Ei!!!B m Society of Petrm SPE 35296 Engineere Conversion of a Semisubmersible Drilling Rig to a DP Unit Edson L. Megale Vale, Edmilson S. de Medeiros, Arthur C. Neto, Paulo P, Ribas Ferreira, Petrobras Co~cght 1996 Soc,ety of Petroleum Thns paper was prepared Mexico held (m V(llaherm.sa. Th(s paper was elected !n!omnatmn contajned ..! Engineers, for presentation MeKwo, 5.7 March for pfes.mtatmn I. an abstract m.e.t.d h... b-. ccw..bo. by the a.thoc(s) In. at lhe Intl [.,,-4 Conference h Exhtbmo. Major item addressed are additional generators sets and azimuthing thrust crs, integrated automation system for positioning control] and monitoring diesel engine, power managcmen(. bilge and ballast, stability, ventilation and alarms. The conversion design is under development and the plans are to h:nc the rig ready on DP mode up to middle 1997. 01 1996 by the SPE s. brndted Program by the Commrftee a.tm(s) followng Contents of the rwew’ of DaPeC as SOCI.V Of petr.1..m E.g#..e~ ..d =e .. bje.t t. as presented does ..[ ne.e$sar(ty reflect any mateoal. ‘v The Petroleum the P.sltlo. of the Soclely .1 petmle.m Eng,neers O( tis members Paper. presented at SPE meetmgs are subjected t. publncatmn rewew by Edttorm! Cwnmttee of the Soc,ety of Petroleum Engineers Permtswan to copy (s Iestrtcted to an abstraa of nol nwe than 3W ‘.wxds Illuslrat$o.s acknowledgement Box 8333836 may of tieie Richardson not be cop!ed and by tiom TX 75083.3836 The abstract should the papef was presented U S A Wfle contain conspicuous Ltbranan, SPE P O fax 01.214-952.9435 Description The scmisubrnersiblc drilling unit PETROBRAS-23 is a 4 columns twin deck catamaran type unit const.meted on 1985 according to the rrrlcs of Norwegian Maritime Directorate and Department of Energy (’UK), and classified by Det Norsk Verilas. The unit has as it is the following main dimensions: Length over all. 97,70 m Length bctwccn perpendiculars: 80,56 m Breadth exkcmc. 82,00 m Breadth bclofv pon[oon deck: 70,75 m Height to main deck (morslded): 41,00 m Height to Iowcr deck (rnouldcd): 33,00 m Breadth of pomoons (motrlded): 18,09m Hcigth of pontoons (mouldcd): 7,50 m Nom]al operation drought ( from underside du-ustcrs): 24,26 m Maximun opcmtion draugh[ ( from underside thrusters) 26,26 m Transit drought: 10.99 m Sunrival drauglu 19,96 m Height from trudcrside thrusters tOkeel phtc: 3,76 m Lightweight: 13873 t Long. Centrc of Gravity (LCG): 0,56m Trans. Ccmtrc of Gravity (TCG): 0,11 m Vcrt. Ccntrc of Gravitv (VCG): 27,24 m Deck payload: 3071 t Column payload: 700 t Pontoon payload: 2500 t Abstract The scope of \vork ~vhich this paper is based on is the conversion of the scmisubmersiblc drilling rig PETROBRASXXHI (Ex-VINNI) from the original mode of operation to a dynamic positioning unit, capable to operate on offshore fields of Brazilian coas[ from 1(JOto 1500 m \va[er depths. Originally such unit was dcsigrtcd by GVA, named GVA 4000, 10 operate up to 460 m water depdr, positioned by mcnns of a 8-point mooring system. The conversion is based on the brazilian \vatcrs cnvironmcn(al conditions and the design cri(cria is according 10DNV rules and the principle of W, as stated for class 2. Introduction In [he last fcw !ears the global drilling offshore flcc( IMS sluunk for many different reasons and the small group of deep wa{cr mobile platforms arc now facing a high demand, The most significant aspect is related to the decpwa(cr dynamic positioning drilling market !rhich seems to be ovcbookcd in a short and medium scenarios. Compared 10 new construction, com’crsion of anchored uni[s is a cost affcctivc solution in order to reduce the ncgatiic cffcc[s of the market situation on PETROBRAS drilling program. The conversion of PET’ROBRAS-XXH1 will help the Company in slowing down the market pressure as well as better adjust its own fleet to the company’s scope of drilling and completion work, mainly located in decptva(crs. 55 2 CONVERSION OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE DRILLING RIG TO A DP UNIT SPE 35296 Det norskc \/cri[:]s, Rules for the construction and classification of Mobile Offshore Units includlng Pt. 6, Ch. 7. The unit is provided with a generation plant with 4 (four) 3100 Kw, 6300 V, diesel generator sets. The propulsion of the unit is provided with 4 (four) 2400 Kw pitc!l controlled azimuth thrusters, however. she is classified as a non-self-propelled uniL Sec. 1, eligablc for the class notation * 1Al COLUMN STABILIZED UNIT DRILLING VESSEL, HELDK. DYNPOS AUTR, EO, DRILL httemational Load Line Convention, 1966, as amended; International Conference on the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended; IMO-MARPOL 73/78, Regulation 26 of Annex I, Protocol and Resolution MEPC.54(32) of 6 March 1992; International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (London, 1972) with Resolution A-464 (XII); International Labour Convention (No. 133, 1970, Revision 1971); International Regulation relating to Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969: Brazilian Maritime Laws; IEC-92 IMO Guidelines for Dynamic Positioning Systems for MODUs and Ships engaged in similar operations DE37 (Draft). IMO Code for Noise Levels Onboard Ships (new areas) IMO-MODU CODE 1989 with Amendment 1991. IMO MSC/CIRC 64S “Guidelines for vessels with Dynamic Positioning Systems of June 6th, 1994, as class 2. Data and Results A first approach of the conversion has been performed in the way of to get a figure from the technical and economic point of view and taking into account the strategic aspects vis a vis the trend of DP rigs market. The world wide DP rig market have at this time 13 active units, being six of them in operation off Brazil. The market trend is to reach close to a collapse as the fleet has been not increased either from new constructions or conversions. The PETROBRAS drilling program foreseen for the next 6 year-srequires 12 DP units. The estimated cost of the conversion had the fi~mres as shown in Table 1. Therefore, the actual value of the platform after conversion is (figures in Million USD): 77,8 + 50,0= 127,8 being USD 50,0 million the expected market price for the platfoml. pwformancc requirements with Design criteria loading conrfitions. The positioning system to be designed and stability to bc evaluated for the environmental conditions encountered in Cmnpos Basin and Santos Basin in Brazilian waters. The Table 2 gives the main environmental conditions representing the most severe e,-qected weather condition stated for cacti rctum period. The minimum temperatures considered for hull structural steel arc -20” C for special areas and zero degree for other areas. Not withstanding the requirements given bv the mentioned mlcs and regulations, the operational limits to be considered in Ihc design arc specified in Table 3. The spccificd thruster capacity of 8 thrusters each having a nominal thrust of 400 kN, to remain even if the above limits ● rc excccdcd (see Fig. 3,a to 3.e). Reliability and availability reviews in form of FMEA are required, M dcscribcd in E600 of abo~rc mentioned DNV rules. As a guidance, the standard MIL-STD- 1629 is recommended. The reliability and availability indexes shall bc predicted based on data gathered from suppliers or databanks for the overall DP systcru, including power generation, measuring. remote control and thruster systems and control panels. iin(f Modifications. 