Warm-up A: Week 1 Workout # 1 3 rounds, 30 seconds each Warm Up A Jumping Jack Instep Stretch Arm Circles (forward /backward, large/small) Trunk Rotation (right and left) Warm-up B: 5 Rounds 3 Rounds Push Up x 5 Sit Up x 10 Body Weight Squat x 15 Rest 30 Seconds between Rounds Superman x 10 Two Count Flutter Kick x 10 Workout # 2 Warm Up B 6 Rounds 2 Rounds 3 Rounds, 30 seconds each Steam Engine Trunk Rotation Foam Roll IT Band and Quads Alternate Lunge x 12(6 each Leg) Plank Walk Up x 6 Lateral Lunge x 6 Plank Walk Up x 6 Leg Raise x25 Sit Up x25 Workout # 3 Warm Up B Warm-up C (Cardio Warm-up) 4 Rounds 5x BW Squat 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing 5x Alternate Lunge (each leg 4 Rounds 4 Rounds Burpee 30 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Body Weight Squat x 30 Rest 30 Seconds Burpee 30 Seconds Rest 30 Seconds Iso Squat Hold 30 Seconds Workout # 4 Warm Up C Run 30-45 Mins Bird Dog x 6 Each Side Superman x 6 Warm-up A: Week 2 Workout # 1 3 rounds, 30 seconds each Warm Up A Jumping Jack Instep Stretch Arm Circles (forward /backward, large/small) Trunk Rotation (right and left) Warm-up B: 3 Rounds, 30 seconds each Steam Engine Trunk Rotation Foam Roll IT Band and Quads Complete as many times in 20 Min Push Up x 5 Alternating Lunge x 10 Windmill Push Up x 5 Jump Squat x 10 Wide Hand Push Up x 5 Two Count Flutter Kick x10 Close Hands Push Up x 5 Tip Over x 10 Workout # 2 Warm Up B 4 Rounds 1 Round Warm-up C (Cardio Warm-up) Mountain Climber 60 Secs Rest 30 Bodyweight Squat 60 Secs Rest 30 Right Side Plank Hold 60 Secs Rest 30 Left Side Plank Hold 60 Secs Max rep Push Up 2 Mins Workout # 3 4 Rounds 5x BW Squat 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing 5x Alternate Lunge (each leg Warm Up B 4 Rounds 5 Rounds Body Weight Squat x 24 Alternate Lunges x 24 Jump Squat x 12 Jump Lunge x 12 Workout # 4 Warm Up C 400 meter max effort x 8-10 Rest time equal to 400 meter run time Cool Down Jog 10 Mins and Stretch Burpee 30 Secs In and Out 30 Secs Rest 30 Secs Warm-up A: Week 3 Workout # 1 3 rounds, 30 seconds each Warm Up A Jumping Jack Instep Stretch Arm Circles (forward /backward, large/small) Trunk Rotation (right and left) Warm-up B: 3 Rounds, 30 seconds each Steam Engine Trunk Rotation Foam Roll IT Band and Quads 5 Rounds 3 Rounds Alternate Lunge x 10 Plank Walk Up x 10 Body Weight Squat x 15 Mountain Climber x 20 Sit Up x 25 Bird Dogs x 6 Each Side Superman x 12 Jumping Jacks x 24 Workout # 2 Warm Up B 6 Rounds 3 Rounds Push Up x 5 Alternate Lunge x 10 Incline Push Up x 5 Lateral Lunge x 10 Decline Push Up x 5 Tip Over x 10 Plank Hold Max Hold Right Side Plank Max Hold Left Side Plank Max Hold Workout # 3 Warm Up B Warm-up C (Cardio Warm-up) 4 Rounds 5x BW Squat 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing 5x Alternate Lunge (each leg 3 Rounds 3 Rounds Mountain Climber 60 Sec Jump Squat 60 Secs Rest up to 2 Mins Jump Lunge 60 Secs Leg Raise 60 Secs Rest up to 2 Mins 3 Rounds 3 Rounds Push Up 60 Secs In and Outs 60 Secs Rest up to 2 Mins Workout # 4 Warm Up C Hill Sprints x 10-12 60-90 Seconds in length Walk to Easy Jog to start Cool Down Jog x 10 min and stretch Burpees 60 Secs Sit Up 60 Secs Warm-up A: Week 4 Workout # 1 3 rounds, 30 seconds Warm Up B Jumping Jack Instep Stretch Arm Circles (forward /backward, large/small) Trunk Rotation (right and left) Warm-up B: 3 Rounds, 30 seconds 5 Rounds 