how iii) The football is in the box of which colour? far is the person away from the starting point ‘O’? (a) Yellow (a) 7 km (b) Indigo (b) 13 km (c) Cannot be determined as data are inadequate (c) 17 km (d) Blue (d) 11 km 110. A person is standing on the first step 107. A piece of tin is in the form of a rectangle from the bottom of a ladder. If he has to having length 12 cm and width 8 cm. This climb 4 more steps to reach exactly the is used to construct a closed cube. The middle step, how many steps does the side of the cube is : ladder have ? (a) 2 cm (a) 8 (b) 3 cm (b) 9 (c) 4 cm (c) 10 (d) 6 cm (d) 11 108. In a question paper there are five 111. Direction for the following 3 (three) questions to be attempted and answer items: Consider the given information to each question has two choices – True and answer the three items that follow. (T) or False (F). It is given that no two candidates have given the answer to the five questions in an identical sequence. For this to happen the maximum number of candidates is : When three friends A, B and C met, it was found that each of them wore an outer garment of a different colour. In random order, the garments are: jacket, sweater and tie; and the colours are: blue, white (a) 10 and black. Their surnames in random (b) 18 order are: Ribeiro, Kumar and Singh. (c) 26 Further, we know that : (d) 32 1. Neither B nor Ribeiro wore a white sweater 2. C wore a tie Download Our App Delhi Secrets 112 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 3. Singh’s garment was not white 113. A cube has all its faces painted with 4. Kumar does not wear a jacket different colours. It is cut into smaller 5. Ribeiro does not like to wear the black colour the small cube is one-fourth the big cube. 6. Each of the friends wore only one outer garment of only one colour i) What is C’s surname ? cubes of equal sizes such that the side of The number of small cubes with only one of the sides painted is : (a) 32 (b) 24 (a) Ribeiro (c) 16 (b) Kumar (d) 8 (c) Singh 114. A military code writes SYSTEM as (d) Cannot be determined SYSMET and NEARER as AENRER. ii) What is the colour of the tie? Using the same code, FRACTION can be (a) Black written as: (b) Blue (a) CARFTION (c) White (b) FRACNOIT (d) Cannot be determined (c) NOITCARF iii) Who wore the sweater ? (d) CARFNOIT 115. If R and S are different integers both (a) A divisible by 5, then which of the following (b) B is not necessarily true ? (c) C (a) R – S is divisible by 5 (d) Cannot be determined 112. A person walks 12 km due north, then 15 km due east, after that 19 km due west and then 15 km due south. How far is he from the starting point ? (b) R + S is divisible by 10 (c) R × S is divisible by 25 (d) R2 + S2 is divisible by 5 116. How many numbers are there between 100 and 300 which either begin or end (a) 5 km with 2 ? (b) 9 km (a) 110 (c) 37 km (b) 111 (d) 61 km (c) 112 (d) None of these Download Our App Delhi Secrets 113 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY Monthly consumption (in.L) Answer Key 96 D 97 D 103 i) A ii) C iii) B REASONING 60,48,40,32 If the price goes up to Rs. 80 per litre, his expected consumption (in litres) will be : 110 B (a) 30 iv) B (b) 28 v) (c) 26 104 C A i) A 111 ii) B (d) 24 119. Consider the following given below : iii) A 98 B 105 D i) 99 A 106 112 A 113 B ? B ii) B To fit the question mark, the correct answer is : iii) C 100 B 107 C 114 D 101 D 108 D 115 B 102 C 109 B 116 A (a) (b) 2015 (c) 117. Twelve people form a club. By picking (d) lots, one of them will host a dinner for all once in a month. The number of dinners a particular member has to host in one 120. Consider the following matrix : 3 6 year is (a) One 8 10 56 90 ? 20 1 0 What is the missing number at ‘?’ in the (b) Zero matrix ? (c) Three (a) 5 (d) cannot be predicted his (b) 0 monthly petrol consumption when the (c) 7 prices went up. The price consumption (d) 3 118. An 2 2 automobile owner reduced relationship is as follows: Price (in Rs. Per litre) 40,50,60,75 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 114 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 121. What is the missing number ‘X’ of the REASONING 124. Four persons A, B, C and D consisting series 7, X, 21, 31, 43? of two married couples are in a group. (a) 11 Both the women are shorter than their respective husbands. A is the tallest (b) 12 among the four. C is taller than B. D is B’s (c) 13 brother. In this context, which one of the (d) 14 122. Four following statements is not correct? cardboard pieces of specific shapes are shown in the following figure: (a) All four have family ties. (b) B is the shortest among the four. (c) C is taller than D (d) A is B’s husband. 125. Consider the following statements : Which one of the following figures given can be formed by joining these pieces together? 2. The daughters were invited to a feast and the male members of the family went out to take part in a picnic. (a) 3. The man’s father did not return from his work. (b) Which of the following statements is true? (a) Only the man’s wife was left at home. (c) (b) It is likely that the man’s wife was left at home. (d) (c) None was left at home. 123. In a test, a candidate attempted only 8 questions and secured 50% marks in each of the questions. If he obtained a total of 40% in the test and all questions (d) More than one person was left at home. 126. Geeta : Naresh has become a better boxer since he started meditation. in the test carried equal marks, how Radha : Impossible. A boxer’s most many questions were there in the test ? important asset is his aggressiveness. (a) 8 Radha’s statement reflects her belief that (b) 10 (a) meditation tends to make a person less aggressive. (c) 15 (d) 16 Download Our App 1. A man had a wife, two sons and two daughters in his family. Delhi Secrets 115 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (b) meditation has little or no effect on the person who practises it. (c) C has more than what A and D have together (c) Naresh was a poor boxer earlier because he was not aggressive enough. (d) B is richer than D (d) Naresh would not have taken to meditation as he was a boxer. 