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Essay on Human Rights: Understanding and Action

Essay on human rights
• What do you understand by human rights?
• What have you done for human right?
• How this internship will help you in human right?
What do you understand by human rights?
“human right” is a fundamental right of a human irrespective of the gender, race, religion or any
other social constructed object.
These rights are to protect human against those who might want to harm them, human rights are
interdependent, all human rights are part of the complementary framework
For example your ability to participate in your government is directly affected by your rights to
express yourself to educate yourself and to get the necessities of life.
One of the most important aspect of human right is “human dignity”
Every individual is to be respected for who he is and shall be treated with respect, any
mistreatment or any inhuman act towards a person is violation of human right.
Generally people are aware of their rights for example they know about their rights to education
Right to be paid for their work, freedom of speck etc
And sometimes the unawareness causes the violation of the human rights which is common in
backward areas (villages) or under developed countries.
At the same time law plays a very significant role in course of human rights, the constitution of
India gives primary importance to human rights. It gives people the freedom of thought.
expression, belief faith and worship equality of status, assuring dignity of individuals and unity
among people and its citizen.
Things I have done for human rights:-
I believe that even an individual can bring changes in a society. everyone shall start from self and
one shall never give up.
I come from such background where I have witnessed human rights been violated and people are
unaware of their basic rights. Even if they know their rights they don’t have the freedom to
practice it
As an individual all I could do was to encourage them to practice their rights and to fight for their
As a refugee I have limited rights sometimes I struggle with very basic things and one of the main
reasons I wanna work for this field is that so I can help people cause I understand what they are
going through
I worked as a leader in United Nation High commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR) youth club for
an year and volunteered for Refugees Community Development Project (RCDP)
How this internship will help you in human rights:This internship is a golden opportunity to work with human rights activists, it will help me see
things from different perspectives and ofcourse it will help in gaining experience
I think I will have more opportunities to help people in need