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Electromagnetic Forces Lab Worksheet

Apex Learning - Wet Lab
2.1.5 Lab: Electromagnetic Forces
MS Physical Science Sem 2
Points Possible: 50
Wet Lab
Name: Fitz Theis
Wet Lab: Investigating Fields
Points Possible: 50
In this lab, you will explore magnetic and electric forces. You will gather data to show how these
noncontact forces affect objects in fields. You will investigate the magnetic field between two bar
magnets. You will also investigate the electric field between two electrically charged pieces of tape. The
tape will become charged when you peel it off another object.
Wear safety goggles.
Follow safe practices during this investigation.
Two bar magnets
Metric ruler
Four 15 cm pieces of invisible tape, plus extra
Procedure and Data (32 points)
Part 1: Exploring Magnetic Fields (16 points)
1. Tape one magnet to a smooth, flat surface. Place the other magnet on that surface 10 cm away,
oriented so that its north pole is facing the south pole of the other magnet. Slowly push the free magnet
toward the magnet that is taped down. What do you observe? (1 point)
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2. Gently push the free magnet toward the taped magnet again. How far apart are they when the free
magnet first starts to be pulled? Use the ruler to measure the distance between the magnets. (1 point)
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2, but this time, position the magnets so that their north poles are facing each
other. At what distance do the magnets begin to repel each other? (2 points)
4. Place the free magnet in each of the positions shown in the table below. For each position, describe
what happens after you let go of the magnet. Draw a diagram that shows the final positions of both
magnets. Make sure to label the north pole (N) and south pole (S) of each magnet. (12 points)
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Magnetic Fields Data Table
Original magnet positions
Final magnet positions
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Part 2: Exploring Electric Fields (16 points)
5. Cut four pieces of tape that are 15 cm long. Fold over one end of each piece of tape to make a tab
that is about 2 cm long.
6. Stick one piece of tape to the top of a smooth, flat table. Using a marker, label the tab "B1." Rub the
tape with the side of the marker to smooth out any air bubbles. Stick a second piece of tape on top of
the first and smooth out the air bubbles again. Label the tab of this piece "T1."
7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 with the remaining two pieces of tape, but label the bottom tab "B2" and the top
tab "T2."
8. Use the tab to peel T1 off of B1. Stick it vertically to the edge of the table so that the tab is at the top
and the tape hangs down below the table. Then peel B1 off the table. Hang it from the table edge in the
same way. The two pieces of tape must be at least 10 cm away from each other and from the legs of the
9. Peel off T2. Hold it by the tab with the sticky side facing you.
10. With your other hand, hold a ruler perpendicular to the table edge, with the zero mark against the
table next to the tape labeled T1. Hold the tab of T2 at the other end of the ruler. The diagram shows
how to arrange the tape and the ruler. Slowly move T2 along the ruler toward T1. Watch for a change at
the bottom end of each piece of tape. Measure the distance between the top ends of the pieces of tape
when you first notice the change. What happened? Continue moving T2 closer to T1. What happened?
Record the distance and your observations in the Electric Fields Data Table provided below Step 12. (4
Apex Learning - Wet Lab
11. Repeat Step 10, this time moving T2 toward the hanging piece of tape labeled B1. (4 points)
12. If any of the pieces of tape are stuck together, carefully pull them apart. Discard the piece of tape
labeled T2. Then repeat Steps 9 – 11 using the piece labeled B2 that is still stuck to the tabletop. (8
Apex Learning - Wet Lab
Electric Fields Data Table
Pieces of tape
Distance of first
change (cm)
T1 and T2
B1 and T2
T1 and B2
B1 and B2
Analysis and Conclusions (18 points)
1. What can you conclude about magnetic force based on your results in Steps 1 – 3? Use your data to
support your conclusions. (4 points)
2. A magnetic field is the area around a magnet where its force can be felt. Magnetic fields are invisible.
How did Part 1 of the Procedure and Data section provide evidence that magnetic fields exist? (4 points)
Apex Learning - Wet Lab
3. How could you change the design of the experiment to determine the size of the magnetic field
around the magnet that was taped down? (2 points)
4. In Part 2 of the Procedure and Data section, how did the pieces of tape affect each other? Why did
they attract, repel, or have no effect on each other? (4 points)
5. Like magnetic fields, electric fields are invisible. How did the experiment allow you to gather evidence
that electric fields exist? (4 points)
Apex Learning - Wet Lab
Submit this completed worksheet to your teacher.
Each question in this activity is worth a specific number of points. The possible point value is stated at
the end of each question. The length of your response will depend on the type of question. Responses
should be written in complete sentences, illustrated with labeled diagrams, and/or calculated with all
work shown.
You can use this general rubric for guidance on how your responses will be scored by your teacher. Once
scoring is complete, your teacher will provide you with feedback on your performance.
Points awarded
Full points
The response addresses all parts of the question completely and correctly.
Partial points
The response is incomplete or partially incorrect.
No points
The response is incorrect, it does not match the question, or no response is given.
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