127. All good athletes want to win and all 130. Examine the following statements: 1. Lady’s finger is tastier than cabbage. 2. Cauliflower is tastier than lady’s finger. athletes who want to win eat a well 3. Cabbage is not tastier than peas. balanced diet therefore all athletes who The conclusion that can be drawn from do not eat a well-balanced diet are bad these statements is that athletes. The best conclusion from this statements is that (a) no bad athlete wants to win (b) no athlete who does not eat a well balanced diet is a good athlete (a) peas are as tasty as lady’s finger. (b) peas are as tasty as cauliflower and lady’s finger. (c) cabbage is the least tasty of the four vegetables. (d) cauliflower is tastier than cabbage. (c) every athlete who eats a well – balanced diet is a good athlete 131. Shahid and Rohit start from the same (d) all athlete who want to win are good athletes 1 km, Shahid always turns left and Rohit 128. If A runs less fast than B, and B runs as fast but not faster than C; then, as compared to A, C runs (a) slower than A point in opposite directions. After each always turns right. Which of the following statements is correct? (a) After both have travelled 2 km, the distance between them is 4 km. (b) They meet after each has travelled 3 km. (b) faster than A (c) with same speed as A (d) Given data is not sufficient to determine 129. Each of A, B, C and D has Rs. 100. A pays (c) They meet for the first time after each has travelled 4 km (d) They go on without ever meeting again. Rs. 20 to B, who pays Rs. 10 to C, who 132. Each of the six different faces of a gets Rs. 30 from D. In this context, which cube has been coated with a different one of the following statements is not colour i.e., V, I, B, G, Y and O. Following correct? information is given : (a) C is the richest 1. Colours Y, O and B are on adjacent faces. (b) D is the poorest Download Our App REASONING Delhi Secrets 116 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 2. Colours I, G and Y are on adjacent faces. 135. Usha runs faster than Kamala, Priti runs 3. Colours B, G and Y are on adjacent faces. than Kamala. Who is the slowest runner ? 4. Colours O, V and B are on adjacent faces. (b) Priti Which is the colour of the face opposite (d) Usha to the face coloured with O ? slower than Swati, Swati runs slower (a) Kamala (c) Swati 136. Directions for the following 2 (two) items: (a) B Read the following passage and answer (b) V the 2 (two) items that follow : (c) G A, B, C, D, E and F are cousins. No two (d) I cousins are of the same age, but all 133. Consider the following statements have birthdays on the same day of the followed by two conclusions : same month. The youngest is 17 years Statements old and the oldest E is 22 years old. F is Some men are great. somewhere between B and D in age. A is Some men are wise. Conclusion 1 Men are either great or wise. Conclusion II older than B. C is older than D. A is one year older than C. i) Which one of the following is possible? Some men are neither (a) D is 20 years old great nor wise. (b) F is 18 years old Which one of the following is correct? (c) F is 19 years old (a) Only conclusion I is valid (d) F is 20 years old (b) Only conclusion II is valid ii) What is the number of logically (c) Both the conclusions are valid possible orders of all six cousins in terms (d) Neither of the conclusions is valid of increasing age ? 134. If ABC × DEED = ABCABC where A, B, C, (a) 1 D and E are different digits, what are the (b) 2 values of D and E? (c) 3 (a) D = 2, E = 0 (d) 4 (b) D = 0, E = 1 (c) D = 1, E = 0 (d) D = 1, E = 2 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 117 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 137. Two men, Anil and David, and two women, Shabnam and Rekha are in a sales group. Only two speak Tamil. The other two REASONING (a) B, C and F are cowards. (b) A, E and F are fighters. speak Marathi. Only one man and one (c) B and E are in the same category. woman can drive a car. Shabnam speaks (d) A and F are in different categories. Marathi. Anil speaks Tamil. Both Rekha 140. Candidates in a competitive examination and David can drive. consisted of 60% men and 40% women. Which of the following statements is 70% men and 75% women cleared the true? qualifying test and entered the final test (a) Both the Tamil speakers can drive a car. where 80% men and 70% women were (b) Both the Marathi speakers can drive a car. Which of the following statements is (c) Both of those who can drive a car speak Marathi. (a) Success rate is higher for women (d) One of those who can drive a car speaks Tamil. (c) More men cleared the examination than women. 138. In a plane, line X is perpendicular to line Y and parallel to line Z; line U is successful. correct? (b) Overall success rate is below 50% (d) Both (a) and (b) above are correct. perpendicular to both lines V and W; line X is perpendicular to line V. Which one of the following statements is correct ? Answer Key (a) Z, U and W are parallel 117 D 125 B 133 D 118 A 126 A 134 C 119 A 127 B 135 B 120 A 128 B 136 121 A 129 C 137 D 122 D 130 C 138 D are enemies, C and D are friends, E and F 123 B 131 B 139 B are indifferent to each other, A and E are 124 C 132 C 140 C (b) X, V and Y are parallel (c) Z, V and U are all perpendicular to W (d) Y, V and W are parallel 139. A society consists of only two types of people - fighters and cowards. Two cowards are always friends. A fighter and a coward are always enemies. Fighters are indifferent to one another. If A and B i) B ii) B not enemies, while B and F are enemies. Which of the following statements is correct? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 118 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2014 REASONING 144. Consider the following statements: There 141. A group of 630 children is seated in rows for a group photo session. Each row are six villages A, B, C, D, E and F. F is 1 km to the West of D contains three less children than the row B is 1 km to the East of E in front of it. Which one of the following A is 2 km to the North of E number of rows is not possible? C is 1 km to the East of A. (a) 3 D is 1 km to the South of A. (b) 4 Which three villages are in the line ? (c) 5 (a) A, C, B (d) 6 (b) A, D, E 142. There are seven persons up on a ladder (c) C, B, F A, B, C, D, E, F and G (not in that order). A (d) E, B, D is further up than E but is lower than C,B is in the middle. G is between A and B. E is between B and F. If F is between E and D, the person on the bottom step of the ladder will be occupying the seat next to B but not next to C. If C is not sitting next to D, who is/ are occupying seat/seats adjacent to D ? (a) B (a) B (b) A (b) F (c) B and A (c) D (d) Impossible to tell (d) C 146. Six books are labeled A,B,C,D,E and F 143. Consider that : and are placed side by side. Books B,C,E, 1. A is taller than B and F have green covers while others 2. C is taller than A have yellow covers. Books A,B and D 3. D is taller than C are new while the rest are old volumes. 4. E is the tallest of all Books A,B and C are law reports while If they are made to sit in the above order of their height, who will occupy the mid position? the rest are medical extracts. Which two books are old medical extracts and have green covers? (a) B and C (a) A (b) E and F (b) B (c) C and E (c) C (d) C and F (d) D Download Our App 145. Four children are sitting in a row. A is Delhi Secrets 119 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 147. A straight line segment is 36 cm long. REASONING 149. Consider the following matrix : Points are to be marked on the line from both the end points. From each end, the first point is at a distance of 1 cm from the end, the second point is at a distance of 2cm from the first point and the third point is at a distance of 3cm from the on the ends are not counted and the is the number of points ? ↑↓ ↓↑ ↑→ ↑← ↓→ ↑↓ second point and so on. If the points common points are counted as one, what ↑↑ ↓↓ Which one of the following figures fits into the blank part of the above matrix? (a) 10 (a) (b) 12 (c) 14 (b) (d) 16 148. Examine the following figure : (c) (d) ↑→ ↑↑ ↑↓ ↓↑ Which one of the following figures has 150. Consider the table given below in which the above figure embedded in it ? the numbers bear certain relationship (a) among themselves along rows : 29 33 30 (b) (c) 13 X 27 18 19 3 Which one of the following numbers is the missing number indicated above by X? (d) (a) 19 (b) 15 (c) 14 (d) 8 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 120 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 151. Consider the following matrix with one REASONING 153. Consider the following figures : empty block in the lower extreme corner: ? Change in positions of beads in the four figures above follows a sequence. Following the same sequence, which of the figures below should appear as the fifth figure above ? Which of the following figures could fit in the empty block and thus complete the matrix ? (a) (a) (b) (b) (c) (c) (d) 154. “Price is not the same thing as value. (d) Suppose that on a day the price of everything viz., coal, bread, postage 152. With reference to the figure given below, stamps, a day’s labour, the rent of the number of different routes from S to houses, etc. were to double. Prices then T without retracting from U and /or V, is would certainly rise, but values of all things except one would not.” The writer wants to say that if prices of S U Download Our App V (a) 3 (b) 6 (c) 9 (d) 18 Delhi Secrets all things were doubled T (a) The values of all things would remain constant. (b) The values of the things sold would be doubled. 121 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING (c) The values of the things bought would be halved. 157. In a group of six women there are (d) The value of money only would be halved. one actress and three violinists. Girija 155. A and B decide to travel from place X to place Y by bus. A has Rs. 10 with him and he finds that it is 80 % of the bus fare for two persons. B finds that he has Rs. 3 with him and hands it over to A. In this context, which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Now the money A has is just enough to buy two tickets. (b) A still needs Rs. 2 for buying the tickets. (c) After buying the two tickets A will be left with 50 paise. four dancers, four vocal musicians, and Vanaja are among the violinists while Jalaja and Shailaja do not know how to play on the violin. Shailaja and Tanuja are among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shailaja and Tanuja are all vocal musicians and two of them are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who among the following is certainly a dancer and a violinist? (a) Jalaja (b) Pooja (c) Shailaja (d) Tanuja 158. The letters L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T (d) The money A now has is still not sufficient to buy two tickets. in their order are substituted by nine 156. A question paper must have a question on assigned to P. The difference between P one of the eight poets: A, B, C, D, E, F, G and T is 5. The difference between N and or H. The