5 Rounds Dive Bomb Push Up x5 Alternate Lunges x 10 Two Count Flutter Kicks x 20 Warm Up A 5 Rounds 4 Rounds 2 Rounds Body Weight Squats 60 Secs. Squat Hold 60 Secs Workout # 3 Foam Roll IT Band and Warm Up B Quads 5 Rounds 30 Secs Each 5x BW Squat Trunk Rotation 4 Rounds Plank Walk Up x 5 Reverse Lunge x 10 Superman x 20 Workout # 2 Steam Engine Warm-up C Max Sit Ups in 2 Mins Burpee Plank Hold Sit Up Right Side Plank Push Up Left Side Plank Knee to Elbow Push Up x 12 Split Squat x 12 Each Leg Bird Dog x 24 3 Rounds Lunge Cycle x 12 - Forward lunge and Reverse Lunge = 1 Lateral Lunge x 12 Tip Over x 12 Rest 60 Secs Between 5x Multi-direction Leg Workout # 4 Swing 5x Alternate Lunge (each leg Leg Raise x 25 In and Outs x 25 Warm Up C Run 5 Mins-Squats x 25 -Run 5 Mins- Jump Squats x 25Run 5 Mins- Jump Lunges x 25- Run 5 Mins- Push Up x25. Repeat if possible. Warm-up A: 3 rounds, 30 seconds Jumping Jack Instep Stretch Arm Circles (forward /backward, large/small) Week 5 Workout # 1 Warm Up A 4 Rounds 4 Rounds 4 Rounds Staggered Hand Push Up 30 Secs. Jump Squats 30 Secs Rest 30 Secs Trunk Rotation (right and left) Plank Walk Up 30 Secs Jump Lunges 60 Secs Rest 30 Secs 2 Count Flutter Kick 60 Secs In and Outs 60 Secs Rest 30 Secs Workout # 2 Warm Up B Warm-up B: 3 Rounds 3 Rounds Burpee x 12 Right Side Plank 60 Secs Body Weight Squat x 12 Left Side Plank 60 Sec 3 Rounds, 30 seconds Steam Engine Trunk Rotation Foam Roll IT Band and Quads Max Push Ups in 2 Minutes Split Squat Each Leg x 6 Leg Raise x 24 Tip Over Each Leg x6 Sit Up x 24 Workout # 3 Warm Up B 5 Rounds 3 Rounds Windmill Push Up Each Arm x 5 Jumping Jacks x 25 Wide Push Up x 5 Mountain Climber x 25 Close Push Up x 5 Bird Dog x 12 Superman x 12 Leg Raise x 24 Rest 60 Secs Between Warm-up C 4 Rounds 5x BW Squat Workout # 4 Warm Up A 6 Rounds Alternating Lunges x 12 Body Weight Squat x 12 Jump Lunge Each Leg x 12 Jump Squat x 24 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing 5x Alternate Lunge (each leg Workout # 5 Warm Up C 45 Min Run or 10 KM 3 Rounds Dive Bomb Push Up x 6 Right Side Plank 60 Secs Push Up x 12 Left Side Plank 60 Secs Flutter x 24 Warm-up A: 3 rounds, 30 seconds Jumping Jack Instep Stretch Arm Circles (forward /backward, large/small) Trunk Rotation (right and left) Week 6 Workout # 1 Warm Up B 3 Rounds 4 Rounds 3 Rounds Plank Walk Up x 10 Body Weight Squat x 20 Leg Raise x 20 3 Rounds, 30 seconds Steam Engine Trunk Rotation Foam Roll IT Band and Quads Warm-up C 4 Rounds 5x BW Squat 5x Multi-direction Leg Swing 5x Alternate Lunge (each leg Mountain Climber x 40 Lateral Lunge x 10 Each Leg Plank Hold 60 Secs Workout # 2 Warm Up A 2 Rounds x 12 Warm-up B: Staggered Push Up x 5 Each Hand In and Outs x 20 Max Rep 2 Mins of Each Knee to Elbow Push Up Jumping Jack Leg Raise Alternate Lunge Supermans Reverse Lunge 2 Rounds x 12 Push Up Squat Sit Up Windmill Pushup Alt Lunge Jumping Jack Rev Lunge Flutter Kick Bird Dog Workout # 3 Warm Up B 4 Rounds 4 Rounds 4 Rounds 4 Rounds Burpees 60 Secs On, 30 Sec Rest Jump Squat 60 Secs On, 30 Sec Rest Jump Lunge 60 Secs On, 30 Sec Rest Workout # 4 Warm Up A 5 Rounds Dive Bomb Push Up x 10 In and Outs x 20 Leg Raise x 20 Plank Walk Up x 10 Sit Up x 20 Body Weight Squat x 10 2 Count Flutter Kick x 20 Workout # 5 Warm Up C One Kilometer Max Effort x 3 Rest Time Equal to 1 KM Run Time. Light Jog 10 Min Cool Down and Stretch Max Plank Hold