1[ is the intent of the conversion of PETROBRAS-XXII1 to introduce some modifications on the unit as follows. The aft part of the deck box to be extended and in this extension the new diesel generators sets. electrical switchboards, transformers etc to be located. Four complete azimutbing thrusters to be installed. one forward and onc aft in each pontoon. Four ballast tanks to be converted into thms[er rooms, which include installation of watertight doors. ven[itation, lighting. gratings, means for communication etc. The existing wheelhouse to be extended ~vith a DP control centrc and a computer. The engine control room to contain the controls for the machincn and ballast system. The DP control centre in the wheelhouse to con[ain the controls for navigation and DP. but [here ~vill also bc an operators station for machineV supcn ision and poJvcr management control. The cxistiog blisters on the four columns to bc increased as Ivcll as the stability boxes on pontoonslcolumns. The drilling systems to be upgraded for drilling in deep water by the addition of a top drive and modification of the marine riser, BOP system and tensioning system Rules and RcLwltitions. The modifications and upgrading to be designed and performed to comply with requirements of the following rules rmd regulations: Stationkccping S]-stem. A Dynamic Positioning System (DP systcm) to bc provided completely separated from all other control s~stems and capable of keeping the vessel, within the 56 SPE 35296, E L MEGALE VALE, E S DE MEDEIROS, qsccificd limits, on a preset position iu)d heading au[oma[icall~, and follow a prcdctincd track. b} controlling lhc propulsion systcnl, The DP control system to bc a DUPLEX systcm (2 computers). according to the rcquircmcnt of the Classification Society (DnV DYNPOS AUTR). The two computers to have exactly the same petfomwtce, opcra[ing on exactly the same input from each of the sensors and positioning reference systems to calcula(e the required tfuustcr command for counteracting the environmental forces in order to keep position and heading. In case of a fault in one of the two computers, the remaining one will automatically [akc over. Manual operation is provided. The priority of the thnrster allocation logic, while changing heading automatically, to be [o keep the position !vithin the specified limits. Simdufirm Mmfe.The simulation mode to provide possibilities for the operator to simula(c the follo]ving \,ariables: Ivind condition (speed and direction), currcn[ (speed a]id direction). wave (hciglu, period and direction), number of [hrustcrs (including fixed or ~anable azirnuthing) and number of generators 11P .$’,IWCW.Vcn.wm urrd Positioning Reference Svstems. The DP system to provide the necessary interfaces to handle all LIicsensor equiptnen[ and posi[ion reference systems, The following ncw sensors and equipment to bc provided and connected to each of the tivo computers of the DP system The following new sensors and equipment 10 bc provided :md connected to each of the two computers pf the DP system. Unif ,serLYor.Y: Gyrocorupasses (3), Vertical Reference Sensors (3), Wind Sensors (3) Surjke Position Reference .Sv,r[ew: DGPS, Upper Bali Joint Angle, Accoustic Riser Arrglc (ARA). .suh,sur~ace ReJercncc Swfcn?,s: Hydroaccoustic Position Rcfcrcncc Systcm (Long Base Line/Short Bmc Line). Taut Wire (2), Diffcrcncial Elccwic Riser Angle (ERA) As.wciuted Hurdwurc Setr.ww. For displaying and recording purpose, the follo~ving cn~ironmett[al sensors to bc provided: Surface current meter type ordinw speed log; Subsefi current rnctcr for nominal water depth of 1500 m: Heave meter. Dufu k~gging sys?em (DLS). Tbc Data Logging Systcm to be cfipablc of logging and retrieving data from DP system in order to im’cstigatc reasons for an accident. and for CII\ ironn]c]][:llda[a logging Prin(crs. Each computer systcm to bc equipped with a fas[ and good quality printer capable of printing both text ,and gmpbics for the purpose of producing hard copy of the systcm’s error messages and graphic copy of the data trending reports and displays, Uninterrupted Power SsqJp{V Unik Power supply to the DP syslcm, sensors, positioning reference systems and for each DP console to be supplied via Unituenupted Power Supply uni[s (UPS), cacb consisting of a battery charger, batteries, an Etwironmartul A C NETO, P P RIBAS FE RREIRA 3 in!crtcr, a sta[ic s]! i[ch and a by-pass switch. !Jith ou(put