first four belong to the medieval T is 3. What is the integer assigned to N ? period while the rest are considered (a) 7 (b) 5 modern poets. Generally, modern poets (c) 4 (d) 6 figure in the question paper in alternate years. Generally, those who like H like G also; and those who like F like E also. The paper setter does not like to ask about F as he has written a book on F, but he integers 1 to 9 but not in that order 4 is 159. The number of deaths among the army personnel is 8 in 1000, but among the civilian population it is 20 per 1000. Which one of the following inferences likes F. Last year, the paper contained can be drawn from this statement? a question on A. On the basis of the (a) It is better to join the army. information given, this year’s paper is (b) The relationship is fortuitous. most likely to contain a question on (c) Quality of Life Index is very high within the armed forces. (a) C (b) E (d) The groups cannot be compared due to their heterogeneity. (c) F (d) H Download Our App Delhi Secrets 122 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY cause of more accidents than cars, 5. On Tuesday, he attends his Sports classes. and If he attends just one subject in a day and 160. Given the statement: “Buses are the trucks cause fewer accidents than buses”, which of the following conclusions can we draw ? (a) There are more buses on the road than trucks. (b) Car drivers are more careful than bus drivers. (c) Truck drivers are more skilled than either car or bus drivers. his Sunday is free, then he is also free on (a) Monday (b) Thursday (c) Saturday (d) Friday 163. In a row ‘A’ is in the 11th position from the left and ‘B’ is in the 10th position from the right. If ‘A’ and ‘B’ interchange, then (d) None of the above 161. Four persons, Alok, Bhupesh, Chander and Dinesh have a total of Rs. 100 among themselves. Alok and Bhupesh between ‘A’ becomes 18h from the left. How many persons are there in the row other than ‘A’ and ‘B’? them have as much money as Chander (a) 27 and Dinesh between them, but Alok has (b) 26 more money than Bhupesh and Chander (c) 25 has only half the money that Dinesh has. Alok has in fact Rs. 5 more than Dinesh has. Who has maximum amount of (d) 24 164. Location of B is north of A and location money? of C is east of A. The distances AB and (a) Alok AC are 5 km and 12 km respectively. The shortest distance (in km) between the (b) Bhupesh locations B and C is (c) Chander (a) 60 (b) 13 (d) Dinesh (c) 17 (d) 7 162. Examine the following statements : Download Our App REASONING 165. Directions for the following 3 (three) 1. George attends Music classes on Monday. items : Read the passage given below 2. Heattends Mathematics classes on Wednesday. C, D, E, F are members of a family. They 3. His Literature classes are not on Friday. draughtsman, lawyer and judge (not in 4. He attends History classes on the day following the day of his Mathematics classes. lady stenographer. The judge is married Delhi Secrets 123 and answer the items that follow. A, B, are engineer, stenographer, doctor, order). A, the engineer is married to the to the lawyer. F, the draughtsman is the son of B and brother of E. C, the lawyer is the daughter-in-law of D. E is the DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 2013 unmarried doctor, D is the grandmother of F. There are two married couples in the family. 166. Four friends A, B, C & D distribute some money among themselves in such a i) What is the profession of B ? manner that A gets one less than B, C (a) Judge gets 5 more than D, D gets 3 more than B. (b) Lawyer Who gets the smallest amount? (c) Draughtsman (a) A (d) Cannot be determined (b) B ii) Which of the following is/are a couple (c) C / couples? (d) D (a) AD only 167. Directions for the following 4 (four) (b) BC only items: Read the following statements and answer the four items that follow : (c) Both AD and BC Five cities P, Q, R, S and T are connected by different modes of transport as follows: (d) Both AC and BD iii) What is the profession of D ? (a) Judge P & Q are connected by boat as well as rail. (b) Stenographer S and R are connected by bus and boat. (c) Doctor (d) Cannot be determined Q and T are connected by air only. P and R are connected by boat only. Answer Key T and R are connected by rail and bus. 141 D 150 D 159 D 142 C 151 A 160 D 143 C 152 D 161 A 144 B 153 B 162 D Which mode of transport would help one to reach R starting from Q, but without changing the mode of transport ? 145 B 154 D 163 C (a) Boat 146 B 155 C 164 B (b) Rail 147 B 156 B 148 C 157 D 149 B 158 D Download Our App 165 Delhi Secrets i) i) A (c) Bus ii) C (d) Air iii) B ii) 124 If a person visits each of the places starting from P and gets back to P, which of the following places must be visit twice ? DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING (a) Q (b) A, C, X and Y (b) R (c) A, C, Y and Z (c) S (d) A, W, Y and Z ii) (d) T iii) Which one of the following pairs of cities is connected by any of the routes directly without going to any other city ? (a) P and T If B is selected and Y is rejected, the team will consist of which one of the following groups ? (a) A, B, C and W (b) A, B, C and Z (c) A, B, C and X (b) T and S (d) A, W, Y and Z (c) Q and R (d) None of these iv) Between which two cities among the pairs of cities given below are there maximum travel options available ? (a) Q and S iii) If all the three males are selected, then how many combinations of four member teams are possible? (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (b) P and R (d) 4 (c) P and T 169. The music director of a film wants to (d) Q and R select four persons to work on different 168. Directions for the following 3 (three) aspects of the composition of a piece of items: