Uploaded by Kejxhi Haruni

Public Health Master's Statement of Purpose

Study Objective
After graduating from the Agricultural University of Tirana in Veterinary, I am eager to
pursue a Master's program in Public Health in the United States to further my education and
knowledge in this field. Public Health and Veterinary related and nowadays are referred to as
"One Health" due to the shared connection between them like the zoonotic diseases that can
be transmitted from animals to humans through various routes of infection, such as direct
physical contact, bites, and airborne ways, as well as the consumption of products of animal
Public Health has several specializations, including Biostatistics, Community Health,
Epidemiology, Global Health, Health Administration, Health Policy, Health Promotion,
Infectious Diseases, and Nutrition. Among them, I am most interested in Epidemiology,
Infectious Diseases, and Health Policy because they are closely related to my curriculum and
future work objectives.
I strongly believe that this experience will be valuable for my country and the implementation
of One Health Policies will help in the development of my countrys agriculture, and economy
because the rigorosity of the implementation of "One Health" is also a criterion for exporting
animal products to the European market.
Studying in the US will provide me with exceptional research and professional skills that I
can use in various fields of work in Albania, including my current job at the Regional Agency
of Veterinary Service and Plant Protection, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural
Development. These fields are not only focused on Agriculture and Animal products but are
also closely related to Public Health.