suitable for the conncctcd s}stcm. DP Svstem .Tofhwre ,i fafh,,mafi~ a/ ImN/r/ The DP s~stcm to use a mathematical model of the Unit to optimize its performance. The model to be a hydrodynamic description of the vessel} which involves some charactctist ics such as mass and drag, describing how it reacts, or moves, as a function of the forces acting upon il. It shall cs[imatc Icsscl’s hcadirrg, positions and velocities, ,4zintu(hing ~loc~rJ7~. Blocking of certain azimuthing sectors is 10 bc iocludcd in the DP software to minimize thrustcrhhntstcr and thrusterllntll interference. .4zinfufhirr,g Fai/ure. in case of failure of the azimuthing function on a thntster. the DP system to consider a Iocked azirnuthing angle for any thruster, 7hru.r/cr Power Confrd The thruster power control system, ~vithin the DP systcm (o bc based on four different operational modes of Ihc high \ol(agc switch gears configurdion. DP s}stcm softwwe to use Kahnart Ko/moH Fi//vr. VW filtering technique Nith positioning reference systems to cstirnatc position and hc~ding of the vessel. This to be in addition to the Kairn.an filtering model used to position the lower riser rcla[ive to the i~ellhead. Riser EfJectf. The DP sys[crn software to consider the effects of tbc subsea current onto the column of the riser, when the BOP is conncctcd (o the wellhead. Conwqucrrce .-ina(lsi,f. Online consequence analysis to be pcrfonned during DP operation, reporting possible consequences based upon actual weather conditions, engaged thrusters and power plant status. This diagnostic to be based upon prcdctlned Jcsscl worst case failures. If any consequence of failure exists this will be reported to tbc operator by an alaml message. The DP Power ,1fana(qcmenf and B/acL-ouf Prevention. system to bc capable of optimally control the propulsion system during critical opcra[ion, without overloading the pow’cr plant. The o~crall purpose of the DP black-otd prcvcrttion function 10 be to perform a pilch or speed reduction on applicable thrusters, to prevent a pov’er blackout situation on [hc power bus. Setting of on Ex(ernal ~o17,wJ111 Force .4c[ing on the I’e.v.wl. The DP systcm softwarc (o compensate an extcmal horizontal force constant both in in(cnsity and direction, set by the opcra[or This function to bc used when operating Jvith one or t~voanchor lines iogc(hcr uith the DP system. UTM Corrrdiwte .Sr.rton. When working with DGPS and absohttc coordinate systems the DP system to use data related to Hayford Ellipsoid uith UTM projection, according to a central mandian of minus 39 degrees. Positioning Rcferencc $w-tenm. Possibilities for the DP systcm to usc all the surface and subsurface positioning reference system at the same lime to be provided, thereby increasing redundancy and quality of the position measured. The DP systcm soft~}arc to calculate and use a weighing CONVERSION 4 OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE DRILLING RIG TO A DP UNIT condcnscr installed. factor [0 Jveigb the posilion information from one reference system, cons. idcring t.ha[ the higher a sys[em’s variance is, the lower shall be its weighing-factor. IMum point Possibilities to be arranged for the operator to al~er the DP system datum point [o the position of the wellhead (in UTM coordinates) with all offsets, commands, vessel and transponder positions being referred to it. 4 Type: Azimuthing thruster with fixed pitch propeller in nozzle 360 degrees 400 kN 2400 kW NiAl bronze .4ngular movement: Thrust each: Outpuf each wlotor: Propeller material: .Vutl]bcr oJ blades water .