1. Which of the following is not one of the objectives of the GAM for NGAs?(1 Point) To update government accounting standards to be consistent with the provisions of US GAAP 2. The coverage of the GAM for NGAs includes all of the following except:(1 Point) The basic concepts used in auditing the accounts and financial reports of government entities. 3. It refers to the authority issued by an agency’s CO to its RO and OU to cover the latter’s cash requirements(1 Point) NTA 4. Under responsibility accounting, non-controllable cost are:(1 Point) Cost incurred indirectly and allocated to a responsibility center 5. The DBM is responsible for(1 Point) Formulation and implementation of the National budget with the goal of attaining the nation’s socio-economic objectives. 6. The budget preparation in the Philippines(1 Point) Use a Zero-bottom-up approach 7. Which of the following transactions is not recorded through the Cash-MDS, Regular account?(1 Point) Constructive remittance of taxes withheld to the BIR. 8. S1 The remittance of collections of the NGA to the BTr will debit to a Cash Collection Officer. S2 The receipt of disbursements authority in the form of NCAA is debited to Cash-Constructive Income Remittance(1 Point) Both statements are incorrect 9. Recording in the Obligation Request and Status (ORS) is made when(1 Point) All of the above 10. The receipt of NCA is recorded in the(1 Point) None of these Books of accounts (Journal and Ledger) Registry of Allotments and Notice of Cash Allocation a and b 11. The receipt of Subsidy from the NG or other government agencies(1 Point) give rise to the recognition of revenue 12. Entity A exchanges an item of PPE with Entity B. Assuming the exchange lacks commercial substance how should Entity measure the equipment received from the exchange?(1 Point) at the carrying amount of the asset given up, plus cash paid or minus cash received 13. Bureau X received a donation of scientific equipment from an international body. If no condition is attached to the donation, how should Bureau X account for the donation? (1 Point) Recognize it immediately as income measured at the equipment’s FV at the acquisition date. 14. The GAM of NGAs is promulgated by COA under the authority conferred to it by the (1 Point) Philippine Constitution 15. It is the expenditure authority derived from appropriation laws, government ordinances, and other decisions related to the anticipated revenue or receipts for the budget period.(1 Point) Approved Budget 16. The Philippines uses a ___________________________ in budgeting.(1 Point) BOTTOM UP APPROACH 17. The budget preparation starts when the Department of Budget and Management issued a _____________ to all government agencies.(1 Point) BUDGET CALL 18. It covers a period of one year and forms the basis for the annual appropriation.(1 Point) ANNUAL BUDGET 19. It contains the details of all government entities' proposed expenditures in the coming year(1 Point) NATIONAL EXPENDITURE PROGRAM 20. Is the process of making the proposed budget legally approved.(1 Point) BUDGET LEGISLATION 21. Is formed to harmonize any conflicts between the Representative and Senate version of the General Appropriations Bill.(1 Point) BICAMERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE 22. It is referred to as Obligational Authority.(1 Point) ALLOTMENT 23. A comprehensive authority issued to all National Government Agencies to incur obligations not exceeding an authorized amount during a specified period for the purpose indicated therein.(1 Point) GENERAL ALLOTMENT RELEASE ORDER 24. Specifies the maximum amount of cash that can be withdrawn from Government Servicing Bank in a certain period.(1 Point) NOTICE OF CASH ALLOCATION 25. Are necessary report that agencies are supposed to submit on a monthly and quarterly basis to see how the agencies used their funds and identify the associated physical accomplishments.(1 Point) BUDGET ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT 26. Are those assets which have historical, cultural and environmental significance and are intended to be preserved in trust for future generations,(1 Point) HERITAGE ASSETS 27. Are unenforceable undertakings to transfer assets to the recipient entity.(1 Point) PLEDGES 28. Constitute all cash paid out during a given period in currency or by check/ADA.(1 Point) DISBURSEMENT 29. Refers to payment procedures whereby the MDS-GSB shall pay creditor/payees listed in the List of Due and Demandable Accounts Payable-ADA not later than 48 hours but not earlier than 24 hours upon receipt of the said document from NGA/Operating Unit.(1 Point) EXPANDED MODIFIED DISBURSEMENT PAYMENT SCHEME 30. As per GAM for LGUs, the additional one percent (1%) tax on real property tax shall be collected simultaneously with the basic real property tax for(1 Point) Professional tax Business tax Special Education Tax Community tax 31. Which of the following documents is prepared when issuing semi-expendable property to end-users?