music. Seven persons are available for Read the following passage and answer this work; they are Rohit, Tanya, Shobha, the three items that follow : Kaushal, Kunal, Mukesh and Jaswant. A tennis coach is trying to put together a Rohit and Tanya will not work together. team of four players for the forthcoming Kunal and Shobha will not work together. tournament. For this 7 players are Mukesh and Kunal want to work together. available : Males A,B and C and Females Which of the following is the most W, X, Y and Z. All players have equal acceptable group of people that can be capability and at least 2 males will be selected by the music director ? there in the team. For a team of four, all players must be able to play with each (a) Rohit, Shobha, Kunal and Kaushal other. But, B cannot play with W, C cannot (b) Tanya, Kaushal, Shobha and Rohit play with Z and W cannot play with Y. (c) Tanya, Mukesh, Kunal and Jaswant i) (d) Shobha, Tanya, Rohit and Mukesh If Y is selected and B is rejected, the team will consist of which one of the following groups ? (a) A, C, W and Y Download Our App Delhi Secrets 125 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 170. Five people A, B, C, D and E are seated (c) B about a round table. Every chair is (d) A spaced equidistant from adjacent chairs. (i) C is seated next to A. (a) Basketball (ii) A is seated two seats from D. (b) Hockey (iii) B is not seated next to A. (c) Cricket Which of the following must be true ? I. (d) Football D is seated next to B. 172. Geeta is older than her cousin Meena. II. E is seated next to A. Meena’s brother Bipin is older than Select the correct answer from the codes Geeta. When Meena & Bipin visit Geeta, given below : they like to play chess. Meena wins the game more often than Geetha. (a) I only Based on the above information, four (b) II only conclusions, as given below, have been (c) Both I and II made. Which one of these logically (d) Neither I nor II follows from the information given above? 171. Directions for the following 3 (three) items : Examine carefully the following statements and answer the three items that follow : i) (c) Geeta hates to lose the game. cities P, Q, R, and T (not necessarily in that order). Each one of them comes from a different city. Further it is given that : Who does not Play hockey? 1. B and C do not belong to Q 2. B and E do not belong to P and R (b) C 3. A and C do not belong to R, S and T (c) B 4. D and E do not belong to Q and T (d) A Who plays football, basketball and hockey ? (a) D Which one of the following statements is not correct ? (a) C belongs to P (b) D belongs to R (b) C Delhi Secrets (b) Geeta is the oldest among the three. 173. A, B, C, D and E belong to five different (a) D ii) (a) While playing chess with Geeta, and Meena, Bipin often loses. (d) Meena is the youngest of the three. Out of four friends A, B, C and D, A and B play football and cricket, B and C play cricket and hockey, A and D play basketball and football, C and D play hockey and basketball. Download Our App iii) Which game of B, C and D play ? 126 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY (c) A belongs to Q REASONING 177. Consider the following figures 1, 2, 3 and 4: (d) B belongs to S 174. Seven men, A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing in a queue in that order. Each one is wearing a cap of a different colour like violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. D is able to see in front of him green and blue, but not violet. E can see violet and yellow, but not red. G can see caps of all colours other than orange. If E is wearing an indigo coloured 1 2 3 4 In the figures from 1 to 4 above, two symbols are shown to change their position in a regular direction. Following the same sequence, which one of the following will appear at the fifth stage? cap then the colour of the cap worn by F is (a) (a) Blue (b) Violet (c) Red (d) Orange (b) 175. There are some balls of red, green and yellow colour lying on a table. There are as many red balls as there are yellow balls. There are twice as many yellow (c) balls as there are green ones. The number of red balls (a) is equal to the sum of yellow and green balls. (b) is double the number of green balls. (c) is equal to yellow balls minus green balls. 178. Directions for the following 2 (two) items: In each item, there are two sets of figures, first four figures named problem figures (d) cannot be ascertained. 176. In a class of 45 students, a boy is ranked 20th. When two boys joined, his rank was dropped by one. What is his new rank from the end? Download Our App (d) and next four figures named answer figures indicated as (a),(b),(c) and (d). The problem figures follow a particular sequence. In accordance with the same which one of the four answer figures (a) 25th (b) 26th (c) 27th (d) 28th Delhi Secrets should appear as the fifth figure ? 127 DELHI UPSC SECRETS i) C-SAT MADE EASY Problem figures : REASONING 180. Consider the following diagrams: x men, working at constant speed, do a certain job in y days. Which one of these diagrams shows the relation between x and y? Days Answer figures : y Days y Days 179. Problem figures : 0 Men X diagram II y Men X diagram I y Days 0 0 Men X diagram III 0 Men X diagram IV (a) diagram I Answer figures : (b) diagram II (a) (c) diagram III (d) diagram IV 181. Examine the following three figures in (b) which the numbers follow a specific pattern : 84 14 (c) 12 81 18 88 ? 