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French Language Notes & Short Story

French Notes-
1) small chicken
2) it was normal
3) Coffee and toast
4) Petit Poulet stumbled upon a terrifying headline while browsing the internet: “THE SKY IS FALLING!” Without taking a moment to verify the source's legitimacy, he immediately sprang into action and began warning all his friends about the impending disaster.
New Story Notes-
1) Je voudrais une table pour dues personnes sil vous plais- can i have a table for two people please.
2)J’ai telephone hier. Je m’appelle Claudette dupont- yes i called yesterday, my name is claudette dupont.
3) merci- thanks
4) Je voudrais un jus d’orange et moi je vais prendre un verre de limonde- yes I want an orange juice and I want a lemonade.
5) Je prendrai une salade de chevre chaud- hot goat cheese salad.
6) je voudrais le steak frites sil vous plait- I would like some steak and fries.