(1 Point) Inventory Custodian Slip 32. This account is debited for the receipt of the credit advice from the bank for the share from Internal Revenue Allotment(1 Point) Cash – Local Currency, Current Account 33. The following are the selected transaction of Department of Justice: a. Signed contract for the construction of building, Contract Price-P50,000,000 b. Advances to contractors were made 20% of the contractor price c. Received progress billings from the contractor, 40% completion. d. Paid the amount due the contractor, Deduction are as follows: Recoupment of the advances, 40% of the advances Retention, 10% of the billings Withholding tax, 2%, 5% The net amount paid to the Contractor was:(5 Points) 10,875,000 34. A government agency had the following items for disbursements: Electricity Expenses 500,000 Telephone Expenses 120,000 Office Supplies Inventory 67,200 Office Equipment 224,000 Assuming that the government agency is an LGU, the entry to remit the tax includes a (3 Points) Credit to Cash in Bank- Local Currency, Current Account, P54,350 Debit to Due to BIR, P69,750 Credit Cash-TRA, P 54,350 Credit to Cash-MDS, Regular, P69,750 35. The following account balances were taken from the books of a government agency: Salaries and Wages-Regular, P8,000,000; PERA, P300,000; Office Supplies Expense, P412,500; Water Expenses, P45,000; Electricity Expenses, P75,000; Telephone Expenses, P22,500; Travelling Expenses, P127,500; Representation Allowance and Transportation Allowance (RATA), P225,000; Semi-Expendable Communications Equipment, P80,000 Subsidy from National Government, P10,750,000; Interest Income, P7,500; Interest Expenses, P12,000; Bank Charges, P2,250, Retirement and Life Insurance Premiums, P595,000; Pag-IBIG Contributions, P110,000; Phil-Health Contributions, P79,500; Employees Compensation Insurance Premiums, P50,000; Semi-Expendable Machinery and Equipment Expenses, P60,000; Representation Expenses, P50,000; and Honoraria, P75,000. How much is the total amount of expenses under Personnel Services.(5 Points) 9,614,500 36. Using the same information in No. 35 how much is the total amount of expenses under Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses?(5 Points) 792,500 37. On November 14, 2019, Philippine Commission on Women granted a cash advance worth P150,000 to defray expenses for time-bound undertaking relative to the conduct of Strategic Planning Workshop on Gender Sensitivity Training at Pasay City. On the next day, they submitted liquidation report and supporting documents worth P120,000. The amount is reviewed and validated by the Chief Accountant.The journal entry to recognize liquidation of cash advance. (2 Points) Credit to Advances to Special Disbursing Officer, P120,000 38. Philrice Corp. ordered office supplies for P300,000 through DBM-Procurement Service on November 15, 2020 for the 1st Quarter requirement of FY 2021. The office supplies were available & delivered by the DBM as indicated on the Purchase Request on January 11, 2021. The amount of total tax withheld is?(2 Points) 0 39. The following transactions incurred by a National Government Agency during the period of FY 2020: > Received Notice of Cash Allocation (NCA) amounting to P900,000 > Earned total revenue of P348,000 from billings and collections of unbilled income. > Incurred total expenses of P1,062,000. > Remitted total taxes withheld of P168,000 to the BIR through Tax Remittance Advice (TRA). > The Cash – MDS, Regular has an unused balance of P51,600 at the end of the period. How much is the net surplus/(deficit) FROM CURRENT OPERATIONS?(5 Points) (714,000) 40. Department of Migrant Workers acquired 5 motor vehicles for package price of P10,000,000. In relation to the purchase the supplier provides a promotional item of 1 motor vehicle which is the same type as those acquired. The fair value of of motor vehicles is P2,000,000. Which of the following statements is correct?(5 Points) For individual costing purposes, the cost of each of the 5 motor vehicles acquired is P1,600,000 41. A government agency ordered an office equipment for P300,000 through the procurement services of DBM on June 15, 2020. The equipment was available and delivered by the DBM to the government agency on July 15, 2020. The asset has an estimated useful life of 5 years with 5% salvage value. How much is the carrying value of the Office Equipment at end of 2021?(5 Points) 214,500 42. Arrange the following steps according to the sequence that they appear in the government accounting cycle. I. Disbursements II. Obligations Incurred III. Unadjusted Trial Balance IV. Disbursement Authority V. Allotment(2 Points) V, II, IV, I and III 43. LGU-DIFFUN in the province of Quirino made the following transactions for the month of April 2020: a. Collection of receivable on real property tax, P10M and SE tax, P10M. Garbage fees, collected from real property taxpayers, P500,000 b. Deposited total collections from real property taxpayers, P20.5M c. Receipt of business income from the following: Markets, P1M; Hospitals, P3M; Cemeteries, P300,000; Slaughter House P200,000 d. Deposited receipts from business operations. e. Distribution of real property tax: Municipality-40%, Province 35%, Barangay 25% f. Distribution of Special Education Tax: M-50% Provincial Board- 50% g. Receipt of the Notice of Funding Check Issued from the DBM for its share from internal revenue collection P25M. h. Issued checks to officers and employees for travel advances, P50,000 i. Liquidation of advances for travel P45,000 j. Deposited to the bank the refund of advances for travel P5,000. How much is the consolidated total income of Diffun based on the above transactions.(5 Points) 50,000,000 (wbr) 44. Entity B, a government entity, maintains a petty cash fund with an established amount of P40,000. During the period, Entity B disburses P10, for office supplies from the petty cash fund. The entry to record the disbursement is(2 Points) None of the above 45. The initial testing costs incurred on an item of property, plant and equipment are(2 Points) capitalized after deducting the disposal proceeds of samples generated during testing capitalized any of these as accounting policy not capitalized