9 11 The missing number (?) in the third figure above is : (d) (a) 7 (b) 16 (c) 21 (d) 28 182. A cube has six numbers marked 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 on its faces. Three views of the cube are shown below : 1 6 Download Our App Delhi Secrets 128 3 4 1 3 2 5 6 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING What possible numbers can exist on the two faces marked (A) and (B) respectively on the cube ? Answer Key 166 i) A B A 4 167 ii) B iii) D iv) A (c) 1 and 4 (d) 3 and 1 i) 168 D 178 B 173 D 179 B 174 C 180 D A (a) 2 and 3 (b) 6 and 1 183. Consider the following figures : 172 B ii) C iii) B (1) (2) (3) (4) (6) C 175 B 181 D 170 C 176 C 182 B 177 B 183 D i) ? (5) 169 171 D ii) A iii) B (7) Which one of the following figures 2012 would logically come in the 7th position indicated above by a question mark ? 184. Directions for the following 5 (five) items: Examine the information given in the following paragraph and Solution: the items that follow: (a) Guest lectures on five subjects viz., Economics, History, Statistics, English and Mathematics have to be arranged (b) in a week from Monday to Friday. Only one lecture can be arranged on each day. Economics cannot be scheduled on Tuesday. Guest faculty for History is (c) available only on Tuesday. Mathematics lecture has to be schedules immediately after the day of Economics lecture. English lecture has to be scheduled (d) immediately before the day of Economics lecture. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 129 DELHI UPSC SECRETS i) C-SAT MADE EASY Which lecture is scheduled on Monday? (b) Economics is equally friendly to all, and has to go up as frequently as go down. The engineer has to go up to meet his MLA friend above (d) Statistics whose flat lives the professor’s friend. Which lecture is scheduled between Statistics and English? From the ground floor to the top floor, in (a) Economics (a) Engineer, Professor, Doctor, IAS officer, MLA what order do the five professionals live? (b) Professor, Engineer, Doctor, IAS officer, MLA (c) Mathematics (d) No lecture iii) Which lecture is the last one in the week? (c) IAS officer, Engineer, Doctor, Professor, MLA (d) Professor, Engineer, Doctor, MLA, IAS officer (a) History (b) English 186. Examine the following statements: (c) Mathematics 1. I watch TV only if I am bored (d) Economics iv) Which lecture is located scheduled on Wednesday? 2. I am never bored when I have my brother’s company. 3. Whenever I go to the theatre I take my brother along. (a) Statistics (b) Economics Which one of the following conclusions (c) English is valid in the context of the above (d) History statements? Which lecture is scheduled before the Mathematics lecture? (a) If I am bored I watch TV (a) Economics (b) History Download Our App professionals. The professor has to go up to meet his IAS officer friend. The doctor (b) History v) 185. In five flats, one above the other, live five (a) History (c) Mathematics ii) REASONING (b) If I am bored, I seek my brother’s company. (c) Statistics (c) If I am not with my brother, than i’ll watch TV. (d) English (d) If I am not bored I do not watch TV. Delhi Secrets 130 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 187. Only six roads A, B, C, P, Q and R connect a military camp to the rest of the country. Only one out of A, P, and R are open at any one time. If B is closed so is Q. Only one of A & B is open during storms. P is closed during floods. In the context, which one of the following statements is correct? (a) Under normal conditions only three roads are open. REASONING 189. Four political parties W, X, Y and Z decided to set up a joint candidate for the coming parliamentary elections. The formula agreed by them was the acceptance of a candidate of the most of the parties. For aspiring candidates A, B, C and D approached the parties for their ticket. A was acceptable to W but not Z B was acceptable to Y but not X (b) During storms at least one road is open. C was acceptable to W and Y (c) During floods only three roads are open When candidate B was preferred by W (d) During calamities all roads are closed and Z and candidate A was acceptable D was acceptable to W and X and Z, candidate C was preferred by X to X but not Y: Who got the ticket? 188. Examine the following statements: 1. None but students are the members of the club. (a) A 2. Some members of the club are married. (c) C 3. All married persons are invited for dance. Which one of the conclusions can be drawn from the above statements? (b) B (d) D 190. Consider the following statements: 1. All X-brand cars parked here are white. 2. Some of them have radial tyres (a) All students are invited for dance (b) All married students are invited for dance 3. All X-brand cars manufactured after 1986 have radial tyres are parked here. (c) All members of the club are married person 4. All cars are not X-brand. (d) None of the above conclusions can be drawn can be drawn from the above statements? Which one of the following conclusions (a) Only white cars are parked here. (b) Some white X-brand cars with radial tyres are parked here. (c) Cars other than X-brand cannot have radial tyres. (d) Most of the X-brand cars are manufactured before 1986. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 131 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 191. Consider the following statements: REASONING 193. Six squares are coloured, front and The Third World War, if it ever starts will end very quickly with possible end of civilization. It is only the misuse of nuclear power which will trigger it. back, red(R), blue(B), yellow (Y), green Based on the above statement which one of the following inferences is correct? what would be the face opposite to white (G), white (W), orange (O) and are hinged together as shown in the figure given below. If they were folded to form a cube face? (a) R (a) Nuclear power will be used in Third World War. (b) G (b) There will be no civilization left after the third world war. (d) O (c) The growth of nuclear power will destroy civilization in the long run. (c) B 194. Three views of a cube following a particular motion are given below: (d) The third world war will not take place. 