~r.tiem. A separate cooling water system (Fig, 1) for the additional generator diesel engines and the additional azimuthing thrusters to be arranged in accordance to the enclosed principal diagram. The system to have the same system layout as the esisting cooling water system for generator diesel engines and thrusters, Fuel oiI ~ytiem. A new additional fuel oil distribution system for the new diesel engines to be arranged. Lubricating oil ~ytiem. The new additional diesel engines to be connected 10the existing lubricating oil system, .!Varting air sjulenr. A new additional starting air receiver to be installed for the new diesel engines, Exltauw system. Each new generator diesel to be provided with separate exhaust gas pipe and silencer. Exhaust gas pipes for existing generator diesels to be relocated to have their outlets aft of the new extended deck box aft. Power Distribution System See one line diagram in Fig. 2, High vokuge srri!chbourd. A new additional high voltage switchboard to be installed. The switchboard to be divided in two (2) sections, with the 6.3 kV busbar splitted in two parts by a bus-tie breaker. (%ouping, Each of the four high voltage generator and thruster groups 10 consist of uvo generators and two thrusters. [n each of the groups one thruster (o be of the controllable pitch type, the other of fixed pitch l~pe One new additional low voltage Low voltuge switchboard, switchboard for 450 VAC to be installed. The switchboard to be divided in hvo parts separated by a bus-tie. One netv additional low voltage stvitchboard for 230 VAC to bc installed. Transformer.v. Four new additional transformers to be installed 2 x 6300/450 VAC. 1500 K~a and 2 x 450/230 VAC. Power GcncWion System A nmv and additional power generation plant and distribution system to be installed. New additional generator diesel Generator Diesel Engines. engines to be installed in the extended deck box aft. Two new compartments to be arranged ~vithIW’Odiesel engines in txch. .Yumber ojerrgines: (ea.): Speed: 4 3100 kW 900 rpm The diesel engines to be similar in layout and equipment to the existing generator diesel engines. (iwwtors. New additional main gcncra[ors conncc[cd [o the rrc~vdiesel engines to be installed. .I’ulltber oJ generators; 4 I Wfage .4C: 6,3 Monitoring And Control Systems !i)wtem. A new Monitoring und Control Duul Nehvork monitoring and control sys[em to be installed and to comprise the following functions: existing alarm, monitoring and control system. additional al,arm and monitoring for new machincr. a nc~v additiona] Potvcr Management Systcm (PMS). ExccpI for the DP S!stcm, tbe new additional monitoring control systcm and the existing system including all existing controls in the engine control room to be integrated into a new automation system. Power Munugemcnt System The Power Management System (PMS), to be integrated in the new monitoring and control system, and to ensure adequate running generator capacity reIative to power demand and to command automatically the starl of a stand-by generator [o keep adequate spinning reserve and on a second stage to execute load shedding and load kV 60 Hz 1:)’lvplcncy: power 10 be Auxiliary systems The thrusters to be of underwater mounted type. Each thrusler [o be driven by an electric motor with speed control via a frequency converler. [’onltnuou,r system Four each propeller: Genera fur output po!! m control Cooling Azimuthing thrusters New additional azimuthing thrusters to be ins[alled in nc~v thruster rooms located in the pontoons. ,\ ’umber oj thrusters: with automatic SPE 35296 ou[put each approx k JGIx p,f: 4430 x 0.7 Spewf: 900 rpm The generators to have similar characteristics as the existing main generators and to be of brushlcss type, air cooled by a closed circuit having a fresh water heat exchanger of marine [ype, The generators to have Y-comection, each with grounding resistor and two (2) embedded temperature sensors in the stator winding. One 3 MVAr (approx.) synchronous 58 SPF 35?96 E L MEGALE VALE, E S DE MEDEIROS, sh:iring opcratiou {0 limit the pou cr consumption [0 prcvcol bklck-oul due to o~.crload The PMS to bc capable of starting in case of failure of the first commanded, aoothcr gcncmtor The PMS to bc also capable to operate gcncmtors circuit breakers and bus dc breakers Ventilation