192. Figures given below are changing with certain rules as we observe them from K A left to right: H B M B K P H What is letter opposite to A? (a) H (b) P According to this rule which of the following would be the next figure if the changes were made in the same rule? (a) (c) B (d) M 195. (b) ? (c) (d) Which one of the figures shown below occupies the blank space(?) in the matrix given below? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 132 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING 198. Examine the following statements: (a) (b) (c) 1. Only those who have a pair of binoculars can become the member of the birdwatcher’s club. 2. Some members of the birdwatcher’s club have cameras. (d) 3. Those members who have cameras can take part in photo-contests. 196. Consider the following statements: 1. All artists are whimsical. Which of the following conclusions can 2. Some artists are drug addicts. be drawn from the above statements? 3. Frustrated people are prone to become drug addicts. (a) All those who have a pair of binoculars are members of the birdwatcher’s club. From the above three statements it may be concluded that: (a) Artists are frustrated (b) Some drug addicts are whimsical (c) All frustrated people are drug addicts. (d) Whimsical people are generally frustrated 197. Examine the following statements: 1. (b) All members of the birdwatcher’s club have a pair of binoculars. (c) All those who take part in photocontests are members of the birdwatcher’s club. (d) No conclusion can be drawn. 199. During the summer vacation Ankit went to a summer camp where he took part in hiking, swimming and boating. This Either A & B are of same age or A is older than B summer, he is looking forward to a music camp where he hopes to sing, dance and 2. Either C & D are of same age or D is older than C learn to play the guitar. 3. B is older than C conclusions as given below, have been Which of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements? Based on the above information four made. Which one of these logically follows from the information given above? (a) Ankit’s parents want him to play guitar. (a) A is older than B (b) B and D are of the same age (b) Ankit prefers activities. (c) D is older than C (d) A is older than C music to outdoor (c) Ankit goes to some type of camp every summer. (d) Ankit likes to sing and dance Download Our App Delhi Secrets 133 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 200. Three persons A, B & C wear shirts of REASONING 202. Gita is prettier than Sita but not as pretty Black, Blue and Orange colours (not as Rita. Then, necessarily in the order) and pants of (a) Sita is not as pretty as Gita green, yellow and orange (not necessarily in that order). No person wore shirt and (b) Sita is prettier than Rita pant of the same colour. Further, it is (c) Rita is not as pretty as Gita given that, (d) Gita is prettier than Rita 1. A did not wear shirt of black colour. 203. Given that, 2. B did not wear shirt of blue colour. 1. A is the brother of B 3. C did not wear shirt of orange colour. 2. C is the father of A. 4. A did not wear the pants of green colour 3. D is brother of E. 5. B wore pants of orange colour. 4. E is the daughter of B Then, the uncle of D is? What were the colours of the pants and shirts worn by C respectively? (a) A (b) B (c) C (d) E (a) Orange and black 204. Who scored the highest? (b) Green and blue (a) Rama (c) Yellow and blue (b) Padma (d) Yellow and black 201. Ten new TV shows started in January 5 sitcoms, 3 drama and 2 news magazines. (c) Rani (d) Ratna By April, only seven of the new shows Answer Key were still on, five of them being sitcoms. Based on the above information, for conclusions, as given below, have been made. Which of these logically follows from the information given above? (a) Only one news magazine show is still going on. D ii) B 184 iii) C 191 A 198 B iv) C v) A 185 D 192 D 199 D (b) Only one of the drama show is still going on. 186 D 193 C 200 B (c) At least one discontinued show was a drama. 187 B 194 A 201 C 188 B 195 D 202 A 189 C 196 B 203 A 190 B 197 D 204 D (d) Viewers prefer sitcoms over drama. Download Our App i) Delhi Secrets 134 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 2011 REASONING 206. Consider the following figures: 205. Consider the following distance - time graph. 2 80 6 24 3 120 ? 36 The graph shows three athletes A, What is the missing number? Band C running side by side for a 30 km (a) 7 (b) 8 race. With reference to the above graph (c) 9 (d) 10 consider the following statements: 207. Study the following figure: 1. The race was won by A. 2. B was ahead of A up to 25 km 26 mark. 3. C ran very slowly from the beginning. C 35 Time in min 30 B B A 25 Select the correct answer from the codes A 20 15 given below: (a) 4 B 10 A person goes from A to B always moving to the right or downwards along the lines. How many different routes can he adopt? A (b) 5 C 5 (c) 6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Distance in min (d) 7 208. Consider the following figure and answer the item that follow : Which of the statements given above is/ are correct ? (a) 1 only (b) 1 and 2 only (c) 2 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3 What is total number of triangles in the above grid ? Download Our App Delhi Secrets 135 (a) 27 (b) 26 (c) 23 (d) 22 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 209. Directions for the following 3 (Three) items: Read the passage given below, study REASONING iii) Which region of the curve indicates that the treatment yielded effective relief? the graph that follows and answer the (a) C three items given below the figure. (b) D During a party, a person was exposed to (c) E contaminated water. A few days later, he developed fever and loose motions. He suffered for some days before going to (d) The curve does not indicate the treatment a doctor for treatment. On starting the 210. There are four routes to travel from city treatment, he soon became better and A to city B and six routes from city B to recovered completely a few days later. city C. How many routes are possible to The following graph shows different travel from the city A to city C? phases of the person’s disease condition (a) 24 as regions A, B, C, D and E of the curve. (b) 12 Number of bacteria (c) 10 (d) 8 D E C A 0 i) 211. Consider the figure given below and B 0 answer the items that follows: P2 Time Which region/regions of the curve correspond/corresponds to incubation phase of the infection ? (a) A only S (b) B only O (c) B and C ii) P1 (d) No part of the curve indicates the incubation phase In the figure shown above, OP 1. and OP 2. Which region of the curve indicates that the person began showing the symptoms of infection ? to each other. S is the direction of a beam (a) A from the mirror OP 2 will be (b) B (a) Perpendicular to the direction S. (c) C (b) At 45° to the direction S. (d) D (c) Opposite and parallel to the direction S. are two plane mirrors kept perpendicular of light falling on the mirror OP 1. The direction of the reflected beam of light (d) At 60° to the direction S. Download Our App Delhi Secrets 136 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 212. Consider the following figure and answer the item that follows: REASONING 214. A person has only Rs. 1 and Rs. 2 coins with her. If the total number of coins that she has is 50 and the amount of money with her is Rs. 75, then the number of Rs. 1 and Rs. 2 coins are, respectively (a) 15 and 35 (b) 35 and 15 (c) 30 and 20 (d) 25 and 25 215. Three persons start walking together and their steps measure 40 cm, 42 cm and 45 What is the minimum number of different cm respectively. What is the minimum colours required to paint the figure given distance each should walk so that each above such that no two adjacent regions can cover the same distance in complete have the same colour ? steps ? (a) 3 (a) 25 m 20 cm (b) 4 (b) 50 m 40 cm (c) 5 (c) 75 m 60 cm (d) 6 (d) 100 m 80 cm 213. Consider the following figure and answer 216. The houses of A and B face each other on a road going north-south, A’s being the items that follows: on the western side. A comes out of his 15 house, turns left, travels 5 km, turns right, travels 5 km to the front of D’s house. 48 B does exactly the same and reaches A square is divided into four rectangles as shown above. The lengths of the sides of rectangles are natural n umbers. The areas of two rectangles are indicated the front of C’s house. In this context, which one of the following statements is correct? (a) C and D live on the same street. in the figure. What is the length of each (b) C’s house faces south. side of the square? (a) 10 (c) The houses of C and D are less than 20 km apart. (b) 11 (d) None of the above (c) 15 (d) Cannot be determined as the given data are Insufficient Download Our App Delhi Secrets 137 DELHI UPSC SECRETS C-SAT MADE EASY 217. Read the following passage and answer the 3 (three) items that follow: A, B, C, D and E are members of the same family. There are two fathers, two sons, two wives, three males and two females. The teacher was the wife of a lawyer who was the son of a doctor. E is not a male, neither also a wife of a professional. C is the youngest person in the family and D is the eldest. B is a male. 219. Consider the following three statements: 1. Only students can participate in the race. 2. Some participants in the race are girls. 3. All girl participants in the race are invited for coaching. Which one of the following conclusions can be drawn from the above statements? (a) All participants in the race are invited for coaching. i) How is D related to E ? (a) Husband (b) All students are invited for coaching. (b) Son (c) All participants in the race are students. (c) Father (d) Wife (d) None of the statements (a), (b) and (c) given above is correct. ii) Who are the females in the group ? (a) C and E 220. Directions for the following 2 (two) items: (b) C and D Each of the following two items consists of (c) E and A four statements. Of these four statements, two cannot both be true, but (d) D and E both can be false. Study the statements iii) Whose wife is the teacher? carefully and identify the two that satisfy (a) C the above condition. Select the correct answer using the codes given below (b) D each set of statements : (c) A i) (d) B Examine the following statements: 1. All animals are carnivorous. 218. In a queue, Mr. X is fourteenth from the front and Mr. Y is seventeenth from the end, while Mr. Z is exactly in between Mr. X and Mr. Y. If Mr. X is ahead Mr. Y and 2. Some animals are not carnivorous. 3. Animals are not carnivorous. 4. Some animals are carnivorous. there are 48 persons in the queue, how Codes: many persons are then between Mr. X (a) 1 and 3 and Mr. Z ? (b) 1 and 2 (a) 6 (b) 7 (c) 2 and 3 (c) 8 (d) 9 Download Our App REASONING Delhi Secrets (d) 3 and 4 138 DELHI UPSC SECRETS ii) C-SAT MADE EASY REASONING Examine the following statements: Answer Key 1. All trains are run by diesel engine. 2. Some trains are run by diesel engine. 205 B 211 C 217 Codes: (a) 1 and 2 212 A 218 C 207 C 213 B 219 C 208 C 214 D 220 215 A 216 C Delhi Secrets i) A ii) B i) A ii) C iii) A 210 Download Our App C C 209 (d) 1 and 4 ii) 206 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1 and 3 A iii) D 3. No train is run by diesel engine. 4. Some trains are not run by diesel engine. i) 139 A