und Air Conditioning ControL The existing ventilation and air conditioning control system to be increased as required for the additional ventilation equipment for the new engine, thruster and electrical rooms and for the ~dditiorral air conditioning equipment to ncw electrical rooms, Fire & (ius Monitoring arrd Con~ro/. The new engines, thruslcrs, switchboard and electrical rooms to provided wiffl fire and gas dc{ectors as required by the specified authorities. Ballast Gmtroi $~.rtem. The existing ballast control system to be modified with regard to the new ballast tank configuration. TV und IOdeo Cumera.y, One set of cameras to be installed on the Unit ‘and connected (o a set of TV displays to provide images to [he DP operators in the wheelhouse from the stralcgics sites Conmwniculion .S)I.tiem. Onc talk-back sys(cm to be installed in whcclhousc to permit communication bct!vccn wheelhouse and driller’s house, wheelhouse and engioc control room, and t~Ilcclhouse ,and supcnntendcnt’s office. f}{’ .SIUIU.SAlurm .~~.stmn. One audio-visual alarm systcrn to be provided to infoml of the status of the DP system. Nuvigufion Equipment. One new additional radar system of “ARPA’ type [o be installed. The systcm to have the possibility 10 show approaching }vcathcr fronts. .Ytuhi[itv Monitoring und A dvisoqf ,Tjwlcnt (SMAS). A s[ability monitoring and advisory sys[em, to be ins[alled and to perform stability calculations and to monitor a set of data, as dcscnbcd below, related to the most important stability figures. The purpose of such s.ystcm is to get on-line infomulion and to provide cross checking among measured and prcdic[cd (calculated) values. H’ork.rtutiorr. Besides the SMAS sof[ware. the tvorkstation in Ihc u IICCII1OUSC to comprise cornputcr and dcdicatcd printer. A C NETO, P P RIBAS FERREIRA Rt)P UIId BOP control 5 ,y~.vtcwf Bop stack to bc con~crtcd for dcployn]cnt in tvatcrdcp(lls Up to 1500 m without guide wires, ROP control .~tx~mr. The BOP control systcm to bc modified [o a mul[iplcx con[rol s! s[cm dimensioned for disconrtcction [imc according to API-NPD. The pod umbilicals will be clamped to the riser string. The emergency hydraulic/acoustic LMRP disconnect system will bc rcplacedlmodilled Surface control unit to have arrangement for connection of electronics such as monitors and PC. ROP stuck. Murinc Riser The und Riser Ruck modiJcution. riser string to support kill and choke lines, 15000 psi wp. booster [inc. 3fNKlpsi wp and IWOhydraulic lines for BOP con trol supply, 5000 psi wp all integrated on the joints. The riser rack to bc modified and extended for storage of the risers joints. The Additional Hull Equipment and Upgrading ROWI Venti/ution LON pressure fans to bc arranged for ~cntilaiion of the ncw cogioc rooms Fans for new engine rooms [o hm”c a capacity calculated according to Swedish Standard 780725, One fan for each ncw engine room to be rcicrsiblc for ctacuation of CO~ Engine structural upper hull from box bottom to upper deck to bc cx[cndcd aft. Ncw engine and sJvitchboard rooms 10bc arranged in the new part Column b/i,s/er.s. Each existing column blis[crs to bc increased. Di.spkwrwnt lmxm. Each existing displacement box to be iucrcmcd Extenddd (icckh ou.w. The deckhouse containing the ~vheeihouse to bc increased to accommodate the new DP control ccnler and electrical room Thruster rooms. Foor new dmls[cr rooms lo be arranged in Ihc pontoons as shown in the GA-drawing, Deck box c~-~cvtsion The Drilling Equipment Up-grading and Modificiliton Tcwsimting .~@ern. TIc cxisling riser tensioning s! stcm to bc refurbished and up.graded to 8 x 100.000 Ibs and in addition tlvo ncw tensioners to bc installed including idler shca~cs. Jvirc and tvirc reels. Conclusion. The usc of the PETROBRAS-XXIII as a comcrtcd DP-I 500 m oui[. besides of the relc~zmts market aspects. Jvill provide (1IC Company ~rith a deeper acknowledgement in the dynamic positioning tccnolo~. essential for [oday ’s Brazilian deep wa[crs drilling program. Ri.wr 59 6 CONVERSION OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE DRILLING RIG TO A DP UNIT SPE’35296 I w“ 0-3 L L&3 Fig. 1- Cooling Water Diagmm for the New Diesel Engines (preliminary) 60 SPE 35296, E.L. MEGALE VALE, E S DE MEDEIROS, AC. NETO, P.P RIBAS FERREIRA 7 — “-@-+– — I I --* ---@H “-G)+ u z -=+” 1 i,- I L Fig. 2- One-line Diagram (preliminary) 61 8 CONVERSION OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE Fip. 3a: Wird 27,5 m/s Current Wave height 1,41 m/s 7,8 m Wave period 11,4 s Thrusters Current load on riser included DRILLING SP E.35296 RIG TO A DP UNIT DP Capacitv Plot -1 DP 1 year storm Campos Basin 6 THRUSTERS Petrobras-23 6 125 t Iiiil kN o ❑ o ❑ o +“?-”* ‘..&a.x’ m 62 “- /’ \m SI?E 35296 E L MEGALE VALE, E.S DE MEDEIROS, Fig. 3.b: Wind Current Wave height Wave period Thrusters Current load on riser included A C. NETO, P.P RIBAS FERREIRA DP Capacitv Plot -2 21,2 m/s Petrobras-23 DP 1,41 5,1 1 year storm 7,9 m/s m s Campos Basin 7 THRUSTERS 7 125 kN 0 63 ~-- Force (lcN)I i— Thrust(kN) I 9 10 CONVERSION OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE DRILLING RIG TO A DP UNIT Fip. 3.c: DP Capacity Wind Current Wave height Wave period Thrusters Current load on riser included 21,2 1,41 5,1 7,9 mfs m/s m s SPE 35296 Plot -3 Petrobras-23 DP 1 year storm Campos Basin 8 THRUSTERS 8 125 kN + IEil 1 o 0 0 ❑ I [ ---- l— lea 64 Force (kN) ] Thrust(kN) I SW= 35296 E.L. MEGALE VALE, ES. DE MEDEIROS, A.C. NETO, PP. RIBAS FERREIRA Fig. 3.d: DP Capacity Wind Current Wave height Wave period Thrusters Current load on riser included 27,5 mls 1,41 mis 7,8 m 11,4 s Plot -4 Petrobras-23 DP 10 year storm Campos Basin 7 THRUSTERS 7 125 kN ❑ + 0 M ❑ lea 65 0 11 12 CONVERSION OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE DRILLING RIG TO A DP UNIT SPE 35296 ,— Fig. 3.e: DP Ca~acitv Wind Current Wave height Wave period Thrusters Current load on riser included m/s 1,41 m/s 5,1 m 7,9 s 21,2 Plot -5 Petrobras-23 DP 10 year storm Campos Basin 8 THRUSTERS 8 125 kN o 66 SPE 35~6 . E L MEGALEVALE, E.S, DE MEDEIROS, A.C. NETO, P.P. RIBAS FERREIRA 13 ● Table 1- Cost Estimate . . .. ...... . . .: .,, . . .,..,,., :.......,:, ,...,.., 1. DPCf3N~lHW31N ~;””” “:’ “’ 1 3.300.000 1.1’.Structural Works 1,2. Auxiliary Systems 1.3. Power Generation. DP System. . . Promdsion . 1.4. Shipyard Services 600,000 I 15.700.000 14;000;000 500,000 1.5. External Advisory,Traning Sub-Total 1 2. DRIL?LING SYSTEM :~ 3, MISCELWEOUS ~ z2@o,lxMi : Sub-Total 2 ‘ “. Sub-Total 3 8oll,NKl ..:” ~ ~:.,4. REPAIRS AND MMNTMSANCE$ERVICES 4.1. 5,400,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 200,000 Overhaul of Equipments 4.2. Hull Painting 4.3. Spare Parts and Contingence 4,4. Hull Special Survey 9,6000,000 Sub-Total 4 ~~6,700,00 Contractor Administration Fee (10%) Basic Design Transportation of the Unit “ . 2,00WI0 2,0’00.000 I TOTAL ] 67 77,800,000 CONVERSION 14 OF A SEMISUBMERSIBLE DRILLING RIG TO A DP UNIT Table 2- Environmental 10-yem return period 21,22 9,5 10,3 5,1 11,1 7,9 1,41 10 rnin-wind speed (rds) max wave height (m) period max wave height (s) signifkant wave height (m) peak period sign wave height (s) zero up-crossing period /ISSC(s) surface current speed (m/s) I Conditions l-year CAMPOSBASfN SANTOS BASIN I ....- sr--,. .--, 10 min-win~ ~e~~ (mlcl tnax wav~eheight (m) hA,+t (5) ,m.,.,,-.,= wavw ,,~,g, period m~a +f.nh I I — - Restricted operation ,- 7Q Offset Limit Offset Limit (%waterdepth) 1-Year 2° 3“ 3 1O-Year 4° 6° 6 Environment Angle Heading al load 68 return period 37,22 14,2 12,1 7,6 13,0 9,2 2,06 I I 100-year return period ?4 3 .>- 16,9 11,9 01 Limits Riser/BOP Max. condition Normal operation lo-year return period 275 14,5 I 1,4 I I Table 3- Operational Operational loo-yw return period 29,23 11,8 11,2 6,3 12,0 8,5 1,71 I -year return period 207 11,5 10,8 A9 --, ~Pl? 3$a6 Operation remarks Drilling Riser Comect d I